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2、以阅读技能和语言、文化知识为目标的阅读(含精读与泛读);强调阅读过程中学生对信息的搜寻、运用与思维能力的训练;读后语言知识、文化内容的自我总结、归纳与扩展性课后阅读.,思考:这样的区别是截然的还是渐进的?你的学生是否考虑高级阅读的一些教学训练?初三阅读课属于哪个阶段?,Think before you teach,Ss motivation/interests in the topic?Possible socialization of the topic?Ss language proficiency for reading?Any necessary background knowledg

3、e?Ss reading skills&strategies,what to develop?,Learning objectives:,Knowledge objective:Learn and practice the following words and phrases in reading.Notice and learn the sentence patternsSkills objective:(3)Learn and practice reading skills Skimming Scanning Predicting ReferencingStrategy objectiv

4、e:(4)How to practice and get the skills above?Attitude objective:(5)What influence do you expect your Ss to get from the text?Cross-culture objective:(6)Compare Chinese and Westerner on the topic,what can we learn?,读前阶段(Pre-reading stage)is a lead-in stage(Harmer,1983),where both the teacher and stu

5、dents prepare themselves for performing the reading task.读中阶段(While-reading stage)is the task stage,where students are encouraged to explore the text focusing on the meaning of text and their interpreting of meaning based on their own background knowledge.读后阶段(Post-reading stage)is the reflection&ap

6、plication stage,where Ss share their understandings with peers,relate what they have read to what they already know or feel,and make good use of them to do things in their real life.,英语阅读训练的三个阶段,Pre-reading Stage(读前阶段),介绍或呈现与内容相关的背景知识、关键词、句;(思考:是不是应该全面介绍?还是留一部分让学生在阅读中自己去解决?)根据标题、图片、关键词等预测所读材料的内容;完成“

7、预测性”任务(e.g.,multiple-choice);快速浏览(e.g.,skimming by questions,multiple choices,ranking the different parts of a text etc.or for some specific key information),让学生证实一下自己的预测是否正确。无论学生的预测是否正确,学生都会更为关注阅读材料的内容,并带着更强烈的阅读动机去理解阅读材料,同时也为正式阅读作好了语言、阅读技能、思维等方面充分的准备。,While-reading Stage(读中阶段),通过各种方式的提问(comprehensi

8、on questions Nuttall,1982)或 information processing tasks 帮助学生收集、搜寻材料中的各种信息。利用转换手段transition device(the way to transfer information from one form to another,e.g.,tables,or other visual forms)帮助学生交流、共享信息。用问题或任务检测学生对材料字面意义或内涵意义的理解。根据阅读的目的对材料内容进行重新组合、重新解释、推论、评价、欣赏或者利用。,Post-reading Stage(读后阶段),让学生通过阅读了解

9、自己的语言问题,并根据学生的实际需要(e.g.,unfamiliar words,phrases or sentence structures)进行必要的解释或操练;让学生通过阅读意识到自己的阅读技能、学习策略问题,并根据学生的实际需要进行必要的解释或操练;读后“听”“说”“写”的巩固、应用、拓展性练习(e.g.,to discuss/debate/report agreements or disagreement/report the results of a survey or a group work);,英语阅读的常用技能,Prediction(预测):predicting what

10、the text is aboutSkimming(浏览):extracting the gist of the text Scanning(查读/细读):searching for the detailed information Referencing(推测):understand by referring to context Prcising(摘要):abstracting the important information Questioning&Extending(质疑、扩充):reflecting on/creating/linking the information,怎样训练以


12、为例你知道什么是浏览吗?你是否一拿到文章就逐字阅读?遇到生词必查?你知道怎样计算阅读速度吗?你的阅读速度是多少?你是否阅读得很慢,以至于读到最后忘了前面的内容,很难概括全文的意思?你打算怎样改变你以上不好的阅读习惯?,补充知识:怎样为学生选择难度适宜的阅读材料?,Fog Index(迷雾指数公式)(Robert Gunning:1952)可供你参照:文章字数 难词数Fog Index=(+100)0.4 句子数 文章字数 如某篇文章一共有84个单词,有10个句子,有8个难词,那么它的迷雾指数是:84 8Fog Index=(+100)0.4=7.16 10 84 可以解释为:在主题不生僻的情况

13、下,这篇文章适合母语为英语的受教育年限7年左右的人阅读。注:这里的难词指三个音节以上的单词,不包括前后缀和简单词拼加。,Learning Objectives,(1)Knowledge and skillsBe familiar with the words I love to eat food that is healthy;People who eat a balanced diet should be healthier than those who only eat biscuits and hamburgers.Predict what the text is about from

14、the title and the different styles of English,understand the central meaning(different people have different diets and different views of diets)of the text by skimming and the detailed information(3 peoples different views of diet)by scanning,(2)Affective objectives Knowing that its important to develop a balanced diet(3)Learning strategy objectiveLearn to know the different styles of English(written English and spoken English)from the correct model;to discuss with peers for better understanding,谢谢聆听!,


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