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1、,小学英语知识树,临朐县第二实验小学 王金德,四年级英语上册,Module 1,Module 6,In the park,Activities,Numbers,运用句型Doyou want?询问他人是否想要某种食物学习句型Have you got?询问他人是否拥有某种东西,Module 9,Happy Birthday,Ten months,运用句型Can I havesome?询问是否允许自己得到某种食物。,Module 3,Module 4,Module 10,Module 2,Module 8,Module 5,Abilities,Directions.,Travel,Sports Da

2、y,运用Canyou?句型询问他人能力及回答,并描述自己的能力,运用将来时描述计划和打算,运用现在进行时询问和描述他人正在做的事情,运用There is/are句型简单表达月份询问,运用将来时描述计划,谈论体育活动,Food,Module7,13-20的数字表达及用颜色来描述事物,13-20的数字表达及用颜色来描述事物,运用现在进行时 态描述自己或他人正在做的动作,Module1,模块题目,语言知识目标,情感目标,学习策略目标,文化意识目标,能力目标,Module 1 Numbers,会用进行询问和回答;自主学习,总结单词构成规律.,正确书写本单元的单词和句子,会用Have you got?Y

3、es,I have./No,I havent 的句型对话,能正确认读数字13到20,熟记颜色类单词,体验自主学习取得成功的乐趣,培 养对数字的兴趣及对中国文化的认识,激发学生积极性,有效记住这些数字养成认真数数的好习惯,了解“几十几”和整十数字的构成,句型,词汇,Unit 1,Unit 2,sentences,words,winner,point,Ive got twenty-two points,Im the winner.,Yes,I have.No,Ihavent,Have you got a/an?,词汇,句型,Module2,旧词,新词,1.Wheres Train 1?Its up

4、 the hill.2.Wheres Train 2?Its down the hill.3.Wheres Train 3?Its near the houses.4.Wheres Train4?Its at the station,Excuse me.Wheres No 2,WestLake Road,please?Turn left/Turn right/go straight on.,Unit 1,单词,句型,词组,Unit 2,单词,hill,up,train,station,句子,Where is Train 1/2/3/4?,Its up the hill.,Its down th

5、e hill.,Its near the houses,house,near,down,Its at the station.,词汇,动词,形容词,句型,Look at these pictures.This is my friend,LinglingShes writing a letter.This is my friend,DamingHes taking pictures.This is my little brother,Tom.Hes playing with a toy train.,What are you doing,children?Im listening to musi

6、c.Im watching TV.Whats Tom doing?Hes reading a book.,Module3,名词,动词词组,picture,littletalk to,talk to,play with,listen to,read,write,letter,takepictures,Unit 1,词组,句型,.,This is my friend,Lingling.Shes writing a letter.,This is my Little brother,Tom Hes playing with a toy train.,talk to,play with,letter,

7、picture,write,little,单词,friend,take pictures,Look at these pictures,Unit 2,词组,listen to,read,What are you doing,Children?,Im listening to music.Im watching TV.,Oh,hes reading a book!Ha,ha,句型,单词,Whats Tom doing?,词汇,新词,旧词,句型,Whats this?Its a/an,drink,thing,lots of,look,on,park,people,hungry,chess,row,

8、lake,lake,interesting,Module4,Look at the people on the lake.What are they doing?Theyre rowing a dragon boat.Look at the men under the tree.What are they doing?Theyre playing chess.,What is Amy doing?Shes running.What are they doing?Theyre playing Basketball/football/table tennis.,Lets,boat,Unit 1,W

9、ords,Phrases,lets,interesting thing people menpark Lake boat chess row drink,Sentences,1.Lets get on the bus.We can see lots of interesting things.2.Look at the people in the park.What are they doing.Theyre doing taijiquan.3.look at the people on the lake.What are they doing?They re rowing a dragonb

10、oat.4.Look at the people under the tree.What are they doing?Theyre playing chess.5 Look at these girls.What are theyDrinking?Theyre drinking soybean milk.8.Im hungry.,lots of,get on,look at,hungry,Theyre playing football Theyre playing table tennis.,Unit 2,单数第三人称,What is Amy doing?Shes running.,What

11、 is Daming doing?Hes watching TV.,What are they doing?,复数,Module 5,Words,名词,形容词,动词,Chinesenicedifficultsome fast,makewantcooklove,Sentences,chopsticksvegetablefood,What are you doing?Im making dumpling.Im cooking vegetables.,Look at this man.What is he doing?Hes making noodles.,Do you want some nood

12、les/rice?Yes,please/No,thank you.,Have you got chopsticksin England?Yes,we have./No we havent.,Unit1,单词,chopsticks,nice,make,some,Chinese,句型,Do you want some rice?No,thank you.Do you want some noodles?Yes,please.,Mmm.Its nice.Yes!But chopsticks are difficult.,Have you got chopsticks in England?No,we

13、 havent.,Look at this man.What is he doing?Hes making noodles.,want,difficult,词组,fast food,词汇,cook,love,句型,What are you doing,Daming?Im making dumpling.,Do you want some?Yes,please/No,thank you.,What are you doing,Mum?Im cooking vegetables.,vegetable,Unit 2,Module6,words,ability,运用本单元句型,词汇结合已学知识询问他人

14、在某方面的能力能运用句型客观的评价自己或他人的能力,noun,verb,drills,Daming,Can you jump high?Amy,Can you run fast?Can you jump far,Sam?Can you ride fast?,Can you make a cake?Can youplay the flute?Can you wash clothes?Can you draw a dragon?,Im the winner.You cant jump high.,flute,draw,wash,run,jump,Yes,I can./No,I cant.,ride

15、.,clothes,Unit 1,词汇,句型,Amy,canyourunfast/jumphigh/Jump far/ride fast?Yes,I can/Nocant.,.Yes,I can.Can you?No,I cant.Youre the winner.,ride,jump,fast,run,can,high,far,第2单元,Words,Verb.,Noun.,Sentences,1.Can you make a cake,Sam?2.Can you play the flute,Amy?3.Can you wash clothes,Lingling?4.Can you draw

16、 a dragon,Daming?,flute clothes,wash draw,Module7,语言技能,情感态度,国际视野,合作精神,动机兴趣,写,读,说,听,同伴互助,两个对话,问句及回答,对话,本课单词,语言知识,话题,语法,词汇,语音,小组互助,热爱世界,热爱祖国,四会句子,四会单词,四会句子,对话及句子,乐于模仿积极参与,热爱学英语,中外著名建筑名称,语调自然,字母及组合发音,旅游,中外著名建筑地理位置,将来时和表示”想要”的句式,Unit 1,词,句型,Its bed time,children.,1.Were going to Haina tomorrow.2.Were go

17、ing to go by plane.3.Were going to get up at 5 oclock!4.Im going to swim in the sea.5.Im going to visit my grandpa.,Im Sam Im fromEngland.Im Xiaoyong.Imfrom China.,get up,by plane,单,China,children,tomorrow,from,swim,sea,Unit2,动词,句型,1.Were going to visit the Ming Tombs.2.Look!Stone animals.Lions,came

18、ls and elephandts.And scary animals,too.,词汇,名词,animal,visit,stone,Whats that?Its a monster.Help!,Module8,重点单词,重点词组,for,metre,四会单词,三会单词,high,train,jump,luck,重点句型,三会句型,四会句型,run the 100/200 metres.,What are you you going to do for Sports Day?,long,every,What are you you going todo for Sports Day?Im goi

19、ng to run the 200 metres.,Where are you going?Im going to run in the park,What are you going to doIm going to do the high jump?,Unit1,单词,句型,Where are you going,Daming?Im going to the park.,What are you going to do for Sports Day?Im going to run the 100 metres.Im going to run every day.,Were going to

20、 have a Sports Day.,for,metre,词组,Sports Day,every day,good luck,come on,Unit2,high jump,句型,词组,问题,What are you going to do for Sports Day?,Im going to do the high jump.,回答,long jump,Im going to do the long jump.,Im going to run the 200 metres.,Im going torun the 100 metres.,Module9,模块题目,语言知识目标,情感目标,学

21、习策略目标,文化意识目标,能力目标,Module The months,培养学生听、说、读、写能力和阅读理解能力,能四会掌握十二个月份的单词。,能运用句型How many birthdays are therein January?询问数量,并能以There is/are回答。,能用已学的事物、天气、活动等表达对月份的情感,了解各国的地理位置培养跨文化交际能力,通过对话和问答,培养学生的语言综合表达能力和语言思维能力。,正确运用There is/are这个句型,学生通过对句型、对话的学习和操练,能结合生活运用There is/are,Unit 1,单词,句型,请求.,同意请求!,食物,动词,词

22、组,come on,light,sorry,bread,sweets,biscuit,不同意请求,名词,fruit,soup,Mum,Im hungry.Can I have some soup?,Sorry,you cant.,Yes,you can.Now you can have Some biscuits,somefruit and someCake.,Can I have some bread?,But Im hungry.Can I have some sweets,please?,Unit2,单词,句型,Today is Halloween.,Hello?Can I come i

23、n?Yes,of course.,Can I have some sweets?Here you are.Thank you!Whoops!,today,词组,come in,of course,Happy Halloween,Tom.,Module1,模块题目,语言知识目标,情感目标,学习策略目标,文化意识目标,能力目标,Module 10 The Months,通过对句型对话的学习和操练能结合生活运用There is/are.,培养学生听、说、读、写能力和阅读理解能力。,能正确认识的月份单词,能运用句型How manybirthday are there in January?询问数量,并

24、能以There is/are回答,通过阅读和会话表演,培养学生学习英语的成就感,能用学的事物 天气、活动等表 达对月份的情感,培养跨国文化。,针对课文提出问题,解决问题,操练问题运用句型,培养学生综合运用英语的能力和自学能力。,能正确运用There is/are这个句型,Unit1,动词,句型,January.There are three.February.There are six.March.There is one.April.There are two.May.There is one.June.There are four.,词汇,月份,count,Jannuary,March,F

25、ebruary,May,June,April,How many birthdays are there?There are thirty-one.,What are you doing?,Lingling?Im counting my friends birthdays.,Unit2,月,句型,There are twelve months in the year.There are five birthdays in July.,词汇,August,July,September,November,名词,October,December,party,在小学阶段,英语教学是否成功在于你激发和保留了学生多少学习兴趣。是否使学生形成了初步的自主学习能力。因此我们在教学过程中要不断激发学生的学习兴趣。,Thank you,everyone!,


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