新目标九年级Unit7复习课件 (2).ppt

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1、Review Of Unit 7,Where would you like to visit?,复习目标:1.掌握Unit7的重点词组和句型2.学会用形容词和定语从句介绍一些旅游胜地 3.学会表达自己对某事物的好恶,继续,坚持,保持将来某一天别紧张当导游 希望做某事大体上,一般而言 数以千计的,许许多多的 尽快地,短语,1.hold on to,2.one day/some day,3.take it easy,4.work as tour guides,5.hope to do,6.in general,7.thousands of,8.as soon as possible,乐意做某事 相

2、当多,不少 梦想,幻想(预言,期望)实现,成为事实 在热带丛林中旅行在亚马逊河热带丛林中 一个筋疲力尽的人 一项累人的工作,短语,11.be willing to do,12.quite a few,13.dream of=dream about,e true,15.trek through the jungle,16.in the Amazon jungle,17.a tired person,18.a tiring job,迷人的故事 不太实际的梦想 刺激的假期 紧张的 在海滩上 尼加拉瓜大瀑布 埃菲尔铁塔 巴黎圣母院,短语,21.a fascinating story,22.less r

3、ealistic dreams,23.an exciting vacation,24.stressed out,25.on beach,26.Niagara Falls,27.Eiffel Tower,28.Notre Dame Cathedral,实现梦想 付款 旅游热点,旅游胜地 考虑做某事 接受良好的教育 法国的首都,短语,33.achieve ones dream,34.pay for,35.travel spotlight,36.consider doing sth.,37.have a good education,38.the capital of France,最有活力的城市之

4、一 最著名的教堂之一 迷人的景观 乘地铁 消费相当高的地方 在旅行社 去暖和的地方,短语,39.one of the liveliest cities,40.one of the most famous churches,41.fantastic sights,42.take the underground train,43.quite an expensive place,47.at a travel agency,48.go somewhere warm,最好做 做许多户外活动 有厨房的房间 省钱,存钱 一年的这时候 装一些薄的衣服 提供某物给某人,短语,49.Its best to do

5、/had better do sth.,50.do lots of outdoor activities,51.a room with a kitchen,52.save money,53.this time of year,54.pack some light clothes,56.provide sb with sth.=provide sth.for sb,有关的信息 将来 调查结果 继续做某事 上大学 根据 各种个样的 在2008年奥运会上,短语,57.some information on/about,58.in the future,59.the findings of a sur

6、vey,61.continue doing sth.=continue to do sth.,62.go to university,63.according to,64.all kinds of,65.at the 2008 Olympics,讲解,1.v-ing型形容词和v-ed型形容词1)v-ing型形容词,常见的词有:amazeamazing 令人惊讶的tiretiring 令人疲惫的surprisesurprising 令人惊奇的 exciteexciting 令人兴奋的boreboring 令人讨厌的 interestinteresting 有趣的developdeveloping

7、 发展中的 movemoving 感人的,2)v-ed型形容词,常见的词有:amazeamazed 惊讶的tiretired 累的surprisesurprised 惊奇的 borebored 厌恶的exciteexcited 兴奋的 interestinterested 感兴趣的developdeveloped 发达的 movemoved 受感动的pleasepleased 高兴的,用所给动词的适当形式填空。1.Im sorry _(say)that theres nothing _(eat).2.This afternoon the biggest football match of th

8、is year _(be)on TV.3.They told us that Mr.Wu _(see)the film before.4.It is ten years since I _(leave)my hometown.5.You need something _(drink),dont you?6.Either he or I _(be)right.7.No _(smoke)in the hospital,please.8.He would take out his money and _(pay)for the bill.9.Its time for rest;lets stop _

9、(have)our lesson.10.What color do you decide _(buy)?,to say,to eat,will be,had seen,left,to drink,smoking,am,pay,having,to buy,1.Id like to trek _ the jungle.A.through B.across C.over D.on 2.Why do the people decide _ these days?Because theres not much to do.A.visit B.to visit C.not visiting D.not t

10、o visit 3.-How about the movie you saw yesterday?-Some people think its boring,_ think its exciting.A.others B.other C.each D.another4.The Travel Agency offered him a hotel _ 30 dollars every day.A./B.for C.to D.with 5.My parents want to go _ on vacation.A.somewhere peaceful B.dangerous somewhere C.

11、somewhere boring D.fascinating somewhere,单项选择,A,D,A,B,A,6.They _ all over the country.So they plan _ some other countries.A.have traveled,visit B.traveled,to visit C.traveled,visiting D.have traveled,to travel 7.We want _ a trip to Guilin this summer vacation.A.take B.takes C.taking D.to take8.Im no

12、t sure if it _ tomorrow.If it _,we wont climb the South Hill.A.will snow;snows B.will snow;will snow C.snows;snows D.snows;will snow9.Some robots are _ to do the same things _ people.A.enough smart,as B.enough smart,with C.smart enough,as D.smart enough,for 10._ would you like to live in?A.where B.which city C.which D.when,D,D,A,C,B,Thanks a lot!,


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