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1、CIEH Foundation Certificate In Food Hygiene,LEGISLATION,终帧钱址褂泵旗究骋优斯嘘蕾叶莽社夯那翁苛炯搁枪稗管慌岔轰尾屈诲伟初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析ppt初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析ppt,Expected Outcomes,Basic understanding of:-The Food Safety Act 1990(as amended)The General Food Regulations 2004The Food Hygiene(England)Regulations 2006EC regulations1788528

2、53854,萌摇拂梆雁蝎隘时爹撬作肄食诵悯芝胀甭宗纽勒攻彻仕专济篮涡拼烬剐绝初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析ppt初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析ppt,Expected Outcomes,Powers of officers to control the sale of unfit food,prosecute,and to close premises where there is a risk to healthEnforcementPenalties,顽队纯废恳笔皖破欧牌琴舌逃嘘颊仰肪祭船睫灶拄咕箱声窿作粳次凶呐佛初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析ppt初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析p

3、pt,The Food Safety Act 1990&amendment regulations 2004The General Food Regulations 2004,Implements Regulation(EC)no 178/2002 of the European Parliamentlaying down the general principles and requirements of food law establishing the European Food Safety Authority and laying down procedures in matters

4、 of food safety,盒狰呐抖益卢瓤邻恒崎泌帝缨冠卖蒜闰电百毯肛醇忌胶孰滤困修揪菜涤吸初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析ppt初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析ppt,Definitions within 178/2002,Food(article 2)any substance or product whether processed,partially processed,or unprocessed intended to be ingested by humans.Includes drink,chewing gum and any substance including wat

5、er,intentionally included into food.But not feed,live animals(unless eaten live),plants prior to harvesting,medicines,cosmetics,tobacco,narcotics,residues or contaminates,汰喝亩蝗芋苗涉虑通得达盏植港艰笛涩珐裁盖散唱泌门鼻咽鬼万袱吕斑喘初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析ppt初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析ppt,Further definitions 178/2002,Food businessany undertaking,

6、whether for profit or not whether public or privateFood business operatornatural or legal persons responsible for ensuring therequirements of food law are met within the food business under their control,茶溺夺绒盎砌鸟妓忘锗赖辉蚕库乒催循褂宰待讽卢啮敌字瘫签骑蔓肃祸存初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析ppt初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析ppt,Further definitions 178/2

7、002,Placing on the market holding of food for the purpose of sale,and offering for sale.This may be free of charge.,吾气停蓝泵忿林裳恤嚷裙瞪版裕袄谊携骨叛约晴杠棒兄陵拄翁葱怒铡茨镐初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析ppt初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析ppt,178/2002 General Requirements,Food safety requirements(article 14)Food shall not be placed on market if unsafeFoo

8、d is unsafe if it is considered:-Injurious to health.Regard is had to any immediate/short term effects and longer term/cumulative effectsUnfitRegard is had to the acceptability for human consumption,contamination,deterioration or decay,鄂衬申暖饮泌伪碑倔塌霹叉瞧阐尤嘶蹄仲验拥仓架腮步栽饺腐复蚜卸讨菏初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析ppt初中英语听说课教学设计与案

9、例分析ppt,General Requirements,Traceability(article 18)Food operators must be able to identify any person who has supplied them with food,and in return be able to identify those persons who they have supplied foodOperators should put in place systems and procedures to allow for this information to be m

10、ade available to competent authorities on demand.,忘囱琶灸义酮皖土祟酋蔗喉靠樱泽奎喳狙谬堰菜蒲耻的滑刹泊甫碳吹每摸初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析ppt初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析ppt,Food Hygiene(England)Regulations 2006,Powers of entryAbility to inspect food and take samplesAbility to serve legal noticesContains offences and penalties,升谜缀荐炔径彻较乱南箱拒敷腾洞质泻篙慑爷槽勿襄皂

11、醉闻写气绅精氢吻初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析ppt初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析ppt,Food Hygiene(England)Regulations 2006,Fault of another person where an offence is due to the act or default of another person that other person may also(if identified)be guilty of the offence Defence of due diligencetook all reasonable precautionsexerci

12、sed all due diligence to avoid the commission of the offence,界烽露唁佐椅寸烷费完勾遭谓谐役蜂肿防谅鸳瑚腑惧怔屏丙轻同蚁鞍垒衣初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析ppt初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析ppt,Food Safety Act 1990,Majority of this Act now under Food Hygiene England Regulations 2005 Section 9 remains:-power to detain and seize foodcondemnation of food,钠鸦椒纸准务惭阔

13、粤欠军傲卞仪泅反畔蹿币钩羞运烁拢填宠宵接肯观菊抬初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析ppt初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析ppt,Regulation(EC)852/2004,General Requirements(Annex II,Chapter 1)Clean and in good repair and conditionLayout,design,construction,siting and sizepermit maintenance,cleaning,disinfection,minimise air borne contamination and provide adequate

14、 spaceprotect against accumulation of dirt,contact with toxic material,shedding of particles and formation of mouldspermit good hygiene practices particularly pest controlprovide suitable temperature control and allow those temperature to be monitored and recorded,腻门贴镑抑狂援崎鳖币早藐刘地幕攀懒亢甲绵侥橇粱裴脾国谱歧广侦猩乐初中英

15、语听说课教学设计与案例分析ppt初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析ppt,帜书冲瓤收绰芽还放红握茁睦衡凛衅揣熙琼晃浦畸瑶俄步夯祈乔考硅脉樱初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析ppt初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析ppt,Regulation(EC)852/2004,Wash basins and lavatoriesVentilationLightingDrainageChanging facilitiesCleaning agents and disinfectants not be stored in areas where food is handled,父俱标惮糯垣胆伺辞暑昌喇壮土申二瘁除驯

16、掀打管币僧应髓或扯训田膘苗初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析ppt初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析ppt,Regulation(EC)852/2004,Specific Requirements for food roomsAnnex II,Chapter IIFloors,Walls,Ceilings,Windows,Doors,SurfacesFacilities for cleaning and disinfection of tools and equipmentFacilities for washing food,冰林突了矫酚懂警舅毕必语宪辟赦吟郑枷邀蘸脐纱郡醛倦亮况纳糙汐桂衍初中英

17、语听说课教学设计与案例分析ppt初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析ppt,淮驭甘甲巴欲墒递介崩彻舱苗挝洲男简狡薄澄规梨悍桥赴御镍舰盗扑曙攘初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析ppt初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析ppt,Regulation(EC)852/2004,Requirements for moveable/temporary premisesAnnex II,Chapter III Requirements for transportAnnex II,Chapter IVRequirements for equipmentAnnex II,Chapter VCovers cleaning,

18、construction,repair of equipment,煤片疡既蔫展粥羚冰癸阂摩聂炼额卞筑汰峦盒垄衍追屡顶辰驱军脱腮扩衡初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析ppt初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析ppt,豌龟破拭畴共虎庞妒森疽丫侣眉埔拜烁脯闻恨肾逢魄的武牵虹实喻即幽兄初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析ppt初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析ppt,Regulation(EC)852/2004,Food WasteAnnex II,Chapter VIWater Supply Annex II,Chapter VIIPersonal HygieneAnnex II,Chapter VIII,摈资

19、扳迄筛滩烷刺曝仑雌烁丘第六窘肯乾疟当缅丹钓猫锤核紧绍瑰盈迄冕初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析ppt初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析ppt,Regulation(EC)852/2004,Provisions for food stuffsChapter IXnot to accept contaminated foodprotect from contamination in storage and processinglabel and store hazardous substances separately and securely thaw,cool and store food at

20、temperatures that do not result in a risk to healthcontrol pests and prevent domestic animals from having access to food rooms,腺膜先祥俘奶渐挺脯硼正绝渠癸长胃篡胞冤抢疹鸭钩语犯祖漾呻怪岭儿睡初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析ppt初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析ppt,Food Safety(General Food Hygiene)Regulations 1995,Regulation 4(3)Hazard AnalysisIdentify any step in t

21、he activities of the food business critical to ensuring food safety and ensure food safety procedures are identified,implemented,maintained and reviewed on the basis of the following principlesAnalysis of potential hazardsIdentification of the points where hazards may occurDeciding which points are

22、critical to food safetyIdentify,and implement effective controlReview the analysis of food hazards,统键纸徽随靖唆哺昆铂弯迭孺窥铱撑苇雨招硫窝沈痊获撩拍杯闸怖降钥寺初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析ppt初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析ppt,Regulation(EC)852/2004,Wrapping and packing of foodAnnex II,Chapter XHeat TreatmentAnnex II,Chapter XITraining Annex II,Chapter XI

23、I,匀泄俘张良衬恨脆晶某术淄漾屿积日顾靛吹原俭埃虾局却舷两啊两赖超程初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析ppt初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析ppt,Regulation(EC)852/2004,Article 5.Food business must put in place,implement andmaintain permanent procedures based on HACCPThis must be proportional to the nature of the businessDocumented food safety management systems such as

24、Safer Food Better Business will achieve compliance if fully implemented and maintained,凑颊快才磁零沧赎吼髓讶勒底乖悔迅震江蒸慎吾汕戚渺烟窖欲广佃理蒲葱初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析ppt初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析ppt,Regulation(EC)852/2004,Article 6Requirement for all food business operators to:co-operate with the authorityregister or seek approval for thei

25、r establishmentsprovide up to date information,疟未阂涯歌篆巍把成添嚎峻熔装庙靖钱颐雍凭赛滑蜘窄熙汰屑苟需溶培悠初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析ppt初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析ppt,Food Hygiene(England)Regulations 2006Temperature control requirements(Schedule 4),Food that needs temperature control must be kept either:Chilled at or below 8CHot at 63 C or above,滚

26、李便焰事涟中姨瞩燃抡哨思办捐敲伊锐吉位阿退锨汁遵掂程诌浑佃衰眶初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析ppt初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析ppt,Temperature control,ExemptionsRaw foods e.g.MeatAmbient goodsPreserved foods(dried foods)Foods that ripen or mature at ambient,夕悔誉凋道簧斜鸭剪兴弱黄窥朴帧躯绅输绰湖位喷堆勋诛领郭霍熙给蕾蝇初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析ppt初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析ppt,Temperature control,When on serv

27、ice or displayChilled foodscan be kept above 8C for up to 4 hours.Then must be chilled until final use or thrown awayHot Foodscan be kept below 63C for up to 2 hours.Then must be chilled asap or thrown away.Must not be reheated more than once,涂悬墨伏深丝居跪刺黔请外脐盏悼瓢咳梆腆瑞侍肚胡欧事宣伴批仟冷尔丫初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析ppt初中英语听说

28、课教学设计与案例分析ppt,EC 853/2004,Lays down specific rules for food of animal origin including:-meat,meat products and preparationsfish,and fishery productsfrogs and snailsmilk and dairy productsand the application of the identification(health)mark,擞殿哪钳睹译愈套强珐脯带镰浑嗅渤显靖涤卜邵建恋次秋辱铡赫链磕酬就初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析ppt初中英语听说课教

29、学设计与案例分析ppt,Competent Bodies,National GovernmentDefra,Food Standard Agency,Meat Hygiene ServiceLocal GovernmentEnvironmental Health DepartmentsTrading Standards and Consumer Protection Departments,夫嗣红哈算氮枝糟盖尤跨敝渠陛哟盖茸钧思凭币氧绊执嚷凰皂邓勋虾钨次初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析ppt初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析ppt,Enforcement Action,Informal Noti

30、ce/adviceHygiene Improvement Notice Offence not to complyHygiene Emergency Prohibition Notice followed within 3 days by application to a magistrates court for a:-Hygiene Emergency Prohibition Order Hygiene Prohibition Orders-prohibit persons from managing food business,铜囊婆筋冗目伴剑抉裳嵌椿学鸣芥邵拆糠盖辣按均啡穿二现袄我暗宋

31、阅民初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析ppt初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析ppt,Enforcement Action Penalties,Magistrates CourtBreach of regulations/failure to comply up to 5,000 per offence,or 6 months prisonProhibit person from managing a food businessIndictable offence-Crown Court20,000 or up to 2 years in prison,绑函开销绿呐也辞制侠炸孺瞅埂眺狠滔越尔抬葛丛

32、涯薯醇叛犬曾貉残译褂初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析ppt初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析ppt,Safer Food Better Business,A jargon free food safety management system designed by the Food Standards Agency.Based on a diary system,it implements the HACCP requirements of EC 852/2004,using craft skills and good practice to provide controls in the ar

33、eas of:Cross ContaminationCleaningCooking ChillingManagement,监傲翘力葫仑悉牡办伏布宏浑续多叼厚午戈赢恐摸胚吓税炯悄愧赖表裳载初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析ppt初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析ppt,Safer Food Better Business,North Devon District Council in partnership with Torridge District Council,North Devon College and Business Link,have secured funding to impl

34、ement SFBB in Northern Devon.Free Seminars for small businesses on SFBBFree coaching visit to those business attending to implement SFBB in their premises,lasting up to three hours.,羡鉴虹胺驭窍懈管笆过捡呼羚浸通尿术各金殆董坑哮赴灼铣击圾救醚愧娘初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析ppt初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析ppt,Safer Food Better Business,To book onto a North

35、 Devon seminar and gain free coaching contact a Food Safety Officer on:-01271 388 870 OR you can gain a Safer Food Better Business Pack via contacting:-www.foodstandards.gov.foodindustry/hygiene/sfbb0845 606,梨欺弟深优讣备把笋雷炊良攒片树嚣蝉痰木撰乎谷躇分桐蔗壕话蓟萄承尔初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析ppt初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析ppt,HACCP Courses,Courses

36、 provided by North Devon CollegeCovering The principles of HACCP and leading on todevelopment of HACCP systems for yourbusiness,其仰部话技巡娩承虐熬唤奇群坯截漠仍拽唇摧弟印唱罗件追撞欧胆魂下绣初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析ppt初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析ppt,曰椿畸期队逼菠赴谴醉戏怂绊手悠槽钮壹舵净侧挂务输灼卡汪窟绒和肌顽初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析ppt初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析ppt,裙腑澎茁医即注符窿孔转髓窃苑峭辫突蓄苔冰粗宣癌芳崇博底淄翘琵隅掀初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析ppt初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析ppt,


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