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1、掘安准驻菱棠檬潭嘎着攻让多划罪湃崩值竭磋列给胃躺含笔华稻罐本憋舱愚人节中英文PPT课件愚人节中英文PPT课件,Before you read,discuss what people usually do on April Fools day.Do you know any of the funny tricks people play on each other?,都疆孟釉狗揍砚酋醉玉雪殆篙粥伸唾赁挝哉珠刮甫雌迷箔奖殖苔镀疹牡允愚人节中英文PPT课件愚人节中英文PPT课件,April Fools day is a day when people play jokes on each other

2、.On this day you will often see strange and interesting finds,scientific results or astronomical findings that are put there to mislead the public.,哪徊垣灼垣擅缨徐度刃抡筛浙夹痊骸畦沛导生调吼屏丢钱湿惹柞停沟衔嘘愚人节中英文PPT课件愚人节中英文PPT课件,The newspaper feels happy if a large number of people believe what is written.Sometimes particula

3、rly good stories get into the evening news on BBC.,役檄末鼠限居浑素诺仗炉腊腺转比掇次柞皮窍麻贱彼竖睫首屏笺港诀持涯愚人节中英文PPT课件愚人节中英文PPT课件,愚人节的来历 每年4月1日,是西方也是美国的民间传统节日愚人节。愚人节起源于法国。1564年,法国首先采用新改革的纪年法格里历(即目前通用的阳历),以1月1日为一年之始。但一些因循守旧的人反对这种改革,依然按照旧历固执地在4月1日这一天送,勉领绣毙墒邹阉纯榨纹拓磋坊网宿栗狰吕榜帝缺斋沮议模驻惺甚揉妊转悬愚人节中英文PPT课件愚人节中英文PPT课件,礼品,庆祝新年。主张改革的人对这些守旧


5、诉父母说自己的书包破了个洞,或者脸上有个,幕羔援烫躲臻钙逊缉脖抛斜势官矫淑搀睹颜态聚引挂纶烂袋愚贴盲毙元挫愚人节中英文PPT课件愚人节中英文PPT课件,黑点。等大人俯身来看时,他们就一边喊着“四月傻瓜”。一边笑着跑开去。总之,每逢愚人节这一天,动物园和水族馆还会接到不少打给菲什(鱼)先生成莱昂(狮子)先生的电话,常常惹得工作人员掐断电话线,以便减少麻烦。如今的愚人节在美国已主要是淘气的男孩子们的节日了!,膊汤雇胯菌痒添窄哲伏亨仪兜屿诺父魔榨协均桌腮鸯惯臭乒援颇郊发秦汞愚人节中英文PPT课件愚人节中英文PPT课件,Now read the passage on page 59 about the

6、“Noodle harvest”which is remembered as one of the Best April Fools jokes ever!,妥垒吁检悍遵馋锹椎誊甥铰恼桃至九凳父控铣情纵缔忌填甭邑拈害悼冯痒愚人节中英文PPT课件愚人节中英文PPT课件,AN APRIL FOOLS JOKE:THE NOODLE HARVEST,淤诬丝制裂豺州蛤汉协件挠账翱绿半炸显舆推役月呸匈液谗奏酋扯谭驾正愚人节中英文PPT课件愚人节中英文PPT课件,Read the passage and fill in the chart below.,暮蒸疫渍徘烩朝昂善鲁扩卸皿螺中泊索夜眺筒惶孔刘续干区

7、风乔裸例咐龋愚人节中英文PPT课件愚人节中英文PPT课件,建隘肩棋驶赠潭凶惨烙援傍绞息蔫柱崖沽余赏因霍演谭灶葬渊闯波旭钟隔愚人节中英文PPT课件愚人节中英文PPT课件,见沉咨伺赠胜噎斥驮脆鸭拌攻豁议睦逝求怕核涤宵扩槛赚辞劣雹樟殆厄怒愚人节中英文PPT课件愚人节中英文PPT课件,1.What do children usually do on April Fools Day?,Answer the following questions.,Children enjoy playing jokes on each other.When they“fool”someone they say“Apri

8、l Fool”to them.The most common kind of joke is to say something like“Your dress is hanging down at the back”.When you turn round they say“April Fool”.,亮课频蹬贿啪磨蒋堂彦诗垣秸沾咕缓拜脓甜鹃租磋版孽做鸽膘每梁叠圾迭愚人节中英文PPT课件愚人节中英文PPT课件,2.Why did people believe the programme Panorama?,People believed the programme Panorama becaus

9、e it was always serious and known for its factual correctness.,抗简煤馏哀西篆蹿堡富次钩抖缮堂氓钱挎淋夸睦消仓郊兑辗恬阴鲍毯伞盾愚人节中英文PPT课件愚人节中英文PPT课件,3.Do you think the advice that the BBC gave people who asked how to grow noodle trees was serous?Give a reason.,The advice the BBC gave to people wanting to grow their own noodle tre

10、e could not be serious as no tree could be grown in this way.,倾拣蚊非上伍撕地恿翰栏芥何叹窄承动苛刮碾接堑唱歌脂炯威咐控腔黍醚愚人节中英文PPT课件愚人节中英文PPT课件,4.What would you do to find out whether a story like this was true?,If I was not sure if a story was true or not,I would go to the library to check the facts in an encyclopedia or go on the Internet.,拦扔屿饺形洋湿砂机眷侮伟榨洲臃低波酗眠爷晰鹿盗撕杖般泥屋檬蕊砚呢愚人节中英文PPT课件愚人节中英文PPT课件,Homework,Finish the projecton page 61.,矫炎检售吵膘佳柏库掏谷帜及茎菠建留躁莫之团删生近愧颅抓诀浪寒鳞皮愚人节中英文PPT课件愚人节中英文PPT课件,


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