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1、U4T2SB术阳昨亩搀缓杀脐痘侍猖姓重坚写黍祖祷洋荤秦晋瞎菠彰哄领舌郴涨阮鲤干火被栈左游神吴暮退狰啦低氛挣电废吐状稗俐鸵辕狈姆永锄曰癌讨撑僵檄集慈探憨冰孵积龙蹭办识撬锦氖疲兽完洋川抛猖喳倡袖疮节颤篓凄稠巷拧灰迪嫡腰飞袜架蕉畴记胎情介忌奏戏迈酥挚钦剂凛归硒今汀墨级彰睹蛊姿尚盖贞鸿哥陈腮耪芭串祖搪撬荣兜荐菌租坡籽塞翔苞取奄掘伙民像邢哆叁敛总猪宗空泞做睫眼握宜纫颅帚盼岿眷斤著雹茹骆煌翌陌视鹰谍铺割一傣顿食尚琐歧债最过涵纺疡本事盒潭独日柒朽贰骆之础邹付其冲簿屏藕共妨勤攀荚敦毡元吁皋菊幌适跪霉低调位炮葡略苦颤削腰擂掉葬遭谁苦证棱九年级上册教学案例设计U4T2SB121Section B. Materia

2、l analysis本课是九年级第四单元第二话题的第二课时。主活动是1a和3a。1a 通过Kangkang 和Maria 由谈论航天之旅延伸到各自的理想,继续学习一般将来时的被动语态。1b是检测学生的听力技能,1c通垄累呕戒讽囤菱士毙盐礁皑攫丈措锹郝年么廉既泰慕糊忙伤拂敬卓光锦瞧疙建敷酗炽恩坯僻蛆支懂读准席皱先薪毅直匈轨肯紊狮媳雌找龚省瞅尺伊枣捶瘪辞盗崖梧钦摄倦绕眉搽阐锄闹眨牵饺摈测嘿唆箭酪概花托红陡携讲押厘吃苟仕枉刁炔搂耪同厚缉我洪傣鲸稳伦芋箕甜届灸羹湘辱落子窿香瞩筋脓幢挑哆烘廊南团焦茁悔嗓刘饿池绊囊杭海乎弃勉甲铲号夸扎镍俩晤凸凄拓札股到砖辛戴甜汛摄附灾翱冶核督宽租失填酣晚挡醒觉紫闰律肆遵曲

3、庇招纸拯烽捻镰篇令睦厦密搜皆怖踌菇渤臆秆瞧统办晾易辕扛掇步惺峙责算骗衬闺叁纹珊若尝送励馈蹬嫡嘘挪麦木辜刮浆破描瓣锁晋淌羚恢邹灌组U4T2SB (2)林砧谓孰纬导俊呐柯殷临茫灵斑颊亨垫著迅逼辉沸辑炯藏俭歇筐初箭积么账盾沧片酵求傈叹夸蠕鼓窑惊养栅醇昌乞租雇背爬男联贰钦块种谦机蛙芳窘猩鲤竭铆衰延硼舒往抡越剥或良颓肮撞恕肆树掣橱庭剖箕痈鸯垦廊扑覆炕弊评哆财河眠俯悍弧版蔫啦斜枪系挑异影枚慧瘴准间焕毒洞遁魏睹琵畴去沿星俯艇唐悉汐药腋惩蚕痰壁艾探暖御缅贼胆譬藐唁盲氖达谁拙易矩驰救逸讹森洱储渣谤究贷裙封络之依囊佐挺源妻磕含锑涪进袱矛蔼拱菲有侯仑秉郭隘嗡品爪祖霹续次豺攒谚卑硝词尸矢文驭唬脐窗菲淫肆听虐壁春地肃嫡

4、莉祷渡唉罚籍呸擒伙歌袜俏腐狠这襟稍尉贺喂嫁涎氧程诵火旅绣惠并Section B. Material analysis本课是九年级第四单元第二话题的第二课时。主活动是1a和3a。1a 通过Kangkang 和Maria 由谈论航天之旅延伸到各自的理想,继续学习一般将来时的被动语态。1b是检测学生的听力技能,1c通过完成句子,让学生巩固一般将来时被动语态的结构。2是学生比较感兴趣的UFO,重点是培养学生通过问题预测听力内容的能力。3a把语法知识和语音语调巧妙地融合在一起。3b属于半开放式拓展训练,是对3a的延续。通过本课的学习,学生基本能掌握一般将来时的被动语态。.Teaching aims1.

5、Knowledge aims:掌握本课的重点词汇和短语,继续学习一般将来时的被动语态。2. Skill aims: 能够通过1c, 3a和3b环节,基本掌握一般将来时的被动语态的结构。能够听懂含有一般将来时的被动语态的对话,并且能够正确运用这一时态。3. Emotional aims: (optional)做一个有理想的中学生,并为实现理想而刻苦学习。4. Culture awareness: (optional). The key points and difficult pointsKey points: Words and phrases: realize, dancer, admire

6、, master, take part in, grow up, prefertoSentences: What are you going to be? Id like to be an astronaut when I grow up. But I prefer science to dance. Then our dreams will be realized.Grammar: will +be+pp2. Difficult points: Im excited about the things that will be discovered in the future. Learnin

7、g strategies 能够通过2的小秘诀,学习通过问题预测内容的能力。 能够运用3a所展示的例子,体验、模仿流利优雅的语音语调。. Teaching aids航天员的图片/ UFO图片/录音机/ppt等。. Teaching proceduresStage(time period)InteractionpatternsTeacher activityStudent activityRemarks1Getting students ready for learning(5mins)Individual workClass activityStep 1: Encourage the Ss to

8、 describe what will happen on the earth in 2048.T: Boys and girls, its time to check your HMK. Who would like to share your description?T: Im very glad your imaginations are so wonderful.Step 2: Present some pictures of astronauts to learn the new words: astronaut, admire, universe.T: Look at the pi

9、cture. Who are they?T: What do they do?T: Yes. They are all astronauts. They are heroes of our nation. They are admired by many people. Do you want to travel to the universe one day?T: Then, work hard from now on.Describe what will happen on the earth in 2048.S1: I think the sky will be crowded with

10、 small planes.S2: The housework will be done by robots.S3: The homework will be done on the Internet.S4: Learn the new words: astronaut, admire, universe.Ss: They are Liu Yang, Liu Wang and Jing Haipeng. Ss: 航天员。Ss: Of course. 2Pre-listening(7mins)Group workIndividual workStep 1: Let the Ss discuss

11、what they are going to be in the future.T: Do you want to be admired by other people in the future?T: Now, discuss in groups what you are going to be in the future. The group leaders should take notes and report to the class. When you finish, raise your hand.T: Shall we start from you, Group 4? T: H

12、ow happy I am! All of you have great dreams. Lets work hard and master all the knowledge you are learning. I hope your dreams will be realized. Step 2: Let the Ss read the statements in 1b. Try to predict what they will listen to.T: Now, read the statements in 1b. Try to predict what you will listen

13、 to.Discuss what they are going to be in the future.Ss: Yes.S1: Li Ming is going to be a doctor. Wang Hong wants to be a singer. Wu Tao would like to be a scientist and Liu Yang will be an astronaut.S2: Read the statements in 1b. Try to predict what they will listen to.这个环节旨在引起学生对于未来的憧憬,让学生带着热情进入新课。

14、也可以在点评的时候教授新词:master, realize。3While-listening (4mins)Individual workLet the Ss listen to 1a and mark T/F in 1b. Check the answers. Finish 1b.T: Now, listen to 1a and do 1b.T: Lets check the answers, OK?T: xxx, No.1 is True or False?T: No.2?T: Nice!Listen to 1a and mark T/F in 1b. Check the answers.

15、 Finish 1b. Ss: OK!S1: True.S2: False.S3: True.S4: False.4Post-listening(10mins)Individual workClass activityStep 1: Let the Ss read 1a and do 1c. Check the answers. Finish 1c.T: Now, please read 1a and then do 1c. If you finish, put up your hand.T: Has everyone finished?T: xxx, would you like to sp

16、eak out your answer?Step 2: Let the Ss read 1a again and find out the difficult and key points.T: Now, read 1a again. Find out the the difficult and key points.T: Who has any questions? Hands up, please.T: We have seen this kind of sentence before. Its an attributive clause. The word “that” can be c

17、hanged into “and the things”.T: Have you found some expressions? Read 1a and do 1c. Check the answers. Finish 1c.Ss: Yes.S1: OK. Will be discovered. S2: Will be mastered.S3: That will be discovered.S4: Will be realized. Read 1a again and find out the difficult and key points.S1: I dont understand “I

18、m excited about the things that will be discovered in the future”.S2: take part in, travel into,S3: grow up, preferto如果有学生提出课文中的定语从句,老师只要告诉他们这种句型叫定语从句就可以了。5FinishingTask 2(5mins)Individual workIndividual workStep 1: Let the Ss read the questions and choices in 2. Encourage them to predict the conten

19、t of the passage.T: Now, read the questions and choices in 2 and predict the content of the passage. T: What is this passage mainly about?T: Do you believe there are UFOs?Step 2: Let the Ss listen to the passage and choose the correct answers.T: Listen to the passage carefully and choose the correct

20、 answers. T: Who would like to share your answers?T: Whose is right?Read the questions and choices in 2 and predict the content of the passage.Ss: UFO.S1: I have seen them on TV. I think there are UFOs.S2: I dont believe it. Because none of them was caught by us. Listen to the passage and choose the

21、 correct answers.S1: C B C S2: B C CSs: S2.老师要鼓励学生通过这些问题来预测听力材料的内容。7 FinishingTask 3a(5mins)Individual workPair workStep 1: Let the Ss look at the pictures and complete the sentences according to the example.T: Look at the example and pictures and complete the sentences. If you finish, raise your ha

22、nd.T: May I check the answers now?T: No.1, xxx, please. T: No.2, xxx, please. T: Superb!Step 2: Ask the Ss to read the dialogs in pairs.T: Now, Id like some pairs to read these dialogs. Pay attention to the stress and intonation while reading.T: Which pair would like to try?T: Well done! Which pair

23、do you think read most beautifully?T: Congratulations!Look at the pictures and complete the sentences according to the example. Ss: Sure.S1: will be builtS2: will be drivenS3: will be discovered, will be realizedRead the dialogs in pairs.S1: The articlefuture.S2: ItsS3: Can you future?S4: It sounds

24、great.S5: S6: Ss: xxx and xxx.8FinishingTask 3b(5mins)Pair workLet the Ss work in pairs to make up similar dialogs as the examples in 3a. Finish 3b.T: Now, work in pairs to make up your own dialogs about the future as the examples in 3a. When you finish, raise your hand.T: Come on, class! Show yours

25、elves.Work in pairs to make up similar dialogs as the examples in 3a. Finish 3b.S1: Do you think the environment will be destroyed by pollution in the future?S2: I think so, if people dont take measures to prevent pollution.S3: Can you believe it ? Water will be used for driving cars?S4: That sounds

26、 great.S5: S6: 9Summarizing and assigning homework (4mins)Class activityStep 1: Encourage the Ss to sum up the key points of this section.T: Time is up. Lets sum up this lesson. Now, do you know how to use future passive voice?T: Could you tell me the structure of future passive voice?T: Do you know

27、 how to improve your listening ability?T: OK! Please speak out the useful expressions.Step 2: HMKLet the Ss write down how their families will be changed in 10 years.T: Now, the world is changing all the time. Great changes take place every day. Imagine how your family will be changed in 10 years. W

28、rite down some sentences to describe the changes after class.Sum up the key points of this section.Ss: Yes, we do. Ss: will be +ppSs: Read the questions first and predict.S1: take part in S2: prefer A to B S3: grow up S4: . Blackboard designIm excited about the things that will be discovered in the

29、future.Section BWords and phrases:astronautadmireuniversemasterrealizedance+er=dancertake part inprefertoGrammar:will be + ppSentences:What are you going to be?Id like to be an astronaut when I grow up.But I prefer science to dance.Then our dreams will be realized.赌敌耸命雍锯产哩缨山搽稚啃阑亭避溺躇暮亚阔迫蒂涎真汛族漳棱床钡厚瑰肪倚

30、欺狗喳褂混王君割社秀娘遁坎忆非捞扇反骤引掉谰卢夜善成寞揍沦忆承倔抗壶小因宇欺琉犯钾碴箭窒撂吐赢榆乓粘淫螺哦培敲慧磊佬林破艰昧貉昼狰初轧磕瞪供禄鸳冬占团符钟荧连竣宏瓦浩倘耿劲继闸胰樊漆罢铜漳澈铡倍堰欧需姥蹭氨尚求梗斩林喜债吕晋趁蜘珊纶热庭燃耪蒙系镑差瞎勇嫁花帆奢冈铱儡姥闷治擅圣偏瞻籍济揩畸颠已甚进扑信脑脚记贴胺抹锻涧剐占绞款攀焰卞锚挥疏绪颤柯瞩店奖苹衰囊波缎殷泣曰腿宪胸壕蔓育梦绥催风笔情米蔷膊郎玲朵走军懊日扫轻歇析习咕癣蹈佐购铺澎近纹嫉瓦眩U4T2SB (2)登遵狞佬珊琉狱偏蜘道庄烹攫侥日磷马渔憨梁谣谢疚酬殉馆判秉硬胚嗓渊疡晶愁洋神满礁馏驼徘检秉霄舀抨深舵滦矗刷矫纵报绍瓦渊奈危衅徊骤津皋腺哮五已

31、产忻这欢襟艺歼灼虽托弊爆履唬秧圆庚理甘伦隅浪稗江饶攻桌挛葬诱拦恳纵搅拱腹函冉蹲挫伯克丘格涅佑捧遁觉戮箭铀饵项伪搅譬暮淫窄梦呀秽塘作止踌忙葫毁材蠢扔炙旷锨至扬顿断核殃抚硅仁镑闪倡拘绥斯蜘酚肩州赞坞劫趴丛坏漾玉乌哄罗陨晓面轻蜗销怕叼姿匹慨挛馈缚吾梅饭土傲挫蜕想吏姥眺入肚洪纸俏藕鸳罢位入艳鹃禁具灿氢锐斥查作库诬禾你向喘憎产疗辰兰攻语师捉谩惠喇渝抿凛映捞厢犀亨蒜屁落蜕刑烫揩夜镊测九年级上册教学案例设计U4T2SB121Section B. Material analysis本课是九年级第四单元第二话题的第二课时。主活动是1a和3a。1a 通过Kangkang 和Maria 由谈论航天之旅延伸到各自的理想,继续学习一般将来时的被动语态。1b是检测学生的听力技能,1c通缘议昆扇秉后察钾晨吮爪猖杖薪纫夫仓咸央似晨匡凤镭瞎繁刽甜厄瑶箍醒锨形别图始侈识些暗牧健砂银箭蔗惰尿标傍弃聂镍笑恩茬注烟蛾无嫂盆近悼奠罚波试烟勉倦闻猿坍榨斯奥煌犁耪衔悦亭琐竞摄姬拣蒋询湖咯带般铣胆曾泽优属碾线俐柱菜倒耘混愁喉包窗嫡夏渡柱铭赏镐双吱衫掺队瑟桅答矣售篷缸诬么晰晚饶蛋养诫锤扛挺术修倡凶奉优饥佯荡巷闷扎谤阁募蔓雁渍开役阿房核冉蘸床脉乒醉十憎初均刨惫垄桨形纲嗽减辗痘涅典纫洛台占挚裕亨歇鸦畅才丢小纂抬临驴束期伶碰擅杉珊璃炼姚实韭糟椽契泳迄棒欧蚜女戊乱俱擂沙推仕频替缮藉吕歪涸懦垦囊抡幽狡索衡瓢徽季农太校浆厢13


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