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1、人教版八年级英语 上册,Unit 6,Im going to study computer science,Section A,what do you want to be when you grow up?,I want to be,Lead in,Lead in,scientist,basketball player,pianist,violinst,actor,pilot,engineer,teacher,Do you think these jobs are interesting?Rank them 1-12.1 is the most interesting,12 is least

2、 interesting.,_computer programmer _ cook _ doctor _ teacher _ violinist _ bus driver _ pilot _ pianist _ engineer_ scientist _ actor_ basketball player,1a,Listen and fill in the blanks.Then match the items.,1b,acting,computer,basketball,math,1c,Practice the conversation in the picture.Then make con

3、versationsabout the other jobs in 1a.,What do you want to be when you grow up?,I want to be a basketball player.,How are you goingto do that?,Im going to practice basketball every day.,Listen.What is Cheng Han going to do?Check()the correct boxes in the picture.,2a,Listen again.What are Cheng Hans p

4、lans for the future?Complete the chart.,2b,He wants to be a teacher.,He is going to move to Shanghai.,He is going tolearn how to teach children.,He is going to finish high school and college first.,2c,Ask and answer questions about Cheng Hans plans.,A:What does Cheng Han want to be?B:He wants to be,

5、2d,Role-play the conversation.,Andy:What are you reading,Ken?Ken:The Old Man and the Sea by Hemingway.Andy:Wow,now I know whjy youre so good at writing stories.Ken:Yes,I want to be a writer.Andy:Really?How are you going to become a writer?Ken:Well,Im going to keep on writing stories,of course.What d

6、o you want to be?Andy:My parents want me to be a doctor,but Im not sure about that.Ken:Well,dont worry.Not everyone knows what they want to be.Just make sure you try your best.Then you can be anything you want!Andy:Yes,youre right.,1.My frtiend wants to be an engineer.2.My brother wants to be an act

7、or.3.I want to be a scientist.4.My sister wants to be a school teacher.5.Those boys want to be soccer players.6.My friend and I want to be singers.7.My cousin wants to be a cook.8.I want to be a race car driver.,3a,Match what these people want to do with what they are going to do.,a.Theyre going to

8、practice every day.b.Im going to buy a fast car.c.Were going to take singing lessons.d.Shes going to study education.e.Shes going to study math.f.Im going to study science.g.Hes going to go to a cooking school.h.Hes going to take acting lessons.,e,h,f,d,a,c,g,b,A:Kelly,what do you want to be you gro

9、w up?B:I to be a doctor.A:Wow!are you going to do that?B:Im to study medicine at a university?A:Hmmsounds difficult.are you to study?B:Im going to in London.A:are you going to start.B:Im going to next September.,3b,Fill in the blanks.Then pratice the conversation.,when,want,How,going,where,going,stu

10、dy,when,start,A:What do you want to be when you grow up?B:I want to be a reporter.A:How are you going to do that?B:Im going to write articles and send them to magazines and newspapers.,3c,Complete the chart and discuss it with your partner.,One student to act out what I tell him(her)to do.Then anoth

11、er student guess what kind of work he(she)does.,guessing game,teacher,singer,driver,dancer,runner,swimmer,pianist,violinist,artist,doctor,actor,cook,pilot,1.What are you going to be when you grow up?你长大以后打算做什么?,(1)grow up意为“成长,长大”,其中grow的过去式是grew。如:,My mother always says Im growing up.我母亲总是说我在渐渐长大。,

12、(2)when此处用作连词,意为“当时”,用来引导时间状语从句。在when引导的时间状语从句中,主语是一般将来时,从句要用一般现在时表示将来。如:,Im going to give her a present when she comes.当她来得时候我打算给她一份礼物。,Language points,(3)when与while的意义及用法辨析:,when意为“当时候”,引导的从句中谓语动词可以是延续性动词,也可以是短暂性动词,与主句所述动作、事情可同时进行,也可有先后.如:,I was just reading a book when she came into my room.她走进我房

13、间时,我正在看书。,while意为“当时候”,引导的从句中谓语动词必须用延续性动词,也可以表示对比。如:,While Jim was mending his bike,Lin Tao came to see him.正当吉姆修自行车时,林涛来看他。,2.Im going to practice basketball every day.我打算每天练习篮球。,(1)practice在本句中作动词,表示“(不间断的)练习”,后可跟名词作宾语,若跟动词时需跟动名词形式,即practice doing sth.如:,He always wants to practice his English wit

14、h me.他老是想跟我练习英语。,(2)practice还可做名词,意为“练习”,注意它是不可数名词。如:,We have football practice every week.我们每周练习足球。,3.Now I know why youre so good at writing stories.现在我知道为什么你的故事写得那么好。,(1)so可以用作副词,表示“如此,这么”结构为:so+adj./adv.如:,She was so tired that she fell asleep very fast.她太累了以至于很快就睡着了。,Language points,(2)be good

15、at“擅长,在.方面成绩好”,at后可接名词、代词、或动名词作宾语。如:,Are you good at drawing?你擅长绘画吗?,【注意】be good at其同义词组为do well in意为“在.方面做得好”。如:,Do you well in drawing?你擅长绘画吗?,4.But Im not sure about that.但是我不敢肯定。,be sureofabout+动名词或名词,意为“确信”;“对有把握”。be sure of+n 侧重指主语对某抽象事物的确信无疑;be sure about+n 侧重指主语对某具体事物的确信无疑。如:,He is sure of s

16、uccess 他自信会成功的。,Language points,(1)be sure+不定式,表示说话人对句子主语作出的判断,认为句子主语“必定、必然会、准会”如何如何。如:,He is sure to have known about that 他准会知道那件事。,(2)be sure+宾语从句,表示主句主语对宾语从句中涉及的事物所作出的判断,意为“确信某事一定会”。如:,Im not sure whether Ive met him before 我不能确定以前是否见到过他。,be sure的其他用法:,Homework,1.完成课时作业。2.背诵2d短文。,Thank you,状元成才路 祝你快乐,


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