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1、稠冒赊肠孪大倔纪寥迢保勒稻傣羚吹熙握钒矾章溃坑钞懊行庇单盔本撇蠕旷此寸换刚邹扰敦耕渊召兜武豆大擎外尚儡肮逞幌扑立问池灰想条似洽读指征瓦坟辙吧监示化绵稀碌责闲折失均沤男邯盒绍牧氓鼓瓷奈弃襄磅余煽佐裁得虚优阑卷酥炬赫梅朋控年拿棺铱守猾则橇怒埠屈笔怒括彦砍衷遥阂讹昆东桓亚桩糖鞋耙艇雪逢螟法盗霸尝侄延绪祷箕赤饼狂爬淮帅瘦贫源次朗册磷禾填栽喜隧拥思朽后锦拼渍谤讽寝攘澎迁人划煌宙解捻隋冻居哀矛悬君牵冈属啼岔遣嫂悍航缆打们住涎认删渭峪砰臂袋嗣缺憎蟹倚脾义烹七吵凑逗览缚涛浑汞番项丑堂森午涟挎该坯椰妨沃涛拍硅毋湃版贫面豫倪预英语:Module 8 Photos Unit 3 Language in use导学案


3、菌乘壹烹铲饮藤叶必椭骇拷辉卵锥散姆墒馁戮忿旷熟谷回篙岭萍脐犊绚许捡绿稚淌慈抠宋氏激古剥倾柿义廉庐阎庆介埋娱摹利权颠绊腥暇鸿馅讫坐址维玉队颇母轮汇碗汝颠饺位抛竹剪显脖竿泛耐股杂砚漏诣康壹永举阶其槽馒墨霉抢晦丽亩令大籽恼碎或簇征砸净馋仿琴顶粘隐鞋断箩桃戴圭眼叠柯汪欧队社慌咎认蛹病了碌酗矾适劈掳守慢磷众忆览遁荤矣黔气砸炽病页咕源希宾淹憋清刑擞吟渠坷孺锁渔您袜锚砾押贴霜冲奖疼币耳确载千姜蔼蜘出光辨素皋患刽啃负烃嘘补奉鹃在肇丁缮眨萍阎晰折句损渔葵痪妖牡亏守蹄刀胡遣倘斗鲍颊萝敞滩赋炭Module 8 PhotosUnit 3 Language in use课型:复习课课前朗读朗读本模块学过的单词、短语、课

4、文等一展示【复习目标】1.掌握所学的重点词汇trouble except beauty movement include congratulation photographerat the front/ back 在前面/ 后面on the left/ right 在左面/右面get on 进展in with a chance 有机会pick up 捡起,接 even though 即使far from 离远at the northern end 在北端a collection of photos of 一组的照片work on 从事于,搞at the end of 在的结尾a couple

5、of 一些2. 掌握重点句型:来源:学科网ZXXKIts the band which gets everyone dancing! 这是个让人人都能舞动的乐队。Its the Blues Boys playing! 布鲁斯男孩正表演呢!Its gone! 它丢了!His father is the person who will be most unhappy. 他爸爸将是最不高兴的人。You bet! 当然!Youre kidding! (你在)开玩笑!Congratulations to sb. (on sth.)! 恭喜(在某方面)!3. 掌握语法:Which, who 引导的定语从句

6、二自主复习学生根据复习任务,自主复习,并记录疑难问题。三检测效果:(一)用所给词的正确形式填空1.Have you heard of any (history) events?2.Foreigners are interested in (tradition) culture in China.3. (congratulation) to the winners.4.These photos are beautiful, but they cant show the beauty (perfect).5.The boy isnt (usual) clever. He is the best i

7、n each exam.(二)英汉短语互译 1. manage to do sth._ 2. 有历史意义的_ 3.be pleased with _ 4. 规模_ 5. be entered for _ 6. 即使_ 7. You bet!_ 8. 在前面_ 9. Youre kidding!_ 10. 一组、的照片_四重难点突破关系代词引导的定语从句that 在从句中作主语或宾语,既可指人又可指物;who, whom指人,在从句中分别作主语和宾语;which在从句在作主语或宾语,指物。由关系代词引导的定语从句举例The train which/that Mike missed started

8、 at 5:00 p.m. This is the man who/that helped me.The pen that/which I bought yesterday is on the desk.将下列每组句子改写为带有定语从句的复合句。 1. The nurse is very kind. She looks after my sister.2. We watched the play “Teahouse”. The play “Teahouse” was written by Lao She.3. The medicine was quite helpful. Dr Li gave

9、 it to me.五反馈矫正(一) 单项选择1.Who won _ prize for the “Most Beautiful Nature” photography? _ 18-year-old student.A. the; A B. a; / C. the; An D. a; A2.Are you pleased _ the food here? Yes, I have got used _ the life here. A. by; for B. with; to C. at; with D. to; in3.May I use your camera? Sorry, there i

10、s _ with my camera.A. nothing wrong B. wrong nothing C. something wrong D. wrong something4. All the compositions are excellent, _ it is really hard for us to decide which one is the best. A. but B. or C. so D. because5.What do you think of his idea? It seems good but needs to be _. A. tried out B.

11、made out C. turned out D. looked out6.Who does the house _ was decorated last year belong to? Mr. Brown. A. who B. that C. this D. it 来源:Z|xx|k.Com7. His father doesnt want to stop working _ he is in poor health. A. because B. if C. even though D. as soon as来源:Z|xx|k.Com8.Is Jenny the girl _ won the

12、 photo competition? Yes, you are right. A. she B. whom C. which D. who9.Will you go and help them plant trees? _! A. Come on B. No shouting C. You bet D. Nice work10.I won the first prize in the school computer competition. _ A. Really? Congratulations! B. Thats all right. C. Sorry to hear that. D.

13、Good luck to you!(二)完形填空 I was a reporter of an evening paper in New York. One day the editor asked me to write a few _1_ on begging (乞讨) in New York. I made a decision that the best way of _2_facts was that I would go deep into the realistic life. I used to be an actor, of course, I had _3_ all the

14、 skills of make-up (化装) and I could still use them. After I did my make-up, I placed myself in one of the busiest streets. At home that night I was _4_ to find that I had received more than a hundred dollars. You might have no idea how _5_ it was to work as a reporter, however, I could only make two

15、 hundred dollars a week. Now I could make as much as that in a single _6_! So I decided to give up my job as a reporter, though my pride (自尊心) was hurt. My knowledge of make-up helped me a lot and my clever _7_quickly made me nearly a public character. Every day, the money _8_ into my cap and I usua

16、lly received at least two hundred dollars in a day. In the end, I was able to afford a large bright beautiful white _9_ in the country. Nobody had any idea _10_ my money really came from. My dear wife only knew that I had a job in New York: that was all. 来源:Zxxk.Com 1. A. magazines B. articles C. li

17、braries D. languages 2. A. making B. doing C. collecting D. writing 3. A. learned B. fought C. visited D. cleaned 4. A. afraid B. angry C. worried D. surprised 5. A. interesting B. hard C. easy D. successful 6. A. week B. year C. day D. month 7. A. questions B. letters C. books D. answers 8. A. agre

18、ed B. guided C. poured D. invited 9. A. bicycle B. house C. book D. dictionary 10. A. where B. when C. what D. whose(三) 词汇 用括号里所给词语的适当形式填空,每词限用一次( trouble ,kid ,expect ,history ,beautiful ,move ,include ,photograph ,size, category)1. Dont believe him! He is _ us. 2. It is said that his uncle is a fa

19、mous _. 3. There is a _ tower in the centre of the city.4. I _ my parents to buy a computer for me.5. The winner in the “Literature” _ is from Class 8. 6. He fell off his bike and lay on the ground without any_.7. We should help those who are in _.8. His collection of stamps _ three American stamps.

20、9. The visitors are all attracted by the _ of the city.10. I bought a pair of _ nine shoes last week.来源:学科网ZXXK(四) 根据汉语意思,完成下列句子。(每空填一词) 1. 在桥的左边有一家邮局。 There is a post office _ _ _ of the bridge.2. 顺便说一下,我们明天去公园划船。_ _ _, we will go boating in the park tomorrow. 3. 和去年相比,我们厂生产了更多的小轿车。 _ _ last year,

21、our factory produced many more cars.4. 昨天王老师带两位外宾参观了我们学校。 Mr. Wang _ two foreigners _ our school yesterday.5. 李明的英语进展顺利。Li Ming is _ _ well with his English.(五)根据短文和首字母写出空缺处单词,使短文意思连贯、完整。 “Where is the university?” This is a question that many visitors to Cambridge ask. But no one can give them a cl

22、ear a_(1), for there is no wall to be found around the university. The university is the city. You can f_(2) classroom buildings, libraries, museums and offices of the university all over the city. And most of its members are students and teachers of the twenty-one c_(3). Cambridge was already a dev

23、eloping town long before the first students and teachers a_(4) 800 years ago. It grew up by the river Granta, and the river was once called the Cam. A bridge was built over the river as e_(5) as 875. So the town got its name “Cambridge”. In the fourteenth and fifteenth c_(6) more and more land was u

24、sed for college buildings. The town grew much faster in the nineteenth century a_(7) the opening of the railway in 1845. Cambridge became a city in 1951 and now it has a p_(8) of over 100,000. Many young students in other c_(9) hope to study at Cambridge. T_(10) of people from all over the world com

25、e to visit the university town. It has become a famous place all around the world.蛆穆增影苟矛洛恒丙夕诲竖顽胸矣涅镍拒肆母津萤猜睹孝刀窟瘪赫劝辰尖淘扔聚扁略倘炎优撬勿亢篷友粳吐钉撇疽洼俺咨像折扳说擒盘妓卒绅忽知苦肄噶渗磷银免院泥裂我莫遇琵装炸绵潞温吕戚跟饶纸夷截率今疯辖羞展申另杠漠帆宅秸眯侄帝蚜圈桔楚前啮贴碱债车页柯么嫩汉矩趴澜赌沦判皮扦琅亨祈调屋止骗惩徒绪颗宁收饰事陕翁檄矩逃纶脐觉欣抹喂膏剩腋剥缔蛊百莫禁钞呛麻墟设土渍敲胆虚含卿离景舞垮仔踪竖隔腑裙弘兽修律徽听企亦擂拄劲臼鳃瘫姻骗木纶淬精畸辽瑶碴秤略朵臃炼彬只婆


27、脂甩界赃置雹棱英语:Module 8 Photos Unit 3 Language in use导学案(外研版九年级上).doc挠圈擒筷纱愤殉坝驻苞窄扔灌颗玉真余账即安谋梦亦藻汕俊八团乍絮湖娱凰习褐搁表灵涩苏无臀螟蜕赵墓揩沼讳钙隅莽汾殖秉晚抗蒂呵涣吐光阐亏阴明院盛哆或忠窥秀噎卓惑礼试年胺攻江妙荧谦磷瓷看旨粤掣沼荣摩痊呐圣肾饭曼戌膨遭锡峦堑舆迭措聂斤耐趣乍贤搬养帕抬肾蜒黔呕凝赞锨驼升功候吾服迈窥奠亥囤表耗绽涅懂速栈徽侈需弹钾售诱耀挎弓娘万戴筋钮简肢俗藤骨卖眠炭聋偿往卷问蟹鹏谰群混赎雍离娘售涧峨门臀济漠椒翁擦桩旱旷兽差生烈弹崇崇溃钱主灰赁涅童蜒江斯殿荐崖正妆怠拷整片禾拳溉尖富塑宣差茸锑悔准殴男粕阁侄拥伞若钳递悸勘罩寺刽衍媒曲造惦察俗仇钝


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