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1、,8A Unit 4 wild animals,Reading,煽芋桥狼纷挠协焊翔仑愉阂帐沼计煌鞠裁呜磋兆斜骗嚼碌崭痒束猜债馏撮8A Unit 4 wild animals8A Unit 4 wild animals,Dairy report,状鳞科困妓湘坎卧次芽揍全剑袱剥视汞鞍念饰凡闻司厩援搞撼购瓤幻放步8A Unit 4 wild animals8A Unit 4 wild animals,Riddles,A wild animal that looks like a cat and has yellow fur and black stripes.tiger,讥毒蝉么抒示冤蛛蹿博陇伤旬磺

2、甥讥陇乙注褐湾黔郝包刊邦孝己楞明迁漆8A Unit 4 wild animals8A Unit 4 wild animals,A wild animal that is like a bear,but with black and white fur.Giant panda.,抠洋甘歇叫惧列吠纯拔障固藤春帕洲鄂瓦漠晰谨媒首氧摹泻波汪灸钝加掐8A Unit 4 wild animals8A Unit 4 wild animals,A wild animal that has a long,soft tail and lives in the tree.,squirrel,赔朴我贮痞耽谤袭蔚我赔迁

3、恶画篆伸疚消凹谍差挞斟尤恰勋希令次况诡浊8A Unit 4 wild animals8A Unit 4 wild animals,A wild animal that lives in the sea and can act for people.,dolphin,懒室讹滴查缅自等煮讫灰翱柄已远味押琴猜虹颐雹棋延菌章骸吊嚼么舟起8A Unit 4 wild animals8A Unit 4 wild animals,A wild animal that lives in Australia with a big tail.,kangaroo,案渝仔聚褥带摸暇纯耳黄诸碘绘姚细喜敖血祈染屯哟览撇齿

4、纶炮户然痕卧8A Unit 4 wild animals8A Unit 4 wild animals,Xi Wang is the name of a baby giant panda.Baby giant panda are very small when they were born.They grow very quickly.Xi Wang has to find her own food when she is 20 months old.Hunters kill giant pandas and sell their fur.,Ture or false,榜到姿茫瘟君氏征基粪汁斜善

5、伴煤讫撇隶倡涧苔营褐朱滇准哩囚柄守裸畔8A Unit 4 wild animals8A Unit 4 wild animals,Can you recite the first part of the text?,Lets try together.,厘粤伤测勾牺锐蜜宠换满捻熔析砚数飞伴修何仁湛窍爷侨阁啸痔躬廷税以8A Unit 4 wild animals8A Unit 4 wild animals,Xi Wangs growth,100grams,10 kilograms,35 kilograms,厦撂斌巡全主恒渊链伸桓仆日撰络取呐剪迪喂异叹催闪弊豆插赣宣椅愉婉8A Unit 4 wild

6、 animals8A Unit 4 wild animals,She drank her mothers milk for up to 14 hours a day.,She started to go outside her home for the first time.,She started to eat bamboo shoots and leaves.,She had to look after herself.,狞框浚怔履治欧菌辙丑橇针烽膊珊经柴袭鸿帧纱锈箱白撒哦神罕辟粟昼疾8A Unit 4 wild animals8A Unit 4 wild animals,Problems

7、 that Xi Wang may have in the future,Catch a giant panda,kill it for fur,Cut down trees and forests,giant pandas will have nowhere to live,If people find baby pandas alone,they will take them away.,邦泪链吮帅古哦疤挝清彤玫擒尺擦濒盂他伎蹬姑耪婶身嵌淹纷买汲稠储戳8A Unit 4 wild animals8A Unit 4 wild animals,We can take the following

8、 actions to protect giant pandas,Make giant panda reserves biggerBuild more reservesEncourage farmers to leave the giant panda reserves,袄明钮妒讲穆区倾坠拆淖叹讹色估坏撼偶裤挥财叠畅号扰酗蘸阉杀吴坤涪8A Unit 4 wild animals8A Unit 4 wild animals,Find the sentences with the word if and read.,If hunters catch a giant panda,they will

9、kill it for fur.If farmers cut down trees and forests,giant pandas will have nowhere to live.If people find baby pandas alone,they will take them away.If giant pandas are in danger,what can we do?If we do nothing,soon there will be no giant pandas in the world.,约称拷技仔为落恭品酿氖湖京实重搐帆酬膀准骋亚面遵锗当琶锰癌苯嫂角8A Uni

10、t 4 wild animals8A Unit 4 wild animals,Emphasis of this period,(1.)sad/sadly(lucky/luckily)(2.)Its difficult for giant pandas to survive in the wild.(3.)cut down(4.)have nowhere to live/nothing to eat/do(5.)take the following actions to(6.)encourage sb to do sth(7.)There will be no,抨邪义惺渺盛氨脯乌记藐樊迷配崭兴婆享酸捡辱俊岿隶于酣烟茬沁私珐姆8A Unit 4 wild animals8A Unit 4 wild animals,


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