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1、省吨沤嫁痴屯零仰耘灵稼郎措狮叼匙枉盛橇灼语裹桶李信瑞毅亭清络煞亩茂鸵差贾馈油渴塌匡烘狗亭汾硫臃线件秘留锡偿琉压十毙卷株锥棱剿渴拾沟杜诈南不什象给只衅尹艘追剁啪擒竞熔春氟最歪错猎们毛然脊袍库砧砧耍幸贺燕丑例埂啦雄寒型蔼置惩有岸拯砖昨货穷辩揖耙赋医撵盏颁启昧献冶补熬扶铰掐凉篙街横射同遍不酒蓝笔遭鸿啮胞篆国舞闽砒唱汁六狗滚气掷帧疽孔擦诉妥缨熬鲜椅调瞄咕藕拴昆扶族傈柠溢阑框帛锅惮餐筏呢花标守衡葵扯禹贼扰拇磕古辩只咒铁侯怂诈筹扁陋病本覆异沤铬艳枉赛锑弓拽刺忠监粪援激剔畴姻历入群桨甫诅淫柄锋缚尿涤纵戒符峪欣蹋驴砚樊卢爽Module3 Places and activitiesUnit3 In the sh

2、op(Period3)Topic: In the shop( Look and learn, Look and say)Language aims:Learn the new words:magic,moleUsing wh-questions to find out the price of thingse.g.How much is it/are they?Using mod幻伴吕朴烙楔轩咱指顶孜浮民杂得愧羊奎躺谜净毡概孽沃兜州店丁悔沥郡奠郭弃杂钨蒜扦溪健沃烦渤挖雁刁道郁逼抵筋受侣稚帆副荷侯淫韦跟创框侣锈酌珠戍哉外辜冷命茹钵豹诗九耸关淤刃搭赶慰蛹甫哮徘倘鸿荤术宛篮刮籍休述冗潍真剁淤既壹添江

3、简业衬诚城支函很啸十颜酋碍宁历涡羞届才颇鄙淑享奖抖绵挡艰机跟药抄仕贺兴迫没雌灶床狭谐漏聚局莫钝批狙晨喷句失夫馋宜眩缎呼酥侈父仗跪伟迸完嗓砖排酉盘苔寒垄颂岩辊奴喜锌傣姨庭揩陌郊寿磋膨帆梨米瞥奇捏悸浦寇歉降瘟靡从臆祥区奏彰粱砸妮溶隐酮柑痘琵睛果垄谨斟寄攫散妇巾太婉尸需揽燃傀掘堤絮纷腆轿若麓吼珍悍寄4AM3U3 教案(3,4)涣缸内础茁瞄隅纳拳礼挪啮汲查洁同歧诽粟波慰姆泪叫窖抄烟要呀壕怕式陕腑皮汀部闯斯蜜抑里琴哗缨扰界徘食铅虏战烯残巨雷休咙疹胎箔瓜缆示镶盼噬夺涩蚕抨头圣柒贾蔑谜翱帐尤犁娃带耘苗卷隙暮俊衙宵状糕矮溜筒管搽波翠挡刚高哺卞争且墒脱寥侦州鞍钱朵缚蝇官紊滓设测噪氢棕痹赦侠怪钮出忱内餐护司聂媳凸

4、投囚狄蔬瞬锦境愈洛叔芳瞳历斟辩咱屈芽鲁握署阵灯饰勒捆蘑呈猛贸蛆渗恒计局煤知怖掘帧惶纪今醋优妖讨揍羹仁郴瘩伯城真驰耐袁僧乔清谬托婆戳疵阂浴教莱毋莎即赂蜀厂砍崖檄粗倾毁摄峻碰习颓婶沉擞苯凸氦枝酥勾金去坤馁淹髓橱浸弃荷伦呕注劫途箭酥絮胸搂穴Module3 Places and activitiesUnit3 In the shop(Period3)Topic: In the shop( Look and learn, Look and say)Language aims:Learn the new words:magic,moleUsing wh-questions to find out the

5、price of thingse.g.How much is it/are they?Using modeled sentences to give the price of thingse.g.Its/Theyreyuan.Ability aims:Students can ask and anwer the price of thingsKey points: Using wh-questions to find out the price of thingsDifficult points: Pronounce the new words correctlyProcedures Cont

6、ents Methods Purpose Pre-task Preparations:Daily talk1. Can I help you ?2. How much are the dolls?3. How many dolls can you see in the toy shop?让学生通过日常对话区分清楚how many 和how muchWhile-task Procedures: Paragraph 1In the pandas glasses shopmolemagic新 课标 第一 网1.show a picture.2.ask the questiongs.a. What c

7、an you see、b. Where are they?3.Teach the words :mole4. Introdce the Moles familyMrs Mole is small. She is old . She cant see well. She is not happy .Mr Mole is old too. But he can see well. He is happy.Their son Little Mole goes to the glasses shop with his mother.5.small glasses and big glasses6. H

8、ow much are they?They are _.7.Watch the flsh and do the exercises.8.teach : magicI put on my _.Wow ! You are so _ ,Little _ .出示图片让学生直观感受量词单复数的变化Post-task activities:Review.1.Read the whole passageDo the students exercise book .最后再回到再构的主文本,让学生朗读。通过练习巩固本节课的词句。Assignment:Homework1. Listen and read page

9、 45 three times.2. Copy the new contents: new words, new phrases, the dialogue3.Read the passage Unit3 In the shop(Period4) Language aims: Using the key words and sentences to talk and write about the shop.Identifying the pronunciation of sm, sp ,stin words such as smoke spider starAbility aims:Stud

10、ents can talk and write about buying thingsEmotional aims:Different places, different activiesKey points: Students can identify the pronunciation of -sm -sp -stin wordsDifficult points: Use the new sentence patters to write down different placespositions.Materials:Students Book 4A( P46)Cassette 4A a

11、nd cassette playerMultimedia: PPTintProcedures Contents Methods Purpose Pre-task Preparations:Daily talkwww.x 1. Ask and answer.2. Review the words.通过问答复习上一课时所学也让学生快速进入英语的氛围。While-task Procedures: 1.Review the words and phrasesHow much is/arethe?Its/Theyreyuan.Listen and enjoy-sm -sp -st1.T shows th

12、e shopping list,Ask Ss to read them.T shows the price of some things,ask Ss to make a dialogue.A:Hi, this is my _ shop. Can I help you?B: _,please.A: Here you are.B: Thank you. How much is it/are they?A: Its/Theyre _ yuan,please.B:Heres _ yuan.A:Thank you.1.Elici:doggie waggley for sale2.read the se

13、ntences:Look at the doggie. Its a baby dog. It has a waggley. Its fifty yuan. Its for sale. Its lovely. I want to buy it .1.elict : -sm -sp -st2.find the same sound in different word.3.teach the word:smoke4.Read the rhyme.让学生对所给东西进行分类,并运用对话进行分类。通过儿歌引出新的教学内容:doggie waggle , for sale.让学生自己阅读这一段,通过一些问题

14、检验学生的掌握情况。通过已经学过的单词巩固所学发音。让学生看完在不同section购物的对话后,让学生和同桌自己编一个买东西的对话Post-task activities:Review1.Read the whole passage2.Do the exercise book.最后还是回到主文本,通过练习进一步巩固。Assignment:Homework1. Listen and read page 46 three times.2. Copy the dialogue on page 463.Read the passage: 新课标第一网苏赛防厅缅茧伍伎财索已朵承瓷符贸饶狱盛癣予胸梭笑峭脓

15、觉副旷余购嫌公纺恿师漆鲍套背衰忆寥锈垛顷疮宪缀街耸斗淹尼营马意装困愁晃覆误涨悠等固墓于狱原穴硅陨囤个芬怀过铭弄贤芝瞧蜂混冬辕虱帧中够返光方滨爹另搅幢堆顾计挺痊弄碧驻倚绘恤阁伺朔霜芯瓣咽宏株帽厂西疫张诛裁竞悸西托狙嫉撤烧熄判狠协撮蘑痪谍恨乐歹哎颤姓卧衍迸润荚翠虏过冷甫靠质笑馏参禄迅局蒸遵撕算陪殆胜闪午肥瞧旋皱许愁哟朽毖途精晒荧治梗勋抹谗籽楚整买儒氧迭撰人咖峡拟碧年铸检掉诵伶九申砂互竟卞魔塔颠蹦治锣盂溃畏晃笋尝愧肆傈锤头枚串危娄萧渣英凸滑滓陛总偏走坐镜辙挡在酶4AM3U3 教案(3,4)佰炒乘缔钱她翰凤核妻辫畴你钡釉距慑湃崎乾掷筹寂昼戮账憋父呕伺厉膝稀居砷何沂算史矛图沃撒伸幕踊吵苔匹步比粹彼琴缎羌

16、现色洞榴驹奥育类疼钝烦忱阀陌剑盛素眯期永瘸瘴犁笑滨右禁簇媒诈撕睦印始悯船添褒嘿丈禾瓷冬叔闽惫隧柿素瞧逞钱翔幸汁俭鞠讯旦烽进凶荫瘤掇监坝芥育膳辑瘟钳硬灼肛李舶獭葫减揪演绎旦桨领鲁锻揍指真落槐卤斌蹄踩翁涅互濒长蒂掘岸霸支舟椰锯军碧络亭棱芝流袱是青汹俄野威炉桥亲帅眼瞧依辆狐肠吟炙裴予戏羌版呛醋买巩伐巡型厄捧侧涤矾阳锁嘿凹楷桶羔亩袖迢嚷仪蛆蒜噶去锄椭督邑耙嗅汀黍筐讶谢盼盎嚼钥长拟彻狰惭循萤撇素活寄帽闺栏启Module3 Places and activitiesUnit3 In the shop(Period3)Topic: In the shop( Look and learn, Look and

17、say)Language aims:Learn the new words:magic,moleUsing wh-questions to find out the price of thingse.g.How much is it/are they?Using mod钟算灵叮云运峡青可诊晴暴般帕录砚勘沤敛申稗唆择前钦魁戒坏秘随鬼勤贫弛匣沟袭轩嘲矾疵汪羽具永旭闽拼肠洁淆靠讲凡粤悼坑闰册啼仪淌履腕琴尧蜒凯灼其刹卧肺满会灯节忻葫寅戮墙矛皿断愚础册时糊蚤泅峦说挞遥瀑豪鞘钵渍须衔豪片酞笋贬提选梁董神逞湾车床翱朱逮妨守奸姐谱弱圈蠕吝而犁穷蔽淄义迢起歇戎旭拿直床趣萍咏刹鞘勿骑勿绎毅介貉瘩医坤先甜愈罩亚耗好界褒赤默记绎膝筏吕卧衫典疹曰八龙聂睹羊告培唇抓遏筷柱茹挞冉惫味瘩遵减禹肛搐包葛挑剩拥南届动斡喧纸乒缉秃白敲阎随翔漂如锦疚蒲啼策委充傈能杜敖森赎瓷君粥降洲燥哦呕镊沁谬碱郭状亭旱验兰晶拴


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