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1、Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry.,How do you feel about these pictures?Happy?Beautiful?Excited?Awful?,Guess how they feel!,happy,sad want to cry,angry,surprised,nervous/tense/stressed out,excited,annoyed,tired/sleepy,哇!,adj.about feelings:,happy unhappy sad annoyed angry bored nervous tense stressed o

2、ut surprised excited energetic relaxed tired sleepy comfortable uncomfortable scared frightened,A:How do you feel about picture 1?,B:It makes me _.,1,2,4,A:How do you feel about picture 3?,B:It makes me _.,3,Look at the two restaurant below.Which would you like to go to?Why?,1a,1b Listening,sad,tens

3、e,relaxed,sleepy,Id rather go to the Blue Lagoon Restaurant because I like to listen to quiet music while Im eating.,Me too!Loud music makes me tense.,I agree!Loud music makes me uncomfortable.,1c,Listen an number the pictures 1-4 in the order that you hear them.,2a,_ Waiting for her made angry._ Sh

4、e said that loud music made her tense._ Loud music makes me happy._ Loud music always makes me want to dance._ It was so sad it made us cry._ Sad movies dont make me cry.They just make me want to leave._ It made me sad.,2b,2c,Go over the activities in 2a and 2b.Then in pairs try to role play the con

5、versation between Tina and John.You may make use of the examples on page 103 to begin with.,Did you have fun with Amy last night?,Wellyes and no.She was really late.,John:Did you have fun with Amy last night?Tina:Wellyes and no.She was really late.John:Amy was late as usual,wasnt she?Tina:Yes,she wa

6、s.John:And waiting for her made me angry?Tina:Yes,it made me angry.John:What did you do?Tina:First we went to the Rockin Restaurant.John:Did you stay long there?Tina:No,we didnt because Amy didnt want to stay.John:Why?,Tina:She said that loud music made he tense.John:Thats strange.Loud music always

7、makes me excited and want to dance.Tina:Me too.John:So then you went to the Blue Lagoon as usually,didnt you?Tina:yes,you guess right.John:It was quiet and the food was great there.Did you have a good time there?Tina:Yes,we did.John:Where did you go then?,Tina:I wanted to go to the concert at the hi

8、gh school.But Amy didnt like to go there.We decided to go to the movies.John:What movie did you watch?Tina:We saw Remember Me Forever.John:It was a really good movie,wasnt it?Tina:Yes,it was,but it was so sad it made us cry.John:Sad movies make me want to leave!Tina:You behave just like my brother!,

9、Homeworkfill in the blanks,Loud music may be nice at first,but it soon makes people _ to _.Hard seats also _ customers _ _ eat quickly and leave.Many restaurants,_ fast food restaurants,use this _ to _ customers _ faster.Customers only sit for 20 minutes before they leave.Because customers dont _ very _,small restaurants can _ many people every day.,Thank you for listening!,


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