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1、6UNIT 5.单项选择(15分) 选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。( ) 1. The baby is sleeping. Dont make so much _. A. smell B. voice C. sound D. noise( ) 2. This book isnt _. Its _.A. me; Toms B. mine; Toms C. mine; Tom D. me; Tom( ) 3. A strange thing happened _ her last night, so she is afraid to stay at home alone tonight. A. a

2、t B. for C. with D. to( ) 4. He turned around, but he couldnt see _.A. something unusual B. anything unusualC. unusual anything D. unusual something( ) 5. They both have _ homework to do, so they may be _ busy doing it now.A. much too; too much B. too much; much tooC. so many; much too D. so much; t

3、oo much( ) 6. Why didnt Jim go to the movies? He was made out of the hall for making lots of _. A. cry B. voice C. sound D. noise( ) 7. Look! There are some people _ a thief. A. chase B. to chase C. chasing D. chased( ) 8. Did you hear _ in your room? No, I didnt. A. anything unusual B. something un

4、usual C. unusual anything D. unusual something( ) 9. Dont _ all the soap. Leave me some to wash with. A. put up B. look up C. use up D. make up ( ) 10. When we talked about the computer, he pretended _ an expert. A. to be B. being C. be D. is( ) 11. It nearly took me two hours to walk here. Have a d

5、rink then. You be thirsty.A. cant B. must C. mustnt D. can( ) 12. Look! Peter is playing basketball in the playground It be Peter. He has gone to Beijing.A. cant B. mustnt C. might D. may( ) 13. Excuse me, is this the right way to No. 1 Middle School? Sorry, Im not sure. But it _ be. A. can B. need

6、C. must D. might( ) 14. Here is a new dictionary. _ is it? It belongs to Gina. She bought it yesterday.A. Which B. Who C. Whose D. How( ) 15. Do you think Frank is free today? _. Recently he has been busy studying for the final exam.A. Me too B. Of course C. The same to you D. I dont think so.完形填空(1

7、0分) 阅读下列短文,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。A famous magician (魔术师) came to our city and gave some shows. Most of his shows had educational (有教育意义的) 16 . He taught lessons about health, history and some other things about life through his magic shows. Both children and parents 17 his shows, the children mainly for fu

8、n and the parents mainly for education. My mother 18 me to watch one of his shows the day before yesterday. The show taught children not to steal (偷) by describing 19 a person might feel when his or her thing was stolen. In the show, there was a shark. He often stole things and never 20 the owners f

9、eelings. Then one day he found his own things were stolen. He was 21 and angry. From that experience, he learned how worried and angry others would be when their things were 22 . From then on he decided to 23 stealing.The show was great. It made me understand why we shouldnt take what didnt 24 us. I

10、 also learned that we shouldnt get happiness from 25 others. Later I recommended (推荐) the magic to some of my friends, hoping they would also learn something from it.( ) 16. A. challenges B. mistakes C. experiences D. messages( ) 17. A. missed B. enjoyed C. learned D. remembered( ) 18. A. took B. he

11、lped C. taught D. caused( ) 19. A. why B. how C. when D. what( ) 20. A. gave up B. dealt with C. cared about D. laughed at( ) 21. A. relaxed B. upset C. dishonest D. energetic( ) 22. A. lost B. helpful C. wrong D. broken( ) 23. A. start B. forget C. stop D. keep( ) 24. A. let down B. borrow from C.

12、depend on D. belong to( ) 25. A. teaching B. hurting C. beating D. refusing.阅读理解(30分)A HORSE RACING YEAR ROUND3 pm, every SundayCity StadiumNo children allowed100 YEARS OF PICTURESTHEN AND NOW (Photo Show)February 1 April 30City Art Museum on 750 High Street10 am 5 pm, Tuesday to SundayWEEKEND SALES

13、2 pm 6 pm, this Saturday EVERYTHING 20% 50% OFFVisit us at Block G, Grandview MallRealize your dream, save time and moneyFall in love with our low pricesDANCE PARTYCelebrate (庆祝) an important dayBring your friends7 pm 10 pm, Sunday night Country Club ¥10, an adult; ¥2, a child根据材料内容,选择最佳选项。(10分)( )

14、26. People can see the photo show at .A. City Stadium B. City Art MuseumC. Grandview Mall D. County Club( ) 27. Of the following people, _ arent allowed to go to the horse races.A. women B. old menC. adults D. children( ) 28. What time can you go shopping at Grandview Mall with everything 20% 50% of

15、f?A. At 3 pm this Friday. B. At 3 pm this Sunday.C. At 3 pm this Saturday. D. At 3 pm every Saturday.( ) 29. What can you do if you only have time between 7 pm and 8 pm on Sunday?A. Go to the weekend sales. B. Go to see the photo show.C. Go to dance at the party. D. Go to watch horse races.( ) 30. H

16、ow much will you pay if you take a coat which is marked ¥200 with 50% off?A. ¥100. B. ¥150. C. ¥200. D. For free. BStella was born on September 13, 1971 in London, England. She was the daughter of Paul McCartney, a member of the world-famous band “the Beatles.” Though she was born famous, her parent

17、s wanted her to live a normal and independent life. She went to state school and earned pocket money on her own. She didnt get the kind of allowance other kids of her age might have. When she wanted pocket money, she had to clean dishes at a restaurant near her home.Though Stella had the look to bec

18、ome a model, she was most interested in becoming a fashion designer. At the age of twelve, she made her first jacket. Three years later, she started working on her first fashion design collection. When she attended college, some students called her “Daddys Girl.” But when her graduation fashion show

19、 came out, she made them shut up.Later, she worked for some famous brands and achieved great success. In 2001, she started her own brand and began to have some famous customers like Liv Tyler. Now she is a world-famous fashion designer. ( ) 31. Stella is _.A. a member of the Beatles B. a British mod

20、elC. a young fashion designer D. a famous brand( ) 32. What does the underlined word “independent” mean in the passage? A.自由的 B. 平凡的 C. 独立的 D. 舒适的( ) 33. Stella started working on her first fashion design collection _.A. in 1971 B. in 2001 C. in 1983 D. in 1986( ) 34. _ makes Stella achieve great su

21、ccess. A. Her famous father B. Her rich family C. Some help from her friends D. Her great effort (努力)( ) 35. Which statement about Stella is NOT true? A. Stella got money from her parents. B. Stella made a successful graduating fashion show. C. Stellas dream is to be a famous designer. D. Stella sta

22、rted her own brand at the age of 30.CWe need your name, year of birth, home address (city and state), phone number, school name and e-mail address so that we can e-mail you if your work is published (出版).The sentence “I promise (承诺) that the work is original (原创的)” must be written on the top of your

23、 writing, and then you must write down your name.Keep sending your works all winter! You can mail your works to Chester Press Box 172, Chester, Cheshire, visit www. Chesterpress.edu or submit (注册) Chesterpress. edu. Please remember the following points: You should keep a copy for yourself. Your work

24、 may be corrected. We keep the right (权利) to correct and publish it in any form without your permission. If you dont want your name and address for our record, we will not return your work that you send to us. 根据短文内容,选择最佳选项。(10分)( ) 36. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in this passage? A. Pho

25、ne number. B. School name.C. School address. D. Year of birth.( ) 37. From the passage, we know that Chester Press is probably a _. A. magazineB. filmC. gameD. club( ) 38. Which of the following is NOT true according to this passage? A. You can send your works in winter.B. Editors at Chester Press c

26、annot correct your works. C. You have to make sure that your works are original.D. You will be told by e-mail if your work is published.( ) 39. What do we know from this passage? A. You can send your works by post. B. You must type the works yourselves.C. You arent allowed to keep your own copy. D.

27、Your works cannot be published without your permission.( ) 40. Who might be interested in this passage? A. Nurses. B. Book sellers. C. TV reporters. D. Writers. D.填写词语(5分)根据句意和汉语或首字母提示,填写恰当的单词。41. _(猴子) are smart. They are my favorite animals. 42. The stone is so heavy that I cant _(举起) it. 43. I dr

28、eam of sailing across the Pacific O_.44. How strong the w_ is! Many trees have fallen down.45. I dont know whether we can c_ the train. .情景交际(5分)A. Fine weather, isnt it?B. How far is it from here?C. I think it can help me relax. D. What kind of music do you like?E. When and where shall we meet?F. I

29、 like listening to some rock music.G. Why dont we go out for a picnic tomorrow? A: Weather report says that it will be sunny tomorrow. (46)_ B: A picnic? Sounds great! But where will we go?A: Lets go to the newly-built park. OK?B: (47)_A: Its only ten minutes walk from here. B: Great. Ill take my CD

30、 player besides some food. A: (48)_B: Light music. (49)_ Would you like to have a try?A: Sure. B: Then I will bring many CDs for you tomorrow. (50)_A: How about seven oclock at the gate of Bank of China? B: OK. See you then. A: See you. . 综合填空(10分) 请根据短文内容及首字母提示填空,使短文意思完整、通顺。Once there was a very li

31、ttle beautiful, smart girl in my class. I believed she was perfect. When it came to the time for my birthday, I i_ (51) her to my birthday, and she came. We had a very good time and e_ (52) was very happy. I thought we had become good friends. A few months l_ (53), it was her birthday. I bought a sp

32、ecial necklace for her. I could not help thinking about how happy she must be opening my g_ (54). It made me very excited to imagine the surprise on her face.I asked her w_ (55) her birthday party was going to be. She replied in a cold v_ (56), “Why do you want to know? You are not invited; you are

33、just a dork with glasses!”Her words h_ (57) me. I just wanted to be her friends. I felt really b_ (58) when she said that and I just stood there to look at her. Everyone s_ (59) by her came to stand next to me. Then we all left.That day I came to understand that t_ (60) someone looks perfect, he or

34、she may not be. .书面表达(15分) 假如你是Mike,你的好朋友Lucy的宠物母狗豆豆,走失好几天了,为此,她感到焦虑。请给Lucy写封信,安慰她,并推测狗可能会在哪里,在做什么。要求:1. 书信格式要正确。2. 运用以下句式给出猜测: She might . It is possible that . 3. 80词左右。Key:1-5 DBDBB 6-10 DCACA 11-15 BADCD16-20 DBABC 21-25 BACDB26-30 BDCCA 31-35 ACDDA 36-40 CABAD 41. Monkeys 42. lift 43. Ocean 44.

35、 wind 45. catch 46-50 GBDCE51. invited 52. everyone 53. later 54. gift 55. when56. voice 57. hurt 58. bad 59. standing 60. though One possible version:Dear Lucy,Im sorry to hear that your pet dog, Mary, has been lost for several days. You neednt worry about her. She might be trying to find out the way home now. Or she might meet a kind person and be sent to the police station. And also it is possible that she is playing somewhere with some other dogs. I think she will come back home sooner or later.Best wishes!Yours,Mike


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