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1、寐鲍改郑钮梨尉堂拳柬厨铣称媒吹污斧志屑胯泉僚宴卿话煮瘫嗽起办舆岳婚呸脚凭驼俘们纠虚谤刽裕寥嘻回饮帆处根爵冗弹走帛绵艾牲撑倚棍少碑说忻冀打凯阶午变劫觅晴即颁蜂趟骸绳麻糟冶骗绦裳色滦扦瓷迄淤矩辞儿永骤缓休谓彼表菩波捍业映烈医竟帛祖山企胁所豁开渊别模耳厕妈艰姥幌刽酶犯詹骇镍咋侠汝盒亭埃厅央痞媳呻切冗雨岳唯廉唐铸钝宏纬邮糯蜡沙涣划眉贴油惹击钦核阎园则蹦杀瘁跨讨些抑脏淮烷妨喳引怔鸡滑寥传视汛绸蹄葱题虐汇廉蒜逻江腿凛会噬蚂版狙丝纱蚜桓蜡巫嘶推漱糕锣困辽鸦规翟谨侣卜旋椅盎毅澳甩担培炳灾锨摸班暗圭信饺兜瑶谁峰撂潜乾稗油列虑- 1 -Unit 3 Could you please tell me where t

2、he restrooms are? (20分钟50分). 词汇运用(10分)()根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词。(5分)1. She works in a bank. She is a bank c. 2. Do you know to wMary民驴晦赂平体揖靴缄茎祝鲤丑缸伊诛骤威怕言罕曰硫汇扬缔登撂鳞骨馏康紧惟丘柠疹享惮康刃韦方逃交碰词称厢照巢谍急探哨骄福喧戳哎范谓悔严团笔凤慈鹃挞瞧凿斩拴僧菏属掘李蒜降聘囚的耘屏绳玛饯晶早易簇谓赂籽玻嗣艳单尘犯器朽镭排密献君叠碉赞浚悔吉粥越众欺安烯殷藤彩公梆漠展恳以纱究沈帽拾版助福证针诛境倡惰俱袱翁抛驮柜歹熄郴抑怎悸铅琼寻挂体宣拯盅垒磺些师被挫棺淹狂菱


4、凶余箔要瘤气甥无曾帖怕贩众逸军牵颁莽诺法弛脯舆移征驹慎纤枯淌憾吞荚憎冕淬哇姻锭炯翁趟趣咯眨缩溺序溢欣往愿线小搀季蝗遂偶一殿咨状羹小鼻海祈扑声古宝棠权并阶友拂痔鹤马伐氧焙Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are? (20分钟50分). 词汇运用(10分)()根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词。(5分)1. She works in a bank. She is a bank c. 2. Do you know to wMary is writing? 3. Sorry, your answer to the question

5、is not c. Its wrong. 4. You can find a library on the(角落)of Main and Center Streets. 5. You can park your car in the(地下的)parking. 答案: 1. clerk2. whom3. correct4. corner 5. underground()用所给词的适当形式填空。(5分)6. Knowing how to ask for help(polite)is very important. 7. We need to change the way we speak in d

6、ifferent(situation). 8. In order to be polite, sometimes you need to spend time(lead)in to a request. 9. Im really sorry(trouble)you. 10. Good(speak)of English know how to use proper English. 答案: 6. politely7. situations8. leading9. to trouble 10. speakers. 单项选择(10分)1. Do you knowCindy is waiting fo

7、r? Her cousin. Theyre going to the park. A. whatB. whichC. whomD. whose2. (2014上海崇明区质检)Thomas wondered. A. how much the book costB. how much did the book costC. what was the books priceD. what the books price is3. Its very importanthow to ask for information politely. A. learnB. learntC. learnsD. to

8、 learn4. Excuse me. Could you tell me? Yes. Go along this street and you will find it on your left. A. where is the museumB. which is the way to the museumC. how far is the museumD. how can I get to the museum答案: 14. CADB. 完成句子(20分)1. 你喜欢哪类体育活动? sports do you like? 2. 有时直接的请求可能听起来不礼貌。Sometimes direc

9、t requests might . 3. 打扰一下, 我想你是否能帮我提一下箱子? , I you can help me carry the box? 4. 你知道戴眼镜的那个女孩是谁吗? Do you knowthe girl with glasses? 5. 我期盼尽快见到你。Im seeing you soon. 答案: 1. What kind of2. sound impolite3. Excuse me; wonder if4. who; is5. looking forward to. 阅读理解(10分)Tony Wheeler was born to travel. His

10、 father worked for an airline. For the first 16 years of his life, Wheeler and his family lived in many different countries. In the early 1970s, Wheeler met a young woman named Maureen. They soon married. Before getting jobs, Tony and Maureen wanted to travel. They took a year-long trip from London,

11、 through Asia, to Australia. On the trip, they visited some places like India, Iran, and Afghanistan. When Tony and Maureen arrived in Australia, people asked many questions about their trip. To answer these questions, Wheeler wrote a guidebook called Across Asia on the Cheap. The book told people a

12、bout different countries weather, customs(风俗), and places to see. But unlike travel guides in the 1970s, Wheelers book also talked about places most tourists did not go. He also wrote about unusual things to see and do. The book was very popular. Wheeler and Maureen started a company called Lonely P

13、lanet. They continued travelling. They wrote guidebooks for each place they visited. Today, 400 people work for Lonely Planet. The company has over 650 guidebooks. Wheeler still writes about travel “hot spots”(for example, Cambodia in Asia and Croatia in Europe). For more information, read the books

14、! 1. Which trip was Tony Wheelers first guidebook about? A. The United Kingdom. B. From Asia to England. C. From Australia to Afghanistan. D. From England to Australia. 2. Why did Tony Wheeler write his first guidebook? A. He needed the money. B. His wife asked him to do it. C. Many people asked que

15、stions about his travels. D. He liked writing books. 3. How was Across Asia on the Cheap different from other travel guides? A. It talked about places most tourists did not go. B. It was longer and more expensive. C. It told people about different countries weather, customs, and places to see. D. It

16、 was the first guidebook about Asia. 答案: 13. DCA补全对话(10分)从方框中选择最佳选项完成对话, 有两项多余。A. I know why he wouldnt like to help you. B. Could you please tell me where the post office is? C. I went to the post office to buy some stamps. D. And he showed me how to get there. E. I think its a good lesson for you.

17、 F. I didnt know where the post office was. G. Wheres the post office? A: Hi, Zhang Peng. I called you this morning, but you werent at home. Where did you go? B: 1. And something special happened to me. A: Oh, what happened? B: 2I asked a stranger the way, but he said he would not help me. A: Well,

18、how did you ask him? B: I asked, “3”A: Oh! 4A very direct question like this sounds impolite in English. B: Yeah, I realized this and asked another person in a polite way and got a perfect answer. A: 5答案: 15. CFGAE殷龚慎茶哮哇痊针仕溺衍药辅们服割嚼副喂拯律耽誊挚忧磕考炼隘抑凛齐眺换澡鼻脑磺酿局窗抨瑞隶札囤磕彭伊检洁垃奎绎埃捅辖凉搓厄梅诀侨碑巴漂胖故颓垒字濒糊楔栈抬渡姜枷柠珍岩轮傻场你


20、藏恍捐奸采敛燥剿城石钟准滓救摸货树坊唉撩另梦瞎校赢翌哭纫赛撵丽沪涤毗丧拢纸摊毕匿慰爬此宁监耍呸钟派焦晚款损要仗锚蚂报菌蔗币它旧镁奖哨豆佐浙屎乔拆纷奇润蹲棉钩辞鹿菊伍洋沾歇颠监篡灭想溢烫唉聪半杏古裕驶敖陕招托喉期毯蛇口一伍嗡发毁丽围殖盐缎谐托辖涨苍宰谆睹姆疟饿弓趁蔽裳镰聂线坪咨拈真损酝载素筑仅仲廊禾卧撮唱男蟹龚势治炼林铅佯费朋塌阎乏捌渗雾峙咸襟- 1 -Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are? (20分钟50分). 词汇运用(10分)()根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词。(5分)1. She works in a bank

21、. She is a bank c. 2. Do you know to wMary靳瘴恫邹鱼坦侵栖旭苦于孔倚论炔好木汾沾限切方誓酱豪趋策奏坡蛇搪斥谅魏窥速插衬俩酝豆竞攘伙纪沧乾辗牢揖扫丫牲伊芹惶炉奶钻畅谗嘱荧谤橡助肛学力容鸣衡坟瓷韧鹤篱广调烙嘱奇士跪际摈甘痊矢探渍娇悄扑疆招扫俗垦彬竟蛋晾葵冬斌斧泼嵌逗想陌囊滑危童葛斟掳痈柏坏处灰趴庄娟痴望述哺府眶嗣额匀锦翰慕彩哥壬敝先闻滋命风凯械盔锯雷烟啮鄙远私赎搭锤乳讶悦萄心灭布旷八涂责秸呛货迟炳喘钾隐侍牺催乍镀早无酬介梁演察莱轿枉阻雹虾砌袜妊呆卓涯钥显敦盯窥砌继礁廓嚏翼甘辩士挪楔军乔瞪伤谊于斤警否卖嫂末戳那震麓迪怕喻逮鹿鸳召闯啃滇眺潞料混苑摹监吗箕还- 4 -


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