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1、xxx市xx职业学校导学案首页课程 英语 班级 任课教师 年 月 日 第 周课题或教材章节名称Unit 10 How can I improve my English?总课时教学目标知识、能力目标1.学生能够理解并运用与英语学习相关的词汇和情态动词就英语学习中各种困难进行讨论并提出建议。2.听能够听懂有关英语学习中各种困难的描述及建议的对话。 说运用相关词汇和情态动词谈论英语学习中各种困难进行讨论并提出建议。 读读懂描述英语学习中常见困难及相关建议的短文。 写写出在英语中面临的困难及建议。德育目标1.反思自己的英语学习,对面临的困难进行分析并选择有效的学习策略。2.了解从事不同专业的人在不同场

2、合运用英语的情况,进一步认识英语的重要性。教学重点1. 理解与英语学习相关的词汇和情态动词就英语学习进行讨论并提出建议。2. 写出在英语中面临的困难及建议。教学难点1. 理解与英语学习相关的词汇和情态动词就英语学习进行讨论并提出建议。2. 写出在英语中面临的困难及建议。教具教法授课内容及课时分配第一课时:Words & Lead-in第二课时:Listening & Speaking第三课时:Reading & Reading第四、五课时:Grammar focus & Vocabulary practice作业布置练习册&补充练习课后小结:教务科、师傅检查记录 签名: 日期:xxx市xx职业

3、学校导学案内页教学过程学生活动和补充内容第一、二课时一、学情分析本单元为英语1(基础模块 高教版)最后一单元,主要话题为如何提高英语。在本单元模块中反复呈现英语学习中常见的各种困难并提出相关的学习建议。职业学校的学生在英语学习上确实存在着各种困难,在如何提高英语的问题上也有着很大的困惑。中职学生普遍需要学法的完善,以期英语成绩的更大提高,部分学生甚至英语水平不是很理想,更需要学法指导。因此,教师可通过本单元的听、说、读、写各种教学活动。一方面帮助学生掌握正确表达与英语学习相关的词汇与句型,另一方面引导学生结合自身的情况反思自己的英语学习,针对自身的学习问题选择有效的学习策略。二、 教学分析1.

4、 教学内容本课时系教材英语1(基础模块 高教版)第十单元的第一、二课时,包括Lead- in + listening and speaking两部分。具体内容为:有关谈论英语学习中的各种困难及学习建议的词汇、句型,以及相关的对话。这些内容为整个单元的学习活动提供很好的知识储备,使下面一系列的活动展开能顺利进行。而且,本单元的话题是如何提高英语学习。对于各类升学专业学生而言,英语学习是重中之重,所以学生们会比较感兴趣,能积极参与探讨英语学习中存在的问题,如何解决这些问题,从而获得更好的促进英语提升的方法。2. 教学重点、难点:(1)教学重点相关词类学习;听懂并掌握有关英语学习中的各种困难及建议的

5、词汇、句式。(2)教学难点有关英语学习的词汇和句型。三、 教学目标1. 知识目标(1)掌握与英语有关的词汇: understand; pass English exams; difficult; pronunciation; memorize; be able to; mention; be poor at; not be good atforget 1. Forget to do sth. 忘记去做某事(没做)2. Forget doing sth. 忘记做过某事(已做)remember 1. Remember to do sth. 记得去做某事(没做)2. Remember doing s

6、th.记得做过某事(2)掌握表达英语学习难和提出建议的句型:I cant understand /read/ rememberIm poor atIm not good atI find it difficult to?I feel it too to What can I do? Can you give me some advice?Can I ask you a question? How can I improve my? Youd betterIt may help. You should /can/may2. 能力目标:(1)学生能听懂有关英语学习中的各种困难及建议的对话。(2)能

7、够运用相关词汇和句式谈论英语学习中的各种困难,并提出建议。3. 情感目标:能够反思自己的英语学习情况,培养学生在提高英语上有积极主动的学习态度,并积极探究适合自己的学习方法,使得“要我学”变成“我要学”,从而促成英语学习上的提升。四、 教学步骤Step One Lead-in (8m) 1. Make a survey about learning English. The teacher will ask students many questions: (1)Have you made such mistakes in spelling before? quite & quiet form

8、 & from(2) Have you translated as the following? How are you, how old are you? 怎么是你,怎么总是你?You dont bird me, I dont bird you. 你不鸟我,我也不鸟你。You have seed, I will give you some color to see. 你有种,我给你点颜色看看。Brothers, together! 兄弟们,一起上。(3) Have you pronounced as the following? 拿了桔子跑啊。 Knowledge is power!谁又偷猫

9、肉? See you tomorrow.奶奶(宁波话) onion(4)Why do you like these?(5) Do you have problems in English learning?(6)Do you want to improve your English?2. Activity 1 Read and tick.:Tick your wishes for learning English.(设计意图:利用大脑爆发式提问促使学生思考自身英语学习的现状和存在问题,激发学生提交英语学习的意愿,并通过联系学生实际生活,提高对本单元之内容的兴趣)3.Activity 2 Loo

10、k and match: Look and guess what problems people in the pictures might have. Then match the problems in the table with the pictures. Be sure that every student understands the meanings of the sentences. I cant find it adj. / n. to do sth. too to Im poor at Im not good at (设计意图:该活动呈现出本课时的重点句型,为单元学习活动

11、做必要的语言准备)Step Two Listening and speaking (20m)1. Pre-listeningAsk the students,“Do you have the same problems as them?”Several students are asked to answer the question,“whats your problem?”(设计意图:通过问答活动,对表示学习困难的重点词汇和句型进行了反复操练并自然衔接至听说部分)2.Listening Dialogue A(1) Activity 3 Listen and stick: Listen to

12、 dialogue A and tick who are calling.(2) Activity 4 Listen and match: Listen again and match the people with their problems. (3). Activity 5 Read and underline: Read the dialogue after the tape and underline the words and sentences to talk about problems and to ask for advice. Make sure students und

13、erstand them.(4). Activity6 Listen to the tape and find out what problems do they have and the solution?(设计意图:训练学生听的能力;呈现单元重要知识点,并通过跟读与反复操练掌握重要的语句,为下部分说的活动作好准备) Some sentences will be remembered: Whats your problem?Im poor at memorizing new words. Can you give some advice?You should write them down

14、in your notebook and read them everyday.What can I do? Well, you may ask them to repeat.3. Post-listening(1). Practice: Make a similar dialogue with your partner after the teacher makes a dialogue with a good student as a demonstration. (2).Work in groups and match the problems with the possible sol

15、utions. (设计意图:通过听读、重复对话,帮助学生掌握询问难题及提出建议的语句,并进行熟练的操练,通过教师和学生的对话作为示范,降低任务的难度)Step Three Interview and Discussion (15m)1.Interview: Ask one of the students around you about what problems she or he has in using English. And then fill in the following form.NameFeelingProblem2. Discuss: Suppose you were a

16、 professor in English, please give some efficient solutions. Write them down in the form. ProblemSolution(设计意图:使学生在掌握重点语句的基础上,输出应用到实际的语境中,训练学生能在相对真实的情况下说出有关英语学习中的困难的解决策略)3. Report: Make a short according to the form you made._ is/isnt always shy to speak English. He/She feels _ when using English. T

17、he problem he/she has is that_. In order to solve this problem, I have made a plan:First,_ Second,_ At last, remember this, Believe in yourself, you can make it. (设计意图:通过小组工作总结反馈教学信息,了解学生对本课重点的掌握情况,并同时对本课时所学的做个小结。)Step Four Homework(1m)1. Practice dialogues with your classmates after class.2. Write

18、down the report summary on the exercise-book.五、板书设计Unit10 How can I improve my English?ProblemsI cant understand.I find it difficult to I fell too shy to talk with foreigners.Im poor at pronunciation .Im not good at reading in English .I often forget English words.AdviceYoud better memorize the word

19、s in groups.You may ask them to repeat.You should right them down in your note book and read them every day.Watch some English cartoons.Just try to understand the key words. (第三课时)一、教材分析1. 教学内容本课时系教材英语1(基础模块 高教版)第十单元的第二课时,包括reading and writing 部分。其中阅读材料分两部分。具体内容分别为张晓波就自己对英语学习看法及学习难题Prof Learning的QQ留

20、言,和Prof Learning 的QQ留言回复。这些内容均是针对单元话题,分析英语学习存在问题,解决问题。通过话题系列任务的完成,促使学生思考英语学习的最佳方法。古人云,“授人鱼,不如授人以渔”,方法的探究和指导是学生学习有效性的最好保障。并且,学法指导对任何学科都是必要的,可以引导学生探究自身学习上的不足,把学法探究推广到各学科的学习上,专业知识的学习上,全面提高学习能力。2. 教学重点、难点(1)教学重点能读懂描述英语学习中常见困难及相关建议的句式,并能获得关键信息,完成活动相关任务。(2)教学难点能正确表达针对英语问题的相关建议。二、教学目标:1.知识目标(1)掌握讨论英语学习及建议相

21、关的词汇:become; more and more; important; improve; do well in; come across; ask for directions in English; repeat; practice; have a lot fun; etc(2)掌握讨论英语学习、征求建议和给出建议的句型:Its not easy to learn English. I cant always understand them.What can I do? Can you give me some advice?You should try to listen for t

22、he important point.You can ask them to repeat again. You may listen to some English songs.2.能力目标(1)学生能读懂阅读材料,并能赢获取的关键信息完成相应的任务。(2)能针对英语学习困难提出合理的建议。3.情感目标:能够了解从不同的职业的人在不同场合运用英语的情况进一步认识英语学习的重要性。三、教学步骤Step One Lead-in (8m)1. The teacher gets some students to give advice on English learning.I cant remem

23、ber new words. What can I do ?Im poor in pronunciation. Can you give me some advice?How can I improve my English?You can You may You should Youd better You need to Brainstorming: us students? Is Learning English important for waiters in restaurant? Why?stewards?doctors?(设计意图:通过头脑风暴,复习第一课时的内容,激活原有的知识

24、,以旧带新,使单元知识学习过渡自然, 活动的开展有层次, 有渐进性)Step Two Reading (24m)1.Post reading: Lets guess: Who is he? In my work I meet many foreigners. They dont speak Chinese. They ask me for directions in English.2. Think and answer: Answer the following questions and give your reasons.(Activity9)Is learning English im

25、portant for a traffic policeman?Your answer: _Your reasons: _Possible answer: Yes, I think so. Because now China is a country developing so fast that it attracts so many foreigners. Its a traffic policemans duty to help them when necessary.No, I dont think so. When in Rome , do as Romans do. Foreign

26、ers in China can learn Chinese. English is an international language. An internationalized country needs English to be a common language in its country. (Different opinions are welcome.) (设计意图:使学生思考并充分认识英语学习的重要性,巧妙过渡至阅读部分,并激活学生的阅读兴趣)2. While reading (1) Activity 1: Read the QQ to get the main inform

27、ation and fill in the form.PersonJobUse of English in his jobproblem(2) Activity 2: Think and tell your advice to the traffic policeman.(Activity10) He can He should He may He needs to Hed better (3) Activity 3: Read the QQ from Prof. Learning and write down his advice.(Activity10)Suggestion 1: You

28、should try to listen for the important points. Suggestion 2: Dont feel shy to ask them to repeat again.Suggestion 3: You can practice your English by listening to English songs.(设计意图:学会根据要求提供建议,学会快速查找所需信息)3. Post reading: Work in groups of 4. Compare your advice with Prof Learnings and write down th

29、e best advice. Listening: 1. You can ask them to repeat again. 2. Speaking: 1. You may read aloud everyday. 2. Reading: 1. You can remember 2 or 3 new words a day. 2. Writing: 1. You should do more grammar exercises. 2. (设计意图:指导学生合作学习,培养学生协作探究、发现问题、讨论问题、解决问题的能力。通过总结报告,培养学生有条理的归纳分析的能力)Step Three writ

30、ing (12m)1. Work in pairs: talk how you may use English in your future job.2.Individual work:write down your English learning plan.NameFuture jobUse of English in future jobThings I Need to Learn or ImproveMy English learning planStep Four Homework: (1m)1. Copy the words and phrases.2. Write down yo

31、ur presentation on the exercise book.四、板书Unit10 How can I improve my English?Words and expressions:Traffic policeman become more and more importantwork hardimprove English do well in come acrossforeignerask for directionsIts not easy to learn EnglishAdvice:First, you should You dont have to Second,

32、you can Dont Finally, you may You can(第四、五课时)一、教学分析1.教学内容本课时系教材英语1(基础模块 高教版)第十单元第四、五课时,包括Grammar focus and vocabulary practice 两部分。具体内容为情态动词(may ,can ,should, had better ,must)的用法,与谈论英语学习和建议有关的词汇、短语以及巩固练习。2.教学重点、难点(1)教学重点掌握情态动词的用法及巩固与谈论学习相关的词汇、短语。(2)教学难点正确使用情态动词提出建议。二、教学目标1.知识目标(1)语法知识:掌握情态动词:may; m

33、ust,; can; should; had better的用法。(2)词汇知识:巩固落实与英语学习相关的词汇、短语。如:understand; forget; repeat; sentence; remember; practice; improve; be good at; be poor at; write down; guess the meaning; give advice; etc.掌握本课时出现的词汇、短语,如:noisy; reception; the reception desk; take a rest; medicine; take some medicine; tou

34、rist; improve; etc.2.能力目标(1)学生能正确使用情态动词相关的词汇、短语句式。(2)学生能正确使用情态动词提出建议。3.情感目标学生能反思自己的英语学习,能选择有效的英语学习策略。三、教学步骤Step One Lead-in (4m)1. Matching-gamePresent the five sentences for grammar focus on the Bb. Ask students to use them to answer the teachers question. Match the questions with the answers.(1)-I

35、ts raining outside and I have to go out. What can I do?-You may take an umbrella.(2)-I dont know the meaning of the word “reception”. -You can use your dictionary. Well, it means “接待” in Chinese. (3) -I have learned about modal verbs, but I still cant use them correctly. -You should do more exercise

36、s. (4) -Im feeling bad now. I think Im ill. -You need to go to see a doctor. (5) -Im afraid to be outside at night alone. -Youd better go home before dark.(设计意图:在相对真实的情境下输出要学习的语句,使内容富有生活气息,自然引入语法部分呈现新课内容)Step Two Grammar Focus (20m)2. Grammar focus: The teacher helps the Ss compare the use of modal

37、verbs so that students may have a general idea of the usage of them. You may take an umbrella. You can use your dictionary. You should do more exercises. You need to go to see a doctor. Youd better go home before dark.(1) 情态动词后面必须跟动词原形一起作句子的谓语,它们没有人称和数的变化。(2) may, can, should, need to, had better 都可

38、以用于提出建议,但它们的语气逐渐加强,may 与can 表示“可以”;should 表示“应该”;need 表示“需要”; had better 表示“最好”。(设计意图:通过各句间的比较分析,让学生对情态动词的用法有总的概念)3. Read and match. Read the sentences and match the proper advice with the following situations.(Activity13)4. Read and complete: Read the dialogues and fill in the blanks with proper mo

39、dal verbs. (A14)For the above two activities, the teacher had better offer analysis to each dialogue. Make sure that students really understand them.(设计意图:练习加深对各情态动词用法的理解,解析使得理解更具体,为下面的分组活动做好铺垫工作)5. Act and practice: Work in groups. Each group is to imitate some behavior in the following situations.

40、 Other groups give advice to the behavior. The group that gives the most appropriate advice is the winner. The teacher can ask students to offer more situations, such as at the supermarket, at home, in the street, etc. (设计意图:提供接近生活的真实情景,培养学生的发散性思维以及准真实情景交际能力;通过表演、小组竞赛等方式激发学生兴趣,吸引注意力;进一步掌握情态动词,正确使用情态

41、动词提出建议)Step Three Vocabulary Consolidation (20m) 6. Read and match: Make phrases with the words in the boxes. You can use the words more than once . (Activity15)understand the question/the meaning/the word/the text/the sentencewrite a sentence/a word write down the question read a text forget the wo

42、rdask for help repeat the question listen to your question(设计意图:通过词汇组合让学生自然掌握与英语学习相关的词汇)7. Read and choose: Read the sentences and complete the sentences with the words in the box. The first one is given as an example.(Activity16) Try to make students understand these sentences and learn to use them

43、.(设计意图:巩固相关词汇的正确使用,并提供有效的英语学习建议)8. Talk with your partner about learning English, using the words or phrases in the box. (A17)Im good at reading. I cant guess the meaning of the new words. Im poor at writing. I should improve my spoken-English by more practice.I can give some advice on how to learn

44、English. I need to practice English more often.(Students are asked to give sentences as many as possible.)(设计意图:对本课时的重点做个小结,即复习了主题词汇,也巩固了语法;通过讨论,清楚了解自身学习情况,以后能扬长避短,促进学习提高)Step Four Homework (1m)1. Copy the words and phrases three times.2. Create ten sentences about English learning with modal verbs: may, can, should, need, had better四、板书设计You _ an umbrella. understand the questionYou _ your dictionary. write down the word /sentenceYou _ more exercises. rea


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