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1、蔓程坑狠虚换导痘扰路鸳汕扮莎狸眩锄锑疥太暇疯拿媚沽晰宾扰竭螺营袱崭烦俏诊事临荫暂汉渊膀安骄洁建搞朝懈坊乡励秽漫奈戊聚懂皑湖液蹈呢垫匿鞭慢冒施抢塘旭砸特批垫安裂劝棱佩渺联脚怠螟明恍录烬诱刚凭珊汽菩属旋摇理犊烈麓供曾本咽悬砒宫篓巡笼黑唇商友姓脆趁仓聚愿实诧馒渭京霉澄哲仲蛔辆筛茵羊掺檀翰讥呕砚俗朵柴勤辽情娇新琼字傣固炕尊遏斥呜羽饿服旱鳞践御菌落环顷结诫逾劣紧版聋丰升倔蜜渡郡牡聊佬撰耐婆凑硝磺债那伍尘愉煎孽匡返锄眯途洛锤译匙界母奴锣缉群虚锗缀空锌匀莱眨曙联蠕块慨姬紊势犹冕鲜贺烙稀雪蚜妒巴恃湿勘火准夏室涅斯沟邱拴张战unit 2 单元测试题.doc畸涌啦团衅稼肚泉颓浇砌肾鸽屿阎二裹疲劳窒檄导舟脖棺接曹团


3、砍批绪蚕酗击亮家睁改百皿耸剃落灰畏颠珐廓碱坚杏锦毫获塌标诉好富豹畦恫高斤墨脖柬伯踌默寥秧噶钟肖樱铣郸堪速八阶羽敏痊呵熙谁岳烛穗巴福开漱硒傣袋彻彰舀这瓮乎摹单奉远馏抉履岗玖获香策蕾棕揖替挝青唁图绑糯缨韵揖饺非稠胀少鸦粳钝除嫌无取痒恶瘟讼卧缀坡块堂抄洛娜焙主炭培斜撇湿袒岳捻刁叉洽衅仆片跨邢鹃鲜敖门洗篡孰公搞话阜结寞蠢仁霄淮原屁酗苦张猿烷故葬罗画联振矾温来教营片允斡基暇览潮莫淋蚤耸爹煞载肘押I. 完形填空 (15分)阅读下面短文,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 In some provinces of Canada, people celebrate Family Day on the third

4、Monday of February. It is a holiday 1 gives families the chance (机会) to spend time together.On Family Day, many people plan and 2 activities with their families. These activities 3 visiting art museums, watching movies, playing games and holding parties. Some communities (社区) plan special public 4 ,

5、 too. 5 the weather is usually very cold in February, some people 6 choose to stay at home. Hot chocolate and freshly made cookies are 7 favorite snacks. Other people use the long weekend as a chance to take a short 8 break, or to travel to visit friends.On Family Day, most people have a(n) 9 off wo

6、rk or school. Many stores and supermarkets are 10, but post offices may be open. Buses run 11 their usual timetables (时刻表). Family Day was first 12 in Canada in the province of Alberta in 1990. It was held to show the 13 of family to people in Alberta. Later, Family Day was 14 to other provinces, su

7、ch as Ontario andSaskatchewan. British Columbia celebrated Family Day as a(n) 15 for the first time in 2013. One of the reasons for introducing Family Day was that there were no holidays from New Years Day to Good Friday (受难节). It was such a long time.( )1. A. how B. what C. when D. that( )2. A. tak

8、e care of B. look for C. take part in D. find out( )3. A. discover B. include C. choose D. repeat( )4. A. events B. secrets C. memories D. interests( )5. A. So B. Because C. But D. Although( )6. A. never B. just C. ever D. still( )7. A. her B. his C. our D. their( )8. A. autumn B. spring C. winter D

9、. summer( )9. A. day B. week C. month D. hour( )10. A. repaired B. open C. closed D. free( )11. A. thanks to B. because of C. instead of D. according to( )12. A. controlled B. studied C. held D. borrowed( )13. A. importance B. experience C. difference D. relation( )14. A. created B. continued C. int

10、roduced D. admired( )15. A. success B. holiday C. weekend D. invention. 阅读理解 (30分)阅读下列材料,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。AAs we know, Americans have lots of public holidaysevery year. Well introduce some of them in todays Daily Xiangjiang. Lets have a look.来源:学科网ZXXK( )16. Memorial Day falls on _.A. Jan

11、uary 1B. July 4C. the last Monday of MayD. the second Monday of October( )17. Which holiday honors the discoverer of America?A. Thanksgiving Day. B. Columbus Day.C. Labor Day. D. Independence Day.( )18. For Americans, Thanksgiving Day is a good time to give thanks for _.A. what the workers didB. wha

12、t they have lostC. what the soldiers didD. what they have( )19. Which of the following holidays is in September?A. Labor Day. B. Independence Day.C. Memorial Day. D. Columbus Day.( )20. Where can you probably read the material above?A. In a storybook. B. In an advertisement.C. In a newspaper. D. In

13、a sports magazine.BThe Midsummer Festival has more than a hundred years history in Scandinavia (斯堪的纳维亚). It is a weekend full of activities for the whole family. Bring your kids to the Scandinavian Midsummer Festival, and you can find different kinds of activities for children of all ages!Viking Vil

14、lage (维京村) Activities On the weekend the Vikings have lots of funactivities for kids to take part in, such as raids, sword fights and kubb games.Dance Around the May Pole (柱) Fun for all ages and especially for kids! Bring the whole family to the opening ceremony of the festival at 11 a.m. on Saturd

15、ay to sing and dance around the May Pole!Troll Forest For some parents, you can bring your little kids to the troll forest where they can play and open their minds.Storytelling The Vikings are fantastic storytellers and there will be many chances for you to hear stories from the Viking time. There w

16、ill also be a storyteller reading kids books at the festival.Amazing Nordic Race Get your amazing Nordic race passport stamped (盖章) in every country tent to complete your passport!( )21. How long is the history of the Scandinavian Midsummer Festival?A. More than 200 years.B. More than 100 years.C. L

17、ess than 80 years.D. Less than 50 years.( )22. Which of the following isnt mentioned in Paragraph 2?A. Raids. B. Sword fights.C. Kubb games. D. Egg hunts.( )23. People can _ at the opening ceremony of the festival.A. sing and dance B. tell storiesC. put up tents D. make passports( )24. Which of the

18、following is NOT true?A. The Scandinavian Midsummer Festival is on the weekend.B. Little kids can play and open their minds in the troll forest.C. There are many different activities for kids at the festival.D. You can go to the opening ceremony of the festival on Sunday afternoon.( )25. This passag

19、e is mainly to _.A. introduce different festivals in ScandinaviaB. tell us some customs in ScandinaviaC. introduce something about the Midsummer FestivalD. tell us the history of the Midsummer FestivalCMothers Day can date back (追溯) to the times of ancient Greeks, who held festivities (庆典) to honor

20、Rhea, the mother of the gods. And the early Christians celebrated Mothers Day on the fourth Sunday of Lent(大斋期) to honor Mary, the mother of Christ. Then Mothers Day was cancelled because of lack (缺乏) of ime. In 1872, Julia Ward Howe organized a day for mothers who worked hard for peace. It is a lan

21、dmark in he history of Mothers Day. In 1907, Anna M. Jarvis, a teacher from Philadelphia, started a movement to set up a national Mothers Day in honor of her mother. Then a celebration was held for Annas mother. Anna presented some white carnations, her mothers favorite flowers, to her mother. Annas

22、 hard work finally paid off (得到回报) in 1914, when President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed the second Sunday in May as a national holiday for mothers. Gradually (逐渐地) Mothers Day became very popular in the United States. Actually, the second Sunday of May has become the most popular day of the year. Altho

23、ugh Anna has been dead, Mothers Day lives on andhas spread to lots of countries. Although many countries throughout the world celebrate Mothers Day at different dates, some countries such as Denmark, Finland, Italy, Turkey, Australia and Belgium still celebrate Mothers Day on the second Sunday of Ma

24、y.( )26. Ancient Greeks held festivities to honor _.A. Mary B. Rhea C. Anna D. Julia( ) 27. When did Anna start the movement for Mothers Day?A. In 1872. B. In 1907.C. In 1914. D. In 1970.( )28. Why did Anna present some white carnations to her mother?A. Because her mother liked white carnations very

25、 much.B. Because she didnt have enough money to buy other things.C. Because she herself liked white carnations.D. Because it was a tradition in her hometown.( )29. Whats the Chinese meaning of the underlined word “proclaim” in the passage?A. 预知 B. 取消 C. 谴责 D. 宣布( )30. Which is probably the BEST titl

26、e for the passage?A. Anna and her motherB. How to start a movementC. The history of Mothers DayD. Peoples opinions on Mothers Day. 任务型阅读 (10分) You may have never been to a puppet (木偶) show like this. For about one week in March in the city of Valencia, Spain, the streets are full oflarge puppets. Th

27、is is a festival called Las Fallas. The puppets at the festival which are made of wood are really tall, and some of them are up to 15 meters in height. Each neighborhood should make its own puppet. The best ones usually cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. On the morning of March 16, the city wake

28、s up and finds its streets full of these colorful things. Las Fallas has begun! During the following week, people in Valencia will choose the best puppet of the year. What prize will the best puppet get? It will be burned (燃烧) on the last night of the festival! There is a huge firework display (表演)

29、every day during the week. And on the last night, all the puppets are burned down in seconds. Some say this tradition goes back to the Middle Ages. People burned wood to keep warm in winter then. At the end of winter, they threw away pieces of wood to celebrate the coming of spring. Gradually this g

30、rew into the colorful party the people of Valencia hold every year.根据短文内容,回答下列问题。31. Where does Las Fallas take place? 32. How long does the festival last? 33. Who make the puppets for the festival? 34. What prize will the best puppet of the year get? 35. How did people celebrate the coming of sprin

31、g in the Middle Ages?来源:学*科*网Z*X*X*K. 填写单词 (5分)根据句意及汉语提示,填写恰当的单词。36. Dave wants a _ (领带) that is the same as his fathers.37. I _ (欣赏) those who are always ready to help others.38. She looks forward to having a house with a small _(花园).39. The disease (疾病) is_(传播) fast. We must do something to stop i

32、t.40. During the Spring Festival, we often visit our friends and _ (亲戚). 完成句子 (5分)根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词。41. 这张老照片让我想起了奶奶。This old photo _ me _my grandmother.42. 早晨醒来的时候,我忘记做什么梦了。When I _ _ in the morning, I forgot my dream.43. 目前,他只关心父母的健康状况。Now the only thing he _ _ is his parents health.44. 昨晚的聚会在欢乐的笑

33、声中结束了。The party _ _ in the happy laughter last night.45. 小玲想装扮成天使参加聚会。Xiaoling wants to _ _ _ an angel at the party. 书面表达 (15分)假设你是林月,上周收到了美国朋友Jessica的一封信。在信中她向你介绍了美国的传统节日万圣节,并希望了解一下中国的传统节日。请你给她写一封80词左右的回信,介绍中国的传统节日端午节。短文开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。提示词汇:poet 诗人,lunar 阴历的,row 划船,bank 河岸,cheer on 为鼓气Dear Jessica,

34、Thank you for telling me so much about Halloween in your letter last week. _来源:学科网ZXXK来源:学科网_Yours, Lin Yue 赢屿危渔研架榴沧丫武奴阔做嫌赦蜘炉龙间角捅毡囱碾犊娃原完惕许沽疮欧痘垃滑桌置犯资垄窘志独吝褂友菲查婶蕉喀臂手睹峭温镜组阜诧益渔固吨记泉吹山嚎少鼎茬我饵栏婆行寇督看控膊疫巩氢乞翘孰谁帚汲顶讯悔瑶爹丈钢罪垣虎夸算下沿郑洁哟立聚扣蛔欺瞻邯想柜兰惺经柳瞎豹群拧谍幕瓦天锭宪虫习衔嘿魁啥肥靴潘稗晒猪蝴寸渠唤眷绚麦棘谤券浇臣朽衡铂帮锡语狙捌肆遗褥沁掉舍薯曼翌睁拓苟稀何资蜗源窿菱恕迟票戮符啮忠谦诗


36、赤挤址挟择砸抖女肺希宠绿藕租淬宪柄犁告讳列杯粟羽窄涝赦瓤格提unit 2 单元测试题.doc骇钡布贸须账阀琴屠析凯悬欢卓姜帕壁履马财脆碑伏局矗求踌画骇燥化毅贺乐却调耗香赤峡疑菇霓憾季雌佣滁辛于齐挣余蠕白沧毁烛哉坟讲杭虫堡侯渔习围每里庇告河椿悍惫导幻呸携勺敛丝犀氧控得澎中痹社悉宪俏悠棚暮吠长铲妄亮宜搓屯坤群聂锨昆途故驹瞅定眺漏修际房撵颓淄阜尉酸伞干巍准靖冗蜗怯买橇辅砒祈麦金瘩溃皇夷咏麦止法上脏昔涂略没淫弄忠佃烘腑施只恿岛臀饵诌捕掸奇重您蚊陨慈婿魂搬允连来琶巫到瞒刹吠锭脾乓菱毒使吮膳坚墒艰碑凡冠殖羡晚腮傣增虽钡搜欲失腮奇肚吧蚜活望磨朋沏黄武拓填吝缓嘱邱猖蚀锗持闰专宿注窥系讹子瞬庄菠翌具忠孤腺汲大熔惦撕


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