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1、武汉市财贸学校 任务驱动法 教案学 科 基础英语 授 课 班 级 班 教 师 姓 名 _ 第 5 周 第 1 课时课 题Unit 3 Have you ever done a part-time job?教学目标技 能 目 标掌握部分职业名称、描述个人性格和才能等的短语及词汇,如salesperson; secretary; part-time; applicant; creative; strong points; speak fluent English; have good communication skills; 掌握询问和提供个人经历、才能及应聘原因等信息时所使用的句型,如:1)

2、询问个人经历、才能及应聘原因等信息时:Can you tell me something about yourself?Have you done any part-time job?What are your strong points?Why do you want to work for our company?2)提供个人经历、才能及应聘原因等信息时:I am a student atI will graduate I am (creative and hard-working)I have worked as a part-time in a company forI can (sp

3、eak fluent English). And I have (very good communication skills).I think it is a/an (exciting) place to work.情 感 目 标在模拟情景交流中,调教学生正确的应聘穿着及言谈举止方面的礼仪。教材重、难点重 点通过与表达能力、性格和经历的相关的词汇和句型的学习,学生模拟招聘及应聘场景,并展开相应对话。难 点学生了解词汇记忆的策略之一分类记忆;学生读懂招聘广告并能据此展开对话。已具备知识Ss have had some information on job interview.教学方法教法任务驱

4、动法学法教学媒体及辅件 教学过程环节教师活动学生活动备注Step One Lead-in1. A game. We play a game first. Students guess who the famous person is with the help of the key sentences- sb can do sth, sb works as . “Yaoming! Yaoming!” Students will always shout with great interest. Then come Liu Dehua, Luo Xuejuan, Zhou Jielun, J.K

5、.Rowling, and the most important person in the lesson- Barack Obama.Students guess who the famous person is 设计意图:由学生熟知的明星人物入手,采用猜谜游戏形式,利用多媒体图片呈现,引发学生对话题的兴趣和开口欲望,并初步接触本单元关键句型。2. Brainstorm. Students are encouraged to list the vocabulary of jobs they have learned as many as they can. Then go with the

6、third activity, this time students will guess the job according to the key sentences, which consist of some new words and expressions related to skills. For example: A person can type very fast. Whats his/her job? Possible answer: typist.Students are encouraged to list the vocabulary of jobs they ha

7、ve learned.设计意图:通过头脑风暴,我们可以快速呈现和温习已掌握的旧知,自然而然带出新知。3. Tick the talents that you have. Make sure students understand the meaning of each expression and help them to find the talents they have.Students understand the meaning of each expression and find the talents they have.设计意图:再次接触教材中的关键词汇和短语,为下一步听力和

8、口语练习打好伏笔。Step Two Listening and speaking1. Activity 3. Listen and tick the right picture for the question. Listen to the dialogue and tick the right picture from the four pictures of four different places.Listen and tick the right picture for the question.2Activity 4. Listen again and decide whether

9、 the following statement are true or false. Make sure students understand the meaning of each sentence and highlight the present perfect tense in the following sentences and try to guess the use of the tense. Practice a similar dialogue with your partner.Li Xiaohong has visited the companys website.

10、Li Xiaohong has passed the marketing test.Listen again and decide whether the following statements are true or false.设计意图:过猜测,帮助学生初步了解现在完成时的含义。3. Activity 5.Listen again and tick. Listen to the dialogue again and tick the advantages Li Xiaohong has. Help students learn the key expressions by paraphr

11、asing the expressions.Listen to the dialogue again and tick the advantages Li Xiaohong has.设计意图:通过词汇释义,帮助学生掌握关键词汇的含义。4. Activity 6. Read and underline. Read the dialogue and underline the interview questions and answers about asking and answering the information of ones personality, working experien

12、ce, skills and purpose.设计意图:从词到句,从句到对话,每一步骤都要确保学生能扎实掌握。从领读到齐读到互相读再到个别读,教师要确认学生能正确掌握发音和语音语调。5. Read the key sentences after the teacher. Make sure that students can say them out fluently and their pronunciation of the words is correct.Read the key sentences after the teacher.6. Practice the sentences

13、 with the information from students own. 7. Activity 7.Practice the dialogue in pairs. Use Activity 6 as an example.Practice the dialogue in pairs.8. Ask some pairs to demonstrate their performance.Demonstrate their performance.设计意图:展示对话,锻炼了当事者的胆量。Step Three Summary and Production1. Make a short sum

14、mary of what weve learned today.Make a short summary of what weve learned today.设计意图:对本课时所学集体做个小结,让学生明确单元教学目标,方便学生补充笔记。2.Think of words of jobs and ones talents. Think of words of jobs and ones talents.Step Six Homework 1. Copy and memorize the new words and expressions.2. Practice dialogue with you

15、r classmates after class.3. Make a similar dialogue, talking about personal information.武汉市财贸学校 任务驱动法 教案学 科 基础英语 授 课 班 级 _ 班 教 师 姓 名 第 5 周 第 2 课时课 题Unit 2 Have you done a part-time job?教学目标技 能 目 标1. 知识目标职业名称、描述个人性格和才能等的短语及词汇,如salesperson; secretary; part-time; applicant; creative; strong points; spe

16、ak fluent English; have good communication skills; 掌握并巩固询问和提供个人经历、才能及应聘原因等信息时所使用的句型,如:Can you tell me something about yourself?Have you done any part-time job?What are your strong points?Why do you want to work for our company?2.能力目标学生能编写关于进行招聘/应聘面试时的询问和提供个人经历、才能及应聘原因等信息的简单对话。(2) 根据招聘广告的要求和要点,展开人员招聘

17、/求职应聘对话。(3) 在日常生活中灵活应用提供个人经历、才能及应聘原因等信息的句型.情 感 目 标1. 在模拟情景交流中,进一步调教学生正确的应聘穿着及言谈举止方面的礼仪。2. 在任务完成过程中体会团队精神,体验个人能力与团队之间的关系。教材重、难点重 点1.学生能通过阅读有关人们的业余娱乐活动的材料,获取相关信息。2. 在创设的情境中,以上一课时掌握的对话为基础,自编对话并进行表演。难 点根据招聘广告的要求和要点,展开人员招聘/求职应聘对话。已具备知识Talk Show,Listening教学方法教法任务驱动法学法合作学习,情景交际教学媒体及辅件任务书教学过程任务名称 An Job Int

18、erview 一、任务目的本单元任务内容为:读懂简单的招聘广告,并能找出关键信息点;根据关键信息点,完成招聘广告。这些内容将第一单元以及本单元第一课时的教学内容融合在了具体的任务中,同时为本单元任务“设计招聘广告”做好铺垫,起的是承上启下的作用。二、任务内容及分解请围绕以下具体小问题进行学习讨论:Step One Lead-in (10m)1. Vocabulary memory: the teacher shows a group of pictures about talents, skills and abilities on ppt and asks the students to d

19、escribe each picture.2. Activity 9. Match the talents, skills and abilities with the two jobs: kindergarten teacher and marketing assistant. And then list at least two qualities required by each job. 3. Brainstorm: List the skills and abilities the two jobs required in order to do the jobs better.(设

20、计意图:鼓励学生列出更多做个优秀的职场人所需要的职业素养和特长,为其后的课堂活动进一步夯实基础,并向学生传达人文信息:要做到脱颖而出,需要更多的努力。)Step Two Reading and writing (20 min)1. Activity 10. Read the following ads, and tick the common qualifications for the two jobs. Teacher asks students to underline the key words of the qualification in the job ads and tell

21、what kind of talents each item belongs to. (设计意图:训练阅读技巧之一:抓住关键词,获取关键信息。) 2. Activity11. Read the advertisements again and complete the chart. Teacher asks students to find the key information in the job ads, including the title of organization, the position and the website address. Check the answers

22、 with the students, explaining the difficulties, especially the meaning of the words: organization, position and website address. Teacher can give an example to demonstrate it. For example: Name: Wei Zhe (卫哲)Organization: Alibaba (阿里巴巴)Position: CEO(设计意图: 引导学生继续寻找和提取招聘广告关键信息点,也利于学生知晓寻找招聘广告所提供的基本信息。)

23、3. Activity 12. Discuss who are the fittest for the two jobs. Teacher asks students to read the description of each person and underline the key words, which shows the skills and talents. And find the fit person for the job. Teacher asks students to underline the sentences with present perfect tense

24、 and try to understand the use of the tense.4Further reading. Find and underline the key sentences in the job ads.(设计意图: 在找到招聘广告关键信息点的基础上,引导学生了解、熟悉并掌握招聘广告的规范句型。5. Activity 13. You are now designing two job advertisements. Finish the ads with the given information. Teacher helps students to fill in t

25、he blanks in job ads with the information in the chart.(设计意图: 课堂活动的重点阶段。帮助学生适应从ABA的思维,即从招聘广告中找到相应关键信息点,再把关键信息点还原到广告中去。)(设计意图: 课堂活动的重点阶段。从具体招聘广告中找到相应关键信息点,再把关键信息点还原到广告中去,模仿教材中出现的广告,设计广告。)Step Three Unit task: Prepare for a job fair (14m)1. You and your classmates are to hold a job fair. Now work in g

26、roup and prepare the job fair. Design a job advertisement with the key sentences in the job ads. 1). Brainstorm the positions, such as an English teacher, a salesperson, and so on. Then write down the most popular position in your group.2). Decide at least 3 qualifications qualifications of applicat

27、ion for the position.3). Design a job advertisement for this position.4). Prepare at least 5 interview questions.(设计意图: 课堂活动的难点阶段。帮助学生结合广告关键信息点和典型句型,设计出招聘广告。)三、任务目标1. 知识目标学生能掌握描述职业名称、个人职业能力及经历等词汇及短语,如kindergarten teacher, marketing assistant, have good computer skills, have good communication skills

28、学生能掌握简单招聘广告中的典型句型,如:接触现在完成时态的句子并进行初步讲解;2. 能力目标学生能读懂简单的招聘广告,并能找出关键信息点。学生能根据关键信息点,填入恰当的词汇完成招聘广告。3. 情感目标帮助学生发现自我能力和价值,帮助学生树立信心,发展能力,为今后求职打下坚实基础。四、任务完成要求1.成果交流形式:每组成员对其他组员进行采访反馈。2.任务执行要求:各组要根据任务内容讨论学习,共同完成。3.个人完成要求:个人根据学习任务需完成“Music Interview”.武汉市财贸学校 任务驱动法 教案学 科 基础英语 授 课 班 级 班 教 师 姓 名 第 5 周 第 3 课时课 题Un

29、it 3 Have you ever done a part-time job?教学目标技 能 目 标4. 知识目标学生能理解并掌握现在完成时态的意义和构成。学生能进一步巩固职业名称及描述个人职业能力和经历的词汇和句型。5. 能力目标学生能用现在完成时态描述职业或生活经历。学生掌握正确的词汇归类学习策略。情 感 目 标学生通过讨论学校生活,更热爱学校,珍惜生活。教材重、难点重 点学生总结本单元关于求职应聘的关键句型及其运用情境,并能正确理解和运用现在完成时态。难 点理解运用现在完成时态的情境并在具体情境中运用现在完成时态。已具备知识Simple past tense教学方法教法任务驱动法学法合

30、作学习法教学媒体及辅件 教学过程环节教师活动学生活动备注Step One Lead-inTeacher shows some pictures in different places of famous resorts or scenic spots, and tells the travelling experience in the past year. I have been to I have tasted the famous dishes in, such asI have seen a kind of strange animal/ bird/ customThe Ss answ

31、er the teachers questions.Ss describe each picture.设计意图: 教师用现在完成的句子谈论自己的旅行经历,新鲜有趣的见闻和新奇的异地美食,引起学生兴趣。Step TwoPresentationTalk about the students school life from the following topics:Have you joined any club in the school? What activities have you taken part in?Have you made any new friends in the sc

32、hool? Have you gone shopping together?Have you had a new-year party? .Have you improved your spoken English? .Have you seen the movie called Titanic? Have you been to the Disneyland in Hong Kong? Have you taken a part-time job? Work in pairs.设计意图: 运用学生亲身参与的高一新生学校生活提出设问,设置情境真实可信,学生有话可说也愿意说Step Three

33、Practice Language in use (Activity 14, 15, 16,17) Activity 14. Read and decide whether the statements are true and false.Activity 15. Work in pairs and take turns to ask and answer questions.Activity 16. Answer the questions with the words given. Activity 17. You are writing to a friend. Use the pre

34、sent perfect tense of the words given tofinish the letter. Teacher asks students to write more sentences about school life, using present perfect tense.Answer teachers questions.该步骤帮助学生正确理解现在完成时态的含义。帮助学生学会用更多的句子描述学习生活,并连句成文,构成一篇简单的文章.Step FourVocabulary practiceActivity 18. Complete the chart from t

35、he list. Activity 19. Check your experiences. Tick those that are true for yourself.Activity 20. Complete the sentences with proper forms of the given words.Activity 21. The following four pictures tell a story about Mary. Use one sentence to describe each picture.Finish the exersices in groups。设计意图

36、: 帮助学生学会通过将词汇归类进行记忆的方法.Step Five Homework Students finish all exercises in workbook and get ready for dictation.设计意图: 该步骤有助于学生拓展单元知识,提高综合语言运用能力武汉市财贸学校 任务驱动法 教案学 科 基础英语 授 课 班 级 班 教 师 姓 名 第 6 周 第 4 课时课 题Unit 3 Have you ever done a part-time job?教学目标技 能 目 标6. 知识目标学生能理解并掌握现在完成时态的意义和构成。学生能进一步巩固职业名称及描述个人职

37、业能力和经历的词汇和句型。7. 能力目标学生能用现在完成时态描述职业或生活经历。学生掌握正确的词汇归类学习策略。情 感 目 标学生通过讨论学校生活,更热爱学校,珍惜生活。教材重、难点重 点学生总结本单元关于求职应聘的关键句型及其运用情境,并能正确理解和运用现在完成时态。难 点理解运用现在完成时态的情境并在具体情境中运用现在完成时态。教学组织与过程第一步:任务准备(各部门检查出勤、仪表等,营造企业化管理的学习情景)第二步:任务引入(情景创设、温故)第三步:任务提出第四步:任务研究(头脑风暴、各抒己见、明确分工)第五步:方案交流(各组取长补短)第六步:任务实施(做中学,做中教,教师巡视指导协调)第

38、七步:任务交流(各组展示成果,组间互动)第八步:任务评价(自评、互评、师评,肯定成绩,指出不足)第九步:课业总结(对任务中遇到的知识点、对完成任务过程中体现出的综合能力的运用进行总结)已具备知识Simple past tense教学方法教法任务驱动法学法合作学习法教学媒体及辅件 教学过程环节教师活动学生活动备注Step One Lead-inTeacher shows some pictures in different places of famous resorts or scenic spots, and tells the travelling experience in the pa

39、st year. I have been to I have tasted the famous dishes in, such asI have seen a kind of strange animal/ bird/ customThe Ss answer the teachers questions.Ss describe each picture.设计意图: 教师用现在完成的句子谈论自己的旅行经历,新鲜有趣的见闻和新奇的异地美食,引起学生兴趣。Step TwoPresentationTalk about the students school life from the followi

40、ng topics:Have you joined any club in the school? What activities have you taken part in?Have you made any new friends in the school? Have you gone shopping together?Have you had a new-year party? .Have you improved your spoken English? .Have you seen the movie called Titanic? Have you been to the D

41、isneyland in Hong Kong? Have you taken a part-time job? Work in pairs.设计意图: 运用学生亲身参与的高一新生学校生活提出设问,设置情境真实可信,学生有话可说也愿意说Step Three Practice Language in use (Activity 14, 15, 16,17) Activity 14. Read and decide whether the statements are true and false.Activity 15. Work in pairs and take turns to ask an

42、d answer questions.Activity 16. Answer the questions with the words given. Activity 17. You are writing to a friend. Use the present perfect tense of the words given tofinish the letter. Teacher asks students to write more sentences about school life, using present perfect tense.Answer teachers ques

43、tions.该步骤帮助学生正确理解现在完成时态的含义。帮助学生学会用更多的句子描述学习生活,并连句成文,构成一篇简单的文章.Step FourVocabulary practiceActivity 18. Complete the chart from the list. Activity 19. Check your experiences. Tick those that are true for yourself.Activity 20. Complete the sentences with proper forms of the given words.Activity 21. Th

44、e following four pictures tell a story about Mary. Use one sentence to describe each picture.Finish the exersices in groups。设计意图: 帮助学生学会通过将词汇归类进行记忆的方法.Step Five Homework Students finish all exercises in workbook and get ready for dictation.设计意图: 该步骤有助于学生拓展单元知识,提高综合语言运用能力武汉市财贸学校 任务驱动法 教案学 科 基础英语 授 课

45、班 级 班 教 师 姓 名 第 6 周 第 5 课时课 题Unit 3 have you ever done a part-time job?教学目标技 能 目 标1. 学生能够掌握关于求职面试的词组2. 学生能掌握讨论求职面试时所使用的句型,如:What did you do last weekend?What do you think of the ?How about you? Did you do anything special?Yes. I . / No, I .We both spent a relaxing weekend.3. 学生能理解和运用现在完成时的句型。如I liked rock music.I liked renting movies.I loved playing computer games.It ke


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