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1、English Grammar,句子种类,She is(not)a student.Is she a student?Dont be careless.How clever she is!,(陈述句)(疑问句)(祈使句)(感叹句),说明一个事实或陈述说话人的看法。表示提出问题。表示请求、命令、叮嘱、建议等;主语 是you,一般省略;谓语动词用原形。表示喜怒哀乐等情绪,多用how和what开头。,句子种类,句子种类按用途可分为陈述句、疑问句、祈使句和感叹句。,考点一,陈述句(肯定式和否定式),肯定陈述句,否定陈述句,eg.She is a student.,She is not/isnt a s

2、tudent.He has not/hasnt finished the work.They will not/wont go the school.Mary can not/cant speak Chinese.,She is a student.He has finished the work.They will go the school.Mary can speak Chinese.,陈述句,(语序:主语+谓语),陈述句,否定陈述句,He does not/doesnt speak French.He did not/didnt go to school yesterday.,He s

3、peaks French.He went to school yesterday.,陈述句,否定陈述句,Ive never been to Paris.I hardly go out these days because of the rain.Nobody knew the truth.I have little water.,疑问句,一般疑问句,特殊疑问句,Is She a student?Who is she?Is She a student or a teacher?She is a student,isnt she?,疑问句的语序:谓语+主语,选择疑问句,反意疑问句,考 点二,疑问句

4、,1._ that pair of _ a little cheaper?,(语序:谓语+主语),A.Is;glass B.Are;glass C.Is;glasses D.Are;glasses,疑问句,2.-_ is Jeremy Lin?-He is a famous Harvard-educated,Asian-American NBA basketball player.,(语序:谓语+主语),A.Where B.What C.Why D.When,疑问句,3.-Is this a Chinese book or an English book?-Oh,_.,(语序:谓语+主语),A

5、.Yes,it is B.No,it isntC.An English book D.A music book,疑问句,4.-_ did Sure go to school so early?-To be on duty.,(语序:谓语+主语),A.Where B.What C.Why D.When,用 How many;how many times;how much;how long;how far;how soon;how often 填空。,_ _ did you pay for the sweater?_ _ did you worked in that factory?-_ _ _

6、did he call you the day before yesterday?-Twice.-_ _ did he call you?-Twice a week._ _ will Jane and her brother finish the work?_ _ is it from here to the country?,How much,How long,How many times,How often,How soon,How far,4.反意疑问句,疑问句,注意这些主语:1当陈述部分的主语是不定代词something/anything/nothing/everything 等,或指

7、示代词that,this时疑问部分主语用it,当指示代词是these,those时,后部分主语用they。Everything is ready,?This isnt a book,?These are books,?2、当陈述部分的主语是不定代词everybody,anyone,somebody,nobody,no one等,疑问部分主语用they,或用he Everyone knows the answer,?或?,isnt it,is it,doesnt he,dont they,arent they,结构一:前肯,+后否 Be 动词:1.You are an actor,_ _?2.H

8、e is a good boy,_ _?3.It was fine yesterday,_ _?4.You were studying when I called you last night,_ _?5.She is going to visit me,_ _?6.I am Chinese,_ _?,arent you,isnt he,wasnt it,werent you,isnt she,arent I,行为动词:1.It often rains here,_ _?2.He likes soccer,_ _?3.You have a headache,_ _?4.I called you

9、 yesterday,_ _?其它动词:1.You will go to America,_ _?2.We have ever been to Shanghai,_ _?,doesnt it,doesnt he,dont you,didnt I,wont you,havent we,C、特殊用法(一)1.His mother is a doctor,_ _?2.The dogs are fighting,_ _?There is a boy in our classroom,_ _?4.There were many cars in the street,_ _?5.There will be

10、 robots in our families,_ _?,isnt she,arent they,isnt there,werent there,wont there,三、特殊用法(二)6.Sit down please,_?7.Please call me,_?8.Lets go home,_?9.Let us go home,_?10.Let me see,_?,will/wont you,shall/shant we,will/wont you,will/wont you,will/wont you,结构二:前否,+后肯 1.You arent an actor,_ _?2.He isn

11、t a good boy,_ _?3.It wasnt fine yesterday,_ _?4.It doesnt rain here,_ _?5.His sister doesnt have a headache,_ _?6.You didnt call me yesterday,_ _?,are you,is he,does it,does she,was it,did you,7.You wont go to U.S.A.,_ _?8.There isnt a boy in our classroom,_ _?9.There werent many cars in the street

12、,_ _?10.Dont smoke,_ _?,will you,is there,were there,will you,Dont smoke in the meeting room,_?(A)do you(B)will you(C)can you(D)could you,-否定祈使句 will you,My uncle has never been to a foreign country,_?(A)has he(B)does he(C)hasnt he(D)doesnt he,His sister had a bad cough,_ she?(A)wasnt(B)doesnt(C)had

13、nt(D)didnt,When and where to build the lab hasnt be decided,_?A.hasnt it B.have they C.was it D.has it,Lets go and play football,_?Thats wonderful.(A)will you(B)do you(C)wont you(D)shall we,Let us go now,_?(A)will you(B)do you(C)shouldnt you(D)shall we,Lets shall we;let us will you.,John can hardly

14、understand any Chinese,_ he?(A)cant(B)doesnt(C)can(D)does,-陈述部分含有 few,little,seldom,havdly,never,not,no,no one,nobody,nothing,none,neither 等,反问句应用肯定结构。,I dont think you are right,_?(A)do I(B)dont I(C)are you(D)arent you,He doesnt think you are right,_?does he(B)doesnt he(C)are you(D)arent you,反意问句的回

15、答方法,eg.“You havent been to Beijing,have you?”“_.How I wish to go there!”A.Yes,I have B.Yes,I havent C.No,I have D.No,I havent,D,(是的,没有.),-Your uncle isnt an engineer,is he?-_.he works at a school.A.Yes,he isnt B.No,he isnt C.No,he is D.Yes,he is,祈使句,祈使句用以表示命令、请求、叮嘱或建议,主语通常省略。肯定式谓语动词用原形,否定式用“Dont(Nev

16、er)动词原形”。如:,Turn on the light.开灯。,Dont turn on the light.不要开灯。,_ it with me and Ill see what I can do.A.When leftB.Leaving C.If you leaveD.Leave,_ down the radio-the babys asleep in the next room.A.Turning B.To turn C.Turned D.Turn,Dont be late again,Mike?_.A.No,I dont B.Dont worryC.Sorry,I wont D.I

17、 dont know【解析】选C。,他是一名多好的学生啊!,What a good student he is!=How good a student he is!,修饰单数可数名词的感叹句,既可以 由what引导,也可以由how引导,但 句式不同,不定冠词a的位置也不同。,感叹句,感叹句往往由what和how引导。,感叹句用法很简单,How和What放句前;How与形、副词类连,What后面名词添;主语谓语不用变,省掉它们也常见。,单项选择。1._ a nice watch it is!A.How B.What C.What a D.How a2._ bright the lights ar

18、e!A.What B.What a C.How D.how a,B,C,3._ hard work it is!A.How B.What C.What a D.What an 4._ day it is!Its rainy again.A.How bad B.What a bad C.How fine D.What a fine,B,B,5、()the mooncakes are!A、How delicious B、How a delicious C、What delicious D、What a delicious6、()_thick ice!Would you like to go ska

19、ting?A、What B、How C、What a D、How a,A,A,7._ great day it will be!A.How a B.What a C.How D.What8._ expensive trousers!A.What B.What a C.How D.What an9._ useful work they have done!A.What B.How C.What a D.What an,B,A,A,10._ nice picture you gave me!A.How B.What C.What a D.What an11._ careless he is!A.W

20、hat B.How C.So much D.How much,C,B,(,)1.(2011 年 广 东)Alice had nothing for breakfast this morning,_?,No.She got up too late.Ahad sheCdid she,Bhadnt she Ddidnt she,解析:前面陈述句中有表示否定的 nothing,动词 had 是实义动词,故反意疑问句要借助助动词 did,选 C。,C,(,)2.(2011 年广东河源)Lets go to the cinema to see a film,_?,B,Awill you,Bshall we

21、,Cwont you,Ddont you,解析:前面是 Lets 开头的祈使句,其反意疑问句应用 shall we。,(,)3.(2011 年广东河源)Peter,_ do you visit Your grandparents?,D,Twice a month.,Ahow long,Chow far,Dhow often,解析:由答语可知是对频率提问,故用 how often,表示“多久一次”。,Bhow soon,()4.(2011 年广东河源)_ delicious beef!Well.You can eat more if you like it.,AWhat,BWhat a,CHow

22、,DHow a,解析:what 引导的感叹句句式为“What(a/an)形容词名词(主语谓语)!”,beef 是不可数名词,故选 A。,A,(,)5.(2011 年广东广州)I hear the tall girl wearing glasses is,your new classmate.Shes from America,_?,Ahas sheChasnt she,Bisnt sheDdoes she,解析:前面陈述句是肯定句,其 be 动词为 is,故反意疑问句中用 isnt。,B,(,)6.(2011 年 广 东 佛 山)_ cute the monkeys are,when they

23、 ask for food!,A,AHow,BWhat,CWhat a,解析:how 引导的感叹句句式为“How形容词主语谓语!”,故选 A。,(,)7.(2011 年 广 东 佛 山)_ is the history of,B,Tsinghua University?100 years.,AHow soon,BHow long,CHow far,解析:由答语可知是提问时间长短的,故用 how long,意为“多长时间”。,(,)8.(2011 年 广 东 肇 庆)The students in Class Two played basketball,against Class One yes

24、terday,_?,B,Adid they,Bdidnt they,解析:陈述句部分是肯定句,且谓语动词为 played,故其反意疑问句要借助助动词 did 且为否定形式。选 B。,Cwerent they,(,)9.(2011 年 深 圳)There is something wrong with,your bike,_?,B,解析:there be 句型的反意疑问句主语仍用 there,且陈述句部分是肯定的,故其反意疑问句用否定形式;have sth.done 使某事被做。,Yes.Ill have it _ tomorrow.Aisnt it;mendBisnt there;mended

25、Cisnt it;mendedDisnt there;mend,10.(2011 年广东深圳)_ good time we had at,the party last night!,C,Yes.It was _ exciting party that I would neverforget it.,AWhat;soCWhat a;such an,BHow;suchDHow a;so an,解析:what 引导的感叹句句式为“What(a/an)形容词名词(主语谓语)!”,time 在此为可数名词,意为“一段时光”;such 修饰名词时常用于结构“sucha/an形容词名词”。故选 C。,()1

26、1.(2011 年广东茂名)Dont open the door,_?,Aarent you,Bdont you,解析:祈使句的反意疑问句用 will/wont you,因陈述句部分是否定的,故用 will you。,Adoesnt heCdoes he,Bisnt heDis he,解析:have 表示“拥有”时,其反意疑问句有两种形式:“hasnt(复数 havent,过去时 hadnt)主语”或“doesnt(复数dont,过去时 didnt)主语”,故选 A。,Cwill you,()12.(2010 年广东)The boy has a new MP4,_?,A,C,A,()13.(2

27、010 年广东)_ will you come back?In an hour.,AHow soonCHow far,BHow oftenDHow long,解析:由答语可知是提问“多久以后”,故用 how soon。,(,)14.(2010 年 广 东 茂 名)Do you know _,Mr.Smith comes to the shop?Once a week.Ahow often,Bhow long,解析:根据答语“Once a week.”可知是提问频率,故选 A。,A,Chow soon,(,)15.(2010 年广东湛江)There is some beef in the fri

28、dge,_?Yes,there is.Ais thereChas there,Bisnt thereDhasnt there,解析:陈述句部分为 there is,故反意疑问部分用 isnt there。,(,)16.(2010 年 广 东 深 圳)Lets go to the zoo by taxi,_?,D,Maybe we can go there _.Its not far.,Awont you;on footCshall we;by foot,Bwont you;by footDshall we;on foot,解析:Lets 开头的祈使句,其反意疑问句用 shall we;表示“步

29、行”用 on foot。,B,(,)17.(2010 年广东佛山)_ sad we felt at the news of,C,the Yushu earthquake!AWhat,BWhat a,解析:how 引导的感叹句句式为“How形容词主语谓语!”,故选 C。,CHow,Im late,_?Jim works hard,_?Mr.Smith will not go to Beijing,_?They havent been to Shanghai,_?She had little water,_?They had to leave early,_?He didnt say that w

30、e would succeed,_?I believe he will come to the meeting,_?8.I didnt think the story was interesting,_?9.Everything has been ready,_?10.Anyone could hardly know the answer,_?,Practice 2.,完成下列反意问句。,arent I,doesnt he,will he,have they,had she/did she,didnt they,wont he,was it,hasnt it,could he/could th

31、ey,did he,We need to do it,_?They neednt go now,_?Nothing is wrong with your TV set,_?You must go home right now,_?You mustnt walk on grass,_?You must be tired,_?Lets sing a song together,_?Let us sing a song,_?Have a couple of tea,_?Dont be careless,_?You had better not talk like that,_?,dont we,ne

32、ed they,is it,neednt you,must you,arent you,shall we,will you,will you/would you,will you,had you,22.He ought not to be late,_?23.There are a number of apples in the tree,_?This is very useful,_?The Smiths used to live in London,_?_?He disagreed with me,_?You dislike the film,_?He seldom has lunch at school,_?What a find day,_?,ought he/should he,arent there,isnt it,usednt they,didnt he,dont you,did he,isnt it,didnt they,


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