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1、Book 3 Module 11. because of=as a result of 2. become/be known/famous asforto sb3. ever since4. in terms of5. on the other hand6. little by little/gradually/step by step7. look like 8. on the coast off the coast9. be covered with/by10. in front ofin the middle of11. be located/situated in/on/to12. w

2、ork on13. the birthplace of western civilization14. at the moment 15. havein common with16. refer to 17. sign an agreement18. in/during the 1950s=in/during the 1950s19. have a population of20. have some control over21. of all time22. in different ways23. range fromto24. Paris is the capital and larg

3、est city of France, situated on the River Seine.25. France is Europes third largest country and faces the United Kingdom across the English Channel.26. Italy is/lies in the south of Europe on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. 27. Spain is/lies to the south of France. 28. It is one of the most beau

4、tiful cities in the world and is visited by more than eight million tourists every year. 29. About two-thirds of Frances artists and writers live in Paris. 30. Gaudi worked on the project from 1882 until his death in 1926.31. Florence is an Italian city which became famous because of the Renaissance

5、, a great artistic movement which began in the 1300s and lasted for three hundred years.32. Athens, the capital of Greece, is known as the birthplace of western civilization.33. Their work has influenced other writers ever since (then).34. France and England face each other across the English Channe

6、l.35. In terms of size and population, how big is the European Union compared with China.36. Each of them sends representatives to the European Parliament, which has some control over what happens in each of the member countries.37. The expanded European Union has a population of more than half a bi

7、llion people, twice as big as the population of the United States. 38. We are faced with a difficult situation.Faced with a difficult situation, we should take measures.39. All the house were built facing south.40. Taiwan lies in the southeast of China. Japan is to the northeast of China. Shanghai i

8、s to the southeast of Jinan. Nanjing lies on the Yangtze River.41. comparing the newly-built buildings with the old ones, we can find the differences. Compared with the old buildings, the new ones are much stronger. 42. The price of the shoes range from $25 to $100.Book 3 Module 11. 因为,由于2. 作为/以而著名因

9、为而著名对于sb来说是著名的3. 自从一直4. 据依照在方面5. 另一方面,反过来说6. 一点点地逐渐地7. 看起来像8. 在海岸线上在海岸线附近9. 被覆盖着10. 在前面在中心11. 位于12. 从事13. 欧洲文明的诞生地14. 此刻,正当那时15. 与有共同之处16. 提及; 参考; 查阅17. 签署协议18. 在20世纪50年代19. 有人口20. 控制21. 有史以来22. 以不同的方式23. 从到变化24. 位于塞纳河上,巴黎是法国的首都和最大城市。25. 法国是欧洲第三大国,与英国隔英吉利海峡相望。26. 意大利位于地中海沿岸的欧洲南部。27. 西班牙在法国的南部28. 他是世

10、界上最美丽的城市之一,并且每年有800多万游客来此参观。29. 法国大约三分之二的艺术家合作家住在巴黎。30. 从1882开始到1926年去世,高迪一直从事这项工程。31. 佛罗伦萨之所以成为意大利的一座著名的城市,是由于一场开始于十四世纪,历经300年的艺术运动文艺复兴运动。32. 希腊首都雅典,是作为西方文明的发源地而著名。33. 从那时起,他们的工作就影响了其他的作家。34. 英法隔着英吉利海峡相面对着。35. 从大小和人口方面来说,和中国相比,欧盟有多大.36. 每个国家在欧盟都有代表,欧盟则能控制每一个成员国发生的事情.37. 扩大了的欧盟人口超过五亿,相当于美国人口的两倍。38.

11、我们面临着困难的形势。面临着困难的形势,我们应该采取措施。39. 所有的房子都朝南而建。40. 台湾位于中国的东南部日本在中国的东北方上海在济南的东南面南京位于长江之滨。41. 把新建成的大楼与旧楼相比,我们能够发现差异。与旧楼相比,新楼更坚固。42. 鞋价在25到1000变化.Book 3 Module 21. at the top ofat the bottom ofin the middle of2. make efforts to do3. be connected with4. close to5. die of hunger6. go hungry7. with the devel

12、opment of8. take measures to do9. developing countriesdeveloped countries10. for a long period of time11. have/receive an education12. up to13. improve the environment 14. drinking water15. encourage.to do16. give more help to17. give examples18. in the past ten years19. move out of poverty20. go to

13、 primary school21. get medical care22. in particular23. collect money24. for oneself25. be willing to do26. in recent years27. be useful for28. run through the town29. increase by30. make some progress31. cities of similar size and age32. How do you find it?=What do you think of it?=What is your opi

14、nion about it?33. It is totally fascinating! 34. I didnt get that.35. From the agreement came the Human Development Report.36. The index measures a countrysachievements in three ways: life expectancy,education and income.37. The index has some surprises. Norway is at the top of the list, while China

15、 is in the middle of the list.38. The bottom ten countries are all African countries, with Sierra Leone(in West Africa) at the bottom of the list.39. Make sure that all children have education up to the age of 11.40. For example, in nine years(1953-1962), China increased life expectancy by 13 years.

16、41. Water is now mostly safe to drink.42. Although developed countries give some financial help, they need to give much more43. These are among the five richest countries in the world, so it is right that they should do so.44. Beijing is less dangerous than Sydney.45. Tourism is important to both of

17、 them, and they are both close to some of the most beautiful countryside in the region.46. Town twinning agreements encourage people from the two towns to visit each other.47. Town twinning agreements are perhaps most useful for students and people who want to practise speaking another language.48.

18、This is because living with a foreign family for one or two weeks means that you have to speak their languages, and as a result you improve fast.Book 3 Module 21. 在顶部在底部在中间2. 努力做3. 和有联系4. 靠近5. 死于饥饿6. 挨饿7. 随着的发展8. 采取措施做9. 发展中国家发达国家10. 很长一段时间11. 受教育12. 直到(数目)13. 改善环境14. 饮用水15. 鼓励某人做16. 给与更多的帮助17. 举例子1

19、8. 在过去的十年里19. 脱贫20. 上小学21. 享受医疗保健22. 尤其是23. 筹款,募捐24. 亲自为自己25. 愿意做26. 近年来27. 对有用28. 流经小城29. 增加了30. 取得进步31. 你认为它怎么样?32. 它太有吸引力了33. 我们听见。34. 大小和年龄相似的城市35. 人类发展报告就出自这一项协议36. 这个指数从三种方面衡量了一个国家的成就:寿命,教育和收入。37. 该指数展示了一些让人惊奇的事。挪威位于名单之首, 而中国居于名单的中间。38. 倒数的十个国家都来自非洲,塞拉利昂(西非)位居倒数第一。39. 确保孩子直到11岁都接受教育40. 例如:9年的时

20、间(1953-1962), 中国人的寿命增长了13年。41. 大部分水喝起来是健康的42. 发达国家提供了一些经济援助,但他们应提供更多的援助。43. 他们是世界上最富裕的五个国家之一,所以他们这样做是理所应该的。44. 北京没有悉尼那么危险。45. 旅游业对于他们两个来说都是重要的,他们都靠近地区最美丽的乡下46. 姐妹城市协议鼓励2个城市的人们互相访问。47. 姐妹城市协议对于想练习讲另一种语言的学生和人或许是最有用的。48. 这是因为跟一家外国人在一起生活一两个星期意味着你得讲他们的语言,所以你就会进步地很快。Book 3 Module 31. pick up 2. put down 3

21、. take off4. leavewhere it is 5. affect the east coast of the US from Texas to Maine6. five-meter high waves 7. hit/strike the city8. end up inend up with9. move to 10. come out of11. set fire to12. catch fire 13. manage to do=succeed in doing区分 try to do 14. put out 15. according to16. fall down17.

22、 turn over18. pour down19. a plane crash20. cover (an area of) 800 square kilometers 21. in all22. lose ones life23. do damage to=do damage24. make homeless25. cause deaths / injuriescause problems26. Collect all the words that you find out that refer to the same thing.27. The most violent (tornadoe

23、s) have winds of more than 400 kilometers per hour.28. They can take the fur off the back of a cat and the feathers off a chicken.29. On average, there are 800 tornados in the US each year, causing about 80 deaths and 1500 injuries. 30. The worst tornado of all time occurred in 1925, affecting three

24、 US states. 31. By the time it ended, more than 700 people had been killed and 2700 had been injured. 32. There are on average six Atlantic hurricanes each year and they usually affect the east of the Us from Texas to Maine33. By the late 1890s, he had moved to Galveston where he died in 1899, a yea

25、r before the hurricane struck. 34. The cemetery where Coghlan was buried was destroyed by the hurricane and Coghlans coffin ended up in the sea. 35. The Gulf Stream had carried it 3000 kilometers up the eastern US coast to Prince Edward Island. 36. There had been several problems with the volcano ov

26、er the previous hundred years. 37. There was the possibility of a huge tidal wave38. Ash and lava poured down the mountain, setting fire to hundreds of houses.39. China is situated in one of the most active earthquake regions in the world. 40. In some communities, 60 percent of the population were k

27、illed. 41. However, it caused the worst natural disaster in the nations history. 42. Fires caused by the California earthquake did the most damage. 43. The fires burned for three days, destroying a total of 25,000 buildings.44. When did the accident occur. An idea occurred to me. It suddenly occurre

28、d to me that I should leave. Book 3 Module 31. 捡起,无意中得到/学会,接某人上车2. 放下;写下,记下;镇压3. 使掉下来,飞机起飞,脱下,休息休假4. 使位于原处5. 影响了从德克萨斯到缅因的美国东部海岸6. 五米高的大浪7. 袭击了这个城市8. 以(形式)结束/而告终以做为结束 9. 搬到,移居到10. 从中出来11. 放火烧12. 着火了 13. 设法做成(成功了), 尽力做(不一定成功)14. 扑灭15. 根据16. 落下; 倒塌 17. 翻身,翻过来18. 倾盆而下19. 一起飞机失事(事故)20. 占地面积是800 平方公里21. 合

29、计; 总共22. 丧命, 牺牲生命23. 造成伤害24. 使无家可归25. 导致死亡/ 受伤造成/ 引起问题26. 搜集所有的你认为指同一种东西的词汇。27. 最强的龙卷风风速超过每小时400公里。28. 龙卷风能拨掉猫背上的皮和鸡身上的毛。29. 在美国,平均每年有800次龙卷风,造成大约80人死亡,1500 人受伤。30. 有史以来最严重的龙卷风发生在1925年,影响了美国的3个州。31. 到它结束时,已有700多人丧生,2700人受伤。32. 平均每年有六次大西洋飓风,通常危及从德克萨斯到缅因州的美国东海岸。33. 到19世纪90年代后期,他迁居加尔维斯顿,直到1899年在那里去世,也就

30、是飓风袭击的前一年。34. 掩埋科格伦的公墓被飓风摧毁,他的棺材最后被卷入了大海。35. 墨西哥湾流沿着美国东海岸把它(棺材)一直带到爱德华王子岛,行程3000公里。36. 在先前的几百年里,关于火山一直有许多问题。37. 有大巨浪的可能性(有可能出现巨大的浪潮)。38. 灰和岩浆倾盆而下冲下山来,使数百房屋着火。39. 中国位于世界上最活跃的地震带/区之一。40. 一些地区,60%的人失去了生命。41. 然而他给这个国家造成了历史上最严重的自然灾害。42. 加利福尼亚地震引起的火灾造成了最大的损失。43. 大火持续了3天,摧毁了25000幢大楼。44. 事故是什么时候发生的?我有了一个主意(

31、我想出了一个主意)。我突然想到我应该离开了。Book 3 Module 41. cut down 2. dig up 3. look through4. the inland/coastal region5. try many ways to solve this problem6. start a mass campaign7. as a child8. be caught / stuck in9. wake up to10. advise sb. to do11. put down a maskwear a masktake off a mask12. prevent/stop(from)

32、 doing13. continue doing/ to do14. one after another15. in a weeks time/in a week16. sweepaway (sweep, swept, swept)17. take in=absorb18. give out19. feel frightened/terrified/scared20. do nothing but do/cant (help) but do/have nothing to do but do/have no choice but to do21. in a nutshell/in a word

33、22. do/try ones best23. take away24. if possible25. allow sb. to do allow doing 26. spread all over Europe27. think seriously about28. have difficulty (in) doing29. protect/damage the environment30. I couldnt agree (with you) more.It couldnt be worse.I have never heard a more interesting story.31. I

34、 think you are absolutely right.32. I have no idea.33. There is a problem with34. There has been a sandstorm. It has lasted for ten hours and is very frightening. 35. Sandstorms from Asia have blown across the Pacific Ocean to America.36. They are often so thick that you cannot see the sun, and the

35、wind is sometimes strong enough to move sand dunes.37. Ren jianbo, from Inner Mongolia, described a terrible sandstorm he experienced as a child in the desert.38. To have been caught in a sandstorm was a terrible experience.39. It was the most frightening and the most dangerous situation (that)Ive e

36、ver been in.40. Sandstorms in China appear to have increased in recent years as a result of desertification.41. This is a process that happens when land becomes desert because of climate change and because people cut down trees and dig up grass.42. The storms sometimes continue all day and traffic m

37、oves very slowly because the thick dust makes it difficult to see.43. The Chinese Central Weather Station can forecast a sandstorm some weeks before it arrives in Beijing, but the strength of the storm sometimes surprises people.44. To be cycling in a sandstorm is frightening45. Trees take in carbon

38、 dioxide and give out oxygen.46. Are there any organizations in China whose aim is to protect the environment?47. Some countries are better than others at looking after the environment.Book 3 Module 41. 砍倒2. 挖出挖掘3. 浏览4. 内陆/ 沿海地区5. 尝试了许多方式来解决这个问题6. 开始了一个大规模的运动7. 还是一个孩子的时候/ 作为一个孩子8. 被困在中9. 醒来时发现,认识到意识

39、到10. 建议某人做11. 戴上面具带着面具脱下面具12. 阻止做13. 继续做14. 一个接一个地15. 一个周之后16. 卷走17. 吸收18. 放出;发出,分发,泄路19. 感到害怕20. (别无选择)只能做某事21. 简言之一句话22. 尽力23. 带走24. 如果可能的话25. 允许某人做允许做26. 传遍整个欧洲27. 认真考虑28. 做有困难29. 保护/ 破坏环境30. 我完全赞同/ 我再同意你不过了。它是最糟糕的/ 它再糟糕不过了。这是我看过的最有趣的电影/ 我从来没看过一个更有趣的电影。31. 我认为你是非常正确的。32. 我也不知道33. 关于有一个问题34. 有一场沙尘

40、暴。他持续了十个小时,非常令人害怕。35. 来自亚洲的沙尘暴越过太平洋一直吹到了美国。36. 他们(沙尘暴)非常密集以至于人们都无法看到太阳;而且有时风会很大,足以能够移动沙丘。37. 出生于内蒙古的任建波描述了他小时候在沙漠中经历过的一场可怕的沙尘暴。38. 曾被困于沙尘暴是一次可怕的经历。39. 那是最令人害怕的,也是我曾经经历的最危险的情形。40. 由于沙漠化, 中国近年来发生沙尘暴的次数明显增加了。41. 当土地由于气候的变化以及人们对于树木的砍伐和对草木的挖掘而变成沙漠时,这一过程就会发生。42. 暴风有时持续一整天,车辆开得很慢,因为浓浓的尘埃使得人们很难看得清。43. 中国中央气

41、象中心能在沙尘暴到达北京前几周预报沙尘暴,但沙尘暴威力有时大得惊人。44. 在沙尘暴中骑车是很吓人/ 令人恐怖的。45. 树木吸入二氧化碳排出氧气。46. 在中国有以保护环境为目的的组织吗?47. 有些国家在关爱环境方面比其他国家做得好Book 3 Module 51. be at war (with)2. bring up3. become/get/be interested in4. be proud of=take pride in5. in conclusion=in a word=in a nutshell6. for the first time7. fromto 8. belie

42、ve in9. be similar to10. cause trouble11. give advice12. be related to13. follow ones advice14. as a result15. be different from=differ from16. stress the importance of17. order in society18. be given a position19. travel from state to state20. spend time (in) doing21. treat badly 22. in some way(s)

43、 23. look after=take care of=care for 24. a sense of responsibility25. put in order of importance26. at the beginning/end of 27. up to five people28. to give an example=for example29. if so30. tell the time31. mass production32. energy source33. in poor and crowded conditions34. spread to spread through Europe=spread all over Europe35. In ancient China, private teachers traveled from state to state, explaining their


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