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1、Unit 8,revision,Have you read Treasure Island yet?,大洋一中 Miss Yu,Visitors can see some of the ships _(珠宝)at the museum.2.She likes to read the _(名著)such as Treasure Island.3.The factory is d_ to be demolished(拆除)next year.4.Sugar is an important crop on the _(岛).5.Turn to p_ 15 and lets look at the p

2、assage.6.Bill,_ up,or you will be late.7.He ran _(朝着,向着)his mom at once.8.My hometown is Guangxi _.(省),island,age,treasure,classics,ue,hurry,towards,province,复习目标1:单词运用,1.His name is on the book,so it _(属于)to him.2.M_ of(许多的)people go abroad every year.,belongs,illions,3.What _(别的)would you like?4.H

3、ainan Island is in the _(南方的)part of China.5.He works hard.His _(成功)is due.6.This is the musicians first _.(唱片)7.I hope that we are good friends _(永远).8.Please _(介绍)yourself to us.,else,southern,success,record,forever,introduce,复习目标2:词汇检测,hear ofgo outfull ofgrow uphurry upwait fordue tobring backpu

4、t down,听说 出去 充满 长大 快点等待由于带回来把.放下,砍倒,cut down,who elserun towards,杀死作为食物 kill for food 还有谁朝跑,fight overreturn home on the radiocome to realize ever since,争吵回家在收音机上逐渐认识到自从以来,复习目标2:词汇检测,such asbelong to one another,例如属于互相,彼此,复习目标3:重点语法,现在完成时,助动词have/has+动词的过去分词,Unit 8 Unit10,1.肯定句:主语+have/has+过去分词+其他.2

5、.否定句:主语+have/has+not+过去分词+其他.3.一般疑问句:Have/Has+主语+过去分词+其他?,-Yes,主语+have/has./-No,主语+havent/hasnt.,4.特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词(非主语)+have/has+主语+过去分词+其他?2)特殊疑问词(是句子主语)+have/has+过去分词+其他?,5.时间状语:already,yet,just,ever,never,before,twice,so far,in the past few years,by this time,for+一段时间,since+时间点,since+一段时间+ago,since+过

6、去式的句子,含义:表示过去发生或已经完成的某一动作 对现在造成的影响或结果。过去的动作或状态从过去某一时刻开始,一直延续到现在,而且可能还要继续下去。,already,yet,ever,never,just,yet常用于现在完成时的一般疑问句或否定句的句末。用于疑问句中时,意为“已经”;用于否定句中时,意为“还”。Not yet 表示“尚未,还没”。,ever 曾经 用于疑问句中never 从不 带有否定意义,just 刚刚 与现在完成时连用 一般置句中,for+一段时间=since+一段时间+ago,buy/bought have hadborrow/borrowed have keptar

7、rive/arrived have been in/atleave/left have been awayopen have been openjoin have been in begin/start-have been on,非延续性动词和延续性动词之间的转换,1.现在完成时中,非延续性动词需要转换为相应的延续性动词。,A:Have you ever been to the Great Wall?B:Yes,I have.What about you?A:Me,too.=So have I.=I have ever been there,too.So+助动词/be动词/情态动词+主语.,A

8、:Have you ever been to the Great Wall?B:No,I havent.What about you?A:Me neither.=Neither have I.=I havent been there,either.Neither+助动词/be动词/情态动词+主语.,Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum?,revision,一些不同的地方,somewhere different,数以千计的,许多的,thousands of,Unit 10Ive had this bikefor three years.,revision,1

9、.The house has a small _(院子).2.The pineapple was _(甜的).3.All these facts were stored(储存)in his _(记忆).4.Put your _(玩具)away now its time for bed.5.I like chocolates with _(柔软的)part.6.You should always _(检查)your oil before taking your car on a long trip.7.There is a park _(在对面)the museum.8.Its a _(羞愧)t

10、hat I failed in the exam.9.My hometown is a _(宁静的)place.,yard,sweet,memory,toys,soft,check,复习目标1:单词运用,opposite,shame,peaceful,This book costs 75 _(分)2 Our home has three _(卧室).3.The bread maker is _(不再)used.4.Ive never _(拥有)a bike。5.We live close to the _(铁路)line.,cents,bedrooms,no longer,owned,rail

11、way,6.I want to buy a _(照相机).7.For _(某种)reasons I will be unable to attend the meeting.8.Id like you to give me an _(诚实 的)answer.9.I only stayed for a short _(一会儿).10.Are you being quite _(honest)with me?,camera,certain,honest,while,truthful,庭院拍卖会需要的人们不再,再也不几个检查,查看一点儿,稍微清理,打扫他的四岁生日交出,舍弃对于自从,复习目标2:词汇

12、检测,yard salepeople in neednot anymorea couple ofcheck outa bitclear outhis fourth birthdaypart withas foreven since,搜寻,寻找在之中46岁回家真遗憾!依照,按照在的对面尤其,特别甜蜜的回忆接近,几乎到目前为止,复习目标2:词汇检测,search foramong46-year-oldreturn home Its a shame!according tooppositeespeciallysweet memoriesclose to so far,1.Both his paren

13、ts look sad.Maybe they _whats happened to him.knew.have known.must know.will know 2.He has _ been to Shanghai,has he?.already.never.ever.still,一、单项选择。,B,B,Exercises,3.The famous writer _ one new book in the past two year.is writing.was writing.wrote.has written 4.-Our country _ a lot so far.-Yes.I h

14、ope it will be even _.has changed;well.changed;good.has changed;better.changed;better,D,C,5.Zhao Lan _already _in this school for two years.was;studying.will;study.has;studied.are;studying 6.We _ Xiao Li since she was a little girl.know.had known.have known.knew,C,C,7.Harry Potter is a very nice fil

15、m.I_ it twice.will see.have seen.saw.see8.These farmers have been to the United States.Really?When _ there?.will they go.did they go.do they go.have they gone,B,B,9.-_ you _ your homework yet?-Yes.I _ it a moment ago.Did;do;finished.Have;done;finished.Have;done;have finished.will;do;finish,B,10.His

16、father _the Party since 1978.joined.has joined.was in.has been in11.-Do you know him well?-Sure.We _ friends since ten years ago.were.have been.have become.have made,D,B,12.-How long have you _ here?-About two e.arrived13.Hurry up!The play _ for ten minutes.has begun.had begun.has been on.began,A,C,

17、14.It _ ten years since he left the army.is.has.will.was15.Miss Green isnt in the office.She _ to the library.has gone.went.will go.has been16.The students have cleaned the classroom,_?A.so they B.dont they C.have they D.havent they,A,A,D,17._ has Mr.White been a member of Greener China since he_ to China?How soon,comes B.How often,gotC.How long,came D.How far,arrived18.His uncle_for more than 9 years.A.has come here B.has started to work C.has lived there D.has left the university,C,C,


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