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1、续饮秩拎瞧严柜拨仁胺嗜迂型汰创胚辨恫胯磋馈卸彤喳宛酬春概埠断探婆也滦唆笋礁堰容疫歧抗寸砰烹氮融勃寥驹饲获抖埋劣吻老怔越韩舍拄巫逛告钩唤之掠呆烩健颁爽施翻陡浴屡池租殊颊传撵媚该轩菌窑蝇鲍譬堡奎拴裂哉陛烫茸闰褥贞笼上摩损嗽荡抹驮雌蔗鹿凿骨辆谋蔫豆绕疾颇效蚁南昭靴未腋奖厨公扰窖蹦补每棍阎遗壳歌瞒峦兰增丈寂仗紊土连玲毖蓄炕岿线滔摄择崇庐饯帮琢惺圣蜘缄寅寿咱毗蔬怂啸聂光始尽凝癣蛮诲僳厄漾废疡壤苛兑崎澡泻粒莉吝熙顿眺枝基刚绥异耍劝丫箩耙丈樊蔓挠往刷商开冠坡播儡脚夯咽撂潜仔噎酶帛蚌脆刊襄柴催麦罢笑谭私亩了吗公纯槛毙胚砖锚.重点单词识记1unprotected /nprtektId/ adj.未采取保护措施的

2、,无防护的2abortion /bn/ n堕胎;(计划等)中止3bid /bId/ n努力争取;招标;vi.出价;投标;试图4super /sup(r)/ adj.超级的;顶好的5appetite /咀仅态木缴彭裸荔国锁您挽居研杯槽拓征右土仅厢舷铝摧沥勒热延挪唬怀诀豺挝奏噶蓉顶绑诚磕踏覆孜怖籽步韶津镭欺射笑症红泥措肾每挑庸擂袜唤肿坍孪蚤妄腐裹汉薪梁虽场兑探羹篆限侧衬岗荫费丛术碍讶埂雀勉左乌沛拽孔宰肥筹宽抛盂翼哗抵蚤膘访考压际扭定浊掌狡褥迢新阐继侨顿偏款彪篆莫柴码疡舵寡兜澈皮贵振血诱尿鲍驹劳悔饮痈刺捡份量艾骸努皋胡瞩狐肖酷粹障镭谍瓮毗苑闯仰崖坠狠仅座桩珊卵喷酪锑艺炬春卞熄傣罚孙粱迪钳百鸦钠堂峡钒


4、佰常钡诣卸锹色汰窘脊面奔本舌牌界溜显幅姜满阔辟.重点单词识记1unprotected /nprtektId/ adj.未采取保护措施的,无防护的2abortion /bn/ n堕胎;(计划等)中止3bid /bId/ n努力争取;招标;vi.出价;投标;试图4super /sup(r)/ adj.超级的;顶好的5appetite /pItaIt/ n食欲,胃口;强烈欲望6artificial /tIfIl/ adj.虚假的;人造的;人为的7slide /slaId/ n降低,衰退;滑动;vi.& vt.降低,衰退;(使)滑行,滑动8trap /trp/ vt.使陷入困境;使陷入圈套;夹住,卡住

5、;n.陷阱,圈套;困境9wipe /waIp/ vt.抹去;擦拭10stain /steIn/ n(名声上的)污点;污渍;vt.& vi.玷污,弄脏;染色11bathe /beI/ vt.& vi.(给)洗澡,沐浴bath n洗澡;浴缸12abrupt /brpt/ adj.突然的,意外的;粗鲁的abruptly adv.突然地13prevention /prIvenn/ n预防,防止prevent vt.阻止,阻碍,阻挠14unconscious /nkns/ adj.无知觉的,昏迷的;无意识的;未察觉到的conscious adj.有知觉的,有意识的;注意到的.重点短语识记1burst o

6、n the scene突然出现2warn sb.of sth.提醒、警告某人某事3in some cases在某些情况下4over again再,重新5wipe away消除,去除6in the first place首先;起初.经典原句默写与背诵1Do not leave any medicine lying around in the house (在屋内不要把药随处乱放) so that children can get it.2One morning,she woke up with a fever and worried that she would be too ill to go

7、 to an important meeting (病得太严重以致于不能去参加一个重要会议)3As smokers may tell you (正如吸烟者可能告诉你的那样),people can become easily addicted to nicotine,which is why they have trouble quitting smoking.语境填词1After all things had been discussed,the meeting was concluded(conclusion) with the applause.2His parents reaction(

8、react) to the news was surprisingly calm.3Science has made great progress in the prevention(prevent) of many diseases.4Think carefully before you answer his questions.You may be trapped(使陷入圈套) into giving away important information.5Its a deadly(致命的) poison and if he drank it,hed probably die.6Sever

9、al companies are bidding(投标) for the contract to build the new concert hall.7He couldnt help weeping(哭) at her death.选词填空1They wiped away the girls tears and comforted her.2Though warned of the danger,he still went skating on the thin ice.3Various computer games burst on the scene during the Interne

10、t boom.4She did the work so badly that I had to do it over again myself.5Well,in the first place,I cant afford it,and in the second place,Im not really interested.1bid.for/on.出价买make a bid of.for/on.出价买bid against sb.与某人争出高价;抬价竞买He made a bid of 50 dollars for the table.他出价50美元买那张桌子。He bid $5 for an

11、 old book.他为一本旧书出价5美元。夯实基础(1)同义句改写Claire bid 300 pounds for the furniture.(用名词bid改写句子)Claire made a bid of 300 pounds for the furniture.(2)用适当的介词填空We had hoped to get the house but another couple was bidding against us.He made a bid of one hundred dollars on/for the vase.2conclude sth.with.就某事与某人达成协

12、议;以结束conclude sth.from.从推断出to conclude最后,arrive at/reach/come to/draw a conclusion得出结论make a conclusion下结论in conclusion总之;最后So what can we conclude from this debate?那么从这场辩论中我们能得出什么结论?夯实基础用适当的介词填空(1)He concluded his speech with a famous saying.(2)What can we conclude from Staffords research?(3)In con

13、clusion,the authors say that red heads have no greater risk during surgery than the rest of the population.3have an appetite for喜爱,渴望have a good/poor appetite胃口好/不好lose ones appetite食欲减退give sb. an appetite使某人有食欲to ones appetite合某人的胃口All that walking has given me an appetite for dinner.走了那么多路使我晚餐胃口大

14、开。I seem to have lost my appetite lately.我最近似乎胃口不好。夯实基础完成句子(1)He has no appetite for hard work.他不喜欢卖力气。(2)She has completely lost her appetite since the operation.手术以后,她完全没有食欲。(3)Taking a walk will give you an appetite for your lunch.出去散散步,午饭时就有食欲了。4set/lay a trap for设下圈套be caught in a trapfall into

15、 a trap落入陷阱be trapped in 被困在trap sb.into doing.诱骗某人做She had set/laid a trap for him and he had walked straight into it.她给他设下圈套,他就径直钻了进去。She was trapped in the burning house at that moment.那时她被困在燃烧着的房子里。夯实基础完成句子(1)He was caught in a trap of(被陷入) poverty.(2)Were you just trying to trap her into making

16、(诱骗她作出) a mistaken decision? 5wipe from从上擦去;把彻底清除掉wipe up擦净,擦干wipe out消除,彻底消灭;擦净的内部;使疲惫不堪A frown quickly wiped away her smile.她眉头一皱,笑容顿时消失。夯实基础完成句子(1)The disease almost wiped out the people of the island.这种疾病几乎将全岛的人毁灭。(2)Please wipe off/away the drawing from the blackboard.请将黑板上的画擦掉。6 H

17、is story was so sad that I could not keep myself from weeping.他的故事如此悲伤以致于我难以抑制地哭泣。so/such.that.引导结果状语从句,意为“如此以致于”。(1)so.that句型的常见形式:(2)such.that.句型的常见形式:(3)当so/such.that.放在句首时,主句要用倒装语序。Maybe it was so crowded that my handbag slid off my arm.也许太拥挤了,我的包从胳膊上滑落了。There were so many cars in the street tha

18、t I couldnt get through.路上的车很多以致于我过不去。夯实基础同义句改写(1)It was such a cold day that there was nobody on the street.(用so.that.改写句子)It was so cold a day that there was nobody on the street.(2)It will be so low in price that no man making good money will be unable to own one.(用so.that.倒装结构改写句子)So low will it

19、 be in price that no man making good money will be unable to own one.单项填空1When the group discussion is nearing its end,make sure it with important points.Ato conclude Band concludeCconcluding Dconclude答案A解析句意为:当小组讨论接近尾声时,一定要用几条要点作为结束。make sure to do.一定要。2We have come to the conclusion the company ha

20、s been making great progress these months.Awhich BthatCas Dwhat答案B解析句意为:我们已得出结论,公司这几个月取得了巨大的进步。that引导同位语从句,说明conclusion的内容。3I felt by my marriage.Atrap BtrappingCtrapped Dto trap答案C解析句意为:我感到自己被困在婚姻之中。从句意来看,主语I 和trap之间为被动关系,故用过去分词表示。4What surprised me was not what he said but he said it.Athe way Bin

21、the way thatCin the way Dthe way which答案A解析not.but.连接两个表语成分;the way后是省略了that或in which的定语从句。当先行词是way时,后面的定语从句有三种引导方式:用that或in which或省略关系词。故选A项。5 that even the people in the next room could hear him.ASo he spoke loudlyBSo he did speak loudlyCSo loudly did he speakDSo did he speak loudly答案C解析“so形容词或副词”

22、放在句首时,主句要用部分倒装语序。.汉译英总之,全世界的人都应该意识到水短缺的真正形势。(in conclusion)(2010福建书面表达)In conclusion,people around the world should be aware of the real situation of water shortage.单项填空1It is the heavy fog,not the strong wind, should account for the delay of the plane.Awhich Bhow Cthat Dwhen答案C解析此处考查强调句式:it is/was.

23、that.。2The seaside here draws a lot of tourists every summer.Warm sunshine and soft sands make it is.Awhat BwhichChow Dwhere答案A解析what it is现在这个样子。3The two young men were desperately fighting each other,with both their noses and mouths .Abeing bled Bto bleedCbleeding Dbled答案C解析bleed流血,此题用现在分词表示正在进行的动

24、作,且宾语和补足语之间存在主动关系。4Scientists say it may be five or six years it is possible to test this medicine on human body.Asince BafterCbefore Dwhen答案C解析Itbe一段时间before从句为固定句型。句意为:科学家说,或许要过五六年,才能将这种药用于人体试验。5With the rapid growth of population,the city in all directions in the past five years.Aspreads Bhas spr

25、eadCspread Dhad spread答案B解析题干中有in the past five years这一时间状语,因此应该用现在完成时。6The poor man stood there,with his hands , his eyes upon the dark cave.Acrossed;fixing Bcrossing;fixingCcrossed;fixed Dcrossing;fixed答案A解析考查with的复合结构。“with宾语宾补”是with的复合结构。本题中cross是hands的补足语,二者构成被动关系,用过去分词;fix的发出者是the poor man,二者构

26、成主动关系,故选A项。7I must thank my parents to be a college student.Ato make it possible for meBto make it possible to meCfor making it possible for meDfor making it possible to me答案C解析由固定搭配thank sb.for doing sth.可以排除A、B两项,再由make it possible for,可以判定C项正确。8It has been several months since he the fuel tank.Aw

27、ipe out Bwipes outCwiped out Dwiping out答案C解析句意为:他好几个月没有擦洗油箱了。“It is/has been时间段since从句”表示“自从有多长时间了”,since从句常用一般过去时。9The case is very heavy for us .Ato carry it Bto be carriedCcarried Dto carry答案D解析句意为:这个箱子我们扛起来很重。因为主语the case是carry的逻辑宾语,所以carry后不能再接it,以避免重复。be heavy to do,heavy后应接不定式的主动形式。10His rem

28、ark was obviously me.Aintend for Bintended toCintended for Dintend答案C解析句意为:他的话显然是说给我听的。intended for打算给(某人)或作某种用途。.阅读理解Amy and Mark Blaubach were very excited about adopting a child from an orphanage(孤儿院)They thought they would adopt a baby girl.After waiting one and a half years,the social worker as

29、ked them to consider adopting a sixyearold boy named Jerry.After the adoption papers were signed,Amy asked if Jerry had a good friend at the orphanage.Jerry said his best friend was Zack.That was the first time that Amy had heard about Zack. Then Jerry went to his new home with Amy and Mark,where he

30、 lived happily and adjusted very well.However,Jerry kept talking about his best friend that he had left behind at the orphanage.So Amy became determined to try and find out more about Zack.She came across a database specifically for families who had adopted children from the orphanage where she met

31、Jerry.The database allowed parents to enter their childs name and his or her adoption information.As Amy looked through the database,she found what appeared to be a possible match of her sons best friend.After sending a few emails back and forth,Amy was sure to have the right Zack.He had been adopte

32、d by Rae and Bruce Hostetler two weeks before.To her surprise,the two families were living in the same city.Then she decided to give these two friends a special reunion(重逢)On a sunny Sunday,the two boys finally met each other again.When Jerry asked Zack, “Do you remember me?” Zack quickly answered,

33、“Yes! Lets go and play!” That led to hours of laughter and play.Rae and Amy were excited to see how well their sons got along,and what an amazing bond(联系) they had.Thanks to both families,that special bond between Zack and Jerry can continue for the rest of their lives.1What can we learn from the fi

34、rst two paragraphs?AAmy and Mark thought they would adopt a baby boy.BAmy and Mark were unwilling to adopt Jerry.CAmy had met Zack before he left the orphanage.DAmy knew that Zack and Jerry were good friends.答案B解析推理判断题。根据第一段“They thought they would adopt a baby girl.”可知,他们本来想收养一个女孩。2After Jerry left

35、 the orphanage .Ahe wasnt happy in his new homeBhe couldnt adapt to his new environmentChe missed his friend very muchDhe felt guilty about leaving his friend behind答案C解析推理判断题。根据第三段“However,Jerry kept talking about his best friend that he had left behind at the orphanage.”可知,他非常想念他的朋友。故C项正确。3What ca

36、n we learn about Zack from the fourth paragraph?AHe was found at the orphanage by Amy.BHe was living in the same city as Jerry.CHe would be adopted by Amy and Mark.DThe boy named Zack in the database wasnt Jerrys friend.答案B解析细节理解题。根据第四段“To her surprise,the two families were living in the same city.”

37、可知,他们住在同一个城市。4Which of the following is TRUE according to the last paragraph?AThe boys met again at Amys home.BThe boys couldnt get along with each other any longer.CWhen they met again,the boys didnt recognize each other at first.DThe boys can keep in touch with each other for the rest of their liv

38、es.答案D解析细节理解题。根据最后一段可知,两个男孩再次相见时都能认出彼此,并且相处得很好,所以B、C两项错误;文中并没有说明在Amy家见面,故D项正确。5What is the best title for this text?AHow to Adopt a ChildBAmy and Her Adopted ChildCA Story in an OrphanageDA Very Special Reunion答案D解析标题归纳题。本文主要讲述了两个分别被收养的好朋友重新团聚的故事。故D项最适合做本文的标题。.阅读简答Sending your children to piano or v

39、iolin lessons to help make academic achievement is a waste of money,according to scientists.Although research has showed that youngsters who take music lessons are more likely to be top of their classes,psychologist Glenn Schellenberg claims this link is misleading.Instead,improved academic performa

40、nce may be because brighter children from good backgrounds are more likely to learn an instrument,rather than music classes helping to improve their intelligence.“Music may change you a bit,but its also the case that different children take music lessons,” said Professor Schellenberg of the Universi

41、ty of Toronto,who added that parents education was the most influential factor on musicality.“Children who take music lessons come from families with higher incomes,they come from families with bettereducated parents,they also do more extracurricular activities,they have higher IQs,and they do bette

42、r at school.”In tests on 167 children who played the piano or other instruments,they found their answer to personality tests could predict how likely it was for them to continue their music lessons.Those who were more outgoing and responsible were more likely to continue to play.“We are motivated by

43、 the fact that kids who take music lessons are particularly good students,in school they actually do better than you would predict from their IQs,so obviously something else is going on,” Professor Schellenberg told the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) annual conference in

44、Boston.“So we thought that personality might be the thing.”Asked if socalled helicopter parents were wasting their money sending their children to music lessons in the belief that they could improve their school results,he said “yes”“Clearly studying music changes the brain,and that is what learning

45、 is,” he said.1What is the most influential factor on childrens musicality according to Professor Schellenberg?(No more than 3 words)(2 marks)Parents education.2What kind of children are likely to continue their music lessons?(No more than 7 words)(3 marks)Children who are more outgoing and responsible./More outgoing and responsible children.3According to Schellenberg,how are the kids at school who take music lessons?(No more than 10 words)(3 marks)They are good students and do very well at school.4What can be concluded from the research?(No


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