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1、-范文最新推荐- 中外买方信贷合同 借 款 方:_ 地 址:_ 邮码:_ 电话:_ 法定代表人:_ 职务:_ 贷 款 方:_ 地 址:_ 邮码:_ 电话:_ 法定代表人:_ 职务:_ 第一条 定义 1.1.“贷款”:贷款人在本合同项下所承担的贷款金额和责任。 1.2.“提款”:贷款人在本合同项下,凭借款人通过其指定银行发来的提款电报,通知提款用以向卖方支付贷款的金额。 1.3.“承担期”:自本合同签字日起,至本合同第五条规定的贷款使用截止日为止的期间。 1.4.“计

2、息期”: (1)自第一次提款日起,即自贷款帐户第一次被借记之日起,每6个月的期间为一个计息期; (2)第一个计息期的末日应与第一次提款日同日; (3)如该期末月无同日,即为该月之最后营业日; (4)如同日不是营业日,即顺延至继后的营业日; (5)如继后营业日跨入下月,即顺延至继后的营业日。 1.5.“付息日”:每个计息期的末日为借款人付息之日,按实有天数支付该期利息。 1.6.“还款日”:自承担期终止日起,3个月以后的第一个付息日开始的,连续_个付息日,为借款人分期还款之日。 1.7.“美元”us:可以自由划拔和自由兑换的美利坚合众国的法偿货币。 1.8.“营业日”:北京、伦敦、纽约三地银行营

3、业之日,同时又是后两地的美元拆放市场营业之日。 1.9.“年基数”:利息计算以360天为年基数。 1.10.“月”:日历月。 1.11.“日”:日历日。 1.12._银行同业间贷款利率“libor”:当付息日前的第二个营业日,_时间上午11时,由指定的参考银行报出的伦敦欧州货币市场上的商业银行之间6个月美元贷款利率,经由中国银行_分行于同日以电传分别通知贷款和借款人。 第二条 贸易合同 借款人在此确认:已于_年_月_日在_与卖方签订下列合同。合同号码:_金额:_(美元) 其中由中国制造的部分,占合同总金额的_%,即_ (美元) 商品名称:_ 定金加现付的百分率:_ 交货条件

4、:_ 第三条 贷款金额 根据上述合同,贷款人同意向借款人提供总额不超过_万美元贷款,用于支付上述合同总金额的_%给卖方。 第四条 提款条件 借款人在向贷款人提交下列文件后可以提款: 4.1 提款人组织规章,最近财政年度的、经当地开业的会计师签证的财务报告书包括资产负债表和损益计算书。 4.2 借款人所在国政府对借款人进行营业、签订本合同的批准文件。 4.3 担保人出具的借款人无力偿还部分或全部借款之本息时承担还款责任的不可撤销的保函。 4.4.借款人所在国的外汇管理出具的证明,承认该了解借款人在本合同中所负的各种责任,并对借款人用以支付所有在本

5、合同项下付款的外汇许可证书(可视贷款方所在国不同的管汇规定决定需否)。 4.5 借款人提供的已按贸易合同规定,付讫定金和现付部分款项的银行证明文件。 第五条 提取贷款 5.1 借款人从其指定的银行,收到卖方通过贷款人交来的,按第二条贸易合同第_条规定的汇票、发票、全套装运单据后,在不超过30天的期限内,通过指定的银行拍发加押电报向贷款人提取贷款支付给卖方。 5.2 贷款人当收到上述加押电报后,即凭以借记贷款帐户,付款给卖方并取得收据,正副本一式二份。 5.3 本贷款的提取期限截至_年_月_日止。 第六条 贷款帐户 6.1 贷

6、款人在其帐簿上以借款人名义开立贷款帐户,用以记载全部提款人本金、利息和还款的收付金额 6.2 贷款人根据第五条二款借记贷款帐户后,向借款人寄送借记通知书,还款付息日程表附卖方收据副本。还款付息日程表内容按第二款和第三款填列。 6.3 贷款人收到借款人按第七条及或第八条的各次还款时,贷记贷款帐户。 6.4 贷款帐户的借方余额,构成贷款人债权和借款人债务的正式记录。 第七条 付息和还本 7.1 借款人根据本合同规定应无条件地清偿债务,不受贸易合同项下买卖双方任何行为影响。 7.2 借款人按贷款帐户的借方余额,于每期付息日中国银行伦敦分行通

7、知的参考银行所报6个月libor加年率_%向贷款人支付本期利息。 7.3 借款人如迟付利息,迟付期间的利率改按libor加年率1%计算迟付利息。 7.4 借款人应自第一个还款日开始的_年内,按贷款帐户借方余额所表示的提取总金额分为_个等分,连续地每半年偿还一个分期金额。 7.5 各次还本付息,借款人均须于还款日和付息日之当天,不迟于纽约时间上午11时,通过纽约“票据交换所银行间支付系统chips付给中国银行_分行贷记中国银行总行为_号帐户,并电告贷款人凭以贷记贷款帐户。 7.6 本合同项下借款可根据本合同第八条规定自愿提前偿还。 第八条 自愿提

8、前偿还 8.1 借款人可在任何一个还款日和付息日提前偿还贷款的部分或全部本金和应付利息,但借款人必须至少在30天前以书面或电传通知贷款人。 8.2 提前偿还的本金须为_万美元的倍数,且不少于_万美元。 8.3 提前偿还的本金限于归还按还款付息日程表上倒数次数的分期金额。 8.4 提前偿还通知一经发出,即不可撤销,提前偿还的本金不可重行提取。 第九条 费用 9.1 承担费:自本合同签字日的90天后开始,到承担期结束日为止,在此期间凡有未提取的贷款额,借款人应向贷款人按未提取的实际天数支付年率_%的承担费。 9.2 管理费:借款

9、人应向贷款人一次支付按贷款总额_ %的管理费,于本协议书签订日后的_天内支付。 9.3 信贷保险费:借款人应按贷款总额的_%于本合同签订日_天内,通过贷款人向中国出口信贷保险部门缴付出口信贷保险费。 9.4 其他费用:倘若发生如本合同第十一条所述的要求立即还款事件,借款人同意赔偿贷款人因维护其在本合同项下的权益而发生的费用及损失。 第十条 立即还款 遇有下列任何情况时,贷款人可以立即停止或取消贷款承担责任并立即宣告所有贷款帐户的借方余额连同应付未付的利息与费用应立即清偿。 10.1 借款人不能依照本合同规定,按时偿还任何一期的贷款本金、利息和其

10、他费用。 10.2 任何在本合同内的各项陈述与保证被证明为不正确或不真实的,或者借款人不能承担本合同确定的各项责任时,或者这些意外是能够补救的,而借款人在收到贷款人的通知后30天内未能有效地作出补救。 10.3 担保要人提供的保函(或其他担保手段),由于任何原因被取消、停止、不予执行,或者更改后而产生相反的效果。 10.4 借款人所在国的外汇管理出具的证明,由于任何原因取消、停止、不予执行,或者更改以后产生相反的效果。 10.5 由于任何原因,借款人停止经营其业务,以至对贷款人不能履行其还本付息的责任,或者贷款人根据充足理由,证明借款人不能执行本合同的规

11、定时。 第十一条 情况变更及本合同之修改和补充 11.1 由于本合同双方中任何一方政府的有关法令、规定、官方指示的更改或变动以及贸易合同的修改,致使本合同的部分或全部条款无法继续执行时,双方应立即进行诚意的磋商,对本合同有关条款进行修改或补充,以便达成一个双方都能接受的条件,使本合同能继续执行至完毕。 11.2 如果在30天内,双方协商未能达成一致意见,则贷款人有权宣布本合同项下未付的全部分期金额和应付利息立即到期。借款人须于宣布之日起_天内清偿全部悬欠的贷款本息。由此而引起的贷款人的任何损失,均应由借款人负担。 11.3 本合同修改和补充,需由借款人和

12、贷款人双方签字后方能生效。 第十二条 仲裁 有关本合同项下的任何争执,应通过友好协商争取解决。 如上述争执不能在第十二条第二款贷款人宣布之日起_天内协商解决,则双方同意将争执事项提交_仲裁委员会进行仲裁。 仲裁由三方成员组成: 一方由借款人指定; 一方由贷款人指定; 第三方由双方共同指定。当双方对指定第三方成员不能达成一致意见时,由_仲裁主席指定。 仲裁委员会的裁决为最终裁决,对双方均有约束力,不能上诉或反对。借款人在此特别放弃其被控告的财物没收的任何豁免权,放弃给予本身或其财产除宣判执行的任何权利。该裁决可通知任何一家有权力的法庭执行。 第十三条 其他事项。 13.1&n

13、bsp;通知方法 所有需要或发出的书面通知必须采用下列方法之一为之: (1)专差送达; (2)经电传及(或)电报; (3)已支付挂号邮费的航空函件; 通讯地址是: 借款人:公司全称:_ 地址:_ 代 表 人:_ 电传:_ 电报挂号:_ 贷款人:银行名称:_ 地址:_ 代 表 人:_ 电传:_ 电报挂号:_ 双方同意用快捷的通讯方法通知更改上述地址。 13.2 合同生效。本合同自双方签署后生效,有效期至还清全部借款本息时终止。 13.3 合同及通讯使用的文字 (1)本合同以英文书写。 (2)本合同有关各方之间有通讯以及往来文件以_书写。

14、 贷 款 人:_ 法定代表人:_ _ 年_月_日 借 款 人:_ 法定代表人:_ _ 年_月_日 合同编号:_contract no:_签订地点:_signed at:_签订日期:_date:_买方:_thebuyers:_卖方:_the sellers:_1双方同意按下列条款由买方售出下列商品:the buyers agree to buy and the sellers agree to sell the following goods on terms and conditions as set forth below:(1)商

15、品名称、规格及包装 (2)数量 (3)单价 (4)总值 (1)name of commodity , (2)quantity (3)unit price (4)totalspecifications and packing value(装运数量允许有%的增减) (shipment quantity %more or less allowed) (5)装运期限:_(5)time of shipment:_(6)装运口岸:_ (6)port of loading:_(7)目的口岸:_(7)port of destination:_(8)保险;由_方负责,按本合同总值_投保_险。(8)insuran

16、ce:to be covered by the_for _% of the invoice value against_. (9)付款:凭保兑的、不可撤销的、可转让的、可分割的即期有电报套汇条款见票出票_天期付款信用证,信用证以_为受益人并允许分批装运和转船。该信用证必须在_前开到卖方,信用证的有效期应为上述装船期后第_天,在中国_到期,否则卖方有权取消本售货合约,不另行通知,并保留因此而发生的一切损失的索赔权。(9)terms of payment:by confirmed, irrevocable, transferable and divisible letter of credit i

17、n favour of_payable at sight with tt reimbursement clause/_days/sight/date allowing partial shipment and transshipment. the covering letter of credit must reach the sellers before _and is to remain valid in _.china until the 15th day after the aforesaid time of shipment, failing which the sellers re

18、serve the right to cancel this sales contract without further notice and to claim from the buyers for losses resulting therefrom.(10)商品检验:以中国_所签发的品质数量重量包装卫生检验合格证书作为卖方的交货依据。(10)inspection:the inspection certificate of quality / quantity / weight / packing / sanitation issued by_of china shall be rega

19、rded as evidence of the sellers delivery.(11)装运唛头:_(11)shipping marks:_2异议:品质异议须于货到目的口岸之日起_天内提出,数量异议须于货到目的口岸之日起_天内提出,但均须提供经卖方同意的公证行的检验证明。如责任属于卖方者,卖方于收到异议_天内答复买方并提出处理意见。2.discrepancy:in case of quality discrepancy, claim should be lodged by the buyers within _ days after the arrival of the goods at t

20、he port of destination, while for quantity discrepancy, claim should be lodged by the buyers within _ days after the arrival of the goods at the port of destination. in all cases, claims must be accompanied by survey reports of recognized public surveyors agreed to by the sellers. should the respons

21、ibility of the subject under claim be found to rest on the part of the sellers, the sellers shall, within _ days after receipt of the claim, send their reply to the buyers together with suggestion for settlement.3信用证内应明确规定卖方有权可多装或少装所注明的百分数,并按实际装运数量议付。(信用证之金额按本售货合约金额增加相应的百分数。)3.the covering letter of

22、 credit shall stipulate the sellerss option of shipping the indicated percentage more or less than the quantity hereby contracted and be negotiated for the amount covering the value of quantity actually shipped. (the buyers are requested to establish the l/c in amount with the indicated percentage o

23、ver the total value of the order as per this sales contract.)4信用证内容须严格符合本售货合约的规定,否则修改信用证的费用由买方负担,卖方并不负因修改信用证而延误装运的责任,并保留因此而发生的一切损失的索赔权。4.the contents of the covering letter of credit shall be in strict conformity with the stipulations of the sales contract. in case of any variation there of necessit

24、ating amendment of the l/c, the buyers shall bear the expenses for effecting the amendment. the sellers shall not be held responsible for possible delay of shipment resulting from awaiting the amendment of the l/c and reserve the right to claim from the buyers for the losses resulting therefrom.5除经约

25、定保险归买方投保者外,由卖方向中国的保险公司投保。如买方需增加保险额及或需加保其他险,可于装船前提出,经卖方同意后代为投保,其费用由买方负担。5.except in cases where the insurance is covered by the buyers as arranged, insurance is to be covered by the sellers with a chinese insurance company. if insurance for additional amount and /or for other insurance terms is requi

26、red by the buyers, prior notice to this effect must reach the sellers before shipment and is subject to the sellers agreement, and the extra insurance premium shall be for the buyers account.6因人力不可抗拒事故使卖方不能在本售货合约规定期限内交货或不能交货,卖方不负责任,但是卖方必须立即以电报通知买方。如果买方提出要求,卖方应以挂号函向买方提供由中国国际贸易促进委员会或有关机构出具的证明,证明事故的存在。

27、买方不能领到进口许可证,不能被认为系属人力不可抗拒范围。 6.the sellers shall not be held responsible if they fail, owing to force majeure cause or causes, to make delivery within the time stipulated in this sales contract or cannot deliver the goods. however, the sellers shall inform immediately the buyers by cable. the seller

28、s shall deliver to the buyers by registered letter, if it is requested by the buyers, a certificate issued by the china council for the promotion of international trade or by any competent authorities, attesting the existence of the said cause or causes. the buyers failure to obtain the relative imp

29、ort licence is not to be treated as force majeure.7仲裁:凡因执行本合约或有关本合约所发生的一切争执,双方应以友好方式协商解决;如果协商不能解决,应提交中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会,根据该会的仲裁规则进行仲裁。仲裁裁决是终局的,对双方都有约束力。7.arbitration:all disputes arising in connection with this sales contract or the execution thereof shall be settled by way of amicable negotiation. in ca

30、se no settlement can be reached, the case at issue shall then be submitted for arbitration to the china international economic and trade arbitration commission in accordance with the provisions of the said commission. the award by the said commission shall be deemed as final and binding upon both pa

31、rties.8附加条款(本合同其他条款如与本附加条款有抵触时,以本附加条款为准。):_。8.supplementary condition(s)(should the articles stipulated in this contract be in conflict with the following supplementary condition(s),the supplementary condition(s)should be taken as valid and binding.):_.卖方(sellers)(盖章):_ 买方(buyers)(盖章):_ 编号:_签约地点:_签订

32、日期:_年_月_日卖方:_买方:_买卖双方经协商同意按下列条款成交:1货物名称、规格和质量 :_2数量:_3单价及价格条款:_(除非另有规定,fob、cfr和 cif均应依照国际商会制定的XX年国际贸易术语解释通则(incoterms XX)办理。)4总价:_5允许溢短装:_6装运期限:收到可以转船及分批装运之信用证_天内装运。7付款条件:_买方须于_前将保兑的、不可撤销的、可转让的、可分割的即期付款信用证开到卖方,该信用证的有效期延至装运期后_天在中国到期,并必须注明允许分批装运和转船。买方未在规定的时间内开出信用证,卖方有权发出通知取消本合同,或接受买方对本合同未执行的全部或部份,或对因此


34、进行仲裁。仲裁裁决是终局的,对双方均有约束力。13通知:所有通知用_文写成,并按照如下地址用传真/电子邮件/快件送达给各方。如果地址有变更,一方应在变更后_日内书面通知另一方。卖方:_买方:_14其他:本合同为中英文两种文本,两种文本具有同等效力。本合同一式_份。自双方签字(盖章)之日起生效。卖方(签字):_ 买方(签字):_附件no.:_signed at:_date:_年_月_日seller:_buyer:_the undersigned seller and buyer have agreed to close the following transactions according t

35、o the terms and conditions set forth as below: 1name, specifications and quality of commodity:_2quantity:_3unit price and terms of delivery:_the terms fob,cfr,or cif shall be subject to the international rules for the interpretation of trade terms (incoterms XX) provided by international chamber of

36、commerce (icc) unless otherwise stipulated herein.) 4total amount:_5more or less:_。6time of shipment:within _ days after receipt of l/c allowing transhipment and partial shipment. 7terms of payment:by confirmed, irrevocable, transferable and divisible l/c to be available by sight draft to reach the

37、seller before _ and to remain valid for negotiation in china until _after the time of shipment. the l/c must specify that transshipment and partial shipments are allowed. the buyer shall establish a letter of credit before the above-stipulated time, failing which, the seller shall have the right to

38、rescind this contract upon the arrival of the notice at buyer or to accept whole or part of this contract non fulfilled by the buyer, or to lodge a claim for the direct losses sustained, if any. 8packing:_9insurance:covering _ risks for_110 of invoice value to be effected by the _.10quality/quantity

39、 discrepancy:in case of quality discrepancy, claim should be filed by the buyer within 30 days after the arrival of the goods at port of destination, while for quantity discrepancy, claim should be filed by the buyer within 15 days after the arrival of the goods at port of destination. it is underst

40、ood that the seller shall not be liable for any discrepancy of the goods shipped due to causes for which the insurance company, shipping company, other transportation organization /or post office are liable. 11force majeurethe seller shall not be held responsible for failure or delay in delivery of

41、the entire lot or a portion of the goods under this sales contract in consequence of any force majeure incidents which might occur. force majeure as referred to in this contract means unforeseeable, unavoidable and insurmountable objective conditions. 12arbitration:any dispute arising from or in connection with the sales con


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