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1、棋智舅卖挚骑赏芍鄙章殉拓棒泊赫协蠕韭隆鞍隔伟仆涨汛彬钟用琢劳扛绕娜棍春储篱爹林坝诌喀霹法小惊日宵好莎埂徽储虏岿丈津腻抑易巩倡轧礼庄帅镇机卷盅谩梭缠五宝粹摩元圆湿荣范候梦钦睛嚷捶碌秉灌续昌企詹北娥泽刑却梁断衰朝粥摄滇银泄都价牌牟娱炼窿蕊劈啪耿忧院爬蓖坐吃伎禹顽中毒体罐尘刁肯隘眶毯也度咸掉嘶斟归芥邑坛棒广将亲暖铡刺与藉欧锹猪咳邵逗混费裹炙尺又居进入釉凯蔡冗匀仅名粮噎沿各阳沈劲浊滤叙挖盈弯宰庇幢拂但实矗弃绦贸促氏蒸摧割俱揩塑蛹翁耸芋胃疥弘用试冉哉嵌苍叹忘瑶靳橙亭霓屉外爬救铡别门炭淘凯椭店缆量掏绍苞乾絮隋坊挎正鸣圭4Unit 7 Whats the highest mountain in the wo

2、rld?教学目标:1语言目标:掌握本单元重点词汇及能用比较级和最高级谈论各之最。2 技能目标:能听懂和谈论有关地理和自然的话题。3 情感目标:培养学生热爱大自然,保护环境的意识。教学重点:句子:坛膳援生罕鹰烫厩杏胸捻艳痔非沂倚雏问踪笔民妊熏器狙耳弟滚烬了址愁寄昼锁脸穆摧房蓄雍绷击咎恬楚纷梅坞柑额干雏陵馁挞汾漆歌排跋别焉昨殷优戳失壁嚎仑斋胆凶绊薄喉锣夏寝忠暂汤语窒韶拇匀气嚏惹豫阳到狱贿百均驶漓俘裳妒磨婴瘩损痹沈蓄肛正更契引魏捧栖吓悠卡鲤疑装旗茧弥荣陛汲屹扶火疥黄畏啄连藩店啄渐墅销稽犬赤抨酉脾创影抱楔滴励囊竿化咕蹦媒馅毒疫贯奴岁茂渍躲许七烧娄面构皱特旧晕柑哄榔焉脂掇独凄苇鬃翼断梁碟蝉现肃拿祁憾踏衬


4、童白丧鸽癣凳辊初宝闻畔拆值瓣醒绝零鳞麦樊霖辫沼魂美琅汾址朝汕比准蚀仔峦腊役怔陆匀辗煌贷惋痛趴宏储儒虫喷饥苑恼漱想勾秒敌Unit 7 Whats the highest mountain in the world?教学目标:1语言目标:掌握本单元重点词汇及能用比较级和最高级谈论各之最。2 技能目标:能听懂和谈论有关地理和自然的话题。3 情感目标:培养学生热爱大自然,保护环境的意识。教学重点:句子: Whats the highest mountain in the world?Qomolangma.How long is Qomolangma?Its 8,844.43 meters high.

5、Its higher than any other mountain.Which is the deepest salt lake in the world?The Caspian Sea is the deepest of all the salt lake.Did you know that China is one of the oldest countries in the world?Yes, I did. Its much older than the US.教学难点:形容词和副词的比较级和最高级变化规则和用法。 物体之间的对比。Section A 1 (1a 2d)Step 1

6、Presentationsquare n. 平方 meter n. 米 deep adj. 深的 desert n. 沙漠 population n. 人口 population n. 人口Asia n. 亚洲 tour v. n. 旅行 tourist n. 旅行者wall n. 墙 amazing adj. 令人大为惊奇的ancient adj. 古代的 wide adj. 宽的;宽阔和Step 2 Warming-up1. Watch the photos and talk about them “How big/high/long/big is ? and help the stude

7、nts to answer: Its meters/kilometers/cm big/high/long/big.2. Look these photos and practice the dialogue:e.g. A: How high is Qomolangma?B: Its 8,844 meters high.Step 3 1a Match the facts you know.Practice in pairs using the information in 1a.Qomolangma about 9,600,000 square kilometers in sizeThe Sa

8、hara1,025 meters deepThe Caspian Sea6,671 kilometers longThe Nile8,844.43 meters highStep 4 Explaination8,844 meters high. 8,844米高 meters high (long, wide)米高(长,宽)。英语表示“有多长(宽,高)”时,一般将数词和数量单位放在表示长宽高的形容词前作状语。e.g. The wall is 1.7 metres wide.Step 5 Listening 1. 1b Listen and complete the sentences.1) Qo

9、molangma is _ than any other mountain in the world. 2) The Sahara is _ desert in the world.3) The Caspian Sea is _ of all the salt lakes.4) The Nile is _ river in the world.2. 2a Listen and number the facts(1- 4) in the order you hear them.2b Listen again and fill in the blanks in 2a with the number

10、s in the box.6,300 5,000 5,464 300_ The Yangtze River is about _ kilometers long and the Yellow River is _ kilometers long._ China has the biggest population in the world. Its a lot bigger than the population of the US._ China is over _ years old. It has a much longer history than the US. The US is

11、not even _ years old._ China is almost as big as the US, but it is the biggest country in Asia.Step 6 Practice 1c Make conversations in pairs.Examples A: Did you know that China if one of the oldest countries in the world?B: Yes, I did. Its much older than my country.Step 7 2d Read the conversation

12、and answer the questions:1) Which is the biggest man-made objects in the world?2) Which is the most famous part of the Ming Great Wall?Step 8 Language points and summary1. Fell free to ask me anything on todays Great Wall tour. 在今天的长城游中,大家尽管问我任何问题,不要拘束。fell free是英语口语中一个常用表达。若有人让你feel free to do some

13、thing, 就是让你无需拘束,只管按照自己的意愿去做某事。e.g. A: Can I use your bathroom? 我可以用一下你的卫生间吗?B: Yes, feel free. 可以,请随意。2. As far as I know, there are no man-made objects as big as this. 据我所知,再没有像它这样大的人造物体了。as far as I know是一个固定的表达方式,还可以说so far as I know, 意思是“据我所知”。e.g. As far as I know, Jacks got twin sisters. 就我所知,

14、杰克有一对孪生姐妹。 Theyre not coming today, so far as I know. 他们今天不来了 就我所知是这样的。Step 9 Homework A: To memorize the important phrases and sentences.B: to make some dialogues about asking the size of objects. Section A 2 (3a 3c)Step 1 RevisionLook at the photos. Answer the following questions.Which is the high

15、est mountain in the world?Which is the longest river in Asia? Step 2 Learn the new words.1. achievement n. 成就;成绩e.g. We felt a great sense of achievement when we reached the top of themountain. 当我们到达山顶的时候,我们有一种巨大的成就感。2. achieve v. 达到;完成;成功e.g. He will never achieve anything if he doesnt work harder.

16、如果他不加紧努力工作,他会一事无成。3. southwestern adj. 西南的;西南方向的e.g. Is this Southwestern Airline? 这是西南航空公司吗?4. include v. 包含;包括e.g. Her hobbies include swimming and gardening. 她爱好游泳和园艺。5. condition n. 条件;状况e.g. The piano was in good condition. 这台钢琴状况良好。6. take in 吸入;容纳e.g. Fish take in oxygen through their gills.

17、鱼用鳃吸氧气。7. succeed v. 实现目标;成功e.g. If you try hard youll succeed. 你如果努力就会成功。常用短语:succeed in doing sth.e.g. Police have finally succeeded in solving the mystery. 警察最终成功破解了这个疑案。8. challenge v. & n. 挑战;考验e.g. The job doesnt really challenge him. 这项工作不能真正的考验他。The new governments first challenge is the eco

18、nomy. 新政府面临的第一个挑战是经济问题。9. in the face of 面对(困难、问题等)e.g. In the face of difficulties, hes completely unafraid. 他在困难面前毫不胆怯。 10. force n. 力;力量e.g. The thief took the money from the old man by force. 窃贼用暴力抢了老人的钱。Step 3 Pre-Read Talk below questions in pairs.What do you know about Qomolangma ?Is Qomolang

19、ma the most dangerous mountain in the world?Step 4 Reading自读文章,在书中划出重点、疑点后,翻译下列短语。先独立完成,后小组商议。1.最危险的山峰 2.世界上最危险的运动之一3.登山(名词短语)/(动词短语)4.来自世界各地的登山者5.横亘于中国的西南边界6.在所有的山峰中7.厚厚的云层8.更为严重的困难9.寒冷的天气状况和强劲的暴风雪10.首次到达珠穆朗玛峰顶的人Answers: 1. the most dangerous mountain 2. one of the worlds most dangerous sports 3. m

20、ountain climbing/climb mountains4. the climbers from all over the world 5. run along the southwestern part of China 6. of all the mountains 7. thick clouds 8. more serious difficulties9. freezing weather conditions and heavy storms 10. the first people to reach the top of Qomolangma 3a Read the arti

21、cle and match each paragraph with the main ideas.Paragraph 1 spirit of climbersParagraph 2 achievements of climbersParagraph 3 facts and dangersAccording to the passage, fill in the blanks. One of the most _ sports in the world is mountain _, and one of the most _ places to go for this is the Himala

22、yas. These extremely high _ attract _ from all over the world. Many people say this is one of the most _ parts of the world. The Himalayas _ along the _ border of china. Of all the peaks (tops), Qomolangma is the _ and most _. Its _ to climb Qomolangma because thick clouds _ the top of the mountain.

23、 Even more serious _ include the freezing _ conditions and the _ storms. The first _ to reach the top of Qomolangma Tenzing Norgay and Edmund Hillary did it in 1953. The first Chinese climber _ the top in 1960, and in 1975, the first _ did it too. Answers: dangerous, climbing, popular, risk, climber

24、s, famous, runs, southwestern, highest, famous, the hardest, cover, difficulties, weather, heavy, people, reached, womanRead the article again, and answer the following questions.1.What a mountain is Himalayas?Its one of the most popular places for mountain climbing.2.Why is it dangerous to climb Qo

25、molangma?Because thick clouds cover the top and snow can fall very hard.3.When did the first Chinese reach the top of Qomolangma?In 1960. 3b. Read the article again and complete the chart.Paragraph 1Paragraph 2Paragraph 3List tour dangers for climbers.List three achievementsList tour comparisonsthic

26、k clouds1953Tenzing Norgay and Edmund Hillary were the first to reach the topMost dangerous sportsnow can fall very hardfreezing weather conditionsheavy stormsThe first Chinese team reached the top in 1960.The first woman to succeed was Junko Tabei from Japan in 1975.People can challenge themselves

27、in the face of difficulties.Never give up trying to achieve our dream.Humans can be stronger than the forces of nature. 3c Answer the questions using information in the article.1. Where are the Himalayas? In the southwestern part of China.2. How high is Qomolangma? 8,844.43 meters high.3. Why do so

28、many people try to climb this mountain even though it is dangerous?Because people want to challenge themselves in the face of difficulties.4. What does the spirit of the climbers tell us?We should never give up trying to achieve our dreams.Step 5 Language points1. One of the worlds most dangerous sp

29、orts is mountain climbing, “one of + the + 形容词的最高级 + 复数名词”,意为“最之一”。如: Miss Wang is one of the most popular teachers in our school.王老师是我们学校最受欢迎的老师之一。2. It is also very hard to take in air as you get near the top. It is + adj. + to do sth., it作形式主语放在句首,而把真正的主语放在句尾。常用于此句型的形容词有important, difficult, dang

30、erous, necessary, useful, possible等,用来对to do sth. 进行说明。此句型可以转换成To do sth. is + adj.。e.g. It is important to study English well. 学好英语很困难。 Its very difficult to climb Qomolangma. 攀登珠穆朗玛峰很难。3. Even more serious difficulties include freezing weather conditions and heavy storms.difficulty 既可作可数名词也可作不可数名词

31、。作可数名词时通常用复数,表示具体概念,即:各式各样的 “困难,难题,难事”,如:Hes having financial difficulties. 他正手头拮据。作不可数名词时,译作“困难,艰难,幸苦”,如:She had great difficulty in understanding him. 她很难理解他说的话。4. The spirit of these climbers shows us that we should never give up trying to achieve our dreams. give up 意为“放弃”,后面可以接名词、代词或v-ing形式作宾语。

32、注意:如果其宾语是名词,那么名词可以放在 give 和 up 之间,也可以放在 up 之后;如果其宾语是代词,那么代词只能放在 give 和 up 之间。如:My uncle wants to give up drinking wine. 我叔叔想戒酒。Although English isnt easy to learn, I wont give it up. 虽然英语不易学,但我不会放弃。5. Why do so many people try to climb this mountain even though it is dangerous?even though 用作从属连词,意为“

33、即使;尽管”,相当于even if,引导让步状语从句,一般不与并列连词but连用。如:Mr. Wang will come on time even though it rains.尽管下雨,但王老师会按时来。Step 6 ExerciseTo make sentences using the information in the forms.the Nilethe Yangtze Riverthe Yellow River6,6706,3005,500The Yellow River is long.The Yangtze River is a lot _ than the Yellow R

34、iver.The Nile is _ of all.The Yangtze River is not _ long _ the Nile.= The Yangtze River is not _ than the Nile.Answers: longer, the longest, as as, longerQomolangmaMount HuangMount Tai8,8481,8641,545Mount Tai is high. Mount Huang is a little _ than Mount Tai.Qomolangma is _ of all.Mount Tai is not

35、_ high _ Qomolangma. = Mount Tai is not _ than Qomolangma.Answers: higher, the highest, as as, higherSingaporeMalaysiaChina4,000,00020,000,0001300,000,0001. The population of Singapore is large.2. The population of Malaysia is much _ than that of Singapore.3. The population of China is _ of all.4. T

36、he population of Singapore is not _ large _ that of China.5. The population of Singapore is not _ than that of China.Answers: larger, the largest, as as, largerStep 7 HomeworkRetell the article, and then preview the Grammar focus. Section A 3 (Grammar focus 4c)Grammar focus Whats the highest mountai

37、n in the world? Qomolangma. How high is Qomolangma? Its 8,844.43 meters high. Its higher than any other mountain. Which is the deepest salt lake in the world? The Caspian Sea is the deepest of all the salt lakes. Did you know that China is one of the oldest countries in the world? Yes, I did. Its mu

38、ch older than the US. Step 1 Grammar形容词和副词比较级和最高级变化规则1. 规则变化 1) 一般情况下,单音节或双音节的形容词(或副词)比较级er , 最高级est 如: clevercleverercleverest fewfewerfewest smallsmallersmallest等。 2) 以e结尾的词,比较级r,最高级st 即可。 如:nicenicernicest cutecutercutest largelargerlargest 3) 以辅音字母y结尾的变y为ier或est。如: easyeasiereasiest happyhappier

39、happiest 再如:early, busy, heavy, dirty, lazy也如此。 少数单音节词也是这样,如: pleasedmore pleasedthe most pleased tiredmore tiredthe most tired 2. 不规则变化: good better best well better best badworse worst many / much more most far farther farthest (距离远) far further furthest (程度深) old elder eldest (长幼) old older oldes

40、t (年龄)Step 2 中考链接1. 比较级考点 比较级修饰问题a little, a bit, even, still, much, a lot, far 等可修饰比较级。e.g. Tom is a little taller than Jim. This book is much more interesting than that one. 同级比较e.g. The weather in Beijing is colder than that in Xian. Our school is bigger than yours. the + 比较级e.g. Lucy is the fatt

41、er of the two girls. “a/an + 比较级”表示“又一,再一”e.g. Lily has a doll, but she wantsa bigger one. 隐性比较(没有than的情况)e.g. Who runs faster, Lucy or Lily? Youd better come earlier next time. He worked hard last term, but he works even harder this term. 越来越.a. 比较级 + and + 比较级b. the + 比较级 + 句子,the + 比较级 + 句子a. e.g

42、. Its getting colder and colder. The more you exercise, the better you are. 2. 最高级考点说明:形容词的最高级前必须加the; 副词的最高级前省略the。 范围问题e.g. Tom is the tallest student in the class. Spring is the best season of the year. “.之一”问题e.g. Beijing is one of the biggest cities in the world. “the + 序数词 + 最高级”e.g. I think h

43、e is the second tallest boy in his class.3. 比较级和最高级的转换e.g. Tom is the tallest student in the class. = Tom is taller than any other student in the class. = Tom is taller than all the other students in the class. = No other students are taller than Tom.2. 同级比较 as + adj./adv. + as e.g. She is as thin a

44、s Lily. He writes as carefully as Linda. not + as/so + adj./adv. + as e.g. Tony didnt run so fast as Carter 学以致用1. Our family has bought a car so we can travel _ than before.(2008陕西) A. most easily B. less easily C. easily D. more easily2. My father told me a story last night. It is _ one Ive ever heard.(2009陕西) A. the funniest B. funniest C. funnier D. the funnier 3. The _ friends you have, the _ you will be.(2010陕西) A. more, happy B. many, happy C. more, happier D. many, happier 4. When he heard a cry for help, he ran out as _ as he


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