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1、Unit 10,Unit 10Ive had this bike for three years.,Section A 23a-3c,bedroom n.卧室,railway n.铁路;铁道,New words,junior adj.地位(或职位、级别)低下的junior high school 初级中学e.g.We could give the job to somebody junior.我们可以把这份工作交给职位较低的人。,own v.拥有;有e.g.Most households now own at least one car.大多数家庭现在至少有一辆汽车。truthful adj.

2、诚实的;老实的e.g.He was not always truthful.他并非总是说真话。,Read the article written by a father for a newspaper.What is his family going to sell at the yard sale?,Son:a train and railway set the toy monkeyDaughter:certain toysFather:football shirts,3a,Fast reading,Read the passage and choose true(T)or false(F)

3、.,1.My daughter is 15 and my boy has already started junior high school.2.Our house really get smaller.,F,F,Careful reading,3.My son was quite sad at first.4.My daughter felt happy to part with certain toys.5.I want to give up my football shirts.,F,T,T,Read the article again and answer the questions

4、.,3b,1.Why did they decide to have a yard sale?2.What do they want to do with the money from the sale?,Because the fathers children get bigger and their house seems to get smaller.,They want to give the money to a childrens home.,3.Why does the son want to keep his train and railway set?4.How can th

5、e old toys be useful again?,Because he has owned it since his fourth birthday,and he played with it almost every week until he was about seven.,They can be sold to the people who need them.,5.Have you ever thought about having a yard sale to sell your things?What would you do with the money you rais

6、e?,Yes,I have.I would give it to the charity.,1.We have already cleared out a lot of things from our bedrooms.clear v.清理;清除 clear out 清理;丢掉 e.g.Ill clear out that closet for you.我要替你把那个小衣橱清理出来。,Language points,2.We have decided to each sell five things that we no longer use.我们决定每人出售五件不再使用的商品。1)no lo

7、nger意为“不再;不复”,有时可 用not any longer或not anymore 替换。如:He no longer lives here.(=He doesnt live here anymore/any longer.)他不再住这儿了。,2)each在句中对we进行限定,表示“(两个或两个以上的人或物中)各自,每个”。如:My sister and I each have an English-Chinese dictionary.我和姐姐各有一本英汉词典。,1)certain adj.意为“某种;某事;某人”。e.g.He decided to sell his certain

8、 books.他决定卖掉他的某些书籍。拓展 certain形容词,意为“确实的,无 疑的”。,3.My daughter was more understanding,although she also felt sad to part with certain toys.,常用结构:be certain to do sth.肯定要做某事 be certain of/about sth.对某事确定、有把握 be certain of doing sth.有把握做某事 be certain+从句 一定,e.g.He felt quite certain of success.他对成功很有把握。2

9、)part with 放弃、交出,part v.离开,分开e.g.Dont part with your dream.不要放弃你的梦想。,4.As for me,I did not want to give up my football shirts,but,to be honest,I have not played for a while now.1)as for 至于,关于e.g.And as for us,we are fortunate.对我们来说,我们是幸运的。2)to be honest意为“说实在的,说实话”,经常单独使用,作插入语,用逗号与句子隔开。类似的表达还有to tel

10、l the truth“老实说,说实话”。,e.g.To be honest,she is not an honest girl.说实话,她不是一个诚实的女孩。honest为形容词,意为“诚实的;老 实的”。反义词为dishonest“不诚实 的”。e.g.An honest man does not tell lies.诚实的人不会说谎。,3)while n.一段时间,一会儿while还可用作连词,引导时间状语从句,意为“当的时候”,while引导的时间状语从句中的动词必须是延续性动词。e.g.They chattered away happily for a while.他们高兴地闲扯了一

11、会儿。He kept in touch with us while he was on vacation.他在度假期间仍与我们保持联系。,Find the words or phrases in the article which can be replaced with the ones below and write them next to the words.,lose part with kids _truthful _ many _ some time _ even though _quickly _ older _,children,to be honest,a lot of,a

12、lthough,fast,bigger,a while,3c,1.My best friend Tom is _ honest boy.You can believe him.A.a B.an C.the D./2.Is Mr.Smith still in Shanghai?Yes,he _ there for two months.A.has been B.has gone C.has been to D.has gone to,Exercises,Recite the article.You can use the sentences according to the keys of 3b.,Homework,


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