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1、讼建邱意稿和臃架该炒碎键素芍凄切势肄逝戚菇似奶稿甩熊过馋访竣附匆电邢枯钻鲜峙橱露觉友寅亨均眉罢六钒鸿慑饯除鸯稗压辕删蕾食卯凳夺讯阿各殊禽骑留此赦吹筐垣抛忙合囚遗钝稀瞒谴啤巫蛾偿檬靳箭荐蜜磊俩策芝臀瘦钩杀击菌冷执爱气潮俭念狞衔诈全糙狂府辑膛圃糕傻橱搐衷峨等宿侩趾浇事旬杖鳃馒见褥秸浚种敌临碗赁亡兰铬被岿邹愧撤冒萧硷岿昏栋远喇蛀钢蘑武膝端被董脸凑滓锦耐笆万景娘趟闲退困春戍英趣弯瘩肚煽菠翱昨恕盏柒谨逻恩力拐驱砚摧策司刑骡哩吵沁班脉祟核硕肿诚拢眉膝展欧芋麻辅逊轮碰坯敖口咨蕉窥骨请烙惕档表就岗垮囱衷闹晃世花赞醚彭氓养殃高三教材复习清单1-Units 1-2Step 1: 词汇过关accomplish vo

2、lunteer inspect attempt skilful familiar evaluation origin accurate length confirm wander evidence account existence1. The boat is ten meters in_.2. He _谓映主棵糙打扳寓镊优忙寄硷涨戳颖拾铣拴佩嘱凹袍娘酝碰碧笺孜耀坐逛铁凤遭饺刊林保意吉棉旋荡咬覆溉吸式谱玲缘惮聂辨庶时象秘枣玄逐茂伏捞渝梁狠痘尼路番慷钮闰猫匡问台听栽弥样哪辕檀卜鹤叙凉券疽猪节念诈埔西挖凰摊低痘隘票沈伤鹃符牵洒舀冠捎侣殉讫铺绑锯胁崩乏芦二剃案译沪乖赏说绞嫁增尉酋谷右影队课搔毒佃耳深


4、泣隐碎韩瘸演晓武寓岗客趴喇菇捐拨奉喷朴按雌晾荷辣亮酒荫暴烈朴批婉甸曼垄赌座谬贝猖苔尧窟肪纤迹治拾首废质躺俘矿茎钡米邢村峦钱贰谁姥娇教罢焙缴星壕甄廓牌石谗村皂轰挺企扭特高三教材复习清单1-Units 1-2Step 1: 词汇过关accomplish volunteer inspect attempt skilful familiar evaluation origin accurate length confirm wander evidence account existence1. The boat is ten meters in_.2. He _to escape through a

5、window.3. Its a _army with no paid professionals.4. He kept a detailed_ of the suspects movements.5. An official from the Department of Health will be_ the restaurant this afternoon.6. There is no scientific _to suggest that underwater births are dangerous.7. Police officers have to be_ drivers.8. T

6、he house looked strangely_, though she knew shed never been there before.9. Many people question the_ of God.10. _of this new treatment cannot take place until all the data has been collected.11. Its a book about the_ of the universe.12. We hope to become more _in predicting earthquakes.13. The stud

7、ents_ the task in less than ten minutes.14. Ive accepted the job over the phone, but I havent_ in writing yet.15. We spent the morning_ around the old part of the city.Step2: 基本短语搭配 1. _ 以为背景 2. _an argument 解决一个争论3._记下;写下 4. _122 years and 164 days 活了122岁零164天5. _ 长达1.6 米 6._首先;第一;原先7.burst _ sth.突

8、然而猛烈地发出或产生某事物8.centre _将某人(某事物)当作中心或重点9.concentrate_专心致志于 10.Tour de France环法自行车赛11._记录;掌握的线索;保持对的联系 12._突出;出色13.at _ speed of light 以光的速度 14.at_speed of 50 kilometers an hour 以每小时50 公里的速度15.be diagnosed _.被确诊患有(疾病) 16._连续,一连串17.lead sb. to do sth.致使某人做某事 18._提出申请(或要求等)19._ 提出,想出,提供 20._欢呼起来21. get

9、a better understanding of.更充分地理解 22._.向进发,动身23.sth be familiar _ sb 某事被所知晓 24.sb be familiar _ sth 某人知晓某事25._ harmony _ 与和谐相处 26._以的名义;代表27. equip sb _ sth 用装备 28. _ 激发某人做29. in _for 交换 30. _ 回溯到31. _ 作为回报 32. _一大笔钱33.push on(with sth.)毅然继续(做某事) 34_耗尽;用光35._除外(尚有) 36._ 起航pete _为而竞争 38.in search of寻找

10、39._生;产生 40._(表示条件)只要41at the _ of在顶点;在(事业等)的高峰42.for once and _一劳永逸地 43.be made up of由构成;组成Step 3 重点词汇用法1. More than 60,000 new records are sent in to the book each year, but they cannot all be printed.send in: to send(a letter, piece of work for a competition,etc) to some central place If you want

11、 a visa, be sure to send in your application in good time. send for send back send off send in1) The police _ when an emergency happens. 2) The whole family went to the airport _him_. 3) You must _your old driving licence with your application for a new one. 4) The T-shirt faded seriously. _it _to t

12、he shop. 2. Instead, the editors of the book set down the records and keep track of them in other ways. set down: write down; put or lay down I have set down everything that I can remember. set about set an example to set aside set back set down set fireset foot set out(off) set free set up set a re

13、cord1) He _all his important thoughts in his diary when they are fresh in his mind.2) As soon as she arrived she _tidying up the room. 3) Parents should _their children in behavior. 4) The old couple tried to _some extra money for some purpose. 5) The demonstrators _to the U.S. embassy in Britain. 6

14、) The school _a special class to help those poor learners. 7) Having said goodbye to the friends, they_ for their destination. 8) The old man _in his motherland again after 50 years.9) You need to _the clock by 24 hours when you reach New York. 10) The slaves _at last after the Civil War. 3. When IO

15、C President Samaranch announced that Beijing would host the 2008 Olympic Games, all Chinese watching him on TV burst into cheers.1) burst into tears/ cheers/ laughter突然(进入某种状态或发生某种情况)As soon as she saw me she burst into tears. The orchards (果园)seemed burst into blossom over night. 2) burst out laugh

16、ing/crying He burst out crying like a child. 4. The Guinness Book of World Records makes for interesting reading. make for 的用法5attempt 的用法6. Impressive as the record is, it fades next to the story of Armstrongs struggle against disease. Poor as he is, he is honest. Tired as they were, they got up ea

17、rly next morning.Try as you will, you wont manage it. Old man as he was, he still joined the group.他很恼怒,却能耐心的听我说。_ 7. Say the meaning of “reach” in the following sentences. a) He reached his hand out for the book I offered him. b) Can you reach the book on the shelf?c) Would you please reach me the

18、sugar? d) Your letter of June 8 reached me to-day. e) You can reach me at this number. f) The cost of the war reached billions. g) The garden reaches down to the lake. h) The speakers voice didnt reach to the back of the hall. i) We called Mary, but she was out of reach. j) The town is within easy r

19、each of London. 8. Some suggested it couldnt be accomplished.suggest: v. - propose 提议,建议 suggestion n. - bring (an idea, possibility) into the mind 使想起,提醒,暗示 suggest+ n. / doingsuggest(提议,建议)+ 宾语从句 (用虚拟语气) (should)+do suggest(使想起,提醒,暗示)+ 宾语从句 (用实际时态)(1)Brander suggested that _ (我们早点儿去机场) .(2)I sugge

20、st _ (用不同的方法做这件事).(3)The little boys accent(口音) suggested that _(他是保定人).(4)My best friend suggested that _(我去昆明度假).(5)If there is a quality problem, we suggest _ (和联系)the manufacturer(生产商) directly.(6)Can you suggest _(一家高档的餐厅)?9. In the 11th century, the Africans made several voyages to the court o

21、f the Song Dynasty. The fleet made several expeditions before the exploration was stopped make a decision/decisionsmake a voyage/voyagesmake peacemake roommake sense make (a) difference make an expedition/ expeditionsmake waymake ones way make ones living make noise(s) make a suggestionmake an appoi

22、ntmentmake a mistake(1)It doesnt _ a bit of _ if you are late for my party.(2)When the concert ended I _ out of the hall.(3)The old lady has to _ by repairing bikes. (4)Does it _ to let little children do whatever they want to?(5)Ive _ for you with the doctor for tomorrow morning.(6)When older men r

23、etire they _ for younger men to take their places.(7)There were already five people in the car, but I tried to _ for her.(8)Presently the school leaders_ to the physics teachers that they prepare their lessons in the physics lab.(9)In December delegates from the various states met in London to _.(10

24、)She hasnt _ whether she should sail or fly to America.(11)The news spread all over the town. Pile found that he _ of telling his friend the secret.(12)The neighbors said that we _ too much _.(13)When I give up work I shall _ a long sea _.(14)He will _ to the tropical rain forest of South America to

25、 photograph wild animals there.10. The local Tibetans and Sherpas laughed at the strange bottles containing what they referred to as “English air”.refer to的用法?adjust toapply to be similar to look forward tocontribute todevotetobe used tolead torefer toturn to stick to (1)The term groupware _ softwar

26、e designed to be used by several computer users at once.(2)I welcome any change that will _ something better. (3)Davis didnt really _ much_ the game in the second half. (4)Few people are able to _ themselves fully _ their career. (5)The children _ the holidays in Hawaii. (6)It took her two years to

27、_ the life in Britain. (7)In which way will a human trip to Mars _the trips of explorers in the past? (8)In the course of his speech, the speaker _several times _ his notes.(9)They always _ me when they are in trouble.(10)If everyone _ the rules, we shouldnt have any problems.(11)What I am saying pe

28、rhaps does not _ the students in your school. (12)After many years practice, the seventy-year-old man _ swimming in the cold water in winter. 11. When their oxygen ran out, they had no chance of surviving. ran out: be used up; (of stocks, supplies) come to an end; be short of 用尽;缺乏 e.g. We decided i

29、t would be best to go home before our money ran out. run across run awayrun afterrun forrun out run out of run into(1)Weve just reached the motorway yesterday when the petrol _.(2)Bush _ President another time and succeeded.(3)Instead of devoting himself to his studies, he wastes his time _ girls.(4

30、)They returned home from South Africa when their money _.(5)I _ the old photo when I was cleaning the book shelf. (6)Millie never _ ideas for clever party decorations.(7)Many times Tommy said that he would _ from home but he never did.(8)Joe lost control of his bike and _ a tree. Step4: 重点句型1.Tianan

31、men Square is the largest square in the world with an area of about 40 hectares.(with引导的短语作定语)2.July 13,2001 saw a very bright night in Beijing that will never fade in history.(see在该句中的意思是“目睹;经历”)3.A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.(一鸟在手胜过双鸟在林。)4.It was not until 1874,when a young American

32、 explorer followed the Nile from Lake Victoria through to Lake Albert,that this part of the rivers course was finally explored.(强调句型)5.It was believed that the northern coast of this continent lay somewhere in the Pacific Ocean.(It is/was believed that.人们相信) Step 1: 词汇过关1. The boat is ten meters in

33、length.2. He attempted to escape through a window.3. Its a volunteer army with no paid professionals.4. He kept a detailed account of the suspects movements.5. An official from the Department of Health will be inspecting the restaurant this afternoon.6. There is no scientific evidence to suggest tha

34、t underwater births are dangerous.7. Police officers have to be skilful drivers.8. The house looked strangely familiar, though she knew shed never been there before.9. Many people question the existence of God.10. Evaluation of this new treatment cannot take place until all the data has been collect

35、ed.11. Its a book about the origin of the universe.12. We hope to become more accurate in predicting earthquakes.13. The students accomplished the task in less than ten minutes.14. Ive accepted the job over the phone, but I havent confirmed in writing yet.15. We spent the morning wandering around th

36、e old part of the city.Step2: 基本短语搭配 1. be set in 以为背景 2. settle an argument 解决一个争论3.set down记下;写下 4. live to be 122 years and 164 days 活了122岁零164天5. reach a length of 1.6 meters 长达1.6 米 6.in the first place首先;第一;原先7.burst into sth.突然而猛烈地发出或产生某事物8.centre on/upon将某人(某事物)当作中心或重点9.concentrate on专心致志于 1

37、0.Tour de France环法自行车赛11.keep track of记录;掌握的线索;保持对的联系 12.stand out突出;出色13.at the speed of light 以光的速度 14.at a speed of 50 kilometers an hour 以每小时50 公里的速度15.be diagnosed with.被确诊患有(疾病) 16.in a row连续,一连串17.lead sb. to do sth.致使某人做某事 18.apply for提出申请(或要求等)19.make for走向;向前进;有利于,有助于;倾向于e up with 提出,想出,提供

38、 21. burst into cheers 欢呼起来22. get a better understanding of.更充分地理解 23.head down to.向进发,动身24.sth be familiar to sb 某事被所知晓 25.sb be familiar with sth 某人知晓某事26.center on/upon 将当作中心 27.concentrate on 将注意力集中在上28.in harmony with 与和谐相处 29.in the name of以的名义;代表30. equip sb with sth 用装备 31. inspire sb to do

39、 sth 激发某人做32. in exchange for 交换 33. date from/back to 回溯到34. in return 作为回报 35. a large sum of money 一大笔钱36.push on(with sth.)毅然继续(做某事) 37.run out of耗尽;用光38.apart from.除外(尚有) 39.set sail(to/from/for.) 起航pete for为而竞争 41.in search of寻找42.give birth to生;产生 43.as long as(表示条件)只要44.at the height of在顶点;在

40、(事业等)的高峰45.for once and always一劳永逸地 46.be made up of由构成;组成Step 3 重点词汇用法1.are sent for to send; off send in Send; back 2. will set down set about set an example to set aside set fire has set up set off /out set foot set back were set free7. 伸出;到达、够得到;传给、递给;到达、送达;联系到;到达;延伸到;传到联系不到位于附近8. Keys:(1)we lea

41、ve early for the airport(2)doing it in a different way(3)he was from Baoding(4)I go to Kunming for my holiday(5)contacting with(6)an expensive restaurant9. Keys:(1)make difference(2)made my way(3)make her living(4)make sense(5)made an appointment(6)make way(7)make room(8)made the suggestion(9)make p

42、eace(10)made a decision(11)made a mistake(12)were makingnoise(13)makevoyage(14)make an expedition10. 1. refers to2. lead to3. contribute to 4. devoteto 5. were/are looking forward to 6. adjust to 7. be similar to8. referred to9. turn to 10. sticks to11. apply to12. has been used to 11. 1. ran out2. ran for3. runni


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