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1、Unit3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?第一课时(Section A 1a1c)一、翻译下列词组的意思。1.买一份报纸 2.获得关于这座镇的信息 3.得到一些杂志 4.买一邮票 5.在银行的旁边 6.走过中心大街 7.向左拐 8.在街道的另一边 二、用括号里所给词的适当形式填空或首字母填词。1.Please be quick! I wonder when the park (close)today.2.I need some postcards and (stamp).3.Go to the (three) floor.4.

2、Im to watch the (excite)film.5.The word “restroom”is not (wide)used in China.6.I would like to sit b you.7.My mother is taking a bath in the b .8.We can get some p from the post office.9.E me,could you tell me w I can buy a dictionary.10.Just go p the bank and then turn right.第二课时(Section A 2a2d)一、句

3、型转换。1.Are there any bookstores? Could you tell me?(合并成一句) Could you tell me any bookstores?2.Can you tell me where I can buy some medicine?(同义句) Can you tell me where some medicine?3.Turn left at the second crossing. (同义句) Take the second turning 4.“Is it the first boys-only school in the city?”aske

4、d a parent(改为宾语从句) A parent asked it the first boys-only school in the city.5.You can watch TV after you finish all your homework. (同义句) You watch TV you finish all your homework.二、从所给的选项中选择最佳选项完成对话。 A.You can take the elevator on the first floor to the fifth.B.Could you tell me where the Tianhe Cin

5、ema is?C.Thank you all the same.D.How can I get there?E.How long will it take me to get there? A: (1) B:Sorry,I dont know. A:(2) (A walks to C) A:Could you tell me where the Tianhe Cinema is? C:Of course.Its on the fifth floor of the Wal-Mart. A:(3) C: Walk along the street to the crossing,then walk

6、 on until you see a ten-floor building on your left. (4).And also you can have a rest there.Because there are so many delicious food. A:Sounds very great! Are there any restrooms there? C:You mean washroom or toilet? Of course,there are two.But people in China dont use the word “restroom”when they s

7、peak English. A: (5) C:About fifteen minutes walk. A:Thanks very much. C:You are welcome.第三课时(Section A 3a3c)一、汉译英:1.在我去上学的路上,要经过一家餐馆。 On ,I 2.你能告诉我在哪儿能买到苹果吗? Could you tell me 3.我不太确信如何把英语学好。 Im not sure 4.我不知道Tom 如何才能到达中心图书馆。 I dont know how Tom 5.他很想知道在沃尔玛是否有一家新的4D影院。 I really wonder 二、 根据课文意识填写下

8、列空白。Last summer holiday,my best friend Henry from Canada and I went to Shenzhen for vacation. It is a very beautiful city.The best place to play in Shenzhen is Happy Valley.When we got to the Space World,we found that there were many new rides.They look 1 .Henry 2 they would be 3 .And he told me if

9、I was scared,just 4 or 5 his hand.At first I was really scared,but 6 did help.I was so glad I tried it and I see I never know 7 I try something.Then we went to Water City Restaurant in Water World.It 8 many delicious food.On our way to the restaurant,we 9 by Uncle Bobs.He told us there was a rock ba

10、nd playing here every evening.We were very excited,because we love rock music best.We had a good time those days.How I 10 I could visit there next year!第四课时(Section A Grammar Focus& 3a3c)一、单项选择。1.Alice interviewed some people and asked them about on Fathers Day.A.what did they do B.what they did C.w

11、hat they will do D.what would they do2. I dont know A.where she comes from B.how old is sheC.when was she born D.why she be a teacher.3.Could you please tell me ? She is under the big tree over tree.A.where is Miss Zhou B. where was Miss Zhou C. where Miss Zhou is D. where Miss Zhou was4. The new-de

12、signed car is on show now. I wonder A.how much it cost B. how much it costs C. how much did it cost D. how much does it cost5.Excuse me, could you tell me Yes. Go along this street and you will find it on your left.A.where is the museum B.which is the way to the museumC.how far is the museum D.how c

13、an I get to the museum.二、将下列各句改为宾语从句。1.Who is the woman under the tree? Do you know? Do you know 2.How far is it from your home to your school?Could you tell me? Could you tell me from your home to your school?3.What were you doing at seven yesterday evening? The teacher asked usThe teacher asked us

14、 at seven yesterday evening4.Could you tell me? When will the meeting begin? Could you tell me 5.I asked her,“Are you a doctor?” I asked her 第五课时(Section B 1a1f)一、 根据汉语提示完成单词。 1.The flowers in the park were so (迷人的)that we took many photos there. 2.Thanks to the Internet,it is more (便利的)to get infor

15、mation about the world. 3.There are too many people in the (商场)during the festival. 4.My sister works as a (职员) in a bank. 5.The old man asked the boy to stand in the (角落) of the room. 6.We should speak to the old man (有礼貌地) 7. (请再说一遍)me,do you know why Miss.Wang didnt come today? 8.Jack got up late

16、 this morning and had to (仓促) to school without breakfast. 二、根据方框中提供的信息补全对话。 A.History museum? I dont know, either B.How far is it from here? C.where are you going? D.I dont want you to help E.Which bus shall I take? F.Could you tell us how we can get to the museum? G.I think you are right. H.Becaus

17、e I can learn all about the history of our hometown.A:Hi ,Zhang Wei. B:Hi,Li Xin.Nice to meet you.I havent seen you for a long time. A:Me,too.I miss you very much.By the way, B:I heard that there is a new history museum in the North Street.But I dont know where it is. A: .My father told me its the b

18、iggest museum in Xiangyang.Im looking forward to visiting it. B:What should we do? A:Lets ask the police over there. B:Good idea.Lets go! A:Excuse me, C:Sure.Go ahead this street and turn right at the third crossing.Go on and turn left at the second crossing.There is a big door in front of the museu

19、m.You can get a free ticket beside the door. A: C:Its about half an hours walk,but you can take the bus.There are many bus stops at the crossing. A: C:The Number 1 or 13 bus will take you there. A and B:Thank you very much. C:Youre welcome.第六课时(Section B 2a2b)一、 根据所给的首字母和句子意思填空。 1.What c will you st

20、udy this term? We will learn Chinese,math and English. 2.I want to sent an email to Dave,but I dont know his email a 3.In China its i to laugh loudly before others. 4.Thanks to the Internet,now its c for us to shop online. 5.He looked through the book carefully to find out the c answer to the questi

21、on.二、 根据提示词完成汉译英: 1.我今天早上起床晚了,不得不匆忙赶到学校。(rush) I got up late this morning and had to 2.在西方国家,问非常直接的问题是不礼貌的。(impolite.) In western countries,its 3.我认为超市是购物的一个不错的选择。(do shopping) I think the supermarket is 4.老师要求他能更好的安排好他的时间。(ask)The teacher his time better. 5.你说话的方式取决于你对他有多了解。(depend on) The way you

22、speak 6.你能告诉我哪个地方有好吃的吗?(place) Can you tell me where 当然可以,你喜欢什么样的食物? Of course. Do you like? 7.你知道书店今天什么时候关门吗? 下午7点关门。(close) Do you know It closes at 7p.m today.第七课时(Section B 2c2e)一、 句型转换。 1.You need to clean your room every day.(改为否定句) You to clean your room every day. 2.Could you tell me where I

23、 can get some stamps?(改为同义句) Could you tell me where some stamps? 3.He spent two months finishing reading this novel.(改为同义句)It him two months reading this novel. 4.Could you tell me where the village school is?(改为同义句) Could you tell me the village. 5.”Is there a supermarket near here?”She asked(合并成一

24、句) She asked a supermarket near here.二、 根据所学的课文内容填写下列空白。 Learning How to Use Proper Language Asking a question is 1 not enough. In many countries,its important to ask for help politely.A 2 question sounds less polite.Its necessary to learn to ask for help politely by being 3 indirect. 4 to be more p

25、olite. Change the way you talk in different 5 The expressions you use might 6 on whom you talk to or how well you know each other. Using 7 questions that include polite expressions.Expressions like “Could you please”sound more polite.Spending time leading in to a 8 is a good way,especially when we s

26、peak to a 9 on the street. According to these,we know speaking politely seems to be 10 than to be direct.But using proper language helps you become better at the language you speak. 第八课时(Section B 3a3b,shelf-check)一、 根据所给的汉语意思,完成句子。 1.我想知道你昨晚为什么没早点睡。 I wonder last night. 2.在中国,我们第一次见到某个人的时候,通常是通过握手互

27、相问候的。 In China,when we meet someone ,we usually greet each other by shaking hands. 3.在西方,问女士的体重是不礼貌的。 In the west, a ladys weight. 4.打扰一下,您可以告诉我最近的洗手间在哪儿吗? Excuse me,could you tell me 5.我不太确定那个餐馆是否提供中式快餐。 I am not sure Chinese fast food.二、 从方框中选择合适的句子填空完成对话。 A:Do you know when the play starts?B:I wo

28、nder why we dont take a taxi.C:Of course,there is oneD:We have to walk twenty more minutes.E:And I am sure you can prove yourself a real young man.F:Do we really have to run?G:No,there isntA: Daddy,how far are we from the theater? B: Let me see. 1 A:It will kill me,daddy. B: No,it wont.Its a challen

29、ge. 2 A:But daddy,Iam tired.Is there a bus here? B: 3 But it will take more time. A:Oh,my God. 4 B:Do you want to?A taxi will certainly take us there quickly.But walking isnt bad.Its a good chance to challenge yourself. A: 5 will we be late for it? B: Dont worry about being late.We have plenty of ti

30、me.Lets go!单元练习一、 单项选择(15分) 1、I didnt know how to London? Awould they go Bare they going Cthey would go Dthey are going 2、Do you know? Awhat the news areBwhat is the news Cwhat the news is Dwhat are the news3、Pardon? I cant understand _ you are talking about. A. how B. when C. what D. which4、 -Look!

31、Whats that the corner of the room? -I cant see clearly.Its a little dark there. A.behind B.below C.in D.under5、Its nice_ me out when Im in trouble. A. for you to help B. of you to help C. for you helping D. of you helping6、 Be careful when_ the street. A. cross B. crossing C. crossed D. across7、I do

32、nt know_ he will come or not. _ he comes,I11 tell you. A. if;if B. whether;WhetherC. whether;if D. if; Whether8、If it_ rain tomorrow,we will go to the park. A. not B. dont C. wont D. doesnt9、Where are you going? Im going to the to buy some medicine. A. bookstore B. restroom C. drugstore D. post offi

33、ce10、Would you please tell me how long the movie ? About half an hour. A. has begun B. had begun C. has been on D. had been on 11、Do you know Toms sister is a doctor or not? No, I dont know. A. that B. whether C. where D. what12. Look! They are having fun with the ball. A. play B. to play C. played

34、D. playing13. They have spent many hours through the History Museum. A. to walk B. walking C. to walking D. walked14. Long, long ago people didnt know that the earth around the sun. A. moves B. moved C. was moving D. move15. Excuse me, could you please show me how to use this MP4 player? . A. Certai

35、nly! Its here. B. Yes, you can C. Sure, with pleasure D. Not at all二、用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。(10分)16 .Could you please show the _ (direct)to Bobs shop?17 .It is important_ (learn)how to use proper language.18. Sometimes we even need to spend time_(lead)in to a request.19 He gave an_ (direct)answer.20.Good_(s

36、peak)of English change the way they talk when they speak with different people in different situations.21、He went up to the_(three)floor and bought some books.22、Please go straight along the road and take the second_ (turn)on the right.23、Water Town is a great place for children_ (have)fun.24、The we

37、ather seem_ (be)sunny and hot during the holiday.25、Look at the sign,“No_(park)”三、根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。(10分)26Please c_ your mistakes on the paper.27.When I got to school,I found a wallet l_on the ground.28一W_ are you waiting for?一My friend Ann.29.I hate to r_this action over and over again.30.It is impor

38、tant to know how to ask for help p_ .31.Look!All the s _of this shop are dancing in front of the door.32.These days we buy s_ just for collecting not for sending letters.33.I just want to know his QQ number instead of his email a_34.We should be kind to the old men, its i_ to shout to them.35.Lisa think its more c_ to shop online than driving half an hour to the market. 四、完型填空(共10小题; 每小题1分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从3645各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。There once was a farmer who lost his wa


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