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1、Unit 1一、 单词拼写1. He jumped into the river w thinking when he heard a girl crying for help.2. I dont like watching TV. I p to read books rather than it.3. The old pictures r me of my childhood.4. Its i not to knock at the door before you go into your parents bedroom.5. He is a I boy, because he never

2、finishes his homework on time.6. When two gentlemen meet, they often s hands.7. She is a very h person, and she never tells a lie.8. If someone feels proud, he will p out his chins.9. They have no money to buy thing to eat, so they have to b for something to eat.10. L others in the eye shows respect

3、 when talking.11. When you have classes, you should s up straight.二、 完成句子1. John受伤了!请快去找医生帮忙! John hurt himself! Please the doctor quickly!2. 比起到餐馆吃饭,我更喜欢自己做饭吃。I for myself in the restaurant.3. 他举起地图,这样可以看得更清楚些。He the map so it could be seen more clearly.4. 当你与别人谈话时,请不要盯着别人看。When you talk to others,

4、 please dont others.5. 实际上,我手里什么也没有。 , I dont have anything in my hand.6. 她说谎的时候总是避免与别人有目光接触。She always avoids with others when she is telling a lie.7. 他昨天没有吃早餐就上学了。He went to school breakfast.8. 我昨天没有玩电脑游戏,去看了电影。I saw a film computer games yesterday.9. 当电话铃响时,他马上去接电话。When the bell rang, he answered

5、 the phone .10. 美好生活的关键是健康的身体。 better life is a healthy body.11. 听音乐是我的爱好。 is my hobby. 12. 我有很多爱好,例如游泳,打篮球和弹钢琴。I have many hobbies, swimming, and .13. 这听起来很合理。我接受你的建议。 That . I accept your advice. 14. 舞蹈员必须有很好的身高和体型。 Dancers have to good .15. 舞蹈员每天练习用脚尖跳舞。 Dancers every day.16. 在网上交友时,我们必须小心谨慎。 We

6、must making friends on the Internet.17. 路易丝花很多钱买衣服。 Louise a lot of money clothes.18. 我明天会尽量不迟到的。 I will be late tomorrow.19. Mary的答案与Lily的相似。 Marys answer Lilys.20. 能告诉我去图书馆怎么走吗?Can you tell me the library?21. 我发现学好英语是很重要的。 I find English well.三、 单项选择( ) 1. Lily said she basketball TV. A. preferred

7、 play, to watch B. prefer playing, to watching C. preferred playing, to watch D. preferred playing, to watching( ) 2. He coughed before to the audience. A. speaks B. to speak C. speaking D. spoke( ) 3. The yellow watch is even than the blue one. A. expensive B. more expensive C. much expensive D. mo

8、st expensive( ) 4. Can you tell me ? A. where does he live B. where he lives C. where did he live D. where he lives in( ) 5. He rushed out of the classroom without a word. A. saying B. talking C. say D. talk( ) 6. the pink trousers makes you look younger. A. Wearing B. Wore C. Be worn D. Wear( ) 7.

9、After his homework, he went out to play football. A. is doing B. being done C. have done D. doing( ) 8. Mary practices English every morning to improve her spoken English. A. read B. reads C. reading D. to read( ) 9. What he said at the meeting is worth . A. listening B. listening to C. to listen to

10、 D. listened to ( ) 10. What about with me tomorrow? A. go to shop B. go to shopping C. going to shopping D. going shoping( ) 11. The runner fell down, but he quickly got up and went on . A. run B. running C. ran D. runs( ) 12. My father has given up mistakes when you learn English. A. smokes B. smo

11、king C. smoke D. will smoke( ) 13. We are looking forward to the new library in the city centre next week. A. visit B. visiting C. will visit D. visits( ) 14. It is a little cold. Would you mind the window? A. close B. to close C. closing D. closed( ) 15. If I find his phone number, I you? A. tell B

12、. told C. will tell D. have told( ) 16. George spent the whole day . A. studying B. to study C. studied D. on studying( ) 17. There a party this evening. A. is going to have B. is going to be C. will have D. would be( ) 18. The 16th Asian Games will be held in Guangzhou, China November 11th, 2010. A

13、. in B. on C. at D. forUnit 2一、 单词拼写1. Children d on their parents for food and clothing.2. Lily has just had her haircut but her new h doesnt really suit her.3. Its n to feel nervous before an exam.4. Its important to choose a s that suit your type of hairs.5. In a modern city, people usually have

14、a quick l .6. Dont eat so much fried food, because its u .7. Before shampooing, brush your hair carefully to l and dirt.8. They r the bank of millions of dollars last week, so they were in prison now.9. Dont be nervous, Try to reduce your p .10. Mr. Zhang is a friendly teacher, we t him as our frien

15、d.11. I call to make an a with Mike at 2 oclock.12. Mary cant treat so much work, so she wants an a .13. Jack likes traveling very much. Now he is telling us his e adventure stories.14. I feel very hot. Would you m opening the door?15. Planes are faster and more c than trains.16. The girl c to have

16、seen the UFO and some aliens.17. My teacher r me to have an interview in an international company.18. Could you c the dates we discussed?19. The assistants in this salon often stand at the e to welcome the guests.20. The boss was very busy, so he c the meeting.21. I keep in touch with my friends by

17、r them.22. Its a bad habit to bite your n .23. Simon put an a about the travel agency on Internet.24. You should not j people by appearance.25. The film is b on a true story.26. He came to Guangzhou for the p of seeing his family.27. My work is only p finished.28. “C” is the chemical s for carbon.29

18、. His cousin is a s in Chinese history.30. People should stop smoking. It can be h to their health.31. Every morning, I use this lovely c to brush my hair.32. They t the dog like one of the family.33. The teacher needs a pair of s to cut the paper.34. Dont j a person by his or her appearance.二、 完成句子

19、1. 价格由质量决定。The price the quality.2. 这件漂亮的礼物使这个小孩心满意足。This beautiful present made the child feel .3. 我们首先应该下决心努力学习。 , we should make up our mind to .4. 我会足够小心以免弄碎这个花瓶。I will be break the vase.5. 缺乏经验,他面试失败了。 Experience, he failed in the interview.6. 那个贼夺走了我的项链。The robber me the necklace.7. 我们应该阻止人们过度

20、砍伐树木。We should people cutting down too many trees. 8. 母亲担心她那生病的孩子。The mother her sick baby.9. 珍妮正在为她明天的演讲作准备。Jane is the speech tomorrow.10. Debbie去发廊剪头发。 Debbie went to a salon and her hair .11. 他宣称完成了这项伟大的工程。 He this great project.12. 她告诉我怎样护理她如此长的头发。 She told me how to such long hair.13. 我下午让哥哥修修

21、我的自行车。 I will my bike this afternoon.14. 他的票被证实为假票。 His ticket a false one.15. 在去动物园的路上,Mike发现一个钱包。 the zoo, Mike found a purse.16. 今晚我要去理发。 Tonight, I am going to .17. 秘书把预约定在星期天。 The secretary on Sunday.18. 他们以乞讨的方式赚钱。 They by begging.19. 这本小说是基于一个真实的故事。 This novel a real story.20. 他的爷爷靠卖竹椅挣一点钱。Hi

22、s grandpa a little money bamboo chairs.21. 大雨阻止我们外出看电影。 The heavy rain us out to see the film.22. Tom不够年龄上学。Tom is not to go to school.23. 我平均每个月玩一次电脑游戏。I play computer games once a mouth .24. 这首歌是以一首民间小调为基础的。The song an old fold tune. 三、 单项选择( ) 1. This room is not for them to . A. big enough; live

23、 B. enough big; live C. enough big; live in D. big enough; live in( ) 2. She was angry to say a word. A. very B. too C. very much D. enough( ) 3. There is milk in this cup than in that one. A. less B. a little C. fewer D. a bit( ) 4. Something is wrong with my car. Dont worry. Ill have it A. repaire

24、d B. mending C. to mend D. to repair( ) 5. What sort of hairstyle do you think me? Im sure a long hairstyle will make you more beautiful. A. suit; look B. suits; look C. to suit; to look D. suiting; looking( ) 6. I dont like learning maths. Its too difficult me. But maths is very useful. Its silly y

25、ou to drop it. A. for; of B. of; for C. for; for D. of; of( ) 7. Where is you father? He has gone to . He wants to have his hair . A. the barber; cut B. the barbers; cut C. barbers; cutting D. the barbers; to cut( ) 8. , how did he sell all his furniture? He put an advertisement the newspaper. A. In

26、 the way; on B. On the way; in C. By the way; in D. All the way; on( ) 9. shopping with me? Sorry. I have a lot of clothes . A. How about; to wash B. Why not; washed C. What about; wash D. Why not; to be washed( ) 10. Lets have a rest, shall we? Not now. I dont want to stop the letter yet. A. write

27、B. to write C. writing D. and write( ) 11. Today, the forests have almost gone. People must down too may trees. A. stop cut B. stop to cut C. be stopped from cutting D. be stopped cutUnit 3一、 单词拼写1. Doing more exercise gives a good a .2. He still r silent. He didnt want to tell the truth.3. What he

28、said about the house sounded h . Everyone wanted to leave that house.4. He eats v every day to keep healthy.5. Its too late to go out, b , its beginning to rain.6. Look! The sky is dark. It is l to rain soon.7. Eating more g and vegetables is good for your health.8. You should try to b study and res

29、t.9. She likes meeting v people and making friends with them.10. If you have some s problems, you can ask that scientist. 11. After visiting the doctor, Xiaoling decided to be a v from then on.12. We should learn how to b our diets every day so that we can always be healthy.二、 完成句子1. 你听起来觉得怎样?How do

30、es it you.2. 你并没意识到你在做什么。You dont realize .3. 想保持健康,要有均衡的饮食。To keep healthy, youd better have a .4. 不要吃太多的油炸食物,对身体不好。Dont eat too much fried food. It your health.5. 另一方面,超市更方便。 , supermarket is more convenient.6. 你能否告诉我Roman住在哪里吗?Can you tell me ?7. 你知道世界上有多少人吗?Do you know people in the world?8. 请充分

31、利用网络资源。 the Internet.9. 他们靠卖洗头水获利。They great by selling shampoo.10. 你不需要这么匆忙作出决定。You didnt have to this thing too quickly.11. 专家们对这个建议的意见一致。The experts the suggestion.12. 充分利用时间 ,就不能学好这门课程。 time is not difficult to learn this subject well。13. 简而言之,没人喜欢这个主意。 , nobody likes the ideas.三、 单项选择( ) 1. My

32、hair is too long, I must have it . A. cut B. cutting C. cuts D. to cut( ) 2. She watched TV yesterday, and . A. so did I B. so didnt I C. so am I D. so do I ( ) 3. The teacher said leaves yellow in autumn. A. turn B. turned C. will turn D. would turn( ) 4. I wonder you are able to be in time for the

33、 match. A. however B. whether C. when D. what( ) 5. He doesnt know put his car. A. when to B. where C. why he D. where to( ) 6. Look at that dress. How nice! But it so much. A. takes B. spends C. pays D. costs( ) 7. She doesnt know .A. whats your name B. what your name is C. what name is you D. your

34、 name is what( ) 8. I dont understand .A. what you mean B. what do you mean C. how do you mean D. how you mean( ) There is not much difference between the two. I really dont know . A. what should I choose B. which I should choose C. which should I choose D. what I should choose( ) -Can you make sure ? -Sorry, I cant. But I did see her just now. A. where did she go B. where she had gone C. where she has gone D. where will she go( ) She got up late this morning and that was she was late for school. A. why B. what C


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