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1、必修二Unit 5Music,1.课前自测2.课堂学案,课前自测,Key:1.brief;briefly2.passer-by;passers-by3.confident;confidence;confidently4.devotion;devote;devoted5.attractive;attract;attraction6.perform;performance;performer7.addition;additional;add8.humorous;humor;humorist9.rely;reliable;unreliable;reliability10.sensitive;sens

2、e;sensor;sensible,1._(adj.简短的;简要的)_(adv.简要地;短暂地)2._(n.过路人;行人)_(复数)n.过路人;行人3._(adj.自信的)_(n.自信)_(adv.自信地;确信地)4._(n.投入;热爱)_(vt.致力于;奉献)_(adj.忠诚的;献身的)5._(adj.吸引人的;有吸引力的)_(vt.吸引)_(n.吸引;吸引力)6._(vt.&vi.表演;履行;执行)_(n.表演;履行)_(n.表演者)7._(n.加;增加;加法)_(adj.附加)_(vt.增加;添加 n.加法;加法运算)8._(adj.幽默的;诙谐的)_(n.幽默;诙谐)_(n.幽默作家;

3、富于幽默感的人)9._(vi.依赖;依靠)_(adj.可依赖的;可靠的)_(adj.不可靠的;不可信的)_(n.可靠性)10._(adj.敏感的;易受伤害的;灵敏的)_(n.感觉;理智)_(n.传感器)_(adj.明智的),Key:1.最重要;首先2.by3.becoming4.sort out5.to fame6.为他们自己多挣一些钱7.on;in8.说实在的9.attach;to10.to be sleeping,Key:1.at which2.written by other musicians3.not;without4.as if/though 5.feeling very upse

4、t,Key:1.as2.to practise3.or4.gradually5.started6.them7.beginning 8.humorous9.harder10.the,Have you ever dreamed of being famous _1_ a popular musician?Many singers,at first,may form a band _2_(practise)their music.And then they may get the chance to give performances in pubs _3_ clubs.Later they may

5、 _4_(gradual)become popular.However,the Monkees _5_(start)in a different way.Only one of _6_(they)was good enough and the other three members pretended to sing.To be honest,it couldnt be called a real band at the _7_(begin).Anyhow,their shows were _8_(humor)and they became popular.After a year or so

6、,they worked even _9_(hard)and produced their own records and started touring.The Monkees broke up in about 1970 but they reunited in _10_ mid-1980s and produced a new record in 1996 to celebrate their former happy time.,课堂学案,1.pretend vt.假装;假扮,1.(2014重庆卷)We are what we pretend to be,so we must be c

7、areful about what we pretend to be.我们将自己假装成什么,我们就是什么。所以,当我们假装时一定要谨慎。2.(2013广东卷)Tom loved to pretend,and he particularly loved to play superheroes.汤姆喜爱装扮,而且他尤其喜爱表演超级英雄。3.It is shameful that some men pretend to be rich on matchmaking websites in order to find a beautiful Miss Right.有些男人为了找到漂亮的另一半而在相亲网

8、站上假装富有,这是很可耻的。,【词块助记】,pretend deafness 装聋作哑pretend that 假装pretend to do sth.假装做某事pretend to be doing sth.假装正在做某事pretend to have done sth.假装已经做过某事,1.We mustnt pretend _(know)what we dont know.2.When his mother came in,he pretended _(do)his homework.3.Jack didnt know anything as a matter of fact,but h

9、e pretended _(know)everything about it and said nothing.Key:1.to know2.to be doing3.to have known,【拓展】pretend后接动词不定式作宾语时,根据不同的语境要求,不定式可以采用一般式、进行式、完成式来表达不同的时间概念。有类似用法的动词有happen,appear,seem和claim等。,【词块助记】,2.attach vt.&vi.系上;缚上;贴上;附加;连接;使依恋,1.(2013陕西卷)Status is the honour or respect attached to a perso

10、ns position in society.身份是在社会中加诸于一个人地位之上的荣誉或尊敬。2.Parents attach much importance to education.They will do their best to give their children that priceless gift.父母都十分重视教育。他们竭尽所能想使孩子们拥有那种无价礼物。3.Across the stream,a man is trying to reach out on the edge of the bank for the fruit with a net attached to

11、a pole.小溪对岸一个男子正把一个绑着网兜的杆子伸过河岸去够水果。,attachto 把固定(附在上)attach importance/significance/value to sth.认为有重要性/意义/价值attach to(使)与有联系/关联be attached to 附属于;依恋,1.(2014天津卷改编)My parents always attach great importance to my _(get)a good education.2.Learning strategies,_ which teachers have attached importance,ha

12、ve not yet drawn enough attention of students.Key:1.getting2.to,3.earn vt.赚;挣得;获得,1.(2015 全国卷)More students are taking a gap year to earn money to support their study for the degree.为了获得学位,更多的学生利用空档年去挣钱来维持他们的学习。2.(2015北京卷)Thats why TV Ears has earned the trust and confidence of audiologists nationwi

13、de as well as world-famous doctors.这就是为什么电视耳机赢得了世界著名医生和全国听觉学家的信任和信心。3.He earns his bread by writing stories.Also he has earned some money by doing some extra jobs,such as teaching and giving lectures.He has also earned confidence and the respect of all.他以写小说谋生,同时他还通过干些额外的活挣了一些钱,比如授课和讲学。他还获得了信心和大家的尊敬

14、。,【构词】earnings n.所得;收入;工资,1.(2014湖北卷改编)During the weeks that followed,we learned to survive in our truck and live on the little money my wife earning by substitute teaching.2.(2011辽宁卷改编)You are old enough to earn you own living.Key:1.earning改为earned2.第二个you改为your,earn ones/a living(make ones/a livin

15、g)谋生earn money(make money)挣钱earn sb.sth.使某人赢得/获得,【词块助记】,4.perform vt.&vi.表演;履行;执行,1.(2015 福建卷)However,studies have shown that when exercise is performed in groups,its not only great for improving physical health but for psychological health.然而,研究已经表明,在集体中锻炼不仅有益于促进身体健康,还对心理健康有利。2.(2013安徽卷)They began

16、to draw the interest of the public as they performed their exciting dance in cafes.当他们在咖啡馆表演他们那令人兴奋的舞蹈时,便开始吸引大众的兴趣。3.The performer promised that he would perform his duty and would perform the experiment well according to the plan.As a result,he performed his promise.这位执行者许诺说他将尽责按计划做好实验。结果他履行了自己的诺言。

17、,【词块助记】,perform the role of 扮演角色perform a(n)role in 在中起作用perform an operation 进行手术perform ones duty/promise 尽责/履行承诺put on/give a performance 表演,1.In order to make members of a team to perform better,the trainer first of all has to know their strengths and weaknesses.2.(2011山东卷改编)I consider the oppor

18、tunity is of great importance and I have been preparing for it recently with the hope that I can perform well.Key:1.去掉第二个to2.在perform后加it,5.rely on 依赖;依靠;指望,1.(2015湖南卷)Remember,however,that you should usually consult different types of sources.That is,you shouldnt always rely just on the Internet fo

19、r your research.然而,要记住你应该查阅不同种类的资源。也就是说,你不应该总是只依赖互联网进行研究。2.(2015全国卷)No one can say which brand will work best for you or feel best on your feet,so you have to rely on your experience and on the feel of each pair as you shop.没人能说那种品牌最适合你或让你的脚感觉最舒适,因此购物时你必须依靠你的经验或试穿时的感受。,rely on sb.to do sth.指望/相信某人会做

20、某事rely on(doing)sth.依赖/信任/指望(做)某事rely on/upon it that 相信;指望rely on的同义短语还有:depend on/upon;count on/upon等。,【头脑风暴】,6.break up 打碎;分裂;解体;结束;分手,1.That way,if we ever break up,I can use it again.这样,如果我们闹崩了,我还可以再用到它。2.(2013福建卷)Old-fashioned phones matter when wireless networks break down in disasters.当灾难发生无

21、线网络无法用的时候,老式电话就起作用了。3.She broke down when she heard the news,but quickly recovered.听到这消息时,她失控哭了起来,但很快就恢复平静了。4.I could have told the story better if so many people had not broken in.假如没有那么多人插嘴,我的故事还能讲得更好些。5.We were discussing our plans,but had to break off when the telephone rang.我们在讨论计划时电话铃响了,我们只好停止

22、讨论。6.Scientists think they have broken through in their attempt to find the causes of many major diseases.科学家们认为,他们在探索主要病症的病因方面有了新的进展。,break down 出故障;坏掉;失败;垮掉break in 破门而入;打断(谈话等)break into 强行闯入;突然起来break away from 脱离;挣脱break off(使)分离;(使)脱离;停止;中止break out(战争、火灾)爆发;发生break through 冲破障碍;(在某领域)有进展或突破,【

23、头脑风暴】,7.above all 最重要;首先,1.First of all,you should not have scolded the boy at all;he is a child after all.Above all,he made only two mistakes in all.首先,你根本不该责备那个男孩;毕竟他还是个孩子。最重要的是,他总共只犯了两个错误。2.You shouldnt depend on your parents at all,and after all you have been over eighteen;above all you should e

24、arn money by yourself.你一点都不应该依靠父母了,毕竟你已过18岁了。最重要的是你应该自己挣钱。3.(2013山东卷)All in all,traveling is the best choice to recharge ourselves and get ready for the new challenges.总之,旅行是我们最好的为自己充电的方式,去为新挑战做好准备。,【头脑风暴】,after all 毕竟;终究all in all 整体说来;总而言之first of all 第一;首先in all 全部;合计at all(否定句)一点也不;(疑问句)到底;究竟,【微

25、解析】,8.Have you ever dreamed of playing in front of thousands of people at a concert,at which everyone is clapping and appreciating your music?你曾梦想过在音乐会上面对成千上万的观众演唱,观众欣赏你的音乐并为你鼓掌吗?,“介词关系代词”引导的定语从句中,关系代词一般用which,whom或whose,并且不可以省略。先行词是物时,用which;先行词是人时,用whom。但当介词放在后面时,在限定性定语从句中,可用that代替which/whom,并且tha

26、t可省略;在非限定性定语从句中只能用关系代词which/whom。“介词 which”在从句中可作时间、地点和原因状语,代替相应的关系副词when,where和why。“介词关系代词”引导的定语从句中介词的选择一般由后面动词和介词的搭配关系来决定,也可根据前面的名词的搭配关系确定。有时需同时考虑动词和介词的搭配关系及介词和名词的搭配关系。,【句型转换】1.Dont you want to explain the reason why you were late for the important meeting?Dont you want to explain the reason _ you

27、 were late for the important meeting?2.He lives in an old room,whose roof has been damaged in the storm.He lives in an old room,the roof _ has been damaged in the storm.3.She has two daughters.One of them is a doctor.She has two daughters,_ is a doctor.4.The growing speed of a plant is influenced by

28、 a number of factors,and most of them are beyond our control.The growing speed of a plant is influenced by a number of factors,_ are beyond our control.Key:1.for which 2.of which 3.one of whom 4.most of which,Key:We are all interested in/fond of pop music and modern dance whether we should play one kind of music or different styles to start our band Wed appreciate it if you could come up with a name for our band,假设你叫李华,欲与本校另外三名同学组建一支乐队,但缺乏经验,请就以下情况或问题给著名音乐组合“凤凰传奇”(Phoenix Legend)发一封电子邮件以寻求帮助。1.成员中有两名男生和两名女生,均喜欢流行音乐与现代舞蹈。2.每周只在周末排练,时间是否够用?初期演唱宜多元化还是坚持一种风格?3.怎样获得较多的表演机会?4.希望能为乐队取一个名字。,


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