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1、Reviews of Units1-2,基础巩固词汇,1.爱上(某人和某物)12.找到时间(做某事)2.与同样 13.尽可能 3.不让 进入 14.让某人吃惊 让某人吃惊的是 惊讶地4.和某人相处得好 15.把某物遗忘在某处 5.与某人争吵某事 16.直到才6.实现 17.给某人买某物 7.不时髦的,过时的 18.向某人要某物 8.打电话给(某人)9.付。帐 10.与。作比较 把。比作。11.(在)一方面 在另一方面,fall in love with,the same as,keep out,get along/on well with,argue with sb about sth.,co

2、me true,out of style,call up,pay for,compare with/to.,compare to,on the one hand,on the other hand,fit sth.into,as as possible,to ones surprise,surprise sb.,in surprise,leave sth.+地点,notuntil,buy sth for sb.=buy sb.sth.,ask sb.for sth.,There be+sth+somewhere句式,1.There is/are(现在有)2.There was/were(过去有

3、)3.There will be(将来有)There is/are going to be.There be句型的反意疑问句,某地有某物,课文重难点句子翻译:,1.find it+形容词+to do sth.“觉得/发现做某事”,结构中的find 可think/feel代替。,e.g.他们或许会发现很难自己计划事情。,They might find it difficult to plan things for themselves.,2.Its time(for sb.)for sth.“某人该做某事了”,e.g.到做作业的时候了。,Its time for homework,=Its ti

4、me to do homework,3.I dont know what to do.,=I dont know what I should do.,Look for,find,find out,discover,invent,look for 强调找的过程,“寻找”find 强调找的结果,“找到,发现”;find out指通过调查、研究“弄清,查明”。discover指发现早已存在但尚未被人所知的东西。invent 指发明之前未有过的东西。1.-Wheres Jim?-Hes his shoes.He cant his shoes.2.-Really?Lets where they are.

5、3.Read the passage carefully and the answers to these questions.4.Who the computers?5.Who the oil field?,looking for,find,find out,find out,invented,discovered,see sb.do sth.和see sb.doing sth.,1.see sb.do sth.指“看见某人做过某事”(强调动作的全过程)或“看见某人经常做某事”;2.see sb.doing sth.指“看见某人正在做某事”(强调动作的部分)。3.类似用法还有hear sb.

6、do sth.和hear sb.doing sth.等。,1.我看见一个老人经常在公园里散步。I often an old man in the park.2.我路过的时候看见一个陌生人正跑进房间。I a stranger into the room when I went by.3.我看见他进了房间。I him into the room.,see,walk,saw,running,saw,go,take part in 和 join,take part in 指“参加或参与”某种活动;join 指“参加或加入”某种组织,成为其中一员;join sb.(in doing sth.)指加入某人

7、一起做某事;take an active part in 指“积极参加”。,1.他喜欢下象棋。他想加入象棋俱乐部。He likes playing chess.He wants to.2.她去年入党的。She last year.3.他们正在那边打篮球。我们和他们一起打篮球吧。They are playing basketball over there.Lets go and.4.他参加了上周的歌咏比赛并获得了冠军。He last weeks and won first prize.,join the chess club,joined the Party,join them,took par

8、t in,singing competition,在现在完成时中,用be in/be a member of来表示延续。,borrow 和 lend,borrow(针对句子主语)指“借进”,常用结构为borrow sth.from sb.;lend(针对句子主语)指“借出”,常用结构为lend sb.sth.=lend sth.to sb.;borrow和lend都是非延续动词,不能与时间段连用。若要表示“借某物一段时间”只能用keep。,1.你可以把自行车借给我吗?Could you please your bike me?=Could I your bike?2.我可以借这本书多久?How

9、 long may I the book?,lend,to,borrow,keep,too,also 和either,1.too和also都用于肯定句表示“也”,either用于否定句表“也”;2.too常在句末,also常在句中(实意动词前);either 也在句末;3.either还可以表示“两者中任意一个”。Eitheror“要么要么”,1.你去过北京,我也去过。You have been to Beijing,and I have been there,.=You have been to Beijing,and I have been there.2.Lucy不喜欢吃香蕉,Lily也

10、不喜欢。Lucy doesnt like eating apples,and Lily doesnt,.3.要么你去那儿,要么他去那儿。但是你们只能去一个。you he can go there.But you can go only one of you.,too,also,either,Either,or,except 和besides,except表排除关系,指“除之外,没有”;besides表包含关系,指“除之外,还有”。1.除开今天,每天我都要空闲。Im free every day except today.2.除了我外,每个人都受到了邀请。Everyone was invited

11、 except me.3.除了Tom外,John和Fred也没做作业。Besides Tom,John and Fred didnt do homework.,怎样 时间,1.It takes sb.some time to do sth.我父亲每天步行上班要花大约半小时。It takes my father about half an hour to go to work on foot every day.我们花了两天时间完成了这项目。It took us two days to finish the project.修这座桥要花他们两年时间。It will take them two y

12、ears to build this bridge.2.Sb.spend some time on sth.昨天我花了一小时时间做作业。I spent an hour on my homework yesterday.3.sb.spend some time(in)doing sth.妈妈花了三个多小时时间扫地。Mother spent more than three hours(in)sweeping the floor.,花,怎样,sb.pay/pays/paid some money for sth.sb.spend/spends/spent some money on sth.sb.s

13、pend/spends/spent some money(in)buying sth.Sth.cost/costs/cost sb.some money.他花了25000美元买了他的新车。He paid 25000 for his new car.He spent 25000 on his new car.He spent 25000 in buying his new car.He spent 25000 buying his new car.His new car cost him 25000.,花钱买某物,Will people have robots?,词语对对碰,such vs.so

14、,不同点:1.so是副词,修饰形容词或副词。如so good,so fast2.such是形容词,用来修饰名词,作定语。如such jobs3.修饰名词时位置不一样。如such a tall tree,so tall a tree4.当名词为不可数名词或复数名词时,不能用so,而须用such。也就是说,so一般用“soaan名词”结构。,试做以下题:1.It is _ that well have to be very careful Aa so big work Bso big job Csuch a big job Dsuch a big work2.His has been to _be

15、autiful a mountain.so B.such C.like D./3.Dont swim in cold weather.,C,A,such,Will people have robots?,词语对对碰,alone vs.lonely,不同点:1.alone 做形容词时表示“单独的,独自一人的”,不含感情色彩,只能在be动词或系动词之后做表语。作副词时,译为“独自,单独”,跟在动词之后。2.lonely表示“孤独的,寂寞的”含有丰富的感情色彩.lonely做形容词时,可做定语和表语。,试做以下题:1.The old man didnt live,but he felt.2.If y

16、ou arent free,I will go there.3.There is a village on the mountains.,alone,lonely,alone,lonely,Will people have robots?,词语对对碰,put on,wear vs.dress,不同点:put on是“穿上”,表动作。wear是“穿着”,表状态或结果。3.dress 是“给某人穿衣服”,后面接人。或做不及物动词。,试做以下题:1.We have to _ a uniform to school.2._ your coat when you go out.3.Can he _ hi

17、mself?4.Our Chinese teacher _ a pair of glasses.5.Please _ the baby,George.,wear,Put on,dress,wears,dress,Will people have robots?,词语对对碰,in vs after,相同点:这两个词后都可接时间,表示“在 以后”不同点:“in+一段时间”表示以现在为起点的将来一段时间以后,常与将来时连用.“after+一段时间”表示以过去某一时间点开始的一段时间以后,常于一般过去时连用.当after后接某一时间点时,仍可用于将来时.,试做以下试题:Itll be finished

18、 _ five minutes.He rang you up _supper.Ill be free _ nine oclock.Its two oclock.Ill come _ an hour.,in,after,after,in,Will people have robots?,词语对对碰,fewer vs.less,相同点:这两个词后都是比较级,均可表示“较少的”不同点:fewer是few的比较级,只能修饰可数名词的复数.less是little的比较级,只能修饰不可数名词.,试做以下试题:I earn _ money than my sister.There are _ cars pa

19、rked outside than yesterday.We have _ students this year than last year.You ought to smoke _ cigarettes and drink _ beer.,fewer,fewer,fewer,less,less,中考链接()1School _ allow students at least one hour a day for sports.(安徽)A would B could C should D might()2 Our family bought a car so we can travel _ t

20、han before.A most easily B less easily C easily D more easily()3 When _ the students _ to National Art Nuseum of China?-After they finish their classes this afternoon.A did,go B will go C do,go()4 Where _ the 2010 World Expo(世博会)_?-In Shanghai.A does;hold B was,held C will,be held D will,hold()5Can

21、you imagine that _ little ants can carry _ many big worms?A so,so B such,such C such,so D so,such()6 I hear that Yi Zhongtian will come to Wuhan and give a talk.-Really?Do you know _?(安徽芜湖)A what will he talk about B what will he give a talk C How will he come D when he will come 7 _ _ _ like this r

22、adio advice program.(同义改写)It seems that everyone likes this radio advice program.8 他 过去玩电脑游戏的时间那么多,结果对学习不感兴趣了。He _ _ much time in _ computer games that he wasnt interested in his lessons.,C,D,B,C,C,D,Everyone seems to,spent so playing,9 下周我要去香港度假,我想我一定会很快爱上这个城市。Next week Ill _ _ Hong Kong _ _and I think I _ _ _ _ _ it soon.10 50年后世界会是什么样子?_ _ the world _ _ _ _ 50 years?11 你同意这儿有更多地污染的说法吗?Do you _ there _ _ _ _ here?12 下周你能穿得更随意些吗?Will you _ _ _ _ _?,go to for vacation will fall,in love with,What will be like in,agree,will be,more pollution,dress more casually next week,


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