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1、教师姓名学生姓名年 级九年级上课时间学 科英语课题名称Unit 2教学目标教学重难点一、佳句积累God helps those who help themselves.You cant always get what you want.Practice makes perfect.二、词汇 中考考纲词汇1 pole puln. 杆子2 elderly eld(r)liadj.上了中年的3 control kntrulv. 控制4 underwaterndw:tadv. 在水下5 require rikwaiv. 需要,依靠 ( = need )6 reachri:tv. 到达;抵达 ( = g

2、et to, arrive in / at)7 hang (hung, hung) h v. 悬挂hang (hanged,hanged)绞死,吊死8 remove rimu:vv. 移走;拿开9 restrestn. 剩余部分;其余; 休息10 traditional trdin()ladj. 传统的11 skill skiln. 技能12 skinskinn. 皮肤13 mentionmennv. 提到14 straightstreitadj. / adv.直的15 situation.sitjueinn. 场景16 imagineimdinv. 想像;设想非中考考纲词汇17 *cormo

3、rant k:mrntn. 鸬鹚18 *raft r:ftn. 木排;筏子19 *rod rdn. 杆,竿20 *bamboo ,bmbu:n. 竹子21 *swallow swluv. 吞下;咽下22 *bang bv. 猛敲;砸23 *enable ineiblv. 使能够24 *net netn. 网25 *neck nekn. 脖子;颈Phrases中考考纲词组26 up to 到达(某数量,程度等); 至多有27 set off 出发,动身(同)set out, start,28 so that(表示目的)为了;以便(与in order (not) to do / so as (no

4、t) to do 可相互转换)29 up and down 起伏;上下波动30 at night在夜晚31 be used to do sth./ for doing sth. 被用来做32 in fifty years 五十年后33 be good at 擅长于 (= do well in )34 be interested in 对感兴趣非中考考纲词组35 *on the side of 在的(另)一边36 *of average height 一般身高;既不高也不矮37 *dive down 潜下;潜入(水中)38 *in the late afternoon 午后;临近傍晚39 * r

5、emovefrom从移走词形转换1. able a. 有能力的 enable v. 使能够2. old a. 老年的 elderly a. 过了中年的,稍老的 older a. 比年龄大的(只用于比较级) elder a. 年长的3. fish n/v. 鱼,鱼肉,捕鱼 fisherman n. 渔夫4. remove v. 移动,迁移 removal n. 移动,迁移5. foot n. 脚 feet (pl.) 脚6. tradition n. 传统 traditional a. 传统的7. high a. 高高的 height n. 高度8. use n./v. 使用 useful a.

6、 有用的 useless a. 毫无用途的9. attract v. 吸引 attraction n. 吸引力,景点 attractive a. 有吸引力的10. fright n. 害怕,恐惧 frighten v. 使恐惧 frightened a. 感到恐惧的 frightening a. 令人恐惧的三、语法拓展 一般来说,中考考的时态有八种,他们分别是:一般过去时,一般现在时,一般将来时,现在进行时,过去进行时,过去将来时,现在完成时和过去完成时。被动语态考得相对简单,一般来说常考的有四种:一般过去时的被动语态,一般现在时的被动语态,一般将来时的被动语态和含有情态动词的被动语态。时态和

7、语态在考试中的出题形式常为:单项选择和改写句子。要解答时态和语态方面的题目并不难,只要熟练掌握两点:1.每种时态常用的时间状语;2.每种时态的基本构成(包括肯定句,否定句和一般疑问句)。下面我们将会通过解析一些典型的考题来体现这些技巧。时态1. 一般过去时 时间状语:yesterday,the day before yesterday, last (week、month、year), .ago,just now等; 基本结构:肯定句否定句疑问句Be动词I /She/he/it was .adj/n We/they/you were .adj/nI /She/he/it was .adj/n W

8、e/they/you were .adj/nWere youWas she/he/itWere you/they/you实义动词(以do为例)I /She/he/it didWe/they/you didI didnt doShe/he/it didnt doWe/they/you didnt do Did you doDid she/he/it doDid you/they/you do 【例题解析】Tina and her parents_to England for sightseeing last summer. A) go B)went C) will go D)have gone批

9、注:根据上面的讲解我们知道解题时首先要找时间状语,这道题目中的时间状语是“last summer”,由它我们可以判断出题目考查的是一般过去时,所以正确答案为B2.一般现在时 时间状语:always,“everyday,often,once a week(month,year),sometimes,seldom,usually等 主要用于下面几情况:1)描述当前时间内经常出现、反复发生的动作或存在的状态。2)为了描述状态、性质、特征、能力等等。3)陈述客观事实、客观真理。没有时间概念;也不会在意动作进行的状态。4)一般现在时还常用于现场解说、新闻标题。 在状语从句中,当主句用一般将来时或者祈使句

10、式,从句用一般现在时.简称“主将从现,主祈从现”。 【例题解析】 When summer _, some children will go to the seaside for fun. A)comes B)came C)will come D)would come批注:这个句子是由when引导的时间状语从句,引导词when后面跟的句子是从句,另外一个句子则是主句。主句用的是一般将来时,根据主将从现的原则可以得知when后面的从句应该用一般现在时,所以选项A为正确答案。 3. 一般将来时 时间状语:tomorrow, next day(week, month, year),soon, the

11、day after tomorrow(后天),in+时间段,in the future等。批注:老师再讲到这里的时候可以顺便提问学生对“in+时间段”进行提问应该用什么,因为有很多学生还是误以为用how long 基本结构: be going to + do;肯定句 will+ do. 否定句:在be动词(am, is, are, was, were)或情态动词will后加not缩写成wont。一般疑问句: be或will提到句首,some改为any, and改为or,第一二人称互换。 【例题解析】Dont worry about our Chinese teacher. He soon. A

12、) is returning B) returnsC) will return D) would returnD) would return批注:由时间状语“soon”可以判断出这个句子讲的是不久之后的事情,所以我们应该选择一般将来时。正确答案为C。4 .现在进行时 时间状语: now以及以“Look!”和“Listen!”开头的句子 肯定句:am/is/are+v-ing; 基本结构: 否定句:am/is/are+not+v-ing; 一般疑问句:把am/is/are前提到句首; 【例题解析】Today is Fathers Day. My mother _ a special dinner

13、 for my grandpa now. A) prepare B) prepared C) is preparing D) will prepare批注:由时间状语now可以推断出句子表达的是妈妈正在准备一顿特殊的晚餐。所以我们应该选择现在进行时,正确答案为C选项。5.过去进行时 定义:过去进行时是表示过去某一时刻或某一时间内正在进行或发生的动作; 过去某一时刻正在进行的动作,常与过去时间状语连用。 I was washing my clothes at this time yesterday. 用法: 表示某件事发生时(过去进行时),另一件事发生了(过去时)。My mother was c

14、ooking when I got home. 在复合句中,若主要动作和背景动作是同时发生的,那么主从句都可用过去进行时 e.g. Jenny was reading while Danny was writing.基本结构:was/were +v-ing. 其句式变化仍然要在be上做文章。E.g. We were working in class. We werent working in class. Were you working in class?时间状语:过去进行时常与过去某一特定时间点的状语连用,如 at this time yesterday, at ten oclock ye

15、sterday morning,以及when引导的状语从句等。有时没有时间状语,要通过上下文的暗示来确定用过去进 行时。E.g. The students all worked hard. Everyone knew what he was working for. 【例题解析】The students _ basketball when I saw them in the playground. A) played B) was playing C) playD) were playing批注:看到这道题目时,我们首先要翻译一下句子,“当我看到那些学生的时候,他们正在操场上踢足球。”从句用的

16、是一般过去时,主句应选择过去进行时。B和D都是过去进行时,但是B答案的be动词“was”和主语“the students”不搭配,所以这道题目的正确答案应该选择D6.过去将来时用法:表示从过去的某个时间看来将要发生的动作或者存在的状态。常常用于宾语从句中。 【例题解析】 Peter promised that he _ his sister an electronic dictionary. A) has bought B) had bought C) would buy D) will buy批注:这个句子是宾语从句。主句中的“promised”表明皮特许诺是在过去,而给他妹妹买电子词典是在

17、皮特许诺时还未发生,即将要发生的动作,所以从句应该用过去将来时。正确答案是C7.现在完成时基本结构:现在完成时的肯定句式是“have(has)done ”。 现在完成时的一般疑问句式是把助动词have或has提到主语之前。 现在完成时的否定句式是“havent(hasnt)过去分词”。时间状语:already,yet,still,just,ever,never,since+时间点,so far,for+时间段,recently等have been to 和have gone to的区别:have been to 强调“去过”,现已不在那里,如:He has been to the USA th

18、ree times.他到美国去过三次。(过去“到美国”,现在已“不在美国”)have gone to主要强调的是“去了”,现在人不在说话的现场, 如:-Wheres your mother? -你妈妈在哪?-She has gone to the hospital. -她去医院了。非延续性动词不能直接和for 或since 连用,但我们可以找一个相应的延续性动词或动词短语来替换这些非延续性动词 例: The old man died 4 years ago.=The old man has been dead for 4 years. come to be in / atgo out be o

19、ut,leave be away,Begin be onstop be overbuy have put on wearopen be open,close be closedDie be dead,catch a cold have a cold,get to know knowjoin be a member ofbecome a teacher be a teacher,fall asleep be asleepfall ill be illfinish - be overopen sth - keep sth open,borrow keep 【例题解析】I _ you already

20、 that washing hands often will help prevent the A-H1N1 Flu. A)tell B)told C)have told D)am telling批注:有时间状语“already”可以判断出句子应该选择现在完成时。正确答案为C 【例题解析】Ben _ ill for about a week. Lets go to see him together. A) has fallen B) has felt C) has comeD) has been批注:由时间状语“for about a week”可以判断句子应该用现在完成时,而仅凭现在完成时这

21、个信息无法排除任何一个答案,这个时候我们需要再来分析一下时间状语“for about a week”,这个一个时间段,所以动词我们应该选用延续性动词。由上面我们讲解的表格我们知道fall ill 的延续性动词是be ill,所以正确答案应该选择D8过去完成时基本结构:肯定句式:had+done 否定句式:had+not+done 疑问句式:把had前提到句首时间状语:表示过去某一时刻以前已经完成的动作,常见的标志性时间状语一般是by, before+过去时。 【例题解析】By the end of last month, I_all the CDs of Justin Bieber.A) co

22、llect B)collected C) have collected D) had collected批注:时间状语“the end of last month”表达的是过去时,而“by the end of last month”意为截止到上月底为止,即动作在上月底以前已经完成。所以我们应该选择过去完成时。正确答案是D选项。 They _ about how to protect our earth when I entered.A) will talk B) have talked C) are talking D) were talking答案D解析 when引导的时间状语从句有三种情

23、况:主将从现,主句是一般将来时从句是一般现在时;主过进从过,主句是过去进行时从句是一般过去时;主过完从过,主句是过去完成时,从句是一般过去时;后面两种情况要通过句意分析,不过一般情况下选项中不会同时出现。本题从句时一般过去时,句意“当我进来的时候他们正在讨论如何保护地球”。When the Spring Festival _, many people will spend their holiday abroad. A) came B) will comeC) would come D) comes答案D解析 when引导的时间状语从句有三种情况:主将从现,主句是一般将来时从句是一般现在时;主

24、过进从过,主句是过去进行时从句是一般过去时;主过完从过,主句是过去完成时,从句是一般过去时;后面两种情况要通过句意分析,不过一般情况下选项中不会同时出现。本题主句是一般将来时,从句用一般现在时。The Greens didnt catch the train. When they got to the station, the train_. A) left B) was left C) has left D) had left答案D解析 when引导的时间状语从句有三种情况:主将从现,主句是一般将来时从句是一般现在时;主过进从过,主句是过去进行时从句是一般过去时;主过完从过,主句是过去完成时

25、,从句是一般过去时;后面两种情况要通过句意分析,不过一般情况下选项中不会同时出现。本题从句时一般过去时,句意“当他们到达车站的时候,火车已经离开了”。My cousin said that he an iPhone 5 next week. A) buy B) will buyC) would buyD) buys答案C解析 动词时态结合宾语从句;一看从句时间标志词,二看主句时态,如果是过去时态要,从句要变成相应的过去时态:一般现在时变为一般过去时,一般将来时变为过去将来时,现在进行时变为过去进行时,现在完成时变成过去完成时,有时一般过去时变为过去完成时。本题从句时间词next week, 用

26、一般将来时,主句said ,所以用过去将来时。The teacher, as well as his students _ to attend the party last week. A. is invited B. are invited C. was invited D. were invited 答案C解析 动词时态结合主谓一致;last week 用一般过去时,as well as 就远原则,看前面的名词,所以用单数。 They _in Beijing for the meeting for another three days.A) have stayed B) stayed C)

27、 are staying D) will stay答案D解析通过句意判断时态; for another three days 很多学生会认为是“持续三天时间”,其实是“再三天,又三天”,根据句意是将会再待三天,选D。 Storm Sandy _thousands of cars so a number of Thanksgiving travelers failed to rent(租) a car. A) had damaged B) is damagingC) will damage D) has damaged答案A解析 通过句意和已有动词时态判断时态;failed 一般现在时表示过去发

28、生的动作,通过句意是先摧毁了车才导致租不到车,damage 这个动作发生在fail 前,过去的过去,用过去完成时。被动语态的形式A 把主动态动词变成被动态,是把助动词be变为主动态动词原来的时态,再加上主要动词的过去分词。主动态动词的主语这时变为被动态动词的施动者。这个施动者常常不被提到。若要提到,可置于by之后或放在从句的后面:This tree was planted by my grandfatherB 被动语态的现在、过去及完成时态时态/动词形式主动词被动词一般现在时keepsIs kept现在进行时Is keepingIs being kept一般过去时keptWas kept过去进

29、行时Was keeping Was being kept现在完成时Has keptHas been kept过去完成时Had keptHad been kept一般将来时Will keepWill be kept条件语气Would keepWould be kept条件语气完成时Would have keptWould have been kept不定式To keepTo be kept不定式完成式To have keptTo have been kept现在分词/动名词KeepingBeing kept分词完成式Having keptTo have been keptWe keep the

30、butter hereThe butter is kept hereC 各个进行时态的被动态要求用be的进行式加上主要动词的过去分词,be的这种进行时形式在其他方面很少使用:They are repairing the bridgeThe bridge is being repaired在被动句中,除现在及过去进行时外,其他进行进态用得非常少。因此像下列这类句子通常不能用被动态:They have/had been repairing the roadThey will/would be repairing the roadD 助动词+动词原形结构可借助于被动式来构成被动语态:You must

31、/should shut these doorsThese doors must/should be shutE 其他不定式结构表示喜欢、热爱、希望、想要及与其相似意义的动词+宾语+ 不定式,由不定式的被动式构成其被动语态:He wants someone to take photographsHe wants photographs to be taken表示命令/请求/劝告/邀请的动词+间接宾语+不定式,可用主动词的被动式来构成被动语态:He invited me to goI was invited to go但是,如是advise/beg/order/recommend/urge+间接

32、宾语+不定式+宾语的结构,则可构成两种被动语态:或如上所述将主要动词变为被动语态,或用advise等+that should+被动式:He urged the Council to reduce the ratesThe Council was/were urged to reduce the ratesHe urged that the rates should be reduced至于 agree/be anxious/arrange/be determined/determine/decide/demand+不定式+宾语,则通常用that should结构来表示被动语态,与上面所述的第二

33、种方式相同:He decided to sell the houseHe decided that the house should be soldF 动名词结构如是 advise/insist/propose/recommend/suggest+动名词+宾语结构,通常由thatshould结构来表示被动语态,与上面所述相同:He recommended using bullet-proof glassHe recommended that bullet-proof glass should be usedG动名词结构如是it/they+need+动名词结构,也可用it/they+need+被

34、动式结构来表示,两种结构在意思上都是被动语态。其他动名词结构的被动态由动名词的被动式来表示:I remember them taking me to the ZooI remember being taken to the Zoo被动语态的用法1 当不知道动作的执行者时Printing was introduced into Europe from china. Look! Theres nothing here. Everything has been taken away. 2 当不必提出动作的执行者时I was born in 1960. Such things are not done

35、 twice. 3 当强调或侧重动作的承受者时She is liked by everybody. A good time was had by all. 4 当我们出于礼貌避免说出动作的执行者时Where can you be reached?Youll be contacted. 5 当出于行文的需要时Jack fought Michael in the mens singles and was beaten. He visited chinas northeastern provinces in 1935. Those provinces were being overrun by th

36、e Japanese invaders. 被动结构与被动意义的问题英汉被动意义表示法比较1 英汉被动句型类似的说法,“据说,据估计、报道,众所周知,必须指出”等据说工人们对他都很同情。It is said that the workers all regarded him with sympathy. 潘先生据说是个走私者。Mr. Pan is said to be a smuggler. 2 汉语有一种不出现主语的句子,英语通常用被动结构表达A spy was caught yesterday. 昨天抓到了一个特务。3 汉语和英语都有以主动结构表示被动意义的情况这种料子容易销售。This k

37、ind of material sells well. 4 有时汉语能用主动结构表示被动意义,英语却只能用被动结构Your letter ahs been received. 你的来信已经收到。 主动结构表示被动意义的问题有些动词既是急务动词,也是不及物动词,当它们做不及物动词的时候,往往含有被动意义。通常有两种情况。一, 这类动词的进行体(主要是现在进行体)表示被动意义,这种句子的主语通常都是指物的,而且可以转换为相应的被动结构。The house is building =The house is being built.The cakes are baking.=the cakes ar

38、e being baked.二, 这类动词(最常用是一般现在时)表示被动意义,这类动词的主语(也是指物的居多)通常具有某些内在的特征,能促使动词所表示的动作得以实现或难以实现。1 某些系动词,smell, taste, sound, prove, feelThe flowers smell sweet.The food tastes nice. That sounds nice. The story proved quite false. 2 某些与cant, wont等连用的不及物动词,如move, lock, shut,openIt cant move. The door wont shu

39、t. 3 某些可和well, easily等副词连用的不及物动词,如read, write, wash, clean, draw, burn, cook, photographThe cloth washes well. The poem reads smoothly. The box doesnt clean easily. This kind of rice cooks more quickly than that kind. 4 某些可用于“主+谓+补”结构中的不及物动词,如wear, blow 等This material has worn thin. The door blew op

40、en. Corn is selling briskly. 比较 The door opened. The door has opened. 被动形式表示主动意义被动形式表示主动意义,如 be determined, be pleased, be graduated (from), be prepared (for), be occupied (in), get married等。例如:He is graduated from a famous university. 他毕业于一所有名的大学。注意:表示同某人结婚,用marry sb. 或get married to sb.均可。例如:He ma

41、rried a rich girl. 他与一个富妞结婚了。He got married to a rich girl.四、课堂练习 1. If city noises _ from increasing,people _ shout to be heard even at dinnerA are not kept;will have toB are not kept;haveC do not keep;will have toD do not keep;have to2. The fifth generation computers, with artificial intelligence, are _ and perfected now.A. developed B. have developedC. are being developedD. will have been developed3. - _ the sports meet might be put off - Yes,it all depends on the weatherA Ive been told B Ive toldC Im told D I told4. I need one more stamp before my collection _.A


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