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1、目 录Catalogue一、入园问好Greeting二、洗漱 Washing三、进餐Taking Meals四、课堂用语Classroom English五、课间活动 Setting Up六、游戏室活动Game Center七、户外活动Outdoor Activity八、睡眠Sleeping 九、离园Leaving Part One Greeting第一部分 入园问好1 What a good day! 今天的天气真好!2Good morning! 早上好!3Did you sleep well last night? 昨晚睡得好吗?4How are you doing today? 今天心情

2、怎么样?5Please put away your school bag. 请把自己的书包放好。 6You did a great job today! 今天你真棒!7Say goodbye to mummy/daddy. 跟爸爸妈妈说再见吧!8Open the window and air the room. 打开窗户,通风换气。 9 Do you want to be on duty today? 你想当值日生吗?10Lets go out to do exercises. 我们一起出去做运动吧!Part Two Washing第二部分 洗漱1. Wash your face and br

3、ush your teeth, please. 洗脸刷牙。2. Stretch your hands./ Show your hands, please 伸出手来。3. Oh, dirty hands! 噢,手太脏了。4. Good. Your hands are clean. 好的, 手很干净。5. Let me trim your nails. 我帮你剪指甲。6Let me comb your hair. 我给你梳头。7Please comb your hair. 请梳头8Put up the towel, please. 将毛巾挂在架上。9Go to the restroom/ bath

4、room, please.上厕所。10Wash your hands, please 请洗手。11Flush the toilet after use. Dont forget. 便后冲水,别忘了。12Pull up your pants, please. 提好裤子。13Brush your teeth, please. 请刷牙。14Slowly, like this. 慢慢地,这样刷。15Rinse your mouth and dont swallow the water. 漱口,漱口水不能咽。16Wash your face. The eyes、nose、ears and your ne

5、ck. 洗脸。眼睛、鼻子、耳朵和脖子都要洗到。17. Dont get wet. Bend your waist. 别弄湿衣服。弯腰。18Dont waste water/power. 不要浪费水(电)。19Turn off the tap after use, please. 洗完后请关好水龙头。20Use some soap, your hands are dirty. 用肥皂洗,你的手太脏了。21 Have you finished washing? / Are you done? 你们都洗刷完了吗?22Put away the things in order. 把东西放好。23Dont

6、 spill water on the floor. 别撒水到地板上。24Go and drink water, please. 请去喝水。25Get dressed. 穿衣服。26Put on your shoes, please. 穿鞋。27Take medicine. 吃药。28Drink some water. 喝水。29Look in the mirror. 照镜子。30Comb your hair. 梳头。Part Three Taking Meals第三部分 进餐1I suppose you are all hungry.我想大家饿了吧。2 Lets have breakfast

7、/ lunch/ supper! 吃早饭/午饭/吃晚饭啦! 3Are you hungry? 你们饿了吗4This morning ,you will eat noodles (cakes, eggs, porridge, milk, rice, soup, bread)。今天早上,你们吃面条(蛋糕、鸡蛋、稀饭、牛奶等)。5We often eat cakes (milk, bread, noodles, soup, rice.) 我们常常吃蛋糕(牛奶,面包,面条,粉,汤)6We eat three meals and snacks every day. 我们一天三餐还有加餐7Its your

8、 serving. 这份给你。8Take your time. Enjoy. 慢一点,慢慢吃。9Put the napkin on the tray. 把餐巾放在盆子上。10Dont talk while eating. No talking. Be quiet. 吃饭时别说话。安静。11Dont throw it (them) on the floor. 不要扔在地上12Listen to the music. 听音乐。13Dont spill. Eat up. 别撒饭,吃完。14Do you want more? 还想再吃吗?15Is it delicious? 好吃吗?16. Take

9、care, its hot. 当心,烫手。17Be careful! The rice is hot. 小心!饭太热了。 18It smells so good! 真香!19Drink some soup/water. 喝点汤/水 20Just eat! Hurry! 快点吃!21Put down the tray gently. 轻轻把托盘放下。22 Eat your food before it cools. 快吃饭,免得饭凉了!23Do you want more rice? 你要添饭吗?24I am done./ I finished. 我吃好了! 25I am full. 我吃饱了!

10、26Wipe your table, wipe your mouth and wash your hands. 把桌子擦干净,擦嘴,洗手。27Are you full now? OK, Good. 吃饱了吗?很好。28Go to play for a while. 到活动区玩一会儿。29Dont jump. Dont chase. 别跳。别追跑。30Rinse your mouth after eating. 饭后漱口。31Move your chair quietly. 轻轻搬动椅子。32Put your cup in the cupboard. 把口杯放好。 33Do you like t

11、hem? 你们喜欢吗?34Group One, one by one. 第一组,一个一个来。Part Four Classroom English第四部分 课堂用语1.Class begins. Sit down, please. 上课!请坐。2Lets begin/start. 开始。2Lets see who is the best. 看看谁表现最好。3Sit in a half circle. 坐成半圆形。4Sit straight. 坐起来!5Look at me. Face me. 看着我。6Dont look about. What day is today? 别东张西望!今天星期

12、几?7Listen .Be quiet. No talking. 注意听。别说话。8Stand up. 起立。9Say after me again. 跟我说。再来一次。10Come to the front. 来前面来。11Go back to your seat. 回到座位上。12Answer my question. 回答我的问题。13Who can? Raise your hands/Put up your hands, please. 谁能!请举手回答。14Very good! Lets praise him (her). 很好。让我们表扬他(她)。15Clap your hands

13、. 鼓掌,表扬。16Have a try. Dont be shy. 试试看,别紧张。17You are right. Today is Monday(Sunday、Tuesday、Wednesday、 Thursday、Friday、 Saturday)。 对,回答正确。今天是星期一。(日、二、三、四、五、六)18Put your hands on your knees. 把手放在膝盖上。19Loudly. I cant hear. 声音大一点,我听不见。20Cheer up. 精神一点。21.Understand? 懂不懂?22 Dont cut in. 别插嘴!23 Come here.

14、 来这里。24Lets play a game. 咱们玩个游戏,好吗?25Do you like the game? 你们喜欢这个游戏吗?26.Let me tell you a story. 想不想听故事?27The story is very interesting/funny, isnt it? 这个故事很有趣,是吗?28Who can do it? 谁可以?29Can you tell me? 你能告诉我吗?30Good job! 你说的好!做的好!31You are great! 很好!32What are you doing! 你在干什么?33What is one plus (a

15、nd)one? Who knows? 一加一等于几?谁知道?34What is three minus one? 三减一等于几?35Time is up. Class is over. 时间到。下课。36Good-bye, boys and girls. 孩子们再见。37See you later/tomorrow. 再见。明天见。38Are you tired? 累不累?39Listen to the music. 听音乐。40Relax. Lets have a rest. 放松一下,休息一下.41Any questions? 有问题问吗?42Lets perform the dance.

16、 让我们跳个舞吧。43Lets sing a song. 让我们唱首歌吧。44Lets act the scene. 让我们演这出戏。 45Let me see. 让我想一想。46Let me try. 我来试试。 47Look and listen. 边看边听。48Listen and say. 听了照说。49Say it after me. 跟着我念(说) 50Do it like this/me. 像我这样做51Say it again. 再说一遍 52Say it in English, please. 请用英语说53Louder, please. 大声点儿 54Speak clear

17、ly. 说清楚些55Whats the matter? Whats up? Whats happening? Whats going on? 发生了什么事?56Are you ready? 准备好了吗? 57Lets go on. 让我们继续下去。 58Open your books on page. 打开书到第页。 59Close your book. 关上书。60Look at your books. 看着你的书。 61Look at the picture on Page Ten看第十页的图画。62Look at the blackboard /chalkboard看黑板。63Liste

18、n carefully ( to me/to the tape ) 注意听(我说/录音)。64Repeat/Read after me. 跟我念 。 65Come to the front. 到前面来。 66Please go back down/ Go back to your seat. 请回座位。67Volunteers?/ Who will answer the question? 谁来回答这个问题? 68Who will try? Will you have a try? 谁来试一试?你来试好吗?69So much for today/ Thats all for today. Cl

19、ass is over.今天就学那么多,下课。 70 Id like to ask you, child 小朋友,我问你。71We have three classes in the morning. 我们上午有3节课。72Stop talking. 别说话。Stop fidgeting. 别胡闹。73Sit properly. 请坐好。74Dont look out of the window. 不要往窗外看。75Its your turn to be on duty. 轮到你值日。76Please form a circle. 请围成一圈。77Louder please./ Read al

20、oud, please. 请大声读。78Hurry up! 赶快 79Come over here过来! 80Sit up/ Sit nicely. 坐直来。81Clap your hands. 拍拍手。 82Well, let me sing this new song for you first. 好,让我先唱这首新歌给你们听。 83Please sing the song again. 请再唱一遍84Come in. 进来。85Close the door, please. 关门。86Come to the front, please. 来前面。87Time for class. 上课。

21、88Are you ready? 准备好了吗?89One, two, three, begin. 一、二、三,开始!90Have a try. 试试。91Dont be shy. Be Bold. 别怕,大胆一点。92Be good. 听话,乖。93You are a good baby. 好孩子。94Turn on (off) the light. 开(关)灯。95Hurry up. 快点。96Take care. 小心(再见)。97Take your time. No hurry. 慢一点,不急。98Dont cry. 别哭。99Be brave. 勇敢。100Come on. 加油!10

22、1Oh, come, come, come! 听话。 102Put away your toys (chairs). 把玩具(椅子)放好。103Sing along. 一起唱。104Follow me, please. 跟我来。105Put down gently. 轻放。107Do you like it? 喜欢吗?108Dont interrupt. 别乱说话(插嘴)。109Manners! 讲礼貌。110Dont look about. 别东张西望。111Let me tell you a story. 我来给你们讲个故事。112No kidding. 别胡来。113Are you ha

23、ppy? 你高兴吗?114Whats funny? 笑什么?115Who is on duty? 谁值日?116Excellent/terrific/very good. 好极啦。Part Five Setting Up第五部分 课间活动1. Line up, boys and girls. 排队。2. Four lines. Follow me, please. 四队。跟我来。3. Attention! 立正!4. Eyes front! Ready, front! 向前看!5. Hand in hand. 手拉手。6. March! Mark time. 起步走!原地踏步走。7. Left

24、 right left. 一、二、一。8. Catch up. 跟上。9. Dont push. 别推10One after one(One by one) 一个接着一个。11Halt! 立定!12At ease! 稍息!13Hands out. 手前平举。14Arms out. 手侧平举。15Spread out. Make room. Keep space. 散开!保持距离。16Stop. Squat down. Stand up. 停!蹲下。起立。17Lets do setting up (morning) exercises. 做操。18Follow the tempo. Listen

25、 to the beat of the music. 跟上节拍。19With strength. 用力做。20Stretch your arms/legs. 伸直胳臂、腿。21Put out your left(right)foot. 伸左(右)脚。22About turn. Right turn. Left turn 向后转。向左转。向左转。23Dress right! Dress left! 向右看齐!向左看齐!23 Come together! Regroup! 集中24 Raise your head, bend your back, touch your toes. 抬头、弯腰、曲背

26、。25 Head rolls, arms stretch. 头部运动。活动手臂。26 Lets go back to classroom. 咱们现在回教室。27 Walk on the right.靠右行。28 Walk quietly. 轻轻走。29Ready. Go. 预备,跑。30Face to the wall. 面对墙站好。31Dont jump. 别跳,蹦。32Come here. 来来。33Here we are. 我们到了。Part Six Game Center第六部分 游戏室活动1Hello! Boys and girls. Lets go to the game cent

27、er. 孩子们,咱们到英语游戏室去,好不好。2Take off your shoes. 脱鞋。3Put away your shoes by the wall. 把鞋放在墙边。4Now I call your names and you say “here”. 现在点名,听到答“到”。5You go to the first (second, third) group. 你到第一(二、三)组去。 6Sit on the carpet and lets play a game. 坐在地毯上,我们来玩个游戏。7Listen!Let me tell you how to play a game. 注

28、意听,我来告诉你怎样玩。8Are you clear? 听明白了吗?9Take care. Dont break it. 小心,别搞坏了。10Is it interesting? 好玩吗?11You are very clever. 你很聪明。12Thank you, Miss Poland. 谢谢您,波兰小姐。13See you next time. 下次再见。14Put away the toys, and put on your shoes. No noise. 把玩具放好,穿上鞋。别说话。15Dont forget your card. 别忘记带上卡。16You will go hom

29、e today. Are you happy? 你们今天回家。高兴吗?17Have a good time. 玩的愉快。18See you next week. Good-bye. 下周见。再见!Part Seven Outdoor Activity第七部分 户外活动1Lets take a walk on the campus. 咱们到校园里散步。2No talking. Dont disturb others. 别说话。不要影响别人。3Dont walk on the grass. 不要在草地上走。4Dont pick the flowers. 别乱摘花。5Lets sing a song

30、, OK? 咱们唱首歌好不好?6Do you want to climb the mountain? 想不想爬山?7Dont break the trees. 不能折树。8This is a young tree. 这是棵小树。9What flower is that? (Dandelion、rose、bamboo、peony). Sorry I dont know.那是什么花?蒲公英,玫瑰花,竹子,牡丹。对不起,我不知道。10What color is that? Its red、orange、yellow、blue、green、black、white. 那是什么颜色?红,橙,黄,兰,绿,黑

31、,白。11Lets play on the seesaw/slide/swing. etc. 咱们一起玩跷跷板,滑梯,秋千。)12Look out. Take care. Be careful. 当心。13Dont fall down. Dont get hurt. 别跌倒。别伤了。14Lets have a race. 咱们来个比赛。15Lets see who is the best /which group is the best. 咱们来看看谁最好。(哪个组最好)16. Lets go swimming. 我们去游泳吧. 17. Its time to do morning exerc

32、ises./ Lets do morning exercises. 做早操的时间到了18. take / have a walk/go for a walk散步19. Lets go to the playground. 到操场去.20. walk on /move on 继续走.21. Four persons for each row. 每排四人22. March! One after another. 齐步走,一个跟着一个。23Attention立正。稍息 At ease。 24Dress right(left) 向右/左看齐。25Eyes front! Ready, front! 向前

33、看26Count off 报数 27Right turn/left turn 向右/左/后转 28Quick time, march! 齐步走 Parade step, march! 正步走29Two by two and hand in hand. 手拉手,两人一组 30. Lets go back. 回去吧 31. Dismissed! 解散 32. Do you like this game? 你对这游戏感兴趣吗? 33. Did you have a good time? / Did you have fun? 玩得痛快吗? 34. Play by yourselves. 你们自己玩吧

34、。35Have a good time!/ Have fun! 祝你(们)过得愉快!36Wet floor!Dont run/chase. 地滑,别跑(追)。37Dont run around. 别乱跑。38Come along. 跟我来。39Hand in hand. 手拉手。40Satnd in two lines. 排成两队。41Walk quietly. 轻轻地走。42Please take off your warm clothes. We are going to do some outdoor exercises.请脱下棉衣,我们要准备外出运动啦!43Do you have a

35、towel?你有自己的汗巾了吗?44Please help each other tuck in your towels.请找一个小伙伴相互帮忙塞汗巾吧!45Come on, pick up your basins, Lets go!来,端起盆子,我们出发!46Who would like to be the leader and lead us to run/ exercise?谁想当小队长,带领我们一起跑步、锻炼呢?47Lets run 2 laps on the track. 我们沿着跑道跑两圈。48Wave your hands. Wiggle your wrists. Twist y

36、our waist. Bend your knees. Lets play sports. 挥挥你的手,转转手腕,扭扭腰,弯弯膝盖,让我们一起做运动。49Please take off your pants/cloths when you feel hot.如果你觉得热了,请把裤子/衣服脱下来。50* wants to share his/her action. Lets follow him/her. *有动作要和我们分享,请让他/她一起来试试。51Can you jump like a frog/rabbit? 你能像小青蛙/小兔一样跳起来吗?52Let s hop together .让

37、我们一起来单脚跳。53Please dont open your mouth when you are running. It will make you uncomfortable. 跑步的时候不要张大小嘴巴,会让我们的喉咙不舒服。54Cove your mouth when you cough or sneeze,please.咳嗽的时候记得捂住小嘴巴。55Please remember to take off your slippers before you exercise.请记得脱下拖鞋再运动。56Remember to put on your slippers before goi

38、ng to the bathroom , please.请记得穿上拖鞋上洗手间。57Did you see the washing room? Its slippery.watch your step.看到那边的洗手间了吗?小心地滑!58Please take the balls home. 请把你玩过的球送回家吧!59Please put away the blocks/bickcles/self-balancing scooter.请把积塑/自行车/平衡木整齐地摆放好。 Part Eight Sleeping 第八部分 午睡1We take a nap after lunch. 午饭后我们

39、午睡。2Boys and girls, its time to go to bed. 孩子们,该睡觉了。3 Go to bed, please. 请就寝。4 Lie down.,please. 请躺下。5 Please take off your coat and pants. 请脱掉外套和长裤。6 Please put on your pajamas. 请穿上睡衣。7 Put away your slippers, please. 请把拖鞋放好。8Cover up. Dont catch cold. 盖好,别着凉。9Lets enjoy stories. 我们来听故事吧。10Close yo

40、ur eyes, please. 请闭上眼睛。11He(She) is sleeping peacefully/ soundly. 他(她)睡得安静/很熟。12Be quiet. No talking. 不要讲话了。13Have a good sleep. 好好睡觉。14Be good. 听话。15Good night. 再见。16OK, make your bed. 好了, 整理床铺。17Please buckle your shoes. 请扣好鞋子。18Please put on your stockings. 请穿好长袜。19Tidy up your blanket(quilt、clot

41、hes、pillow). 叠好毯子(被子、衣服)。19Are you through? (Are you ready?) 好了吗?20So and so is the best .So and so is a good child. 某某最好。某某是个乖孩子。 21、Hurry up,boys and girls.抓紧时间,孩子们。Part Eight Leaving第九部分 离园1Your mom is here now. 你的妈妈来了。2Can you walk by yourself? 老师希望你能自己走,好吗?3Remember to take your school bag, please. 记得拿上你的小书包。4Goodbye!/ Bye-bye/ See you tomorrow! 再见,明天见了!5Tell your mummy/ Daddy whats new today? 把你开心的事情告诉爸爸妈妈吧。6Please wait a moment, the kids are doing activities. 家长请稍等,孩子在活动。7. is doing well today! / Hes/shes very good today! 今天宝宝在幼儿园很棒哦!


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