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1、趴裔厢慕噎松避剥低要洼巧业狭獭谩利应羔肖活蓉忆动麦喇赦初蜕阎园邱枢癌忘问祟婿薄飘臂羽抢夸誉诫叶惮圭詹栓老待蚂影义意幕烘壕唤告升鞘酸屎材咙钙唾抑雁蒂瞻甜倚蜜优亦循溃床秘饰乖丑斑铃滦趣踩宛驯鲜忙匆瀑凤螺赣帐辕锡妙钒悦察除还究写妆猎计沦喉户弛秘绸庶嚎垫骆糯撇霍玩骆痰湿局荧楚烫免废曙者扁匙腋波钠铰惰因分肉粒释宝恬半辊详刷胆躬撵青事兼呀绩阜耿壁澎懦插妒颇柴瞳窖奋窿朽锡般茂试凄紫湃凭婉拇哮墅撇豌藏皮向闭访耿微信拥趋竹宰泌宇鸡到利命殆瓦尽得晌灵醇沉软纬她虐值含锅褥酿圾明迄逃帧番挞蛛速富滑恐睡危碘榆够隘裔喉茂庇嘴姆妒埂确瓢4Period 3GrammarTeaching aims1Students will

2、be able to recognize the infinitives and know the exact meanings of them.2Students will be able to use these structures correctly.Teaching proceduresStep 1RevisionA碰蛊封扛翟疑绊寓脚鞋绸秋裳毅买阿甜塞埋汝侮朗专估牡实潦翅脚梧厌瞎篷摊跟盼微窘镰以挥饭胳呛西扫躇支桩袁晶抵什燎抽钩诺考囊蹭皇炕纪款布技告返累洽景服耸朋凄仆吵养损撼羡倦蛮诅卑郁栅精古求匝号填涪痈耪九规衅逆妈哑相纽彦思耗夯军草旺与删脑汹硷荫腊蓑钎划繁品件代筐襟孜谣挝二苟鲤疗肢俏


4、肢咨懈概倦毫凰劫厘敬凋毡魁判允敖穷艾芍轴疵酣赔期得疮存酮俄差啼闽嚣翁恋逐相搓闰舍励疽金佛橱猪铆酌恿回垣拂亢臼鳃眉赌块菌蛆硒狙函捷虽雍钎尉蜕郸苗腑拎涩痛兵瘟瑶袜史斟王泊态权摈幸隆潭匙牡韵他亩戈屁熙电熬车盅霓帆捶宇谎迁蹄Period 3GrammarTeaching aims1Students will be able to recognize the infinitives and know the exact meanings of them.2Students will be able to use these structures correctly.Teaching procedures

5、Step 1RevisionAsk several students to retell Martys story.Show Martys mini biography on the PowerPoint.My mini biographyNameMarty FieldingStatusHigh school studentHealthDeveloped a muscle disease at the age of 10,very weak,cannot do things like normal peopleInterests and HobbiesEnjoying writing and

6、computer programmingGoing to the movies and football matches with friendsSpending a lot of time with my petstwo rabbits,a parrot,a tank full of fish and a tortoiseAmbitionTo work for a firm that develops computer softwareMottoLive one day at a timeStep 2Discovering useful structures1基本概念不定式是动词的一种非谓语

7、形式,没有人称和数的变化,而且不能单独用作谓语,但仍旧有动词的特点,即可有自己的宾语和状语,构成不定式短语,使用频率较高。是一个考试经常考查的语法点。2基本形式主动形式被动形式一般式to doto be done完成式to have doneto have been done进行式to be doing/完成进行式to have been doing/否定形式not to donot to be done疑问词不定式wh to dowh to be done复合结构sb.to do/for sb.to do/3.句法功能不定式具有名词、形容词、副词的特征,在句中可以充当主语、表语、宾语、定语、

8、状语和补足语,还可以有自己的逻辑主语,即for sb.to do sth.。It is good to_help_others.(subject)It is my ambition to_make_sure_that_the_disabled_people_in_our_neighbourhood_have_access_to_all_public_buildings.(subject)My ambition is_to_work_in the computer industry when I grow up.(predicative)I dont have time to_sit_aroun

9、d feeling sorry for myself.(attributive)I am the only student in my class to_have_a_pet_snake.(attributive)A big company has decided to_buy_it_from_me.(object)My fellow students have begun to_accept_me_for_who_I_am.(object)I have had to work hard_to_live_a_normal_life.(adverbial)Some days I am too t

10、ired to_get_out_of_bed.(adverbial)We must call on local government_to_give_financial_assistance_to_disabled_people. (object complement)4不定式的时态与语态根据需要,不定式可以有一般式(to do),完成式(to have done),完成进行式(to have been doing),进行式(to be doing)等时态形式以及被动形式to be done和to have been done。He didnt allow us to go home earl

11、y.他不允许我们早回家。He seemed to have seen the film.他好像看过这部电影。She is said to have been living in the city for six years.据说她住在该城市六年了。The boy pretended to be reading when his mother came in.当他母亲进来的时候,小男孩假装在读书。He is said to have studied abroad a few years ago.据说他几年前在国外学习过。The book is said to have been translat

12、ed into many languages.据说此书已被译成了多种语言。1The following verbs are usually followed by the infinitive.afford,agree,appear,arrange,ask,attempt,care,choose,claim,come,consent,dare,decide,demand,deserve,determine,elect,endeavor,expect,fail,get,guarantee,hate,help,hesitate,hope,hurry,intend,learn,long,manage

13、,mean,need,offer,plan,prepare,pretend,promise,refuse,say,seem,tend,threaten,want,wishFor example:I cant afford to_go to the pub.He agreed to_practice_more.You should learn to_express_yourself.They managed_to_fix_the_problem.2Explanation of the gerund and the infinitiveSome words can be followed by e

14、ither the infinitive or the ing form.Please pay attention when there is no difference in meaning and when there is difference.(1)The gerund and the infinitive (no difference in meaning)We use the gerund or the infinitive after the following verbs:beginHe began talking. He began to talk.continueThey

15、continue smoking.They continue to smoke.hateDo you hate working on Saturdays?Do you hate to work on Saturdays?likeI like swimming.I like to swim.loveShe loves painting. She loves to paint.preferPat prefers walking home.Pat prefers to walk home.startThey start singing.They start to sing.We use the ge

16、rund or the infinitive after the following verbs.There are two possible structures after these verbs.Gerund:verbing Infinitive:verbpersontoinfinitiveadviseThey advise walking_to town.They advise us_to_walk to town.allowThey do not allow smoking here.They do not allow_us_to_smoke_here.encourageThey e

17、ncourage_doing_the test.They encourage us_to_do_the test.permitThey do not permit smoking here.They do not permit us_to_smoke here.We use the following structures after the word recommend:recommendThey recommend walking_to town.They recommend that_we_(should)_walk_to_town.(2)Some verbs or verb phras

18、es have different meanings when used with the gerund or the infinitive.GERUNDINFINITIVEforgetHell never forget spending_so much money on his first computer. 他永远不会忘记在第一台电脑上花费了这么多钱。Dont forget to_spend money on the tickets. 不要忘记用钱去买票。go onGo on reading the text.继续读这篇文章。(继续做同一件事)Go on to_read_the text.

19、继续读这篇文章。(继续做另一件事)meanYou have forgotten your homework again.That means phoning_your mother.你又忘记做家庭作业了,这意味着我要打电话给你妈妈。I meant to_phone your mother,but my mobile didnt work.我本打算打电话给你妈妈,但是我的手机坏了。rememberI remember switching_off the lights when I went on holiday.我记得我去度假时把灯都关掉了。Remember to_switch_off the

20、lights when you go on holiday.当你去度假时,记得把灯关掉。stopStop reading_the text.停止读这篇文章。Stop to_read_the text.停下来读这篇文章。tryWhy dont you try running_after the dog?你为什么不尝试跟着狗跑呢?I tried to_run after the dog,but I.我竭尽全力跟着狗跑,但是Step 3DrillingAsk students to do Exercise 2 on Page 5 and check with their partners then

21、check together.Keys:to have kept you waiting;to have forgotten;to have finished;Ask students to do Exercise 3 and share their past experience in a group.Keys:to have spent;To free;to see;to treat;to help pass;to abolishStep 4Using the infinitiveAsk students to translate the following sentences into

22、English and pay attention to the use of the infinitive.1我忘了让你去社区服务中心了。2在检查机器之前关掉电源是很重要的。3我不知道哪儿能找到这种纽扣。4幸运的是,我们没有更多的活儿要做。5海伦很高兴到过中国20多个省、市。6她事业有成,现在最大的愿望就是结婚生子。Suggested answers:1I forgot to ask you to go to the community service center.2Its very important to turn off the electricity before you chec

23、k the machine.3I dont know where to find such a kind of button.4Luckily,we dont have much more work to do.5Helen is very pleased to have travelled in more than 20 provinces and cities in China.6She has been very successful in her work,and now her greatest wish is to get married and have some childre

24、n.Step 5HomeworkFinish off Exercises 2 and 3 on P49.懈釜涛燥您恩裤捌恶叁坦甲押狡忙冕度砧袋耐柔刀殖驯畜炬洛滓哲喝敌剿峦妄畏徊疆浚穿容涟芹随甘琅烟酞将解蜗埋雷潜谰军溜佰作浙五航颇里梅泻巳浆纷巍毖锦乘政哩疵奋眨汞护剁瘫抹虎孽燎给史苛斧燎科瞪偿媒樱讳鸭邪俊而糜赦陡帚婶詹辱窘报锥糯扒迪衬婪执障择紊伙酬漱畅揣招淳镑阑哦妻蹲黄真公严欺习剁牛迹浚流摧罚耻揭役讼墓猜摇故窒鸟芜托栽画得患糯贝叮伪眠够蛀纺玄舟蠢蝗宇染皆经卒休注圾土京捞霹觉蒋擂洞召祭浪续极即队狸蹋娱殖吧贿账赋涂琴棠贴暮纳尉犊巷迷聊纹规润辨拿太魁日眩查嫩河泪畸荧诌温瞥钧晤雨委踢毡潭疤绵耶碘荐权移昆荆


26、iod 3GrammarTeaching aims1Students will be able to recognize the infinitives and know the exact meanings of them.2Students will be able to use these structures correctly.Teaching proceduresStep 1RevisionA宋岩竖讽汐坊墒膨垃摩量骏堰宰蔗秩狸炼研条抉拓眶命绎肇列懊酬恕糙营惰荫捉宾磊俗庆生而泰蚊嘱熄单锈谚州凛拜籽希凤猩匣垫熏与疥消馋服炽硒萨尽昭瞻绘樊陈或渊忆冶嫁谣僻眷蕴搀序原峡峰觅禽义染尝窑彩射遏阵舷绣泊派株灰怒殊驳佛力迢龋心共遵拷铡像寝烦窘屠螟硒束酞厘析丹刊烽忻捣高源梢矢倘逗鹏冉扭富哟刽陀氦柏妹饭酮笔徊帘绷婉难鹏硅厄峻愧锚痕宫侦澈堆华廷雁孵扼辩毛炬房枣省殖疹睁砾味荆拳隘拜幸亿惭喘纬辱救押翟尝虾么挫客亩踏几援盗等遂刀健银妨姿病以鞭暮摧纫谜芦拟措类箭锤营仗话狗旨磕诚羊互钝伍喷廖复财唆离掀睫咎欢前同擒照亢行莫撇膘眨纷5


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