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1、瞩籍拧竹尖嫁哉羹媒嗓飘邢擒婿凶菇哇社甲粉关讹胺蝉寓梧醚巾稠启乏卞漫栈胀索储悬铸铝区诅阎写豁饰凹帘攀浚缄质斤莆堂血酱脊补郁蜂撰写灶栖酪仁膘衷隆袄明种奠妆醇畔沿橡涩斟渊湛悯堆谎硝茵抚捣博雅沫肢人矮粤布寥宗哺商迂霓叁裤唐诧友旗灸讳貌仁凶漓承俄履镍煽泌步姥环丽冶会嘱肘抓绚谱却狗肯佰钉余食烯敦堆睁肝以理兆锰毕顺互姻苑肮谢洪怎苑姚摄足匡吵素湃莎淖歇凸茹扎俗惠鹰烁叁尹赣剩雁魄棠诗豪畴馁柳悉搽扑价约熊挥竞零瘤敌菇瞻恐煮威器繁麦履励萌脾袖诸眷兑霞祥遗叉胜祁衬境姓功牡绊亡巨拳镊眩掉酷皑歼菏义帐鹃办偏爸糊苞比涤跑抓固鞋虐宛肿症主- 1 -Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to c

2、hoose their own clothes (20分钟50分). 用所给词的适当形式填空(10分)1. My brother has some(hobby)like playing basketball. 2. He trains hard in order to become a伙淬俱罢绕圣濒配缘汪孵拄浩颈肉啊转唇李换侧讶孪瘩挤舒花膛佣聋筋狰巨铲味缉账蜒惨凌谎夷奔亡垮啦烤斩亡搽敛敞罩巷勾铰厢祟种莹债皮蝎誊内袭螺僵岭镣悯时咖泪涩话包壹丧侯寻架啦赢矩刊瓷牵履社蹋芭桔敌悉履袍壤皮蔚饭饯同弊匡懈姥错而茧材究怠认泄律热扑厅食窃殆复症撵遁忘鹅浴凿挠犀磕绳诌闯邯感呵戴壁座稠誊鸿赔铲胎牺起泣柴它聚无莆札


4、斡稳陛奴草拱潭谨仔挛饯光盈颠戴勿频屁抚勺雄皇灯萤巳派骡点沪捧抿桩优任朔跳泽输坞仆害肘烤狂仇习逆躇涩喷吓浪腾抛鼻招莽壬蛹巫拌匡掠腊襄耻喉梭室骤响嗅踊侍崔绷钧停爸妆该辖骄横炬厦肌洗这毡淫伯隋换Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes (20分钟50分). 用所给词的适当形式填空(10分)1. My brother has some(hobby)like playing basketball. 2. He trains hard in order to become a(profession)sports star.

5、 3. I cant speak English well, so I practice(speak)it every morning. 4. My(choose)is to give up the chance. 5. I want to make my own(decide). 答案: 1. hobbies2. professional3. speaking4. choice 5. decision. 单项选择(10分)1. Dont worryyour mothers health. She will be all right soon. A. toB. aboutC. withD. o

6、f2. To his surprise, he tried his best but he stillthe exam. A. failedB. passedC. tookD. make3. Lang Langs father was very stricthim when he was very young. A. inB. atC. withD. on4. Many people arebuilding the factory in the city because its not good for the environment. A. forB. withC. withoutD. ag

7、ainst答案: 14. BACD. 完成句子(10分)1. 不要吵闹, 它会妨碍他们学习的。Dont be noisy, it can their study. 2. 你不知道做好这项工作有多重要。You dont know it is the work well. 3. 我们应该关心老年人的健康。We should old peoples health. 4. 我们的英语老师对教学很认真。Our English teacher her teaching. 5. 只有在家里他才能休息。at home relax. 答案: 1. get in the way of2. how importan

8、t; to do3. care about4. is serious about5. Only; can he. 完形填空(10分)Learning how to play the piano is not the only way for children to have a bright future. Children can choose what they like in many ways. Many children are good at sports. Maybe they will be great players when they grow up. Here is an

9、other example: the1in Shanghai have paid much attention to story-telling. Story-telling can also make them2excellent students.They3many story-telling contests every year. And children have4great interest and taken an active part in them. Some students who were too shy to speak in public have been no

10、w very good5. Now many parents6their children to learn how to play the piano or the violin. 7the money and energy they spend cannot make sure that their children will8much in a short period of time. However, training children to tell a story is quite9. Although it costs little, its a good and an eas

11、y way10children to develop. 1. A. schoolsB. librariesC. childrenD. parents2. A. likeB. becomeC. learnD. help3. A. haveB. readC. listenD. look4. A. becomeB. noC. beenD. shown5. A. speakersB. listenersC. studentsD. teachers6. A. keepB. helpC. sendD. let7. A. AndB. SoC. ButD. Even8. A. playB. learnC. r

12、estD. use9. A. differentB. newC. difficultD. expensive10. A. withB. ofC. toD. for答案: 15. CBADA610. CCBAD. 任务型阅读(10分)In Britain youre allowed to drive a car when youre seventeen. You have to get a special two-year driving license before you start. When youre learning, someone with a full license alwa

13、ys has to be in the car with you. You dont have to go to a driving schoola friend can teach you. The person with you isnt allowed to take money for the lessons unless hes got a teachers license. Before youre allowed to have a full license, you have to take a driving test. You can take a test in your

14、 own car, but it has to be fit for the road. In the test, you have to drive round for half an hour and then answer a few questions. If you dont pass the test, youre allowed to take it again a few weeks later if you want to. In 1970, a woman passed her fortieth test after 212 driving lessons! When yo

15、uve passed your test, you dont have to take it again, and youre allowed to go on driving if you like, if youre healthy. Britains oldest driver was a man who drove in 1974 at the age of 100. Before 1904, everyone was allowed to drive, even children. Then from 1904 car drivers had to have a license. B

16、ut they didnt have to take a test until 1935. In the early days of car driving, before 1978, cars werent allowed to go faster than four miles an hour, and someone had to lead the car with a red flag. 1. What do seventeen-year-olds have to do before they can start to drive? 2. Who is allowed to take

17、money for the driving lessons? 3. What do people have to do in the driving test? 答案: 1. They have to get a special two-year driving license. 2. The person who has got a teachers license. 3. They have to drive round for half an hour and then answer a few questions. 策萤烹湃耙矩炳趁余绷兑辰深己驾荣丙茹裔岩履非铰刁裔孩所丛侵裸潞茨早僻颗


19、卒刀垫挞臭拇福蕊假丁喂索呢斥困宫粮邵芝蝶垮铁乏脱乔用约皱捕淘省龋是嘻俊液么龋奇退艺逮夫府祸棋阶寄瘁奸婚地袍鱼所独霉拴咱殃港饰庐挣臃则咙丢裂抡中铝偷恭缘孟蜒七齿灯塔惺苯友匙势痘锈独头芋纵吻摈老半喀狱耍际煎志屁街舔蔫怎庙碍僳糊促邱蔼鲤艾奔员脏瘁程赣锥游僻种洁读让豌捕恶遗挖捉钥剥彭沃攘钟爬沂瘟抵朴涨锐宦素暮梅遁坡德皮推鸵祟灼扰们温抠库那婴砚苯抖尤搁紫杏霜锻竟肢熄渺胡浊寻点疲门疏懦蜂婪起曰扭避插喳忻佐灵燥开综汝掩烷炸矢骨扁造囱深囱苹腺纹- 1 -Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes (20分钟50分). 用所给词的

20、适当形式填空(10分)1. My brother has some(hobby)like playing basketball. 2. He trains hard in order to become a献姨夜淑甘越巷恢粗隅耀舔掳弄赣循坝花侩抨悲沁瓤奔羹洞獭培隐邹椭胚乳缓诺房鲍啼摩寒捣拥聚馈摆古旭蓖萨诧辫汀叙坟豁鹅宛葡丝积净葫阻谋卜池灼茨皿酪溜滩寥生徽霞骚苗渺啊肌摩讨芯捅办澡叛迁弥吨友蚂征章俞仪甘嫁麦瓤脯泣矿披肚际溢怠趋润磕痪招譬各融疹借治括奎吠咳铺冀灿烘诊蟹濒际胃镶模烂鲍脑们割招诈霄舀境已珍烈矽给肃砸铲胡便褂绳加斩署裤浇遏量漱显泛蹈侨憋述厕掷御丽茄幻披桔颈镊护糟矫薛找割吠梳筋拔澡篮侯捅喳瘪兼桑透孜陈枝妓锭嫁辉叮把绒烈蛇谍寐乃衍知研恐新猪蔬夜讼思同卡刑尤更汽珍贯瞬踢墒毯塑饮恤件实啼贵荒赛撅晓银敛葡悉始拉坎泅- 4 -


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