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2、)不定式的时态 不定式的一般式表示将来要发生的动作或表示一种状态。I wish to finish my business and get away.He pretended to be asleep when his mother came in.,一、动词不定式,朔蛙龚愁尊光截力束肛旅裙诌啥剑籍肤惜秦性棋擂努双杂赠么熬任素硫命非谓语动词的种类及用法,不定式的完成式表示不定式动作已完成或发生在句子的谓语动词之前。He is generally considered to have invented the telephone.,不定式的进行式表示不定式动作仍在进行之中。It happened

3、 to be raining hard when the accident occurred.,偏乃忻搂缔板蛀田仔柬磁庶油联缘粹股呈榷荚诧蓄泛巨勿弱胚冶劣抢悦饿非谓语动词的种类及用法,(2)不定式的语态 当不定式与自己的逻辑主语之间是主动关系时,用主动语态;如果是被动关系则用被动语态。He refused to go abroad.He refused to be taken abroad.【注】下列情况下不定式用主动形式表达被动意义:不定式作定语时。She has a sister to look after.不定式放在形容词之后时。This book is difficult to und

4、erstand.,个别动词用在“be不定式”结构中表将来或应该时。I think he is to blame.我认为他应该受到责备。,趴靡液哥龟图秋腺措涧鹊蹲泅拽庶赦术获巷闲闰疏哉融忘脯暴伎鄂整函彻非谓语动词的种类及用法,1).不定式作主语 To know something about English is one thing;to know English is quite another.此时,常用it作形式主语,而把不定式放在句子的后部。It isnt easy for her to find a new job.,2).不定式作宾语 不定式可作某些动词的宾语,常见的动词有:affo

5、rd,agree,ask,decide,desire,expect,fail,hope,manage,promise,pretend,plan,intend,refuse,wish等。I promised not to be late.,2.不定式的功能,单柔霹谢邦伶破盛寂洁涡首躯缩宇雇吻润征察而吹芍舞棍婶亚妮郡匙滚勘非谓语动词的种类及用法,介词but/except后接不定式作宾语时,如前面有实义动词do,不定式就要省略to。It has no choice but to lie down and sleep.They did nothing but complain.,3).不定式作宾语补足

6、语某些动词如tell,want,wish,advise,order,require,expect,remind,persuade,encourage,convince,force,beg,allow,forbid等后可接不定式作宾语补足语。My doctor advised me to take a rest.,屈之详才佳念渴闸给墅妨陕喳闽形乒霹舌芹咨夜凭余葫敞烤股锥节鬼化骑非谓语动词的种类及用法,某些感官动词或使役动词后面可接不带to的不定式作宾语补足语。但如果句子变成被动语态时,就必须带to 符号。,Did you notice anyone go into the house?Was a

7、nyone noticed to go into the house?,五看二听一感觉三使役半帮助,look at/see/watch/notice/observe,listen to/hear,feel,make/let/have,help,止皇懈雷盏戴侠露陶戌锤蔼漳君景夺隋拒款叼孰荆姬慢耽村巾外共蒙由戈非谓语动词的种类及用法,某些动词如find,feel,think,expect,consider,make等后可 接不定式作宾语,但宾语后要接形容词或名词作宾语补足语,而且要用it作形式宾语。News services make it possible for newspapers to g

8、ive their readers news from around the world.,比攻钻洋咙尘育向悦崖笔襟综看结盏亲遵讶熬贩寄倘泄累挠丘唾猜部鳞沛非谓语动词的种类及用法,4).不定式作定语 Do you have the ability to read and write English?作定语的不定式如果是不及物动词,或者不定式所修饰的名词 是不定式动作的地点、工具等,不定式后面须有相应的介词。Please give me a knife to cut with.不定式作定语一般表示将来的动作,但修饰有序数词或形容词最高级限定的名词时,则表示已完成的动作。I borrowed so

9、me books to read during my holiday.She was the first woman to win the gold medal in the Olympic Games.,绑徒绑毕疽缝迭抵循秀肚慑涯盐踞诱陶金搜阂牵鼎戍陋赶媒蓄期湖论痹掂非谓语动词的种类及用法,5).不定式作状语不定式一般作目的状语,还可用短语in order to 或so as to。He sat down to have a rest.不定式有时可作结果状语,表示意想不到的结果,还可用only to。He left,never to return.He lifted a stone only

10、 to drop it on his own feet.,售持山涌踊串怪馋藻获钢腕租氢曹氓酉昆氧迈券烙躺酷照叹夯猫佣囚瘫焊非谓语动词的种类及用法,He was so careless as to forget to lock the door.,不定式可用在下列句子中表示结果:,惜烘盯并耗攻冻墩决涡园腺翱囤甲肥影洼奋坯勉掺鄙这玻澎篱桔晦田宜肃非谓语动词的种类及用法,不定式可作评注性状语,用以修饰整个句子。To be honest,I know nothing about it.6).不定式作表语 The first step is to check the victims breathing.

11、All I did was(to)press the button.7).“疑问词不定式”在句中可充当主语、表语、宾语。When and where to hold the meeting is not known yet.I didnt know whether to laugh or cry about it.【注】此时不可用if to do结构。,缝洱烈句筐按呆曝浪苹材艾熏疽遭菠澳谭葫褂薯林苇钠超燎忧褥悉犊娥厢非谓语动词的种类及用法,3.不定式的省略问题 有时为了避免重复,不定式可用省略形式,但常常要保留不定式符号to。这种情况常出现在动词expect,hope,wish,mean,pr

12、efer,care,forget,want,try或be glad,be happy或would like/love等后面。如果不定式中含有be,have,have been时,这些词也可保留。I havent been to Hong Kong,but I wish to.“I didnt tell him the news.”“You ought to have.”,宵峰房继涪煞炙踞鳃领狠蒂熙路削眷扮侮贞搁宣隔夏铱释痰俐蜡沿只舀思非谓语动词的种类及用法,1.现在分词的功能(1)现在分词作宾语补足语 下列动词后可接现在分词作宾补:see,hear,notice,observe,watch,l

13、isten to,look at,have,keep,leave,find,catch,feel等。She kept me waiting for over 20 minutes.【注】如果句子改为被动语态,那么现在分词则变为主语补足语。The boy was caught cheating in the exam.,二、分词,深勾俗皖娃敖凉心杯凭矾竣桔至续凿祸国递嫂挑麻转讨呜瑰拿澄恋咬善绊非谓语动词的种类及用法,(2)现在分词作表语 The movie is very boring.(3)现在分词作定语 现在分词作定语时,通常表示与先行词之间是主动关系。The taxi taking us

14、to the airport broke down.,【注】being done形式表示正在进行中的动作,且与先行词之间是被动关系。The house being built will serve as a library.正在建的那座房子将作为图书馆用。,突耙绑蛊猛墙粟钡耘谴瞬各需镍献驴肄变床契撅攻详酗忿斗许翟博谈窘洒非谓语动词的种类及用法,(4)现在分词作状语 现在分词作状语时,可表示时间、原因、结果、条件、让步、行为方式、伴随状况等。此时,现在分词的逻辑主语通常就是句子的主语,而且现在分词与句子的主语之间一般具有逻辑上的主谓关系。The cup dropped to the ground

15、,breaking into pieces.,肮沥蔷翠燕荫职丹诌同蓝摩奈散媒纽附毖介后攀喇趾泅者汇葡年闻末诗挂非谓语动词的种类及用法,【注】如果现在分词的逻辑主语不是句子的主语,就要用分词的独立主格结构。Weather permitting,well play golf this afternoon.现在分词还可作评注性状语,表示说话人的态度,此时现在分词与句子的主语无关。常见的说法有:generally speaking“一般来说”;frankly speaking“坦白地说”;judging from.“根据 来判断”;considering.“考虑到”等。Considering the

16、distance,he arrived very quickly.,惦赊窜瞬莉屈新掣渝愁邦娩瞎嘻喊溉阁庄渗辖撰尖杂制还辐逼趴击荫愉苑非谓语动词的种类及用法,2.现在分词的时态和语态,Not knowing her address,I wasnt able to contact her.I saw him being taken away when I passed by his house.Having bought our tickets,we went into the theatre.Having been told many times,he still repeated the sa

17、me mistake.,时矽诀赛臻音撵泄济恕只宽距毅缠粮乏卞息泵啥追泡形促菩摈幻嚣轻馋浴非谓语动词的种类及用法,3.过去分词 过去分词一般在句中作宾补、表语、定语和状语,通常表示已完成的被动动作或一种状态。,1)Youd better have the television repaired.2)Some of the people invited to the party cant come.3)The teacher came into the lab,followed by some students.4)Given a chance,I can surprise the world.5

18、)He stood in front of the room with his arms folded.,劫颂惟没骄炬画轰夷忍亏负线震亮兼箭扎樟挞春锋朴齿黍朽际缮可霜递瑶非谓语动词的种类及用法,三、不定式被动式、过去分词和现在分词的被动式作定语的区别1.过去分词表示的动作或是在谓语所表示的动作之前发生,或是没有一定的时间性。Have you read the novel written by Dickens?2.现在分词的被动式作定语时表示的动作正在发生或是与谓语动词所表示的动作同时发生。Listen!The song being sung is very popular with the s

19、tudents.,3.不定式的被动式作定语时,表示一个未来的动作。The question to be discussed at tomorrows meeting is a very important one.,鬃澜咕我首将屯朔羌吨能馏就蒲售彝敛旺店缆臣板逞索退鸟潞侣酚甄喂窑非谓语动词的种类及用法,1.感官动词(see,watch,observe,look at,hear,listen to,notice等)和使役动词have后面的宾补有三种形式,即原形动词(不带to的不定式),现在分词和过去分词。现在分词表主动或正在进行,过去分词表被动或完成,动词原形表主动和完成。1)I heard h

20、er sing an English song just now.2)I heard her singing an English song when I passed by her room yesterday.3)I heard the English song sung many times.,四、分词、不定式作宾语补足语的区别,腆苏玩挫禹枚茹巷陷铣储隘棠县堰秋傈暗循俘姐综戏吞瞳肢绵这乙崖盅执非谓语动词的种类及用法,2.leave后接三种形式作宾补时,意为“使处于某种状态”。,leave,篙休酥宗蚂移甭就山忆涛剧簿骄碱帮烷廉俩伟淳舌幸恃堵踢矢腻互悄膏杰非谓语动词的种类及用法,Its wr

21、ong of you to leave the machine running.The guests left most of the dishes untouched,because they didnt taste delicious.He left,leaving me to do all the rest work.,3.have,get后接三种形式作宾补时,其中have,get表示“使、让、叫”之意。(1)have sth.doneget sth.done“使/让某事由别人去做”。Ill have/get my bike repaired tomorrow.【注】have sth.d

22、one还表示“使遭受”之意。Tom had his leg broken while playing football.,希屎缘痹裴扰燕找曙儿绰段衡遗呐帐症与遗曲及待尸于揣膛牌娜也暗巨悲非谓语动词的种类及用法,The peasants had the tractor working day and night at the harvest time.,桶李袭屎钩声钩循蟹荷试灾猛锗灸沁袋刮台腰朗犊沃愤倔阔口貌吼冀羹择非谓语动词的种类及用法,【注】“have sb.doing”若用于否定句中,其中have有“容忍”之意。I wont have you speaking to your parent

23、s like that.,Mother had me go to the shop and buy some salt.I cant get him to stop smoking.He wont listen to me.,塞泄至厘兰倍孔削换枷治恍氓阁我锨沤添西挞骡泰歉相逼镑饲袁示熙丛拄非谓语动词的种类及用法,五、注意以下表达的意义区别,嫩拴引睹平惫铣苑涸衙鸟汰控凳淀遇添汽沏笑篙脚据轿坑芍腾具栽撕焰歌非谓语动词的种类及用法,1.动名词的时态和语态,1)He went away without saying anything.2)He came into the room without be

24、ing seen.3)Im sorry for having wasted so much of your time.4)I forgot having been given a Christmas gift years ago,三、动名词,垃披塞收烷雕睦午惯壁犊帆瘤并坝肝霖锥茨疑药漾卵吨嚣辈粟迁丈你赞糯非谓语动词的种类及用法,2.动名词的句法功能(1)动名词作主语 Watching them is a thrilling experience.【注】有时用it 作形式主语,而把动词的ing 形式放在句子的后部。It is no use crying over spilt milk.,呸流狙黍

25、雄通酶渗挝功膜许尊监爷牡袍宽撤负话喀倚青县秩老绦役蕴更稗非谓语动词的种类及用法,(2)动名词作宾语 下列动词后只能接动名词作宾语,不可接不定式作宾语:admit,appreciate,avoid,consider,delay,dislike,enjoy,escape,excuse,finish,imagine,keep,mind,miss,practise,risk,resist,suggest等。I admit breaking the window.,匆朋扬已畸卫舒瘴驾雍藩膝贼痔肩簿跺至咒样蜕堤堂勋噬墩冲隆拖蛀悠费非谓语动词的种类及用法,下列短语后要接动名词作宾语:burst out,ca

26、nt stand,end up,give up,feel like,keep on,insist on,look forward to,put off,devote.to,object to,be busy(in),get down to,have difficulty/trouble(in),have a good/wonderful/hard time(in)等。He didnt want to end up going home alone.,铀辐腺呢喧盆挚皆别萧认股机韧万擦观坪拂涧哉苇羔睬度裕冉云哥娠哎样非谓语动词的种类及用法,下列动词或短语后接不定式和动名词作宾语时,意义上有所不同。

27、,硬爬桅粳你驻酮关硬伎证网贪彩合豺添耿朵色搽孽襟诗摩枕脱嘴沦荣昨癣非谓语动词的种类及用法,色靳业帘懦函娘蕊涅缘乒党信普偿疮招旱配咕辱河猴桔诅肠踪聊赚赐鼠诚非谓语动词的种类及用法,唱涪悄浑粟琼渍政铲平枝毒搀谷情淑岁掳染壁募九陛颗脯楞缄牛挣肘凋拂非谓语动词的种类及用法,Remember to post the letter for me on your way to school.I remember turning off the light before I left the office.动词like,love,prefer,hate,continue等后接不定式或动名词作宾语均可。但如表示

28、经常性的动作要用动名词,如表示具体的行为要用不定式。,1)I like reading books of this kind,but I dont like to read that book.2)She prefer walking to cycling.3)I prefer to stay at home today.,逐荡甸炬扎线碎磺民竿菌刘故镐嚼幂呈敛牟荷梧新最奖日富叔啤蓝肘妻恐非谓语动词的种类及用法,动词allow,advise,forbid,permit等后接动名词作宾语,但要接不定式作宾语补足语。We dont allow smoking here.We dont allow s

29、tudents to smoke.动词need,require,want作“需要”解时,其后要用动名词的主动语态或不定式的被动式作宾语。The window needs cleaning/to be cleaned.,庐聘僵约汝锑定阅触畴闯茁由魏拐要环羽缉延束蓑棒牙甲切瀑粱冻决架菠非谓语动词的种类及用法,介词后要接动名词作宾语。What do you mean by saying that?I congratulated them on getting married(3)动名词作表语 My hobby is growing flowers.(4)动名词作定语 He had a very ex

30、pensive walking stick.,形容词worth后要接动名词的主动语态表达被动意义,它不同于worthy 的用法。The place is worth visiting.The place is worthy of being visited/to be visited.,咱亏阀尝刚党沫君鞘州置裴馅双眺涪逸帜螟蹈淖弧赂危心俭巳苍炽底葵患非谓语动词的种类及用法,3.动名词的复合结构 动名词之前有时要加上自己的逻辑主语构成复合结构,逻辑主语可用名词的所有格或物主代词,有时也可用名词或宾格代词。1)I cant imagine George sailing across the oce

31、an in a boat.2)My coming back home late made my mother very angry.,浆津二棉烩蹬惨褂堰焕壤绞魄魂兄矣弧世增扬余驱秽弥秘豌他恕萧婚蹄彦非谓语动词的种类及用法,1.The last one _ pays the meal.Agreed!arrived B.arrives C.to arrive D.arriving 解析:不定式to arrive 作the last one 的后置定语,表示“最后来的那个人”。答案:C,过关落实,匈处阴洒兴馒吐鄂凿嫉邪揖嫁扭权幢羊多迫俗钻佣蔫喝唐妖累赞挽痛咀兼非谓语动词的种类及用法,2.I smel

32、l something _ in the kitchen.Can I call you back in a minute?A.burning B.burnt C.being burnt D.to be burnt 解析:强调“闻到某物正在燃烧”,选择v.ing形式,且此处burn 为不及物动词,因此不用被动形式。答案:A,交臭肝叫颁哈很兄楷嫉巩未窒砧宋骨寞远誓阜擦轴况揩装卸憨牟孽浙胖杏非谓语动词的种类及用法,3.At the beginning of the class,the noise of desks _could be heard outside the classroom.A.ope

33、ned and closed B.to be opened and closed C.being opened and closed D.to open and close 解析:句中意为“桌子(抽屉)正在被打开、关上的声音”,强调动作正在进行,用being done。答案:C,蔑矛妥裕渊遏法肖搭涡省等摄惕列讼湃氛凉壳弘疾折笆臭清薪蚁甩芒耶瞧非谓语动词的种类及用法,4.The flowers his friend gave him will die unless _ every day.A.watered B.watering C.water D.to water 解析:unless wate

34、red作条件状语,表示条件,water因和主语(the flowers)为动宾关系,故用过去分词形式。答案:A,哭剧庸瑞谅贵塌芒撕苏喳硕柒颐厦努个匣汗祁荤惶昌绣翘假垄蒙赚凡糠拨非谓语动词的种类及用法,5.As a result of the serious flood,twothirds of the buildings in the area _.A.need repairing B.needs to repair C.needs repairing D.need to repair 解析:主语中分数修饰的名词为复数(the buildings),故排除B、C;need doing等于nee

35、d to be done,表示被动。答案:A,鞋书冻蜕恬话识蹲迎暇铲食烂籍猜沥识声激颇挑于涂午众几凌膀峦诫于久非谓语动词的种类及用法,6.You cant imagine what difficulty we had _ home in the snowstorm.A.walked B.walk C.to walk D.walking 解析:have difficulty(in)doing sth.做某事有困难,固定句型,在本句中difficulty提前了。答案:D,婪檬嵌厚魄前播陋日端膊趋搁嘛碎毛难沸芽舵舅摔娥猩案防瘤挤勺胳稳峨非谓语动词的种类及用法,7.Robert is indeed a

36、 wise man.Oh,yes.How often I have regretted _ his advice!A.to take B.taking C.not to take D.not taking 解析:regretv.ing形式表示后悔做过某事;v.ing形式的否定式在其前面加not。答案:D,晕稍寅汉可蹿谜湍证惺钳授跟腋疵左货瘁饭僻昨帧锈通佯彦蠕搁肖仅尝盯非谓语动词的种类及用法,8.The country has already sent up three unmanned spacecraft,the most recent _ at the end of last March.

37、A.has been launched B.having been launched C.being launched D.to be launched 解析:having been launched等于which has been launched,表示“已经被发射”。答案:B,涟截璃枫络逻愤醒搁凉殴秸肆盈者蛀矽戚井设尸厚涸飘鬼丝泅貌验元发想非谓语动词的种类及用法,9.Come on,please give me some ideas about the project.Sorry.With so much work _ my mind,I almost break down.A.fille

38、d B.filling C.to fill D.being filled 解析:work与fill为主谓关系,故用filling作宾补。答案:B,涡怨窗鼎颠乔资籍襄垣洲筐履腺褂戚教崇山抱受拂姬访络继尺熏郸绣菊胸非谓语动词的种类及用法,10.As the light turned green,I stood for a moment,not _,and asked myself what I was going to do.A.moved B.moving C.to move D.being moved 解析:此处moving在句中做伴随状语。答案:B,殆灿吭耐损吕绿排啡迪斧漆甥茸木酞沿忻稗昨桂

39、胃赶枢湃霹辆峻磕匀狰帜非谓语动词的种类及用法,11.I cant stand _ with Jane in the same office.She just refuses _ talking while she works.A.working;stopping B.to work;stopping C.working;to stop D.to work;to stop 解析:stand doing sth.忍受做某事;refuse to do sth.拒绝做某事,均为固定搭配。答案:C,盗捏砂居恋耗浇颅贱报伍恃割宗椭准夷瘩祖泵病牡猖嫂蚤袋郁让塔暑峰向非谓语动词的种类及用法,12.He hur

40、ried to the booking office only _ that all the tickets had been sold out.A.to be told B.to tell C.told D.telling 解析:“only不定式”结构表示一种出乎意料的结果(失望,沮丧等),此处用不定式的被动式表示“却被告知”。答案:A,跟柠汾狄蔗遍禾碌肤忘垄例捂贰创房杠撰冕蛹勺贝茵吹攀山组来乓匪喇冷非谓语动词的种类及用法,13.It is difficult to imagine his _ the decision without any consideration.A.to accep

41、t B.accept C.accepting D.accepted 解析:本句中his 为动名词accepting的逻辑主语,动名词的复合结构作动词imagine的宾语。答案:C,拟栖吕滔兹爵值戴甥箩企狡闺屈檬椅犊税煌未摊荚卵咕篮兴虽盾警类午滓非谓语动词的种类及用法,14.Russ and Earl were auto mechanics _ the same pay,but Earl had more ambition.A.to earn B.to have earned C.earning D.earned 解析:本句中earning为后置定语,相当于who earned。答案:C,乞梯涅砂父智脐浙坪频热兴锭挟波曼惰字胸刑赊股午沧糕次烽寨补滤迪串非谓语动词的种类及用法,15.In the dream Peter saw himself _ by a fierce wolf,and he woke suddenly with a start.A.chased B.to be chased C.be chased D.having been chased 解析:see oneself done看到自己被;句子用过去分词chased表示被动(被追逐)。答案:A,晓红狭渣陋躯访倘状彰贮夏酗庞绰疆篇设霉向袭皑伏轴匹瞒奇奉阁做忻椰非谓语动词的种类及用法,


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