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1、Worksheet of Unit 6 Reading Head to headClass _ Name _ No. _Learning aims(学习目标)1. 学习并掌握目标词汇: 重点词汇单词choice, reason, sofa, stranger, feed, common, cute, noisy, nearly, 词组according to, care for, whats more, have no choice but to do, run free拓展词汇单词responsibility, faithfully2. 巩固、运用阅读微技能:略读、寻读、猜测词义和分析篇章结

2、构。3. 了解议论文的一般结构,并学习就饲养宠物这个话题阐述个人观点。Reading tasks(阅读任务)Task 1: SkimmingLook at the pictures, the title, the introduction and the sub-headings of the article, then choose the correct answers.(阅读文章的图片,大标题,引言和小标题,选择正确答案。)1. What do you think the article is about?A. Its about the life of dogs.B. Its abou

3、t different opinions of keeping dogs.2. Who likes keeping a pet dog? A. Emma.B. Matt.3. What does the title HEAD TO HEAD mean?A. 交头接耳B. 针锋相对Task 2: Facts or opinions(区分事实与观点)Read the article(page 83) carefully and then finish Exercise D1 on page 85.(课本85页Exercise D1)Things to remember: (请运用“事实”或“观点”

4、补充以下的笔记。)议论文往往开头给出_,接着以_为例来证明_。文章中的for example可以看作引出_的标志,而I think/believe之类的句型则常用来引出_。Task 3: ScanningFinding the reasonsRead the article again and complete the notes of D2 on page 85. (查读课文,补充课本85页D2的笔记。)Task 4: Pair work List the words and expressions you can use to state opinions, tell reasons, g

5、ive examples and make a conclusion.Task 5: Group work Speak up your reasons.(on the handouts)Homework 同学们,你们是否觉得记忆单词很难呢?其实只要我们找到合适的学习方法,单词的学习就不难啰。现在让我们一起来体验一下吧。一、请运用本课的词汇完成下面的练习。(一)单词学习方法:1. 结合构词法学习:动词名词choose (v. )选择;挑选 _ (n.)选择、抉择名词形容词noise(n. )吵闹声;嘈杂声 _(adj.)吵闹的形容词名词strange(adj. )奇怪的;陌生的 _ (n.)陌生

6、人responsible(adj. )负责任的;有责任的 _ (n.) 责任形容词副词faithful(adj. )忠实的;忠诚的 _ (adv.)忠实地、忠诚地2. 通过分类学习:(近义词)可爱的(adj. )lovely_几乎;差不多(adv.)almost _3. 结合图片学习:1. This new _ is very comfortable.2. Look, the zoo keeper is _ some carrots and apples to the giant panda.(二)词组学习1. 照顾;照料 _2. 更有甚者;更为重要的是 _3. 除了别无选择 _4. (动物)

7、四处自由走动 _Group work: Speak up your reasons(可从习性、喂食、清洗、护理、寿命等方面表达。) Opinion(论点): Keeping pet cats is a good idea.Reasons(论据): (35 reasons)1. _2. _3. _4. _5. _Conclusion(结论): So I think its a good idea to keep pet cats.Group work: Speak up your reasons(可从习性、喂食、清洗、护理、寿命等方面表达。) Opinion(论点): Its not a goo

8、d idea to keep pet cats.Reasons(论据): (35 reasons)1. _2. _3. _4. _5. _Conclusion(结论): So keeping pet cats is not a good idea.Group work: Speak up your reasons(可从习性、喂食、清洗、护理、寿命等方面表达。)Opinion(论点): Keeping pet rabbits is a good idea.Reasons(论据): (35 reasons)1. _2. _3. _4. _5. _Conclusion(结论): So I think its a good idea to keep pet rabbits.Group work: Speak up your reasons(可从习性、喂食、清洗、护理、寿命等方面表达。)Opinion(论点): Its not a good idea to keep pet rabbits.Reasons(论据): (35 reasons)1. _2. _3. _4. _5. _Conclusion(结论): So keeping pet rabbits is not a good idea.4


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