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2、ink more waterIt _ _ _ your health 2外面正下着大雨,你最好呆在家里。Its raining heavily outsideYoud _ _ at home 3建造这座立交桥将花费工人们一年多时间。It will _ the workers over a year _ _ the fly-over 4如果明天不下雨的话,我将和父母一起去动物园。Ill _ to the zoo with my parents,_ it doesnt rain tomorrow 5这个故事比那个故事有趣。this story,is,interesting,that one _,从

3、以上几个题不难看出翻译填空题所考查的内容:(1)一些常用词组和短语。如:be good at(for),be interested in,on show,take off等。(2)一些常用词语的用法。如:enjoy后接 V-ing形式,had better后接动词原形等。(3)一些常用句型、句式。如:It takes sbsome time to do sth,sothat,so that,notuntil,asas等。(4)一些语法现象,如:不定式,宾语从句,动词时态,被动语态等。这类题的解题步骤是什么呢?,第一步,先读一下汉语句子,了解这个句子所要表达的意思。第二步,跳过空格读一下已给出的

4、那一部分内容,然后再仔细分析一下要求翻译的英语。第三步,观察一下要求翻译的汉语,然后联想一下相关词汇和句型,再考虑语态、时态、词形变化、主语与谓语数的一致性等问题。,这类题的解题步骤是什么呢,第四步,试填空格。不要一看空格就填,例如有的同学一看“照顾”就填look after,实际上根据情况还可填take care of或take good care of。若对第一个空格要填的词没有把握时,可从后面的空格填起,这样即使前面的空格填不上,也不至于全部丢分。第五步,将已填好的句子再读一遍,从时态、语态、词形、数的一致等方面检查一下,若一切没问题,该题就OK了。,给出单词的题实际上属于连词成句题,做

5、题时要:(1)先找出句子的主语和谓语。主语和谓语一般由表示人或物的名词和代词担任。因此要先找到名词(代词)和动词,以确定句子的主谓语。(2)还要注意使用习惯搭配法,用此法做起题来会简单得多。(3)根据实际情况,必要的时候要进行一些变化,并注意时态和语态。解题步骤掌握了,做题时还要注意那些词数有伸缩性的词汇。因为这类题的空格是一定的,多填或少填都是不对的,即使意义相符也不合要求。有些词汇的缩写形式可以写在一格内,如:isnt,lets,wont等。也可根据情况将缩略式扩展,如可将didnt分解为did not,将no分解成not any等。填空时一定要灵活。如将这样一个句子翻译成英语“他什么也没

6、说”,若给出三个空格,可以填:若给出四个空格,可以填:只给出两个空格,则可填,He didnt say anything,He did not say anything,He said nothing,第一题考查的是词组be good for,应填is good for;第二题考查had better后用动词原形,填better stay;第三题考查It takes sbsome time to do something句型,应填take,to build;第四题考查if引导的条件状语从句,主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时,应填go,if;第五题答案应为:This story is more

7、 interesting than that one要做好这类题,平时应怎样做呢?1熟练掌握常用词和词组的用法。2熟练掌握各种句型结构。3掌握语法知识。4熟读课文,因为有些题可能会出自课文原文。5平时要加强这类题的训练。,看看上面几个题的答案吧!,1我们的朋友遍天下。We have friends _ 2从现在开始,我们应该更加努力学习。We should study harder _ 3一百年以后,中国将发生什么样的巨大变化?What great changes will take place in China _?4地球围绕太阳转。The earth _ the sun 5你能把你的自行车

8、借给我吗?Can you _?,1 all over the worldeverywhere 2from nowtoday on 3in a hundred years(time)in a centuryin 100 years 4goestravelsmovesturns roundaround 5lend me your bikebicyclelend your bikebicycle to me,怎么样?掌握这类题的做法了吗?做几个中考 题练练吧!,6 他正在花园里浇花。He _ in the garden 7火车开走后他才到达火车站。He _ the train station unt

9、il the train had left 8在强烈的光线下看书不好。_ us to read in a strong light 9你知道他通常什么时候回来吗?Do you know when _?10我们应该尽最大努力尽快赶上发达国家。We should _ to catch up with the developed countries as soon as possible,6is watering flowers 7didnt arrive atreachget to 8Its bad not good for 9he usually comes back he is usually

10、 backhe usually returns 10do try our bestmake our effort,11你认为泉城广场和新建的泉城路怎么样?_ do you _ _ the Quancheng Square and the new Quancheng Road?12嘲笑处于困境中的人是不礼貌的。Its not polite to _ _ those people in trouble 13交警告诉这位司机不要再犯同样的错误。The traffic policeman told the driver not to _ _ _ _ any more 14学英语的最好方法是尽可能地多说

11、。The best way to learn English is to speak it _ _ _ _ 15在21世纪,那些观念陈旧的人将落后于时代。In the 21st century,those people _ old ideas will _ _ _ the times,11What,think ofabout 12laugh at 13make the same mistake(s)14as much as possible 15with,be left behind,16入世后,中国的发展开始与世界同步。The development of China and the wor

12、ld started to be _ _ _ after China joined the WTO 17珍爱自己,远离不健康的书。Take good care of yourself and _ bad books 18我认为自己想办法要比仿照别人的样子要好。I think its better to find our way than _ 19孩子们对科学越来越感兴趣了。Children are becoming _ 20老师要求我们保持教室的清洁和安静。We are _,16neck and neck 17keep(yourself)(far)away from 18to copyfoll

13、ow others example(s)to copy follow other peoples example(s)19more and more interested in science 20toldasked to keep our classroom clean and quiet,21球迷们正在忙于看“世界杯”。football fans,busy,watch,the World Cup 22这间会议室太小,容纳不下二十人。this meeting room,is,too small,to hold twenty people 23我认为英语并不难学。I,think,English

14、,difficult to learn 24孩子们最好不要过多地玩电脑游戏。children,had better,play,computer games 25雨一停,我们就去放风筝。we,go,fly kites,stop,21Football fans are busy watching the World Cup 22This meeting room is too small to hold twenty people23I dont think English is difficult to learn24Children had better not play computer g

15、ames too much too often 25We will go and fly kites as soon as the rain stops,【中考演练】根据中文提示填入句子所缺的单词。1.我们该去火车站接她了。Its time _ us _ meet her at the railway station.2约翰最喜欢中国食品。John _ Chinese food _ of all.3我们每天八点钟才起床。We _ get up _ eight oclock in the morning.4他跑得太快了,我们都追不上他。He runs _ fast _ we cant catch

16、 up with him.5你每天上学花多长时间?How long _ _ _ you to go to school every day?,1.for,to 2.likes,best 3.dont,until 4.so,that 5.does it take,6虽然很累了,工人们继续努力工作着。Though they were tired,the workers _ _ _ hard.7我们正在考虑外出玩的事。We are _ _ going abroad.8下个星期将有一场足球比赛。There _ _ a football match next week.9我的自行车出了毛病。Someth

17、ing is _ _ my bike.10Mr.Brown是如此的激动,以至于说不出话来。Mr.Brown is _ excited _ say a word.,6,went on working 7.thinking about 8.will be9.wrong with 10.too,to,11一到家,金太太就去睡觉了。_ _ _ she got home,Mrs.King went to bed.12你怎么了?我不舒服。-Whats _ _ _ you?-I dont feel well.13游泳和滑冰比汤姆更喜欢游泳。Tom _ swimming _ skating.14.为什么不跟我

18、们一起去钓鱼呢?Why _ _ _ with us?15.请你帮我把门打开好吗?Will you please _ me _ the window?,11.As soon as 12.the matter with13.prefers,to 14.not go fishing 15.help,open,6.which do you like better7.Either he comes to Beijing or I go to Shanghai8.Spends his money on computer games.9.is afraid that his son falls behind

19、 the others.10.How do the twins get on,16如果明天天气好,学生们将在公园里进行野餐。The students will have a picnic in the park _ _ _ fine tomorrow.17英语比汉语容易吗?Is English _ _Chinese?18.你最好马上给你妈妈打个电话。Youd _ _ a call to your mother at once.19.我们刚才听见有人在外面说话。We _ somebody _ outside just now.20冰箱里的食品够吃几天的了。There is _ _ for sev

20、eral days in the fridge.,16.if,it is 17.easier than 18.better make 19.heard speaking 20.enough food,根据中文,完成句子。1我们街道上一家新商店已开了三天。_ in our street for three days.2老师问我们是否听说过这个故事。The teacher asked us_.3你们班有多少口人?_ in your class?4工人们建造座新桥将要花一年的时间。_ a new bridge.5老师经常告诉孩子们上课不要说话。The teacher often _.,1.A new

21、 shop has been open2.if we had heard of the story.3.How many people are there4.Itll take workers a year to build5.tells the children not to talk in class.,6美国食品和中国食品你更喜欢哪一种?_,American food or Chinese food?7每年冬天不是她来北京,就是我去上海。_ every winter.8约翰总是把钱花在电脑游戏上。John always _.9布莱克先生恐怕他的儿子落在别人后边。Mr Black _.10

22、这对双胞胎彼此关系如何?_ with each other?,6.which do you like better7.Either he comes to Beijing or I go to Shanghai8.Spends his money on computer games.9.is afraid that his son falls behind the others.10.How do the twins get on,15他们听下来仔细听,但没有任何声音。11同学们正在黑板上画画,这时老师进来了。The teacher came into the classroom_.12别在阳

23、光下看书,对你的眼睛没好处。Dont read in the sun._.13交警们尽最大努力保持了交通通畅。The police tried hard to _.14西湖是中国最著名的湖泊之一。The West Lake is _._,but there was no sound.,11.While the students were drawing on the blackboard.12.Its bad for your eyes.13.keep the traffic moving(going).14.one of the most famous lakes in China.15.T

24、hey stopped to listen carefully,16玛丽,给你一份礼物。_,Mary.17请进。下次不要再迟到了。Come in,please._.18这本字典比那本贵一点,你想要哪本?This dictionary _.Which one do you want?19有的孩子整天忙于玩电子游戏。Some children _.20知道见到他,我才知道他是一位著名的作家。_ I met him.,16.Here is a present for you17.Dont be late next time.18.is a little(bit)more expensive than

25、 that one.19.are busy playing computer games all day.20.I dont know he was a famous writer,16.Here is a present for you17.Dont be late next time.18.is a little(bit)more expensive than that one.19.are busy playing computer games all day.20.I dont know he was a famous writer,根据中文,将句子译成英文。1该看篮球赛了。2你最好不

26、要躺在床上看书。3母亲每天晚上花两个小时为我们做饭。4老师让我们课后用英语交谈。5露丝不喜欢早晨喝牛奶。,1.Its time to watch the basketball match.2.Youd better not read in bed.3.It takes mother 2 hours to cook(do the cooking)for every evening.4.The teacher asked us to talk in English after class.5.Rose doesnt like drinking milk in the morning.,1.Its

27、time to watch the basketball match.2.Youd better not read in bed.3.It takes mother 2 hours to cook(do the cooking)for every evening.4.The teacher asked us to talk in English after class.5.Rose doesnt like drinking milk in the morning.,6你想今天下午和我们一起踢球吗?7请你把收音机关上好吗?8这本书非常有趣,大家都想看。9在婴儿睡觉的时候,请保持安静。10哥哥和我

28、对电影都不感兴趣。,6.Would you like to play football with us this afternoon?7.Will you please turn off the radio?8.The book is so interesting that everyone wants to read it.9.Please keep quiet when the baby is sleeping.10.Neither my brother nor I am interested in movies.(Both my brother and I arent intereste

29、d in movies.),6.Would you like to play football with us this afternoon?7.Will you please turn off the radio?8.The book is so interesting that everyone wants to read it.9.Please keep quiet when the baby is sleeping.10.Neither my brother nor I am interested in movies.(Both my brother and I arent inter

30、ested in movies.),11我认为英语并不难学。12我姐姐去过长城,我也去过。13这架飞机足够容纳300人。14你知道怎样使这个婴儿停止哭泣吗?15这条大街有10000米长、50米宽。,11.I dont think English is hard to study(learn).12.My sister has been to the Great Wall,so have I.13.The plane is large enough to hold 300(three hundred)persons.14.Do you know how to stop the baby cryi

31、ng?15.The street is 10000 meters long and 50 meters wide.,11.I dont think English is hard to study(learn).12.My sister has been to the Great Wall,so have I.13.The plane is large enough to hold 300(three hundred)persons.14.Do you know how to stop the baby crying?15.The street is 10000 meters long and

32、 50 meters wide.,16他说这件外衣一点也不漂亮。17我父亲不喜欢抽烟,也不喜欢喝酒。18李涛跑得不如刘明快。19莉莉昨天没有买这件衬衣,因为她此前买了一件。20珍尼赶到电影院时电影已经开始十分钟了。,16.He said(that)the coat wasnt beautiful at all.17.My father likes neither smoking nor drinking.18.Li Tao doesnt run as(so)fast as Liu Ming.19.Lily didnt buy the blouse(shirt)yesterday,because

33、 she had had one before.20.When Jenny got to the cinema,the film had been on for ten minutes.,16.He said(that)the coat wasnt beautiful at all.17.My father likes neither smoking nor drinking.18.Li Tao doesnt run as(so)fast as Liu Ming.19.Lily didnt buy the blouse(shirt)yesterday,because she had had one before.20.When Jenny got to the cinema,the film had been on for ten minutes.,怎么样?翻译填空没问题了吧?,See you next time,


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