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1、余热锅炉房基础专项施工方案Cntrctio Schee of HRSG Hal Fondaton编制依据及说明Comlatio Bis n Dscpton 1.1 编制依据 Compilatonbsis 余热锅炉房基础施工图 F681-T03;图纸会审记录;电力建设施工质量验收及评定规程 第部分:土建工程 DL5210.205建筑地基基础工程施工质量验收规范 B5022200混凝土结构工程施工质量验收规范 GB5004221.1 Copiaon basis“ConructioDawngs of RSG Foundatoal”F681-30307;“Recod of ountesign f Dr

2、awin;“QulitAcceptanceandVluatn Code Eecrc wer onstrcion, Setin,Civil Work PartGB5022202“Qity AcceptanceSpeifiaton of BuildinSubgrade and Fundatio Wor”GB5020220“Quality Acceance Specifin ofConcre Sttre WorGB0204-021.2 编制说明1.2 Deripion 1、2#、#余热锅炉基础总体布局相同,结构形式一样,功能也相近,故3个机组基础施工同时考虑,编写在同一方案中; The genera

3、l plalayouts of1#、2#nd HS foundatins e the sa, aswellas estructuresafunctos o three RG otos wrk wil beconsidred in one otctin schm。 余热锅炉基础包括垫层、基础承台、连系梁、短柱等几部分,本方案同时考虑,不另行编制方案; The SG ounatin coversbeddin urse, fodation cusin cap, collectig beamsand shor columsc hch willbe comil in ths scme。 基础与上部框架采

4、用螺栓连接,螺栓及固定架由厂家提供; dopBltsconecingon te oundaion and to frame, th oltsafied fre wille spplied b manufre. 地基处理采用钢筋砼灌注桩,该部分已由打桩公司完成,基础土石方开挖已在工程桩交接前基本完成,本方案中均不再赘述。 Theriore concre cissnpile iused fo sugde rtmnt.Thi jobhs ben fnised pile driviompany,Aearthandstne ecatinfthe foundatonhasbee basialy compe

5、te befre piledrivng,s th in ohr nstrcon bout t in ts scheme again. 2 工程概况 maryof Wrk余热锅炉露天布置,分为1、2#、#基础,分别布置于燃机房区域轴线113、-8、B-4,横向。8,纵向4.4m锅炉基础轴线间相距4.5m。Theoutdoor rragement f HRSGis sprtdb hreepars, 1#, 2an founaton, respecivelyset on th a ineB-41、98andB-3 f GT hal area。The laral leth is 2。8m, longi

6、tdinallength is 47。5。 Te space btweenHRG undaio axi lnes i 48.5m 余热锅炉基础,承台型除了CT-5、CT-6为大体积基础,C14为4个桩基基础,其余均为独立基础9个。基础间采用连系梁连成整体。基础承台底标高-40m。ecshion ap s CT-5 and CT6 a big vlue oundaio, bside tht fromT1 o T4totl uantity f iligfouaini 14, otherreilatd oundnswit1 of h quantityIt islinkeda wholbdy byco

7、llar am amng fonaton。The ottom eevation of undton shion cp s-0m。 基础与上部框架采用螺栓连接,螺栓埋入基础短柱内。基础砼强度等级,垫层C0素混凝土,承台及连系梁0,基础柱段采用4。砼保护层基础50mm,基础梁0mm,其余部位m。钢筋级为HPB235,级为HRB335. The foudationnd opras re nnected byboltswhich are embedde in fondation short clun。 Testegthgrad of cretas llowg: C10 lain concets use

8、 f bdingcurse, C30 or csh cp and connecting beams, C40 for oundation clum ectin。 Te protctie lae of concree, oundation girde andoter plces rspectively ar5mm, 3m ad 30m Sel reinfrmnt gade is HP2,and grde i HR335. 施工程序 ostrutn rocedre。 根据总体进度计划安排,余热锅炉基础施工顺序,总体先施工3#余热锅炉基础,依次再进行2#、1锅炉基础。1#、2、3#施工时可并行、交叉

9、进行。 Acordio e oeral rogr scem of cnstruco,The ontuctio of RSG fudtion sequece is uner hee: irstly costructiofr # HRSG udatin n gnerall, te folowng step i costruction o 2#、#RSG fouatio.Th cnstuctioof thesefounatns an beproesd aeratiel nd arallell.余热锅炉基础分三块区域施工,H6H1.3轴间桩基基础及系梁为第一区域,-5、CT-6大体积基础为第二区域,H

10、1。3轴以南的独立基础为第三区域。It i diedinto 3 areasfor HRSfundatn onstrucion.The pile founationn coeting beam frm xis lin 6oH1。 isregared as frsara,the snd rea s large volume cncrete fonati for T5 an T6, thtd r iioatedfundtion nsouh sitin f axis n H1。3锅炉基础施工程序为:地基验槽垫层支模垫层浇筑C10 承台(或系梁)钢筋绑扎 支模验收浇砼C30养护拆模 回填 施工缝处理

11、螺栓施工 短柱钢筋绑扎支模浇筑砼40养护拆模回填TheHRSGoundaton consrutionsequenceisa followig: nspetion f ondatin susl Frmwork spoing forbeddng corse C10 Concrete pouringfor b ourse teelar bining fo cushio cap (or conntng a) spport frwok necioand ceptance C30 Cnr puig curing demlition of frmrk lling teamentof onstructio j

12、onts Scw blts working seel babiing or short coumn upport forork C cncree princuring rovl of rmwok kfillig.3 主要分项工程施工方法。Man Constrction Methods ubection Wok1、 测量放线1。 Survey and stn ut1主要仪器:水准仪、R-632全站仪、0钢卷尺.1.1 Mi sumnt:Lvel aue, RT-632 totl atio and 50m stel measung tpe。2根据现场原始定位点及锅炉平面布置图,选择合适位置设置控制

13、点,每次定位防线前对控制点进行复核。12 Select proper locatio to se ontrl point acorng o sierial positio an plan lyoutofRSG, rhec thecotro pointprio o locting ansttig 1. 工作流程3Woko:轴线用极坐标法测设。C10素砼垫层施工后,用全站仪从控制点引出,定出基础轴线,并在轴线两端及交叉点用红油漆进行标注。根据轴线确定基础承台、短柱及连系梁边框线。ey and set utthexis lie byolar Crdae Methds。After fiishing C

14、1 plain ncrti for beddin course,st tefounatin axs lne ytota stationfrom ontrol poi nd mark t es of axisline andcrosspt wihe pint。 The framenes ofnation csi cap, sot column and nnetie ane ored ccording o axs ne. 高程用水准仪测量,从控制点引出,先确定出垫层底标高;模板支设加固完成后,在模板四角划出标高线,并用红油漆标识。as the elevatin by egage; fist con

15、im theevatio of bdng urse leaing f ontol point; The levatonlne can mared on thefour orners o ork nd maedi d paint tr cpleti frmork supprting、钢筋工程2。 Stel ReiforemetWrk。 .1原材料2。 aw Materil:本工程所用钢筋均采用大厂的钢材,经监理工程师现场见证取样进行复检,经试验合格后方可使用。ll oftl bs used i tis rjt ou e nufare ylrg tel pln an fina dteminatio

16、nis deend on tengners aprovalafteaeria salin n ualificationonspecto。2。2 钢筋加工:22 Machin oRinrcemen b在钢筋加工场地集中下料,统一配制.配制好的钢筋按进行码垛、保护,使用拖拉机运至锅炉现场绑扎。Unload eel rinfocement intheachinig work sp anddirbuethm ell。Sackingcrtecivemesures st be tkenafterdistrutin of steelbars, adtn ustractors dliver toHRS ie

17、ara for smbling. 严格按照设计图纸及钢筋配料单进行加工成型,其规格、尺寸、质量应满足设计图纸要求。Srictl flow te eig drwing nd stee bar dstributionsettomahine m. Th speciicatio, imsion nd qltyshouldofot the reqireents desgdwing.2。3 钢筋绑扎2. Steel Bar Assembling基础钢筋网绑扎时,四周两行钢筋交叉点应每点扎牢,中间部分的交叉点可相隔交错扎牢,但必须保证受力钢筋不位移。绑扎时注意相邻绑扎点的丝扣要成八字形,以免网片歪斜变形。

18、Te cosssecio poin o to rws el ba mutbetighe wellhenssemble steel bars, tcros sction pontabe fixe agernly, howevr, nonmvment of stee reinfomet must b arrate。Tak notce tha threadconectin nadacen ofthasembling nshould belay-shapedtoavddistortinofeh whie mbling mesh reinfocement. 梁箍筋弯钩应错开绑扎,并保证转角处钢筋绑扎到位

19、。 hestiup hoksfor the beassuldbasembledstggerinly to mak surethesseblin of stel br on crnincorct pae 插筋位置必须准确,采用钢筋井字架定位柱筋,利用承台面钢管双向固定柱插筋,以免造成保护层超标。 positin o stee dolustbecute,the groined stel fra dopt tolae com einorcement, se see pipes on the srface of cshionca t ixc steeldwel in to irectins toevn

20、t frm exceing protev larstndadidex。 钢筋保护层采用水泥砂浆垫块,同一型号垫块加工厚薄应一致。 Tcocrete morar bo i aopted or eel reinrement protecte layer, th hickn osaetp blok shul be i crendnc 3、 模板工程:3。 Forwors。1基础选择胶合木模、方木、三形夹、对拉螺杆及钢管连接、固定支撑。3。1 Pywod, woodblok, trimphic clams,pulbts, eel pesan fxe stays reselec for fouaton。

21、3。2 承台支模时,先拼每面模板,钻出螺杆孔,再合上对角两面模板,穿对拉螺杆,再封另两面模板,在基础模板外四周设钢管横楞、竖楞及斜向支撑进行初步加固、拉线、调直,加固。3。 Whe spprt he formworks of cushio cp, fistaseeeachpiece offowork togethe, rll t blts hole onh fowoks, hen piece on the ormorks n hetw digonal panes, insert pllbolts,hen close the forworks i othe pnes Prelimay fiing

22、, wie plling, straihtei adfiingto atraland lnitudinal sareblksanddiaonal bring shoul be doe all aroundfondtin forwk.3 梁模板支设:先搭设梁底承重架,铺上底模,再封单面模板,钻出螺杆孔,穿好螺杆,螺杆外套VC管,封另一侧模板,设钢管横楞、竖楞,拉线调直并加固。3Supportigo eam forwoks: First se ueari frame of btombam, puo h otm forworks, hencloseoddsi board,drill hle oe b

23、o and srtbo whihas PVCsleeve o it, close the rworks on theor sde,ftr st upleraad longtuial squr bos, t jb of wire ulln, staighenin ad fing can be stare.3。 短柱模板支设:按短柱位置线,先立对角面模板,再穿对拉螺杆,接着封另两面模板,调直加固。4 Suoting shor omn owor: se u diagonal sde fomrks accordg the ocatin ie of shotcoumn, ten insertpul bo

24、ls anclos th er two e formwrs3.5 支模螺杆设置:基础承台高度达1。m,竖向设置道螺杆,横向每隔cm设置一道。短柱横向设置两道螺杆,竖向底部上5cm一道,向上每隔60cm设置一道。3.5 Settig f suortfomwok bols: wen the eleaio of cushon ca apprach 1m, in longitudna diretinset 3rowso ols,in cross direcion tebolts sholdb et ow byr witin spa of60cm。 Forthesho oumn forwors, h b

25、olts sall beset in 2rows, 1 row is on m botomposiion n litudildrection, ad anoher isetrwy ow withispace of 6cm。3 承台及梁顶部两侧模板用钢管对拉时,钢管必须高出承台不少于100m,以便于抹面,确保砼表面平整、光洁.6 Whle pulig withsteelpipe ttwo is fforworks f cushion cap ntop o beam,the elevto of teel pipe must not esstha 1mmo cuhio ca eleato o enu

26、re beter fiising,smothg andcleanig f oncee surface。3.7模板验收合格后,在模板地脚用砂浆嵌缝,防止基础砼出现烂根现象。3。7Afte tequliicton of fowrk cecking daccptanc, fill hjointn thbttom offormwrkwith mortr to gard instany founati concete rohenoenn haein.3.模板拆除后,将对拉螺杆垫块凿除,螺杆割断,用同级配的水泥砂浆补孔。38 Reoetcushion loc of pulling ot andut the

27、 bolt, atr demolitio forws. Fill he bl opening on tormwor wih sme grded ccete mrtar.4、螺栓工程4 BoltWor4. 安装程序:焊角钢立杆测出横杆标高线焊横杆焊斜撑加固在横杆上放出基础螺栓十字线在钢板上画出螺栓十字线-将钢板放在固定架横杆上校正,使两十字线重合,焊牢对准钢板上的螺栓孔安装好螺栓转动螺母调整螺栓顶标高-验收. Eetio rocere: Welgl steel polingSueyte elvaion o cros bar- we crossar weld clned pece-st cros

28、curveofoundan boton coss rk cross ce of bolts n the ste sab pt the tee sa on fxed cross barto hae aligmen,maetoe t cros cve coincid and ld he staby Insertolts into the opeinon the sb crethenuts o adjus bts appracho evaion- ceck and acceae。 4.2螺栓固定架焊接牢固、稳定,保证砼浇筑时螺栓不发生偏移。4。2 fixed suports o bolt shl b

29、eeled tightenedl a stly towarantonhifingof ols during concrete pouing. 3 短柱浇筑完成对露出部分进行保护,具体做法:先用黄油均匀涂刷螺栓头,再套上PVC管,短柱四角用角钢框罩住,框高出PVC管5m左右。 Some rotective easuesshall e taen for te eposed partof short clu, the etaile acini a lowng: brusthe hadof bolt wl disrbutedths,te u PVC leev onit,he for corsof sh

30、ort clumnsoldbe overedbyangle se fame whch is ighr 5c ta VC sleve。 、混凝土工程5、Cncrete Work5。砼采用集中搅拌、砼运输车运输,泵送入模施工工艺。5Costructio predur isconentatd concreeendiginthe mixig staton,delery y cone oeyerandpmg nretin omorks.2采用斜面分层赶浆法施工,一次性浇筑完成.基础短柱砼浇注先行淘浆,以保证底部不出现烂根、蜂窝、麻面等。5. Onetie concte pouingandonretefl

31、attenin layer y ayeroniclied planeetdsae opted inthis scem Firstly fish h job ffterngconcret slurry for sotcolumn foundton torent rom rottng, vs andt5. 砼浇筑分层厚度控制在0000mm,振动棒振捣上一层时,应插入下层50m,以消除层间接缝。插点采用行列式间距00m,以混凝土表面不再显著下沉、不再出现气泡、表面泛出灰浆为准53Cntol cnc poung thckne of ach yer i the range o 3500mm,il vir

32、ating the uppr layer, the vibrator shal binsertedo5mmof lwer aye to eiminae the joiteween ajacnlayers.Kepsae of insert points in cros direction adlonudial diretin o 40mm,te benmar hould b as thestanadtht there aeno paret settlemt,ubles andmrtar。.4施工缝留设:承台施工缝留设于基础承台面,梁施工缝留设于梁长的1/3或23处.处理方法:砼初凝后将施工缝表面

33、的砼凿毛,剔除松动石子及表面浮浆层,然后清理垃圾及钢筋表面的水泥浆及铁锈,下次砼浇筑前先洒水湿润施工缝表面,接着铺一层50mm厚与砼内成分相同的水泥砂浆,然后浇捣砼。5。4 Rervo of nsructinint: the cotuctin joi fcusioncap is set the surcean resrvatn of nstructoint f m slocted on 1/3 r/3 psitionofthwle ba Ttreatmet meh is mentine below: Af iitia stino concrete, csel the ufac of nstuc

34、tiojont, remo th glders ad sluy laye o th ure, and henclean the debrs, sluryand uston the urac ostel eiforemet. Prio t ext cocete urig, werspryinghas obe doneon the face of onstructinoint, nd thenputnelaer (mhcnes)of ceent mrtar whichthe conent ihe sam tooncree。ext step are cret an iati 。5砼浇筑至设计标高后,

35、表面用抹子抹平,在砼终凝前进行二次抹面压光,以闭合收水裂缝。5 As t concree ong reachs t sied elvton,itssrace ill blttened by oa, pevious ofial settig, the secofnishig adflattning ca be tartd o termintewrsinkge oin。 5.6 养护措施:考虑到锅炉基础C5、CT-6承台为大体积基础,砼浇筑后12小时开始用一层塑性薄膜两层麻布进行保温、保湿养护。砼养护时间不少于14天.5。6Crin Masur: Considerng tht HRG founda

36、tion C5and CT-6 arebig vlume foudatins,one laer of lastic fiman to layrs fsack ot houlde pn heatpreservatio and humdity urigi12 hour aferconreepurg。 he priod f oncrete cuing should notless tan 14days。五、 施工进度计划Cosuctio Schele 5。1施工进度计划,详见余热锅炉基础施工进度计划横道图5。 About the etalso Cnstutn Scheule, pleas refrt

37、o“GuntrDrawgof HSFounationonstructioScheue52保证措施:5。SafguardMasures编制一个系统、合理的施工网络计划,精心组织施工,强化施工管理,优化资源配置。Mke u a systematicand easonableontruco netwok schele, nd rgnizeth ntutin ace, stregthenadnsrai o consrutio wor d optiize ditribtinof esue。 积极主动和建设、监理、设计院等单位积极配合,及时解决相关问题,为正常施工创选条件。Hagdand aiv coop

38、eation wit emloer,ngneeig unt ad esign unit, sete the rlevant se in timet creeice cndition or nral costction。周转材料、工具必须能满足施工需要,施工机械设备运行良好,材料数量能满足施工需求Matas and toosmut eisfid he mad f contucion worto mke sue that constrution mechileuipmentcold rk ingood cdtion。 实行合理的进度考核制度,根据工程进度需要,关键工序采取每日两班制。Therasobe pssfeed backyteoldbe ae i teprect,as thedemn f wor progrss,we adopt the wrkingsystem fwo wrng shfts perday in iiian wrkig poceure。 六、资源需求计划Pla


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