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1、In search of the Amber Room,1.in search of sb./sth.搜寻,查找,寻找,=She went into the kitchen looking for a drink.,=look for sb./sth.,She went into the kitchen in search of a drink.,1.她走进厨房去找喝的东西。,1.Frederick William I,the King of Prussia,could never have imagined that his greatest gift to the Russian peop

2、le would have such a strange history.(P1,L1)普鲁士国王腓特烈威廉一世从来也不会想到他赠送给俄国人民的礼物会有如此离奇的历史。could not have done never have done 不可能做.,选择最佳答案填空。,1)Do you know where David is?I couldnt find him anywhere.Well.He _ gone farhis coat is still here.A.cant B.cant haveC.mustnt have D.shouldnt have,B,情态动词+have done,4

3、.amazing&amazed“amazing”表示“令人惊讶的”;“amazed”表示“感到惊讶的”,1.他出现在会议上,我大为惊讶。,I was amazed at his presence at the meeting.,2.她在音乐方面有惊人的才华。,She has an amazing talent for music.,5.fancy adj.(1)fancy clothes 新奇服装,(2)fancy for sth 渴望,喜爱,我今晚想喝点酒。,I have a fancy/fancy for some wine tonight.,6.decorate vThey decora

4、ted the room with flowers and balloons.他们用花和气球装饰房间。decorate sth.with sth.装修,装饰n.decoration 装饰品,7.jewel A.宝石,珠宝 B.受珍视的人或事 jewellery(总称)珠宝,不可数名词 jewel 可数名词,用decorate,design,jewel的适当形式填空。,即时训练,1)He is always saying his son is a real _.2)She put some _ on the Christmas tree.3)This studio is of poor _.4)

5、They _ the house for Christmas.,jewel,decorations,design,decorated,Par.2:,A gift to Peter the Great,Q1:In fact,What was the amber room first made for?,Key:It was first made for the palace(寝宫)of Frederick I.,8.belong tobelong to sb:to be owned by sb.Who does the watch belong to?属于某人的,归某人所有b)belong to

6、 sth:to be a part of a particular thing or organization Lions and tigers belong to the cat family.属于,是的一部分,注意:belong to 没有被动形式,也不用于完成时态和进行时,9.in return 回报,作为报酬 我送他一些书作为他对我帮助的回报。in turn,轮流地,依次;反过来,I gave him some books in return for his assistance.,我们依次回答问题吧。,Lets answer the questions in turn.,10.ser

7、ve as 用作,适合That cup will serve as a sugar bowl.serve for 为谁服务 I have served for this company for 2 years.,addto at warremove less thanthere is no doubt thatremainthe formerbe worth doing,11.介词+名词(表状态)at war/peace/work/homeon show/duty/sale/in trouble/danger/doubt,1)要去掉衣服上的墨迹,你有什么建议?What do you advis

8、e for _ ink from my clothes?,即时训练,根据汉语意思,用move、remove的正确形式补全下列句子。,removing,2)谁动了我的奶酪?Who _ my cheese?,即时训练,根据汉语意思,用move、remove的正确形式补全下列句子。,moved,3)我们要从伦敦搬到乡下去住。We are _ from London to the country.,即时训练,根据汉语意思,用move、remove的正确形式补全下列句子。,removing/moving,12.Theres no doubt that Do you doubt _ she will su

9、cceed?I doubt _ he will keep his word.I have no doubt _ he will win the game.,that,if/whether,that,=Its clear that 毫无疑问,13.remain(1)vi.留下,遗留 I went to the city,but my brother remained at home.(2)link-verb.保持,仍是 My friend became a boss,but I remained a teacher.The death of the old man remained unknow

10、n.,It remains to be seen(=We do not know yet)whether weve made the right decision.,difficult sentences,In 1770 the room was completed the way she wanted.the way后面的定语从句,通常不用关系词This was a time when the two countries were at war.,随堂检测,一、请选择下列单词的正确形式填空。,5.At the early age,Lily shows her great _ for danc

11、ing.6.She _ her make-up with tissue.,gift,removed,随堂检测,二、翻译下列句子。,1.毫无疑问他在英语口语比赛中获得了一等奖。,Theres no doubt that he got the first prize in oral English competition.,随堂检测,二、翻译下列句子。,2.昨天妈妈买了很多家具,因为我们要搬新房了。,My mother bought many pieces of furniture because we will move to a new house.,随堂检测,二、翻译下列句子。,3.他做司机

12、很多年了。,He has served as a driver for many years.,随堂检测,二、翻译下列句子。,4.这两双鞋子都是同样颜色的。,The two pairs of shoes are of the same color.,随堂检测,二、翻译下列句子。,5.我希望能为你做点事作为回报。,I hope I can do something for you in return.,You should have told him about it yesterday.,The ground is wet everywhere.It must have rained last

13、 night.,Complete the following:_(我本可以把钱借给他)but he didnt tell me he needed it._(你一定感到很紧张)when you spoke in front of so many people.,I could have lent him money,You must have felt very nervous,1.could have done“本能够”(用于对过去情况的推测,其否定形式“cant/couldnt have done”,意为“(过去)不可能做过某事.,1)教室不可能是李平打扫的,因为他今天没来上学.2)他对那

14、本书一无所知,他不可能读过.,The classroom cant have been cleaned by Li Ping because he didnt come to school today.,He knows nothing about that book,he couldnt have read it before.,1)His brother met him at the Great Theatre yesterday afternoon,so he _ have attended your lecture.A.couldnt B.neednt C.mustnt D.shoul

15、dnt 2)-Your mother was really anxious about you.-I know.I _ home without a word.A.mustnt leave B.shouldnt have left C.couldnt have left D.neednt leave,A,B,fancy vt.想象,推测,假想1)Dont fancy that you can succeed without hard work.2)I cant fancy his doing such a thing.3)I fancied him to be dead.4)He fancie

16、s himself as a good writer.5)Do you fancy a glass of coffee?6)I dont fancy walking in the rain.fancy+that-/ones doing sth/sb to be/sb as/sth/doing sth,6.in return(for):回报,作为报酬What can we do for them in return for all the help they have given us?我们将怎样来报答他们所给予我们的种种帮助呢?I gave him some books in return f

17、or his assistance.in turn 轮流地,依次;反过来 take turns轮流地by turns 轮流地,时而时而,5.in return 作为报答,Tom,in return,told her his history.,in return for 答谢 return ticket/trip 往返车票/旅行,return v.=go back/give back,1)He bought her a gold watch _(以答谢她的帮助).2)I came to thank you and _ the coat you lent me.A.return B.returne

18、d C.return to D.return back,in return for her help,B,6.light v.点燃,照亮 lit lit n.光,光亮 adj.明亮的,轻的,浅色的,light up 照亮,使(光亮),She took the _(点燃的)candle into the dark room and quickly the room _(照亮).,lighted,lit up,7.About four metres long,the room served as a small reception hall for important visitors.(Para

19、2,L9)琥珀屋约四米长,做了接待贵宾的小接待厅。serve as 担任,充当 He served as a waiter there.When you sleep in the open,old newspapers can serve as a blanket.,8.She told her artists to add more details to its design.(Para3,L3)她告诉他的艺术家们将设计方案再增加更多的细节。addto把加进里去 He added that he was very pleased with our work.Please add some s

20、ugar to the milk.Add the score up.His being absent added to our difficulty.The money he spent one day added up to about$100.,9.In 1770,the room was completed the way(that)she wanted it.,I was not allowed to do things the way I wanted.He was looking at her in a way that surprised her.We have to make

21、it work in the way that they want it to.,7.wonder n.奇观,壮举,奇才,惊奇,惊叹,They were filled with wonder when they saw the spaceship.,Its a wonder(that)难得,(Its)No/Little/hardly wonder that 难怪,并不奇怪,Its a wonder you recognized me.No wonder he is not hungry,he has been eating sweets all day.难怪他不饿,他整天在吃糖果,wonder

22、 at sth 对感到惊异,奇怪 do/work wonders(for)创造奇迹,有惊人的效果,1)I was just wondering _ the old bike when my friend came.A.what to do with B.how should I do with C.how to do with D.how should I do with 2)-Mary is Johns sister.-_ she knows so much about him.A.No problem B.No doubt C.No need D.No wonder 3)-What wer

23、e you thinking just now?-I _ whether he could lend me enough money.A.was wondering B.wonder C.am wondering D.will wonder,10.This was a time when the two countries were at war.(Para4,L2)这是两国交战时期。at war 处于战争状态,介词at可表示状态或动作。at peace at breakfast at rest at table at work at school at the piano at ones b

24、est,1)The man was _ from the office for some reasons.2)She _ her hat and coat.3)They were taught to learn the spirit of the Foolish Old man _ the mountain.A.removed B.moved C.who removed D.moving 4)The boy is _ from school because he often plays truant.A.gone B.removed C.to remove D.be at 5.The man

25、was so badly hurt that he couldnt _ his leg.A.remove B.move C.carry D.send,removed,removed,11.There is no doubt that the boxes were then put on a train for Konigsberg,at that time a German city on the Baltic Sea.(Para4,L6)毫无疑问,这些箱子后来被装上火车运往哥尼斯堡,当时它是波罗的海边的一个德国城市。There is no doubt=Its clear=Its beyond

26、 argument,9.There is no doubt that.对毫无疑问/怀疑,Theres no doubt that hell come this afternoon.,1)-Do you doubt _ hell be fired by the school?-No,not a bit.A.that B.whether C.if D.about 2)-Lily is sure to win the oral English contest.-But I doubt _ she will make it.A.that B.whether C.how D.when 3)I have

27、no doubt in my mind _ they will be glad to see me.A.if B.whether C.that D.of,There is no doubt 后接名词时,需用介词 about/of,eg.There is no doubt about/of his honesty.doubt 也可作不及物动词,“怀疑,不信”,在肯定句中常接whether/if 从句,在否定句中常接 that 从句eg.I doubt whether we can get the first place in the competition.I dont doubt that h

28、e will tell us the truth.,missing/lost/gone Five people were _.The boat and all the men were _ in the storm.My pain in the leg is _ now.Much to his upset,Bob found his wallet _ just as he wanted to pay for the necktie.,missing,lost,gone,missing,remain(1)vi.留下,遗留 I went to the city,but my brother rem

29、ained at home.(2)link-verb.后接n./adj./介词短语/表位置的adv.My friend became a boss,but I remained a teacher.The death of the old man remained unknown.The problem remains to be discussed.,It remains to be seen(=We do not know yet)whether weve made the right decision.He bought a new book with the _(剩下的)40 yuan.=He bought a new book with the 40 yuan _.(剩下的),remaining,left,


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