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1、 初中英语课堂教学实录听说课课堂教学实录Unit 3 Why do you like koalas? Section B (13)教学目标知识目标:1.学习并掌握What, Why引导的特殊疑问句, 2.用Because句型和形容词“ugly, clever, friendly, beautiful, shy ”表示原因,性质、品质。能力目标:Describe animals; Express preferences情感目标:了解自然,树立自觉保护动物的意识,谈论喜好,展示个性。重点难点重点:1. Words: ugly, clever, friendly, beautiful, shy, o

2、ther 2. Target Language:What animals do you like? What other animals do you like? Because theyreand难点:How to describe animal and express preferences.教学过程I. Warm up1. Revision (复习Section A中的句型)Lets chant.What animal do you like?What animal do you like?Do you like tigers?Yes, I do. Yes, I do.Do you li

3、ke pandas?Yes, I do. Yes, I do.Do you like pandas?No, I dont. No, I dont.点评:Chant的应用,既复习回顾了Section A中的内容, 又提高了学生学习的积极性,活跃了课堂气氛。2. Task: A free talk about your favorite animal and the reasons参考句型:A: Whats your favorite animal?B: My favorite animal isA: Why?B: Because its 点评:进一步突出了本单元的“Language Goals:

4、 Describe animals; Express preferences”,以对话活动为载体,有针对性的复习回顾了以前所学的知识,同时又为本课的学习目标(让学生使用更加丰富的语言来描述动物,表达自己的喜好)做了铺垫。II. Pre-task (预备任务)1. Research(新知探究): 1) Show the new words“ugly, clever, friendly,beautiful, shy, other ”on the screen to the SS.2) Ask a student to read, the other SS follow him / her to r

5、ead.C. Read, correct the pronunciations and remember them.D. Have a dictation.点评:以上活动都是在课前单词预习的基础上进行。2. Task1: Learn more describe words.2) Ask some groups to show.参考词汇:ugly, friendly, small, shy, clever, beautiful, cute, scary参考句型:A: Lets see.B: Why?A: BecauseOR, A: Do you like?B: Yes, I do / No, I

6、 dontA: Why?B: Because点评:通过复习回顾、强化巩固了单词,在这一个活动中,教师注重了训练学生对单词的应用,教会学生如何用更加丰富的语言描述动物,表达喜好。建议这个任务的设计,与Revision中Task(A free talk about your favorite animal and the reasons)内容相似,设计的层次应该递进一步。III. While-task (同步任务)1. Task1: SB 2a(课本2a)2) Change and correct 点评:小组间,小组成员之间,相互合作,共同促进。3) Ask the groups to show.

7、2. Task2: SB.2b1) Use the same way to solve 2b.2) Follow to read the listening material3. Task3: SB 31) Listen to the tape.2) Read and understand3) Talk about the important contents.4) Read the new sentences on the screen:What animals do you like?What other animals do you like?Because theyre friendl

8、y and clever.5) Show6) Read after the tape.7) Read in groups.8) Check4. Task4: Make new conversations in groups需用句型:A: What animals do you like?B: I like TheyreA: What other animals? B: I likeA: Why? B: Because 点评:这个活动是本堂课的升华,任务的层次有所递进,表达的语言更加丰富,注重了口语应用,同时为下一步的教学活动做好准备。IV. Post-task (任务提升)1. Task1:

9、Make a surveySurvey 4 partners about their favorite animals / subjects / movies / actors (演员) /month and the reasonsNamesFavorite animals / subjects / movies / actors(演员)/months(月份)Reasons(原因) 参考句型:Whats your favorite? Why?点评:合作共建,展示提升,这个任务通过学生之间的合作完成,在谈论动物话题的基础上有所拓展,通过合作交流,为下一步写作训练提供了素材。2. Task 2:

10、Speaking and writingFirst give us the report about the survey, and then write a short article.favoriteis, He / She likes it because点评:教学层次又递进一步,任务的难度又有所增加,由对话的口语应用练习,迁移到语篇的输出,达成了预定的能力目标,同时又为下一课时3a语篇的学习打好了基础。V. Summary:Ask one of the Ss what they have learnt.VI. Homework1. Grasp the new contents in s

11、ection B 1-3.2. Preview 3a-4 .总评1. 目标明确,重、难点把握准确,知识主线提炼精确。2. 教学设计体现了“听说课”的教学模式,从复习热身、感知体验、强化巩固到语言应用,设计的思路清晰,步骤明确,体现了“层层递进”的教学原则。3. 设计的流程遵循了学生的认知规律,由感知体验到语言应用,注重了知识获取,能力形成的学习过程。4. 能够突出学生的主体地位,面向全体,每个学生有任务,且每个学生都有展示的机会。5. 通过小组间的合作,引导学生进行自主、探究学习,敢于质疑,善于解惑,学会总结,大胆评价。6. 教学效果良好,学生参与面广,参与机会多,参与的积极性高涨,兴趣浓,知

12、识与能力、过程与方法、情感态度价值观得到了很好的落实。读写课课堂教学实录Unit 3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived? Section A (3a4)执教人单位:莒南县城关第一中学 执教人:杨剩余 Language Goals: 1. Talk about past events 2. Train the Ss to try to tell a storyNew words:experience around strange follow amazing kidGrammar: Revise the Past Progressive Tense

13、What was he doing when the UFO arrived?He was sleeping late when it arrived. Step 1 Free talk1. Greetings:T: Hello, boys and girls! Good afternoon! First please answer my questions, OK?What are you doing now?What were you doing at 8:00 yesterday?What were you doing at around 10:00 yesterday?2. Revis

14、e the Past Progressive Tense by asking the Ss to make up some sentences like: A: What were you doing at around yesterday? B: I was First gave them two models, in pairs.Step2 Group work1. Read and try to recite the dialogue in Part 4.2. Fill in the table first. Then interview two classmates.3. Write

15、down their interview dialogues, and then check in pairs.4. Translate the sentences. The kids are kidding their friends. Kids wont go to school. Step3 New words1. Read the new words and expressions.experience imagine strange follow amazing 2. Check if the Ss can read the new words.3. Chant (dancing a

16、nd saying) like this: Strange, strange, strange The teacher is strange. Follow me, follow me, follow me. Please follow me to see. Please follow me to how were dancing. Experience, experience, experience. We are having an unusual experience. Amazing, amazing, amazing. This class is amazing.4. Get the

17、 Ss to write down these sentences.This teacher is strange.Please follow me to see how we are dancing.We are having an unusual experience.This class is amazing.Please imagine your life in ten years.Step4 3a1. Read and number the pictures in the correct order.2. Listen and repeat.3. Read and underline

18、 important and difficult parts and discuss in groups. 4. Retell the story according to the pictures and key words.Picture 1: at around ten, I walking down the street when land in front of mePicture 2: alien get out, walk down Center StreetPicture 3: while it looking at the souvenirs, shop assistant

19、call the policePicture 4:Before police arrive alien leave the shop.Picture 5:While alien be in the museum, I call the TV station.5. Get the Ss to write down what they retell.Step 4Write a letterWrite a letter to your friend about this class according to your timetable (请参照你的时间表,就这节课写封信向你朋友描述一下,注意运用提

20、供的关键词). Here are the key words.TimeActivitiesat around 5:00interviewing my classmatesat around 5:10dancing and studying the new wordsat around 5:15reading the e-mailat around 5:20 writing a letter at around 5:30 getting out of the classroom Key words: amazing be surprisedDear ,I had an interesting E

21、nglish class today. I had a very unusual experience. When we came here,Step 5 ReviewGo through the Bb and review the items learnt in this lesson.Homework: 1. learn the new language items by heart. 2. Complete the letter neatly and correctly. 点评:通过Greeting消除了陌生感,拉近师生间的距离。并且通过复习现在进行时自然地过渡到过去进行时态,同时处理了

22、新单词around.小组活动中,创设了情景,采用了生生互动的形式,因而让全体学生都能够参与到学习活动中。在听说训练中掌握复习、体验过去进行时态的用法,并且掌握了新短语at around 的用法。增加了课堂的参与度,提高了训练的密度和强度。 点评:此一环节既是对上一教学环节的拓展,也为下面的课文教学以及最后的作文教学创造了条件,几个教学小步骤环环相扣:1、背诵对话,培养学生瞬时记忆能力,同时为采访做准备; 2、学生填表格,运用刚刚背诵的对话结构在班内进行采访,在有意义的语境中运用了学过的过去进行时,该活动寓抽象的语法复习于生动真实的交际活动中。既培养了学生口头交际能力,又为写对话做了铺垫;3、学

23、生写对话,及时把口头训练的成果落实到笔头表达。4、两个例句,让学生理解kid的用法,干脆利索,火候把握精确。此一环节是本节课的重点,尽管生词不多,但既抽象又难读,如果不能突破,则下一步骤难以进行。教师进行的教学活动是:1、领读,学生学习读音;2、同位检查互批互纠读音;3、chant深入解决单词读音,学习单词用法,形成读音单词(词义)短语句子一条线,用生动形象的方法学习抽象的单词,既激发了学生的学习兴趣,又让学生从音、形、意上(特别是读音)掌握单词,同时为学习课文扫清语言障碍。 点评:巩固了chant的内容,形成了小篇章,为学习课文打下了坚实的基础 点评:速读,了解大意,培养学生的速读能力。跟读

24、,矫正学生的读音,培养学生大声诵读能力。阅读并划出重难点,培养学生跳读能力、自学能力和小组合作学习的能力。鼓励学生发问,相互解答问题,精读课文,质疑解惑,为复述课文创造条件。教师在授课的过程中一方面利用图片和关键词为学生复述课文提供了充足的辅助条件(脚手架原则得到了充分地体现);另一方面又让学生逐幅图画进行复述,然后整体复述。体现了由易到难,层层推进的原则。在此教学活动中,教师一方面培养学生口头表达能力和篇章形成能力;另一方面也为进一步理解和运用过去进行时态提供了有力的保障。点评:本环节及时把学习的成果加以巩固,由于教师 精心做了充分的铺垫,做到了由易到难、水到渠成。 点评:结合本课特点,学生

25、运用所学词汇、短语、句型、语法作文,学生在真实的语言运用中,进一步巩固了本节课的学习成果。 点评:回顾本节课的重难点。 总评:纵观本节课,教师对教材的把握老道,教学目标定位准确;教学环节设计丝丝入扣、层层推进;听说读写训练全面、透彻;教师教学方式灵活多样,既活泼,又实用;教学活动设计面向全体学生,学生积极主动参与,主动发展。教师的教学风格已形成鲜明的特点:口头训练领先、读写及时跟进的原则贯穿始终。建议:1、教师再多增加一些让学生展示的机会,以便进一步增强学生的自信心、提高其积极性,进而获得成就感;2、教师应进一步锤炼自己的课堂语言,从而使课堂教学可以更加流畅地进行。复习课课堂教学实录Units

26、 21-22 Book II执教人单位:临沂六中 执教人:咸 慧复习目标1. 复习Units21-22的单词和短语,并能熟练运用重点短语造句2. 总结语法:并列句和反身代词3. 增加语篇阅读,强化限时阅读4. 运用Module 14中的单词和短语,连词成篇教学过程:复习任务一 Class report报告的内容必须和本模块的话题有关。报告者先提出问题再进行报告,然后学生回答问题。点评:Class report既复习了本模块的话题,又训练了学生的听力。学生们带着问题听报告会更有针对性。复习任务二 Words and expressionsStep1: 检查同步 Words and express

27、ions Exx1-2 and then discuss in groups.点评:对单词和短语的复习已提前在课下进行,同步也要求尽量在课下完成,课上只对Words and expressions进行抽查。小组讨论体现了学生的自主学习,使学生对单词理解得更透彻。教师只对疑难问题进行解惑。Step2: 习题:用所给动词的适当形式填空。1) He _off the tree and hurt his left leg. (fall)2) n the end, the police _out the robbers address and arrested him quickly. (find)3)

28、 When she heard the news, her eyes _with excitement. (shine)4) I hear someone _the piano in the next room. (play)5) Last week, our school_ a football match. To our surprise, the girls team beat the boys and_. (hold /win)点评:括号内所给的动词是本模块的重点,而在同步中没有体现,所以选择了几道比较有代表性的习题供学生练习,加强对所学知识的巩固。Step3: 同步III.1. Re

29、ad these phrases aloud and translate them into Chinese orally, then translate the following Chinese sentences into English.点评:通过合作交流,让学生理解本模块中的重点短语和句型,并将所给的汉语句子翻译成英语。习题紧扣知识点,引导学生回顾所学知识。2. Make sentences as many as you can:(1)teach oneself learn by oneself(2)(not) afford to do(3)to ones surprise(4)lo

30、se oneself in(5)catch up with(6)take an active part in点评:针对本模块中的重点短语,给学生充分的思考时间,小组内相互交流,然后快速造句。鼓励学生展开想象,联系前后所学知识,提高了学生造句能力和用英语思维的能力。3.要点再现:asas not as(so)asIts as good as it used to be.She cant run as fast as I can.My brother writes as carefully as me.总结asas的用法:_go on doing go on to do go on with1)

31、Now he has to stop writing because his teacher asks him to go on_(read).2) My mother did some cleaning this morning. After lunch, she went on_(do).She was too tired.3) After a short rest, they will go on with the work.小组讨论三个短语之间的区别:点评:本环节根据例句,通过小组讨论,总结短语的用法。复习任务三 GrammarStep 1: Turn to P35 and P40,

32、Go through Checkpoints21-22. (结合八年级下册同步)Step 2: 总结并列句和反身代词,然后做同步Exx1-2点评:学生结合八年级下册同步,小组交流并列句和反身代词的用法,然后归纳到笔记本上。由于形容词和副词的比较级的用法已在Module 5中详细讲过,教师在这里就没再赘述。复习任务四 Speaking, reading and writingStep 1: 做同步Ex IIStep 2: 限时阅读(选自同步)Turn to P15o. Read the passage (B) in 5 minutes and choose the best answer.点评:

33、这篇文章和本模块中的话题之一“运动”有关。教师设置的限时阅读不但扩大学生的阅读量,而且提高了学生的阅读速度和能力。Step 3: Funny story Choose three or more words and phrases in Units21-22 to make up a short story.Model: fall behind hurt oneself I could when I was. look after oneself do ones best win例文:I could climb the tree when I was seven years old. But

34、one day, I fell off a tall tree and hurt myself. I broke my left leg. So I had to stay at home and I couldnt go to school, even I couldnt look after myself. I thought I would fall behind. But mother said: “Dont give up. work hard and you will win.” So I taught myself at home. I did my best. At last,

35、 I caught up wit the others.点评:教师让学生利用本模块中出现的单词、短语和句型,展开充分的联想,编写趣味故事,培养了学生敏捷的反应能力和思维能力。所提供的例文为下一趣味故事的编写做了适当的铺垫。为学生提供了辅助。 (not) asas catch up with take an active part in (not) afford to do teach oneself go on doing to ones surprise enjoy oneself 点评:学生先笔头练习,然后向全班展示,进一步训练了学生的口、笔头的语言表达能力。作业布置1)复习 Units

36、21-22 Book II中的单词和课文,准备第二天听写;2)尽量完成同步。总评在本节初三复习课上,该教师的课堂教学活动不再拘泥于对词语和课文的理解、背诵,而是把大量的时间花在对所学知识的运用上,用本单元的词、短语、句式等进行口、笔头造句和作文。采用的形式也丰富多样。从听、说、读、写等方面进行全方位的训练与提高。因此学生的综合语言运用能力得以提升。由于给学生提供了很多口头表达、对话交流的场景,这对学生的心理素质、表达的胆量、趣味的提升、成就感自信心的形成大有裨益。但本节课仍有极少部分同学处于“静观其变、不以为然、不为所动”的状态,似乎教学中热烈的语言交融与己无关。因此,教师在组织课堂教学活动中还要多关注这些英语学习中的“弱势群体”,做到个个能张口,人人能表达,真正实现面向全体,人尽其能的民主和谐、活泼紧张的创新课堂。


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