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1、培优专项训练(二)综合能力提升来源:学*科*网. 单项选择 ()1. I_ go to the theatre, because I dont like operas at all. A. always Boften C. sometimes Dnever()2. _were you away from school last term? More than two weeks. AHow often BHow long CHow soon DHow much()3. _ you dont know him. But he_ your fathers good friend. AMaybe;

2、maybe BMay be; may be CMay be; maybe DMaybe; may be()4. _ he is ill,_ he goes to school. AAlthough; but B/; / CAlthough; / DBut; although()5. 2011德阳 Speak aloud, please! I can _ hear you. Aalmost Bhardly Cusually()6. We exercise at _ three times a week. Alittle Bless Cleast Dfew()7. I like _ books a

3、t home on weekends. Areading Blooking Cseeing Dwatching()8. You should have _ breakfast and eat _ healthy breakfast. Aa; a B/; a Ca; / D/; /()9. Its relaxing _ camping in the country. Ato go Bwent Cgoes Dgo()10. Jack is an _ boy from Australia. A8 years old B8yearold C8yearsold D8years old.完形填空It is

4、 very important to stay healthy. I have a neighbor. She is an old lady. She can do all the housework, _1_ newspapers, watch TV and search on the Internet to learn something new. I often see _2_ do Taijiquan in the morning and dance in the evening. She looks young and beautiful _3_ she is over sevent

5、y. Last week a reporter from a magazine interviewed her and asked _4_ she kept so young and healthy. She replied with a smile:来源:Zxxk.ComI have a secret of staying young and healthy. It is quite _5_. Keep your mind active,take an interest in the world _6_ you, and learn at least one new thing every

6、day. Try to do different kinds of housework and do sports as _7_ as you can. Dont think you are too old to go back to _8_. I know a man who entered a medical college when he was 70 years old. He studied there for 6 years and now he is a doctor. Another man went to a tennis school at the age of 71 an

7、d now he is good at _9_ tennis. Some people may say staying young is easy only for those who live in the future. In fact, no matter how old you are, you can make it.Please tell the story to your family. It would be a good start to _10_ the ladys example. I hope all people will stay young and healthy

8、.()1.A.look Bread Csee Dwatch()2.A.her Bhim Cother Dothers()3.A.than Bsince Cthough Dbecause()4.A.what Bwhy Cwho Dhow()5.A.early Bdear Ceasy Dlate()6.A.under Baround Cabove Dbetween()7.A.soon Bbusily Chardly Doften()8.A.place Bsong Cschool Ddance来源:学科网()9.A.buying Blosing Csending Dplaying()10.A.fol

9、low Bgive Cmake Dbring.阅读理解There are two main(主要的)kinds of sports. These two kinds of sports are team sports and individual(个人的) sports. Team sports are such sports as baseball,basketball and volleyball. Team sports need two separate(独立的) teams. The teams play against each other. They compete(竞争) ag

10、ainst each other in order to get the best score. For example, in a football game, if Team A gets 7 points and Team B gets 3 points,Team A wins the game. Team sports are sometimes called competitive(竞争性的) sports.Besides team sports, there is another main type of sporting activity. Its individual spor

11、ts. In individual sports there are no teams. People play individual sports such as swimming, skiing and running.Of course, it is possible(可能) to compete in individual sports. It is possible to keep a score in individual sports. The main difference, however, between team sports and individual sports

12、is that team sports always require(要求) more than one person.()1.There are_ types of sports according to the passage.Aone Btwo Cthree D. four()2.In a football match, Team A gets 0 and Team B gets 2, then _.ATeam A winsBTeam B winsCboth Team A and Team B winDboth Team A and Team B lose()3.The main dif

13、ference between team sports and individual sports is that _.Apeople dont compete in individual sportsBpeople dont keep a score in individual sportsCindividual sports are easier than team sportsDteam sports cant be done alone but individual sports can来源:Z。xx。k.Com()4._ is an example of individual spo

14、rts.AHandball BThe high jumpingCSoccer DVolleyball()5.Which of the following is NOT right?ATeam sports need more than one person in the games.BIndividual sports need fewer people than team sports in the games.CTeam sports are better than individual sports.DIt is possible to keep a score in individua

15、l sports.单项选择1D根据“because I dont like operas at all.”可知“我”从不去剧院,故选D。2B3D maybe意为“也许”,是副词,相当于perhaps;may be中的may是情态动词, 表猜测。4C5Balmost意为“差不多,几乎”;hardly意为“几乎不”;usually意为“通常,常 常”。句意:请大声说话!我几乎不能听到你的声音。故选B。6. C7. A8B 表示“三餐”的名词前一般不用冠词。若其前有形容词修饰时,可加不定冠词a。9A it 作形式主语,后面的不定式作真正的主语。10B 合成名词8yearold作定语修饰名词boy,A

16、选项一般位于be动词后作表语, 不能作定语修饰名词。.完形填空【主旨大意】本文介绍了一位七十多岁的老人保持青春活力的“秘诀”:多思考,多运 动,多学习。作者希望所有人都保持年轻、健康。1Bread newspapers意为“看报纸”;阅读书、报纸、杂志等要用read。2A由上文“She is an old lady.”可知,她是一位女性。3C考查让步状语从句。Than意为“比”;since意为“自从以来,既然”; Though意为“虽然,尽管”;because意为“因为”。句意为“尽管她七十多岁 了, 可看起来依然年轻、漂亮。”4D由下文可知,记者想知道她怎样保持年轻和健康的。5C由下文可知,

17、保持年轻和健康是很容易的。6B由句意“对你周围的世界感兴趣”可知。7D 由上文可知,家务和运动要尽可能经常地做。as often as sb can意为“尽可能经常地”。8C由下文可知,此处是“返回学校”之意。9D考查固定搭配: play tennis意为“打网球”。10A句意:效仿这位女士(做),是一个良好的开端。.阅读理解【主旨大意】本文介绍了两种主要类型的体育运动,即团体运动和个人运动。1B细节理解题。文中第一句已经说明了有两种主要的运动。2B来源:学科网ZXXK3D细节理解题。从文中最后一句可以得出答案。4B个人运动的项目只有the high jumping“跳高”,而其余几个都是团体运动。5C细节理解题。文中并没有提及团体运动比个人运动好,而是客观介绍了两种运动


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