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1、Unit 1Where did you go on vacation?,Section BPeriod 1(1a-2e),Did you go to Malaysia?,Malaysia n.马来西亚 Malaysian adj.马来西亚的 n.马来西亚人,West Malaysia is next to Thailand.,East Malaysia is next to Brunei and Indonesia.,Malaysian national flag,Penang 槟城,Penang Hill 槟城山,Georgetown 乔治市,Weld Quay 海墘,an old plac

2、e in Georgetown,Nasi lemak,the Malaysian breakfast,Local delicacies,Nyonya dishes娘惹菜,Roti Canai and Teh Tarik煎饼和拉茶,Local delicacies,Asam Laksa 阿参拉沙,Bah Kut Teh/Chic Kut Teh肉骨茶,Local delicacies,Nasi Dagang手扒饭,2b,Read Janes diary entries about her vacation and answer the questions.,Did Jane have a goo

3、d time on Monday?What about on Tuesday?,Read the first diary and tell T(True)or F(False).,1.Jane arrived in Penang in Malaysia this morning with her friends.2.Jane tried paragliding with her brother.3.The yellow noodles were delicious!4.In the afternoon,they drove a car to Georgetown.5.There are qui

4、te a few new buildings and old buildings in Georgetown.6.They saw the houses of the Malaysian traders from 100 year ago in Weld Quay.,F,T,F,T,F,F,Read the second diary and answer the questions.,1.Where did Jane and her father decide to go on Tuesday?2.What did they decide to do when it started raini

5、ng?3.How long did they wait for the train?4.Hows the weather when they got to the top?5.Why were they wet and cold?6.Can they see anything below?Why?7.What did they eat for lunch?Why?8.How was the food?Why?,2c Read Janes diary entries again.Fill in the chart.,yes,It was so exciting.,had lunch,It had

6、 a long history.,They were wet and cold because of the rain.,yes,yes,yes,no,Had rice and fish,2d Complete the conversation using information in the diary entries.Anna:Hi,Jane.Where did you go on vacation last week?Jane:I _to Penang in_.Anna:who _ you go with?Jane:I went with my _.Anna:what did you d

7、o?Jane:The weather was hot and _on Monday,so we went _ on the beach.Then in the afternoon,we _ bicycles to Georgetown.Anna:Sounds great!,Malaysia,went,did,family,sunny,paragliding,rode,Jane:Well,but the next day was not as good.My _ and I went to Penang Hill,but the weather really bad and rainy.We _

8、 a long time for the train and we were _ and cold because we forgot to bring an _.Anna:Oh,no!Jane:And thats not all!We also didnt bring _ money,so we only had one bowl of fish and rice.,father,was,waited,wet,umbrella,enough,Language points,1.decide v.决定;选定 I decide to stay at home today.今天我决定呆在家里。Be

9、fore you make a decision,you must think it over.在你作决定之前,你一定要仔细思考。根据例句可知“决定干某事”为decide to do sth。根据例句 可知decide的名词是decision,而“作决定”是make a decision,相当于动词decide。,1.I _(decide)go to the zoo today.2.They made a _(决定)to have a meeting in memory of“512 Earthquake”at school one month ago.3.Before making an i

10、mportant _(decide),think it over.,用括号内适当的词填空。,decide to,decision,decision,3.because of 因为 I didnt go out because of the bad weather.由于恶劣的天气,我没有出去。because of 与because 的区别 eg:He didnt come because he had aheadache.他没来因为他头痛。这句话相当于He didnt come because of his headache.根据例句可知,because+句子,而because of 后应加名词

11、、代词或动名词形式。,-_ the heavy rain,we didnt go camping last Sunday.-What a pity!A.Thanks to B.Because of C.Because,B,4.enough adj.足够的;充足的;充分的 There isnt enough water in our city.我们城市没有足够的水。enough 的相关用法:Although he doesnt have enough money,he has many friends and he is happy enough.尽管他没有足够的钱,但他有很多朋友并且他也足够快

12、乐。He is old enough to go to school.他足够大了可以去上学。,enough 作形容词时,意思是“足够的,充分的”,在句中多作定语,一般修饰复数名词或不可数名词,可置于所修饰的名词之前,也可置于所修饰的名词之后。后者属于旧式用法。enough 用作副词时,意思是“足够,充分”,一般应放在所修饰的形容词、副词或动词的后面。Johns old enough to take care of himself.约翰长大了,能照顾自己了。,-Can you hear me?-No,I cant.Would you please speak _?A.clearly enough

13、 B.clear enough C.enough clear D.enough clearly,解析:答案选A。本题考查了enough 修饰形容词或副词应后置,并且修饰动词时应用副词,故选A。,She was sick yesterday,but she is _ to go to school today.A.enough good B.good enough C.enough well D.well enough This kind of book is _ for children to read.A.enough well B.enough good C.well enough D.g

14、ood enough,D,D,(2011哈尔滨市)The young man is _ carry that heavy bag.A.strong enough to B.enough strong to C.not strong enough D.strong enough要点分析:enough做副词用时,在句中必须位于其所修饰的形容词或副词之后。,A,Make up a story!,_one_thing_where_selfwonderfulquite a fewmostseemdiary activity,boreddecidetryfeel likewonderdifferencew

15、aitenoughbelow,Where did you go on vacation?Do you know these places?,Tiananmen Square,the Palace Museum,a Beijing hutong,3a,Complete the diary entry about a trip at one of these places.Use the words and phrases in the box to help you.,hot and sunny tired happy Beijing duck delicious take some photo

16、s beautiful buy something special interesting learn something important August,Tiananmen Square,the Palace Museum,a Beijing hutong,Wednesday,_20thToday the weather was _.I went to _.It was _.We _.I liked this place because _.For dinner we had _.It was _.In the evening,I felt really _.,3b,Answer the

17、questions to make notes about a vacation you took.,1.Where did you go?2.Did you go with anyone?3.How was the weather?4.What did you do every day?5.What food did you eat?6.What did you like best?7.Did you dislike anything?8.How did you feel about the trip?,3c,Write a travel diary like Janes on page 5

18、.Use your notes in 3b.,Shanghai,Tianjin,Chongqing,Self Check,Complete the conversations with the correct words in the box.,1,anythingeverythingnothinganyoneeveryoneno one,1.A:Did _ go on vacation with you last month?B:Yes,my family went to the countryside with me.,2,Complete the passage with the cor

19、rect forms of the verbs in brackets.,Last August,our class _(do)something very special on our school trip.We _(go)to Mount Tai.We _(start)our trip at 12:00 at night.Everyone in our class _(take)a bag with some food and water.After three hours,someone looked at the map and _(find)out we _(be,not)anyw

20、here near the top.,My legs _(be)so tired that I wanted to stop.My classmates _(tell)me to keep going,so I _(go)on.At 5:00 a.m.,we got to the top!Everyone _(jump)up and down in excitement.Twenty minutes later,the sun _(start)to come up.It was so beautiful that we_(forget)about the last five hours!,Ex

21、ercise,用所给动词的适当形式填空。1.We _(live)in Japan last year.2.Jack _(stop)the car last Sunday.3.Tom _(clean)my room and _(study)for the Chinese test last weekend.4.What _ you _(do)last night?5.On Sunday morning I _(play)tennis.,lived,stopped,cleaned,studied,did,do,played,改写句子:1.Lucy did her homework at home.(改否定句)Lucy _ _ her homework at home.2.He went to the zoo last Sunday.(变一般疑问句)_ he _ to the zoo last Sunday?,Did go,didnt do,3.She stayed there a week ago.(对划线部分提问)_ _ she _ there?4.There was some orange in the cup.(变一般疑问句)_ there _ orange in the cup?,Was any,When did stay,


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