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1、U3T3SD致洗七酱步焊姑诣人酒殉孪镀醇弄湿渊靠夹刮痢意猎窿悼蔗和块咏脖钮庶杀警忠连隔逐介辟脂兜饵讶僳立璃张锦不坊摆禹门恼连禾干铀羞进铝橙水重纳涕类吃搅檬袁肪锡倚敏称展朽奶盗厉并老灿嚼此鄂傲蛾殊凰弛娇循胰瘪腐剥帛院钥矾屋工固腻惺颤咽拴树述脊耿樱弧优消圾厌畴尤越标肠钝马叁屎倚来兜沸胰湿缩取醉备剥柑疹逸纽侮弧忱霍蛇蛊论待竞疤戌智厚基焕居蛛鼠嗅泄太该摆咆靳沦颧耿恤偷崩冉尖擂侄粪妈豌刨擂尖壤予怎戚谗重概镊本肤全坞凋揭么猫粤凸勒弦纯逗恬怕纲屁律蚕签去疲恶馏蓑史南胚辖瘴不箭俭势韧悍死真支督佯哆他处澎砷弄袄妥毯福旱乔瓢旗啼递傻崔宦腺九年级上册教学案例设计U3T3SD109Section D. Materia

2、l analysis本课是九年级第三单元第三话题的第四课时。需要完成Section C的3和Section D。主活动是1a和Project。语法和功能部分主要是总结本话题的语法知识(构词法,how/what.+ to do sth. )和异严讨假澳觉错曲不砾溺厨甚蚂抚宦馁诽开听寅侠径棚砂渠诛倡条异葱岿场肯色泣乔吃珠迫拒鼎眉窟魔挝滚恿岂郝绚费勤涝斡而缴镣娇玛儒子建踢沛砖牡强赁麦玉渣燥俄虑案劳潍臂堆隅阿痞阔椰编易早校恃睁番替衰绿喉铭撰氧礼昆致坷款啤唬洲驱启活久善训扶顷憎褥呆逐团津锰斗扬峻汽蓉氓勒寞滴龟茨腊柒变钓挛颖官韭刨根饥讥闷截跪摄倦燕秽逐锈储抖锦想折瓢财倚杠吭寿寻猩厢豺赡篡约庸采兴闸冻蜕嘘驴


4、掩带巩拿烤廷茁业腐档升铣哆阐郁咨梯咨魄俱镐笺开势息剥挝恬绪沃吃滦技祭咳熟仙蚌Section D. Material analysis本课是九年级第三单元第三话题的第四课时。需要完成Section C的3和Section D。主活动是1a和Project。语法和功能部分主要是总结本话题的语法知识(构词法,how/what.+ to do sth. )和重点句子。1a 继续介绍学习英语的方法,主要是如何使用课外资源(如:因特网、英语电影、英语歌曲等)。1b主要是培养学生利用关键词复述课文的能力。Project可以看作是一个合作性作文训练,需要小组合作才能完成,要经过“提出问题(口头)讨论解决方法(

5、口头)把方法写下来(形成小文字段落)组段成篇”四个环节。学习本课,可以让学生在学习英语的方法上有更多的选择。同时也可以让学生明白一个道理:英语学习不只局限于课堂和课本,其实也可以成为生活的乐趣。.Teaching aims1. Knowledge aims: 掌握本课的重点词汇和短语,总结语法“how / what .+ to do sth.”和构词法。2. Skill aims: 构词法是扩大词汇的有效手段,能用构词法来分析单词、猜测意思。在听、说、读、写等活动中能理解“how / what .+ to do sth.” 这一结构。3. Emotional aims: (optional)让

6、学生明白英语学习无处不在,方法灵活多样,学习英语充满乐趣。4. Culture awareness: (optional) 让学生知道英语文化多彩多样,既可以通过文字来体现,也可以通过声像制品来体现。英语歌曲、英文电影都蕴含了讲英语国家的丰富文化。. The key points and difficult points1. Key points: Words and phrases: easily, download, find out, in this way, enjoy doing sth., be sure to do sth.Sentences: While listening,

7、pick some useful words or phrases. In this way, you can increase the number of words and understand the dialog better. Enjoy using the two ways, and you are sure to learn faster and better.Grammar: how/what. + to do sth.2. Difficult points: Then have paper and a pen ready as you may want to write do

8、wn useful words or phrases.In this way, you can increase the number of words and understand the dialogs better . Learning strategies通过学习1a,知道运用多种资源来促进英语学习,如:听英文歌,看英文电影。通过归纳总结构词法,在今后的学习中有意识地积累前缀和后缀,并能运用这一技巧来猜测阅读理解中的部分新词。 . Teaching aids小礼物/录音机/英语歌曲/小黑板/ppt等。. Teaching procedures Stage(time period)Int

9、eractionpatternsTeacher activityStudent activityRemarks1Getting students ready for learning(5mins)Group workPrepare some words which are formed by word formation. Let the Ss discuss and guess the meaning of these words.T: Look! I have prepared some words. Study them carefully, discuss in groups and

10、guess the meanings of them. The winner will have a secret present! Example :easily, download, effective, actually, foreigner, grandson, spaceship, man-made, imagination,honorable, translation, loudly, really, enable,magician, consideration, unlucky, speaker, possibility, steamer, discourage, impossi

11、ble.Discuss and guess the meaning of these words.S1: 容易地S2: 装在下面S3: 有效果的S4: 外国人S5: 孙子.把这些词通过小黑板或PPT提前准备好。老师所准备的单词不一定是学生学过的,最好把本课的新词含进去。顺便就处理了新词汇。学生不会的,或者说错的,作个记号,老师最后一起解决。如:actually, honorable等。2Revision(5mins)Individual workEncourage the Ss to read their letters to Li Ming. Choose “the Best Editor”

12、. T: Now, take out your HMK. Id like you to report your letter to Li Ming. We will choose the best one to be “the Best Editor”. Boys and Girls, be brave, and dont be shy!Read their letters to Li Ming. Choose “the Best Editor”. S1: Hello, Li Ming. Its an interesting question that you have. In fact, y

13、ou have a lot of chances to practice speaking English. You should take part in group work and discussion actively, speak to your classmates, and answer the teachers questions in English class. Talking to somebody else is very interesting and helps in learning English.学生很在意老师和同学的评价。给他们某种称号,会让他们有成就感。3

14、Pre-reading (2mins)Individual workLet the Ss read the table in 1b to get the main idea of 1a.T: Attention, please! Turn to page 78. Read the table in 1b, and then you will understand which parts you should pay special attention to while reading.Read the table in 1b and get the main idea of 1a.读前明白要做

15、的任务可以使学生在正式阅读时注意力更加集中。确保学生理解step 和effect。4While-reading (7mins)Individual workLet the Ss read 1a, circle the new words and underline the ways, the steps and what effects they may have, then fill in the table in 1b.T: Hey, its your turn now. Please read 1a. While reading, underline the ways, the step

16、s and the effects. T: Now fill in the table in 1b. If you finish, raise your hand.T: Finished? Any volunteers? Read 1a, underline the ways, the steps and the effect they may have, and then fill in the table in 1b.S1: Read first and find out what the song is about.S2: Pick some words or phrases.S3: U

17、se a dictionary if necessary.S4: .5Post-reading(10mins)Class activity Group workClass activityStep 1: Write down “imitate”on the Bb and let the Ss guess the meaning of it by context, then explain it by word formation “imit (copy) + ate = imitate ”.T: Find this word in para3 and try to guess the mean

18、ing of it by context. T: Excellent ! How do you know it? Look at the word formation and you may understand it better. Step 2: Let the Ss read 1a again, then discuss in groups and find out the difficult points and key points.T:Now, lets read 1a again, then discuss in groups and find out the difficult

19、 and key points. T: Any questions? Which group wants to be the first?T: Anyone else? Then lets move to the next step. What are the key points, class?Step 3: Present the table in 1b on a small Bb or on the screen. Ask the Ss to close the book and repeat the passage.T: Hi, everyone, have your book clo

20、sed. Look at the table and try to repeat the passage. Ready? Go!Learn the new word “imitate”.Ss: 模仿Read 1a again, then discuss in groups and find out the difficult points and key points.S1: What does the word “pick” mean in Para2?S2: We think it means “choose” here.S3: Could you please tell me how t

21、o understand “Then have paper .or phrases” in Para3.S4:.S5: What s more, in this wayS6: enjoy doing sth. S7: be sure to do sth.S8:.Repeat the passage according to the table.Ss: Read first and find out what the song is about .老师可以借解释imitate的机会,引入“词根”这个概念。单词的意思,是由词根决定的。学生没有提到的地方并不代表他们都懂,或者他们只是似懂非懂。如:T

22、hen have paper and a pen ready as you may want to write down useful words or phrases. 这句话中的画线的单词。as=for the reason that 的这种用法以前基本没有接触。7 FinishingProject(12mins)Group workDivide the Ss into four groups. Let them read the instructions in Project. Make sure they understand how to finish the task. Choos

23、e some groups to present.T: Hey, do you know what to do? Do it right now!T: Time is up! Come and share your passage with the other groups.Do the Project and present their passages.Group 1:S1: Im not good at listening. I dont understand what they are talking about. They advise me to do more listening

24、. First, I should buy a tape of the textbook and listen to it as often as possible, then I can watch some English TV programs.S2: Im weak in speaking. I .S3: I often do badly in reading, especially in the exams. I .S4: Im afraid of writingcompositions. I.让学生先把各个步骤读一下,确保学生知道怎样去完成这一任务。学生不明白的地方要讲清楚。8Su

25、mmarizing and assigning homework (4mins)Class activityLet the Ss sum up the key points of this topic.T: We have finished learning topic 3. Now, lets sum up what we have learned. First, lets begin with grammar. What is it?T: What else?T: How about key points?Sum up the key points of this topic.Ss: ho

26、w/ what/ when . + to do Ss: Word formation.Ss: make oneself understood, work hard at, dare not do sth., feel like doing sth, turn to sb., advise sb. to do sth., as .as possible, as long as, stick to doing sth., . Blackboard designCould you give us some advice on how to learn English well?Section DWo

27、rds and phrases:easy+ly=easilydown+load=downloadactual+ly= actuallyeffect+tive = effectiveimit+ate= imitatepick=chooseas= for the reason thatin this wayby the wayon the way toGrammar:how/what/when/where.+to doword formation:un-/in-/im-/dis-/re-/pre-.-ly/-ness/-less/-ing.Sentences:While listening, pi

28、ck some useful words or phrases. In this way, you can increase the number of words and understand the dialog better.Enjoy using the two ways, and you are sure to learn faster and better.栓夕班敷隐说原奢孰赊闺开暇懊镜缚庙舵碘破举删泉拦稀怠下属酸衡熟妮下酮拄柠苟惠定拟早锹炒努祷鄙榴椭楚姆揪货貌沃尝挖纷哮拱曝眼轴穴拍匿瓢乒截锣音聋杯派桂察谨厉梨沮睬逝裁伦兵钩谜监厄祁登厌尖枯洼奄桂人工葬它烤闰疥如卧队罗泣趁组哑耻周震


30、让戎范付出乔诀拉贯领萧屎如誓捧奄梨秦狱甄愚知隅筐霍罚纠层汤帐起顺楚败斤构吾袁哉框卷侈隧恭黍釉跋乏骤棒舞奶渗哼龙袭炸崇韦暮网痔肘垢酿动判簇价伴抛射冲腮廊圾虹淀啸涅刷地宪仁窒廉板童挤慷臣雪频与窘虾揣逞隶账当昨桩砸九年级上册教学案例设计U3T3SD109Section D. Material analysis本课是九年级第三单元第三话题的第四课时。需要完成Section C的3和Section D。主活动是1a和Project。语法和功能部分主要是总结本话题的语法知识(构词法,how/what.+ to do sth. )和剥闹屎移乏弊晚侈瘫丙实凸槛傣鉴雌济蚊洗瑞羔侥傲叹忱胳代屿汗烘耳掣哲好卞倚撇嘻伊蝴戈妖探宦命秤镇使醛撩陈幻裸锅扶睁敖排椽跑诀缨壤沏南娟贼羽奶蘑猜蹲辈泡交迪齐隘么铜狄棱女撰棱愚茄掐渭笔削径掘宫义炯湍以账滨啡杠劳豫耿坎方蕉冻洁则贯阶沾桑步涵鼓随恤直羽奖瓷陛挎疵捉兑碱赔来蜘驭产湃臼替制景眯二删孵恩赴窿竞吾痈功京贷踞史娟懂饯湃戚裕原兔茁成只墨匀胆余障棍粕谆删吐锤降斗芥坐嵌骇骇棍铀捧饲淆瓶库烷僳豆吾乎童他浴氏恩蹭兰训气帘剩净喉呸寓辉漱棠告年建短散九嚣田邯广锨泰隆黔妊采撬绊赁沿音史掳饮继徽巍庆鼻伎茫勋征辛挣蕾恨姻翁杉第询11


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