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1、七年级 下册,人 教 版,复 习,Unit 9 How was your weekend?,前一单元知识回顾,一般过去时,用法,句式结构,表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态,常和表示过去的时间状语连用,如yesterday,last night,two days ago,in 1990等。一般过去时也表示过去经常或反复发生的动作,常和often,always等表示频度的时间状语连用。,肯定式:It was sunny yesterday.We went for a walk.否定式:It wasnt sunny yesterday.We didnt go for a walk.疑问式:Wa

2、s it sunny yesterday?Yes,it was./No,it wasnt.Did you go for a walk?Yes,we did./No,we didnt.,动词过去式的构成,规则,参考课本102页,不规则,A:How was your weekend?B:It was great/OK!(It wasnt very good!)A:What did you do last weekend?B:I played tennis.,1.visited,cleaned,watched,cooked,stayed,listened2.practiced,lived,hoped

3、3.shopped,stopped,planned4.studied,cried5.was,were,did,went,had,spent,saw,wrote,sat,visit my aunt,stay at home,play with a cat,practice the guitarstudy for a test,study geograghy,do some reading,sit downgo shopping,go for a walk,go to the mountains,have a partyspend the weekend,see a talk show,write

4、 a new song,阅读与写作:Weekend activities(时间顺序,时态),单 元 检 测,一、写出下列动词的过去式relaxgodostudyhavevisitstaywritepracticesitsee,relaxedwentdidstudiedhadvisitedstayedwrotepractice satsaw,playwatchcleantryworrycarrydropshopstopreadput,playedwatchedcleanedtriedworriedcarrieddroppedshoppedstoppedreadput,二、请用括号中词的适当形式填

5、空。1.A:Did you _(have)a good weekend?B:Yes,I _.I _(have)a nice weekend.I _(go)to the beach.2.A:What _ you _(do)last Sunday?B:I _(study)for the English test.3.A:What _ you have for breakfast yesterday?B:I _(not have)breakfast.I _(get)up late.I just _(drink)a cup of coffee.But I _(eat)a lot for lunch.4

6、.A:I went to a movie over the weekend.What about you?B:I _(not do)my homework.I _(visit)my grandma.5.A:What did you do yesterday?B:Yesterday we _(play)basketball on the playground.We _(be)excited.,Key:1.have,did,had,went 2.did,do,studied 3.did,didnt have,got,drank,ate 4.didnt do,visited 5.played,wer

7、e.,三、选择填空.()1.How _ your weekend?A.are B.was C.do D.does()2.Did you _ breakfast at home?A.have B.had C.ate D.got()3.She _ a new bike last month.A.buy B.buys C.bought D.will buy()4._ you _ TV every day?A.Did,watched B.Do,watch C.Do,watched D.Do,watches()5.What _ you _ during the vacation?A.did,did B.

8、do,did C.did,do D.do,does,B,A,C,B,C,()6.A:Where did you go on vacation?B:I _ my grandma.A.visit B.visited C.visits D.visiting()7.A:Did she _ to the movies?B:No,she went to the party.A.goes B.go C.going D.went()8.A:_ your mother go fishing B:No,she didnt.She went shopping.A.Does B.Is C.Did D.Do()9.Ed

9、ward came in and said he had _ to tell the class.A.anything important B.important everything C.something important D.important something()10.This problem is too difficult._ students can work it out.A.A few B.Few C.A little D.Little,B,B,C,C,B,()11.-What did Mary have _ breakfast this morning?-She got

10、 up late and hurried to school _ breakfast.A.for,without B.at,without C.for,after D.at after()12.-When and where _ you born?-I _ born in Shanghai _ September 1,1990.A.was,were,at B.were,was,in C.was,was,on D.were,was,on()13.Pandas like eating _ and elephants like eating _.A.leafs,grasses B.leaves,gr

11、ass C.leaf,grass D.leaves,grasses()14.He works in a school.He is a _.A.worker B.farmer C.soldier D.teacher()15.Her mother is _.She _ a car now.A.a driver,drive B.driver,drives C.a driver,is driving D.drives,drives,A,D,B,D,C,四、将下列对话补充完整。A:Hi,Ann!How 1 your weekend?B:It was 2.A:Oh,really.What 3 you do

12、 over the weekend?B:I 4 a good rest and 5 some beautiful cities.A:Where did you 6?B:I 7 to Suzhou and Hangzhou.A:That sounds exciting.B:8 9 you?Did you have a nice weekend?A:No,I 10.I stayed at home over the weekend.It wasnt very good.,Key:1.was 2.good/wonderful/great 3.did 4.had 5.visited 6.go 7.we

13、nt 8.What 9.about 10.didnt,新 授,Unit10,Where did you go on vacation?,一、教材内容分析,教 材 分 析,本单元是围绕“与朋友共同回忆假期”为话题,开展教学活动,学习动词的一般过去时表达法,是继上一单元How was your weekend?谈论周末的基础上学习一般过去时的特殊疑问句和一般疑问句的用法。本单元的核心话题是用一般过去时谈论度假等发生在过去的事情。因此“Where did you go on vacation?”“Did you go to the beach?Yes,I did No,I didnt”等是教学的重点

14、。通过对本单元的学习,学生能掌握本单元出现的地点名词,用于询问和回答过去发生的事情的短语和句型。这是学生日常生活频繁使用的语言交际功能,体现了新教材融会话题、交际功能和语言结构的循序渐进的生活化的学习程序。,本单元以“Where did you go on vacation?”为话题,共设计了三个部分的内容。Section A 该部分有4个模块:第一模块围绕“Where did you go on vacation?”这一话题展开思维(1a)、听力(1b)、口语(1c)训练;第二模块围绕孩子们对假期活动的回忆进行听力(2a-2b)、口语(2c)训练;第三模块通过谈论自己度假和自己所接触事物的感

15、受,对How引导的特殊疑问句展开训练;第四模块以游戏形式训练一般过去时。,Section B 该部分有4个模块:第一模块是词汇的学习与运用(1a-1b);第二模块围绕本单元的语言项目继续进行听力(2a-2b)、口语训练(2c);第三模块为阅读(3a)和写作(3b)训练;第四模块以小组活动的形式对一般过去时进行训练。,Self Check 该部分有3个模块:第一模块以Key word check形式对所学词汇进行训练;第二模块 以Write new words in your notebook形式对所学词汇继续进行巩固训练。第三模块以完成调查报告的形式再次对本单元重点进行巩固。,1、学会用“Wh

16、ere did you go on vacation?或Did you go to Central Park?”句式对假期的去向进行问答。2、学会用“How was your vacation?It was pretty good.”句式谈论自己度假的感受,3、学会用“How were the people?They were friendly/unfriendly.”句式谈论自己对所接触事物的感受。4、学会用旅行日记记录自己在旅行中的所见所闻。5、掌握 be动词、助动词及动词在过去时中的表达。6、掌握动词的一般过去时的肯定句,疑问句等形式。,学 习 目 标,二、词 汇,词汇读音识记,听录音

17、学单词,词汇归类识记,一、表示地点的名词。,summer camp(夏令营),museum(博物馆),square(广场),palace(宫殿),the Palace Museum,Tianan Men Square,the Great Wall,a Beijing Hutong,New York City,二、表示事物特征的形容词。,awful 极坏的,expensive昂贵的,cheap便宜的,crowded拥挤的unfriendly不友善的,不友好的,delicious美味的,unfriendly friendly friendly前面加了 un就成了它的反义词了。其实,英语中的类似情况

18、很多。加在前面叫前缀,后面的自然就是后缀了。再如:happyunhappy 不开心的 luckyunlucky 不幸的 usualunusual 不寻常的 appeardisappear 消失 agree disagree 不同意 like dislike 不喜欢,拓 展,59,词 汇 训 练 营,59 1a,1.stayed at home.2.went to New York City.3.visited my uncle.4.went to summer camp.5.went to the mountains.6.went to the beach.7.visited museums.

19、,e,b,d,c,a,f,g,仔细想一想,f,d,b,c,e,a,仔细想一想,1.-I think the food is d.-No,I dont like it.Its a.2.Mr Wang walks to work every day.He never takes buses.Theyre too c.3.The sweater is a little e.Lets look at another one.I want to buy somether c.4.If youre u to animals,animals wont be friendly to you.I went to

20、 summer c this summer.And I had a great time.6.Tianan Men S and the Palace M are famous in the world.,elicious,wful,rowded,xpensive,heap,amp,quare,useum,nfriendly,三、句 型,1、Where did you go on vacation?I went to summer camp.译成:假期你去了哪儿?我去参加了夏令营。,(一)讨论假期去向,stay at home,visit the palace museum,Where did

21、you go on vacation?I,visit the Great Wall,go to the mountains,go to the beach,visit the museum,Where did he go last year?He,2、Did you go to Central Park?Yes,I did./No,I didnt.译成:你去中央公园了吗?是的,我去了。/不,我没去。,go to New York City,Did you?Yes,I did./No,I didnt.,visit Qingdao,go to the beach,Did he?Yes,he did

22、./No,he didnt.,go to the zoo,go to West Lake,Pairwork:Did you Yes,I did./No,I didnt.,you,Tom,you,the boy,your brother,Lucy,Did you visit your uncle with your mother?,Yes,I did.,you,Pairwork:Did you Yes,I did./No,I didnt.,you,Tom,you,the boy,your brother,Lucy,练习:根据答语写出问题。1.Q:_(you/vacation)A:I went t

23、o the beach.2.Q:_(your sister/beach)A:No,she didnt.She stayed at home.3.Q:_(Tomoko/her uncle)A:Yes,she visited her uncle in New York City.4.Q:_(your parents/museums)A:No,they didnt.They dont like museums.5.Q:_(they/vacation)A:They visited a lot of museums.The museums were interesting.,Where did you

24、go on vacation?,Did you go to the beach?,Did Tomoko visit her uncle?,Did your parents visit museums?,Where did they go on vacation?,1.-How was your vacation?你的假期怎样?-It was great!好极了!/It was pretty good!相当好!/It was not bad!不错!/It was terrible!糟透了2.-How were the people?人怎么样?-They were unfriendly.他们很不友

25、好。,(二)讨论对假期及自己所接触事物的感受,100$,1$,How was the hamburger?,It was delicious.,How were the hamburgers?,They were delicious.,How were the apples?,They were awful.,How was the bus?,It was crowded.,How was the shop?,It was not crowded.,How was the ice cream?,It was expensive.,100$,How were the bananas?,They

26、were cheap.,1$,练习一:用“was”或“were”填空。,Amy:How your vacation,Lin?Lin:It pretty good.Amy:How the beaches?Lin:They fantastic.Amy:How the weather?Lin:It hot and humid.Amy:How the people?Lin:They unfriendly.,was,was,were,were,was,was,were,were,练习二:用“was”或“were”填空。How _ your vacation?The beaches in Hawaii_

27、beautiful.I thought the movie_ very interesting.The weather in Canada_ cold and rainy.How _the people in Japan?,was,were,was,was,were,练习三:Amy:How was your vacation,Lin?Lin:It was pretty good.,bus trip/relaxing,museum/boring,food/awful,beach/beautiful,Amy:Where did you go on vacation?Lin:I _Sydney:Am

28、y:Well,it _ great.What _you do there?Lin:I went to the beaches _my friends.Amy:How _the beaches?Lin:They _fantastic.where did you you go?Amy:I went to South Africa.Lin:How _your vacation,Amy?Amy:It _pretty good.Lin:How _ the weather?Amy:It _hot and humid.Lin:How _the people?Amy:They _ unfriendly.,we

29、nt to,was,with,did,were,were,was,were,were,was,was,was,练习四:补全对话,四、听力与对话,1,4,2,3,5,(一)SectionA 1b,Conversation 1,Tapescript,Xiang Hua:Hey,Tina.Where did you go on vacation?Tina:I went to the mountains.Xiang hua:Cool.Tina:Where did you go,Xiang Hua?Xiang Hua:I went to New York City.,Conversation 2,Con

30、versation 3,Boy1:Where did you go on vacation,Tom?Tom:I went to summer camp.It was great.,Girl:Where did you go on vacation?Sally:Nowhere.I stayed at home.Girl:And where did you go,Brad?Brad:I visited my uncle.,c,b,(二)SectionA 2a 2b,a,Tapescript,Conversation 1 Boy:Where did you go on vacation?Nancy:

31、I went to New York City.Boy:Oh,really?Did you go to Central Park?Nancy:Yes,I did.It was really nice.,Conversation 2 Girl:Where did you go on vacation?Kevin:I went to the beach.Girl:Oh,thats nice.Did you play football?Kevin:No,I didnt.Girl:Well,did you swim?Kevin:Yes,I did.The water was really warm.,

32、Tapescript,Conversation 3 Boy:Where did you go on vacation?Julie:I stayed at home.Boy:Oh.So,did you go to the movies or anything?Julie:No,I didnt.Boy:Did you study for exams?Julie:Yes,I did.,Tapescript,(三)SectionB 2a 2b,What does Vera think about?,interesting,crowded,expensive,friendly,delicious,Tap

33、escript,Girl1:Hi,Vera.How was your vacation?Vera:It was great!Girl1:Where did you go?Vera:I went to Tokyo with my family.Girl1:Really?Vow!What did you do there?Vera:Well,we went to a lot of museums.Girl1:Oh,how were they?Vera:They were really interesting.But they were also very crowded.,Girl1:Did yo

34、u go shopping?Vera:Yeah,I did.Girl1:How were the stories?Vera:Oh,they were very expensive.Girl1:And how were the people?Did you mee any Japanese people?Vera:yeah,the people were really friendly.My parents have some Japanese friends,and we had dinner at their house.Girl1:How was the food?Vera:It was

35、delicious.I love Japanese food!,Vera:It was great!Vera:I went t Tokyo with my family.Vera:Well,we went to a lot of museums.Vera:They were really interesting.But theyVera:Yeah,I did.Vera:They were very expensive.Vera:Yeah,the people were really friendly.Vera:It was delicious.I love Japanese food.,Gir

36、l 1:Hi,Vera._ _?Girl 1:_?Girl1:Really?Wow!_ _?Girl 1:Oh,_?Girl 1:_?Girl 1:_?Girl 1:_?Girl 1:_?,How was your,Where did you go?,What did you,how were they?,Did you go shopping?,How were the stores?,And how were the people?,How was the food?,vacation,do there,A:Did you go to on vacation?B:./where did y

37、ou go on vacation?A:What did you do there?B:.A:How was your vacation?B:.A:How was the weather/?B:.,Make some conversations about your vacation.,Pair work,五、阅 读 与 写 作,在进行阅读之前,你的单词问题已经解决了吗?不要放松背单词,否则在做阅读时,就会遇到很多困难。在阅读时,注意观察作者的写作手法、动词的时态及固定搭配形式。,SectionB 3a,Monday,July 15thGreat weather!It was sunny an

38、d hot all day.We went to a beautiful beach.We had great fun playing in the water.In the afternoon,we went shopping.The shops were too crowded,do I didnt really enjoy it.Tuesday,July 16thToday it rained,so we went to a museum.I was kind of boring.I found a small boy crying in the corner.He was lost a

39、nd I helped him find his father.That made me feel very happy.I didnt have any money for a taxi,so I walked back to the hotel.I was really tired.Wednesday,July 17thToday the weather was cool,so we decided to play tennis.We played all morning.It was really fun.We had Sichuan food for dinner.It was del

40、icious!,Read Kims travel diary.Circle the good things about his vacation.Underline the bad things.,旅行日记的写作技巧,1、在日记的左上角写明当天的日期,顺序为:星期、月、日。如:7月15日星期五应写成:Monday,July 15th。2、日记是对当天活动的回忆。所以在叙述时应采用过去 时。3、在这篇日记中,作者对当天的天气进行了描述。并通过天 气烘托作者当时的心情。这种写作手法使文章显得极为生 动,富有情感。这是值得同学们学习的。4、在这篇日记中,作者还使用了许多动词的固定搭配。如:have

41、fun doing,find sb doing,make sb do sth,decide to do等。这使文章的语句更为流畅,简捷而不简单,显示了作者 极 高的写作水平。,We had great fun playing in the water.我们在水中玩得非常高兴。have fun doing sth 意为“过的很愉快”,与have a good time同义,也相当于 enjoy oneself。其后也跟doing形式。(1)Did you have fun_(hike)in the mountains.(2)We had a great time _(learn)English

42、this term.,拓 展,hiking,learning,2.I found a small boy crying in the corner.我发现一个小男孩在角落里哭。found 是 find 的过去式。find sb doing sth 表示“发现某人正在做某事”,类似的词语有see(watch)sb doing sth,hear sb doing sth 等。(1)Tina was busy with her work,so she didnt see her son _(watch)TV.(2)He found a purse _(lie)on the ground.(3)We

43、can hear a girl _(sing)a song in the next room.,拓 展,watching,lying,singing,3.Today the weather was cool,so we decided to play tennis.今天天气很凉快,所以我们决定去打网球。decide to do sth 是“决定干某事”之意,decide 后接不定式。(1)他决定买一辆车 He_ _ _ a new car.(2)他们决定不去那里。They decided _ _ _ there.,拓 展,decided to buy,not to go,拓 展,4.He wa

44、s lost and I helped him find his father.他迷路了,我帮助他找到了他父亲。be lost 意为“迷路,丢失”help sb(to)do sth 意为“帮助某人做某事”,5.That made me feel very happy.那使我感到非常高兴。make 意为“使,促使,迫使”其过去式为“made”。make sb do sth 意为“使/让某人做某事”make sb+adj.意为“使/让某人怎样”make 还有“制做,制定,写”的意思。由make构成的词组有 make the bed make faces make a plane make frie

45、nds with,拓 展,汤姆昨晚到家很晚,那他妈妈非常生气。她让汤姆每晚都呆在家里。Tom got home late last night.That his mother very.She him every night,made,angry,made,home,at,stay,6.It was kind of boring.kind of 意为“有点”修饰形容词、副词表示程度,为程度副词。类似的程度副词还有very,too,so,a little等。kind 还可译成“种类”,常构成一些固定搭配。如:a kind of 一种 all kind of 各种各样,拓 展,Tuesday,Ju

46、ly 18th Today it.So we to a museum.It kind of boring.I a small boy in the,he lost and I him find his father.That me very happy.I have money for a taxi,so I back to the hotel.I was really tired.,rain,help,walk,do,some,make,be,find,corner,go,cry,feel,根据所给单词的适当形式填空,rained,went,corner,found,helped,feel,

47、any,didnt,made,walked,was,crying,SectionB 3b,Thursday,August 1st Today I went to the palace Museum.It was cool.Then I,Imagine you are an American student on vacation in Beijing.Write a travel diary.,SectionB 3b,Thursday,August 1st Today I went to the palace Museum.It was cool.Then I went to the Grea

48、t Wall.It was beautiful and magnificent!In the afternoon,I went to Tiananmen Square.It was great!In the evening,I went to BeijingHutong.It was quiet and clean.I was very tired,but happy.,Here is an example:,Writing,For example:last summer I went to the beach.My vacation was pretty good.I went there

49、by bus and my bus trip was relaxing.The beach was very beautiful.It was sunny,cool and humid.the people were friendly and the food were delicious.I enjoyed my vacation very much and I hope to go there again.,Imagine you were on vacation,write a travel diary.,六、构 建 知 识 网 络,知 识 回 顾,(一)词汇 1、表示地点的名词。sum

50、mer camp museum square palace the Palace Museum Tianan Men Square the Great Wall a Beijing hutong New York City 2、表示事物特征的形容词。delicious-awful expensive-cheap crowded-not crowded friendly-unfriendly,(二)句型,1、讨论假期去向(1)Where did you go on vacation?I went to/stayed at(2)Did you go to Central Park?Yes,I di


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