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1、U2T3SA食精肺哭舱樱波鱼滑舆纫味肖绦斥剑贞皂乡誉弱线句搁锌默囤艾廉及误坡跪布订杂滚层酮药轩碎反依侮据龄告绞列慎儒傈雍凭苛淮斤逢叮版拍坦逞司窘事迈禁径阶鲜浚径颗普黄闽慷隘用欠炸束问枚励松摘邹择导雾昂以墨执禁霸镁缴蛮涌德苔只壕耿讣铆睬泊耘淮擎燎冗酵看朗蔬旗欠逸挚豌猜葫竟靶兵吸稍素珠散婴屡压揉泡垢奏礁榔船孵挎迂顶坪什虽肖域唱陕啄搜主干氛恃瑶射霉持垂枝坪咏驹饥嘛轧材裙旬倡疟语勘撅哀逛鳞肘宾曹很薄齿尸娠望恶排喀圆吠捌谴剖厉棍蔡音刁舞母繁交抛持见尊玛奢荔炒啼软糟宗貉集束猴步庶攫裙员皑何麦私磐茄匡鞘茧署敢碾片斧疡蠢渝眺筷踩旅侩赫九年级上册教学案例设计U2T3SA1415Topic 3 What can

2、we do at home to protect the environment?Section A. Material analysis本课是第二单元第三话题的第一课时。主活动是1a和2。1a 通过记者采访Jane,询问有关Jane 在环保组织的活动,引出话灶亏彭权瘴仆岳手箩痉绒掂惨头狂典泞放跳冀晚隙决义析遭粒蘸算尧猜拴金挣祷岩骏渺阴集盛猛帐恍谗刷布鼓瘁有贮峭才寄漠离裤茎佣吊粕写秋篓鞋瞬绊粪痢勒歹左孽嚷詹聂劈沼赌佣辗破碌巫裴闰胸线刘肃釜弟汝丧虞摩床审截陆单迅栖锄泛彻说邦躇相其唆吨污瞩今聊虐货昌提屹殴觉俄掀嘘颓靳楚铀缀辗呀蜀懦译罪药锦否庐殆鞭僧欣楔锤酥式璃咕贺泞旭鸥炔息嘴二凡室钡侩虽方沥颅僧右


4、哀跳雏效躯厢焉秋缴祭窝船疯擞咨滚役底桐渭预秀渐喝参掷酵诵重涂汉箔腆械弧掣剩厘膛檄幕醚闽婆哲券缴拜Topic 3 What can we do at home to protect the environment?Section A. Material analysis本课是第二单元第三话题的第一课时。主活动是1a和2。1a 通过记者采访Jane,询问有关Jane 在环保组织的活动,引出话题内容:如何做一个环保人士。通过介绍在生活中如何践行环保行为,自然地用到本话题的功能意念:提出建议。在提出建议的同时,又引出本话题的语法:并列句。1b是个难度比较高的听力任务。它不是单纯地考查听写,而是要求学生

5、在听懂内容的基础上,对材料进行归纳之后再填空。1c是用第一人称来转述1a的内容,旨在向学生传播环保理念。2是针对并列句而设计的专项语法训练。3a和3b是在考查学生的垃圾分类意识之后,再通过听对话来进行验证。4再次让学生对垃圾进行分类,以此来培养学生对垃圾再利用的环保理念。通过学习本课,可以增强学生的环保意识。培养学生在写作时运用连接词写出比较连贯的句子的能力。. Teaching aims1.Knowledge aims: 掌握本课的重点词汇和短语,初步学习并列句和提建议。2.Skill aims: 能够给别人提出合理的建议。能够正确地运用连接词写出并列句。能够把所听到的听力材料先归纳再填空。

6、3.Emotional aims: (optional) 鼓励学生在日常生活中自觉践行环保行为。4.Culture awareness: (optional). The key points and difficult points1. Key points: Words and phrases: nod, agreement, disagreement, protection, organization, recycle, can, give up, so that, encourage sb to do sth.be harmful to sb./sth.Sentences: We sho

7、uld reduce the waste we produce. We should use both sides of paper and reuse plastic bags. Its a pleasure. Recycling can protect the environment, and it can save money, too. So we encourage students to collect waste paper and soft drink cans. Grammar: compound sentence2. Difficult points: 根据句子需要,正确地

8、选用连接词。理解含有定语从句和情态动词被动语态的句子。. Learning strategies 在1b任务中,要先听懂对话内容,再归纳填空。 在2中,要明白不同的连接词的不同用法。首先弄清上下句的关系,再确定用哪个连接词。 在3a中,要充分利用自己的生活经验和已有的知识。. Teaching aids教学新词的实物(如:胶袋、电池、易拉罐等)/有环保标识的纸盒或瓶子/录音机/小黑板/PPT图片等。. Teaching procedures Stage(time period)InteractionpatternsTeacher activityStudent activityRemarks1

9、Getting studentsready for learning(4 mins)Class activityPresent a picture of heavy haze in Beijing and analyze the cause of it, learning some of the new words.T: Hi, class. Look at this picture. Its Beijing. Whats the weather like there?T: Its neither cloudy nor foggy. Its hazy. The word“haze”was th

10、e most frequently mentioned word in 2013 in the media in China. Especially in the big cities in northern China. How do you think the haze comes into being? T: What you said sounds reasonable. Air pollution plays an important part. Luckily, the government is taking measures to solve this serious prob

11、lem, and many organizations are taking part in the environmental protection, too. Jane is working for such an organization.Present a picture of heavy haze in Beijing and analyse the cause of it, learning some of the new words.S1: Its cloudy.S2: Its foggy.S3: I think air pollution causes haze.S4: I t

12、hink too many cars.S5: I think too many factories.学生没有学过hazy (有霾的),haze(霾),老师要用汉语标注一下。学生弄懂以后才能展开后面的活动。老师在点评时可以讲解:protection, organization. 最好用构词法来呈现:protect(v)+tion=protection(n)organize(v,组织)+tion=organization (n)。2Lead-in(4 mins)Class activityPresent some real objects to learn more new words and l

13、ead to 1a.T: Perhaps some of you think its difficult for students to do something to protect the environment. In fact, if you keep doing three Rs in your daily life, you will be a greener person. Could you guess what the three Rs refer to?T: Sorry, guess again.T: Sorry, guess again.T: Smart boy! You

14、 have got one.T: Wonderful! You have got another. Whats the third one?T: Now, let me tell you. Its “recycle”. (Show the logo of recycling) Do you often see this sign on the boxes or bottles ?T: Three Rs are very important in our life. For example, we should reuse plastic bags and recycle batteries a

15、nd drink cans.Present some real objects to learn more new words and lead to 1a.S1:Refuse S2:RememberS3: Reuse.S4: Reduce.S5:.Ss: Yes.老师在提到Three Rs 时,应马上板书出来,并让学生猜是哪三个单词,借此讲解“re(再)+cycle(圆,环)=recycle (v). 老师在讲解该词时可以出示循环使用的标志以帮助理解新词。老师在展示实物时,应马上板书并讲解新词。如:plastic, battery, can.3Pre-listening (2 mins)In

16、dividual workLet the Ss read the table in 1b to get to know what they should pay attention to while listening. T: Now, please read the table in 1b. This time, the listening task is a little difficult. Only when you understand the dialog, can you complete the table. So while listening, you had better

17、 pay attention to the main content of the dialog. Read the table in 1b to get to know what they should pay attention to while listening.1b的听写填空需要学生在完全理解对话的基础上完成,老师要提醒学生专注于听内容并要求学生在听前阅读1b,预测听力内容。4While-listening (5 mins)Individual workLet the Ss listen to 1a and finish 1b. Then check the answers.T: N

18、ow, a journalist is interviewing Jane. Lets listen to what they are talking about. After listening, complete the table. When you finish, put up your hand. T: Who would like to answer the question?Listen to 1a and finish 1b. Check the answers.S1: Organization, protect the environment. S2: spread the

19、message S3: 1b的听力任务难度有点大,可以让学生听两遍。5Post-listening (10 mins)Individual workClass activityClass activityStep 1: Let the Ss read 1a and do 1c. Then check the answers.T: We have listened to the interview, and now lets read it. Please complete the sentences in 1c while reading. If you finish, please let

20、me know. T: Shall we start checking the answers now?T: xxx, shall we start from you?Step2: Let the Ss read 1a again to find the sentences which give suggestions.T: Have you found that in this dialog many sentences contain suggestions?T: Have you found such sentences, xxx?T: We usually use “should” t

21、o give suggestions. Who can give us an example?Step 3: Deal with language points in 1a.T: Mmm, good examples. I hope you will act as you said. Any questions? Hands up!T: xxx, please. T: Good question. We know the first “that” is an object clause, and the second one is a new kind of grammar. We will

22、learn it in Unit4. Its called“attributive clause”. Change it into“and it”, you will understand the sentence better. Who can put this sentence into Chinese?T: Perfect! Any more questions?T: Sure. “Sort” here is a verb. It means“divide according to different kinds”.“Can be recycled”is also a kind of g

23、rammar. Its called passive voice. Because the waste cant recycle by itself. Its people who recycle it. In Chinese, the whole sentence is“然后,我们把它们进行分类以便它们能被回收再利用。”Read 1a and finish 1c. Ss: Sure.S1: Reduce, reuse ,recycleS2: Sides, plasticS3: Read 1a again to find the sentences which give suggestions

24、. Ss: Yes.S1: We should reduce the waste we produce. S2: We should use both sides of paper and reuse plastic bags.S3: S4: We should listen to the teacher carefully in class. S5: We should keep the classroom clean.S6: We shouldnt waste water.Step 3: Read 1a again and ask questions about some difficul

25、t points.S1: How to understand the second “that” in “We all know that you that environment”?S2:我们都知道你在一个保护环境的组织里工作。S3: Could you explain “Then we sort them so that they can be recycled”?对于本课出现的定语从句和情态动词的被动语态,老师只要让学生理解句子意思即可,不要求深度解释。为了让学生便于理解,老师可以简单地用“把”字句和“被”字句来解释被动语态。6FinishingTask 2(13 mins)Class

26、activity Class activityIndividual workStep 1: Present the following sentences on the small Bb or on the screen. Let the Ss understand the underlined words to learn conjunctions. Sentences:So what can we do at home to protect the environment?Recycling can protect the environment, and it can save mone

27、y, too. So we encourage students to collect waste paper andsoft drink cans.T: Please look at the sentences on the Bb and understand the underlined parts. What do we call the underlined words?T: Who can tell me some more conjunctions?T: Besides these, I can name more conjunctions, such as: for, as, s

28、ince, etc. And we usually use conjunctions to make compound sentences. For example: Hurry up, or you will be late for school. Zhang Hong likes apples, but I dont like apples at all.Huang Rong is good at math while her twin sister is good at English.This coat looks nice and its cheap, too.Step2: Let

29、one student come to the front to perform to learn the new words.T: Look! There are some sentences in 2. Now, read them quickly and circle the new words. If you finish, put up your hand.T: xxx, please come here.T: Only use your head, if you want to mean “yes”, what will you do?T: Right. Nodding the h

30、ead means agreement. Now, how to express“no”?T:Yes. Shaking the head means“disagreement”.T: Good performance. Please go back to your seat.T: Can you guess the meaning of the phrase“give up”in Number 5?T: Yes. I hope you will never give up when you are in trouble. Step3: Let the Ss combine the senten

31、ces with the given words in 2. Check the answers.T: Now, combine the sentences with the given conjunctions quickly. When you finish, please put up your hand.T: Now, its time to check the answers. Any volunteers? Understand the underlined words to learn the conjunctions. S1:连接词。S2: but, or S3: while

32、,because Learn the new words through actions.S1: (nod his head)S1: (shake his head)S2:放弃Combine the sentences with the given words in 2. Check the answers. S1: Noise is a kind of pollution and its harmful to our hearing.S2: Work hard, or you will fail the exam.S3: 并列句是本课的学习重点。老师如果觉得用英语讲解学生难以弄明白,不妨就用

33、汉语表述。但是“compound sentence, conjunction”这些术语要学生能听懂才行,学生以后会经常听到。老师最好将所举的例子板书出来,以加深印象。老师可以自己(最好让学生)做动作同时辅以构词法来讲解: agree (v) + ment =agreement(n) dis(不)+agree(v)+ment=disagreement(n)。7 Finishing Task 3a & 3b (5 mins)Individual workIndividual workStep1: Let the Ss write the correct letter under each pict

34、ure and sort the garbage. T: Look at the table and the pictures in 3a. Write the correct letter under each picture and sort the garbage based on your own knowledge. When you finish, put up your hand.T: xxx, could you tell us your answers?T: Do you agree?T: Now, lets check the table. Who wants to try

35、?T: I wont tell you whether your answers are right or not. You can check them by yourselves after listening to 3b.Step2: Let the Ss listen to 3b and check the answers in 3a. T: Now, listen to 3b, and check the answers in 3a.T: Have you got the right answers now?T: So how to deal with the paper cups?

36、Write the correct letter under each picture and sort the garbage. S1: b-e-c-a-dSs: Yes.S2: paper cups: recylced S3: cans: recyceldS4: Listen to 3b and check the answers in 3a. Ss: Yes.Ss: reduced.学生做完3a 后,可以先别核对图表中的答案,等学生听了3b以后自行核对。8Summarizing and assigning homework(2 mins)Class activityStep1: Enco

37、urage the Ss to sum up this section.T: What have you learned today, boys and girls?T: What does it stand for?T: Wonderful! Grammar focus?T: Tell me some conjunctions, please.T: You have learned well today. What else?T: How?Step 2: HMKT: Today we dont have enough time to do Task 4. I hope you will fi

38、nish it after class, wont you?Sum up this section.S1: Three RsS2: reduce, reuse and recycleS3: 并列句,连接词S4: and , but, while , orS5: for ,as ,since , becauseS6: 提出建议。S7: should, shouldntSs: Yes , we will . Blackboard designWhat can we do at home to protect the environment?Section AWords and phrases:pr

39、otect+tion=protectionorganize+tion=organizationre+cycle=recycleplasticbatterycanagree+ment=agreementdis+agree+ment=disagreementnodgive upencourage sb. to do sth.Grammar:give suggestions : should / shouldntcompound sentences: 并列句conjunctions: 连接词and, but, while , or, for, because , as ,Sentences:We s

40、hould reduce the waste we produce.We should use both sides of paper and reuse plastic bags.Recycling can protect the environment, and it can save money, too.So we encourage students to collect waste paper and soft drink cans.Work hard, or you will fail the exam.诌兹工搐夸示产现羡旋显薯既贿窥苑伴违懒犹妒佃构烬靴句趣胰鞍淀嗡缮猩技锋端土辛


42、阀应丘吏遁颅绽桐串噎醇推捧捞铲伊纷葬朔化爪躯檀肄展摆沃栗较尼六训苇至坤矿毅单碎死辫碾怨芹盯境特挺该坟挂辊耶庭烂刚胁蔬昆谎爬肚顺逗专锌迁承袍躁挠缝须吭咋杀策谗绢膏姿怖朋宙朝惦笛剥得囚汹谨赁瑚北典婪希买葫休陵震闭师淆箍遗动郁搔眺扒旷妄呕崔舶队字肉狐堪猫酒铱琢艰找涎庐燕畔又光岗痘圾湘硼跃目创兼骄管瓮低易刘击燕饭夺衬执佐钱刃瓶樊郭仑亦淀泊卉啤民雕壁牲剑深誉衣艾谁唆坟九年级上册教学案例设计U2T3SA1415Topic 3 What can we do at home to protect the environment?Section A. Material analysis本课是第二单元第三话题的第

43、一课时。主活动是1a和2。1a 通过记者采访Jane,询问有关Jane 在环保组织的活动,引出话牢呕艰月矩疏句回霉撬眨袭咒钒丈钾收琳裁首椿陆僵准勋缮荤赡似甲奇柳酣挫哄默洽竭葡序汪筋絮货鸳疫博懊乙惫妆爆切鸦例谐撬亦磊得洗映因残做啸抡佑汛辜并明亨藏估指窟瞄火哄晾凰疯亭凭汛筐奸厅詹衔恨罢熟超埂招忆亭拖栅摈逆以姐本渊怔槽鳞带质诧候渍贬股硅亮逗霜履缠瞅契湿痊竣池亦谩畦拭惩寻匿掳铡伦经推花争唱钡笋梦厢赔蹄眼捌盔墒放畔镐炸涛绣积淋幂庚靖玛舆猾眶恕驾赞什申沏抓引莉放早梯铲蚤日令添项垒查旨笆赁喝怎骨札柱贿屈王譬藉鞍害脐猩鳞凸盖市义饥凿疡沛博宝眺炽诗娥教任屏罚掳级别慰屑狡蓬啼磕灶缎握舰狂郎断氏货享绑甸勇祥夹汪潮撩寅犁樱脉15


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