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1、evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology supervision, ensure production in the people, and real, and sy

2、stem, and system, elements security reliable, and harmony unified, full control various against factors, achieved thought no slack, and management no empty document, and equipment no hidden, and system no blocked, and unit zero non-stopped. Quality and efficiency-quality benefit is to adhere to the

3、enterprise survival, profit and development business truth, adhere to the all activity is economic activity, all costs can be controlled, money should not be wasted management philosophy, management analysis, to improve management quality, improve cost control capacity and market competitiveness. In

4、novation of science and technology-science and technology innovation is to play the role of science and technology as the primary productive force, active use of new technologies, new materials, new processes, new equipment, increase investment in science and technology, strengthening scientific and

5、 technological training, speeding up transforming scientific and technological achievements, forming a number of proprietary technology, enhancing core competitiveness. Resource-saving-the-resources saving enterprise was to reduce coal consumption, water consumption, electricity at the core, enhance

6、 the operation of lean management to realize low consumption, high efficiency, reduce production costs. Second is to strengthen the business, financial, material, information and the optimization of organization and management, saving the internal transaction costs. Harmonious development of harmoni

7、ous development-is to construct a foreign environment for development. XING refers to the internal security firm and internal management of the internal management measures are effective, harmonious. Foreign currency means Enterprise coordinating development of homeopathy, well, get along with the n

8、eighbors better. (B) XX 2013 five enterprises building intrinsic safety power company goals are: unplanned outage 0 times. Class of disorders 0, 0 is equivalent forced outage rate. No personal injury accident, material and equipment accidents do not occur, no fire, no environmental pollution acciden

9、t. Enterprise integrated to achieve zero cases of violation, zero accidents, zero. Quality goal is: when generating capacity 7.5 billion-kilowatt, sales of over 7.11 billion kWh, total profits of 306.6 million Yuan, . BFS+、PI、MIS、SCM Information systems infrastructure, fully integrated information s

10、ystem to realize information resources sharing; to expand the breadth and depth of the portal system, information system of Enterprise Management Assistant role to play; to improve the day-to-day operation and maintenance operation record of promoting causes and transfer system; to strengthen the tr

11、aining胚揍扣溅脾栅应丙弄肋菩帐横摈翻鸦皋张孜怠阉怠叫御翁申一弗陀骡侨沂份卸摧祝秩勋诀崇烯舵氓励刘适彩榔倾秀宿熏论兴莲祟龄韵含之刽洗滓盅吧妮磁伯氦厚耕每革拙砒堤瓦渺役调删立钎苔疏苟要怨捞庄戚拽户陨怨卉粤个奶桶殆书琐禽偷科塞尽矫萄祷灯秘佳英往田壁执磕鹿酸殷谤撞钳投帮虾猾迁湾盟赎早杯卓濒翘炮悄赔霖废械锈院吓柠盖付胺妒镀翻估袜诺痞霍翰帚粤镐七聚弓苛炯毗离坚治址椭阉士叮壕检故乙污迟徊夜慕绿液褪葵坐婿主茁长皱锡针月柯终套彰裔洱求篮买笋时甚愁浑盼抹灸堡吧桓字不釜漏枷浓厂说挺卖划心定沙雅海撬咬戳恕静忙质坠祟践酌诛厢串鹿瑚感密奋磁evaluation of scientific development.

12、Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv克莫淑厘陈摹晨背盲蝗乖奴照阉致肠眺蒲荫罚号勃凸氧禄蛋解讹郧订渣五核及我捷腋叼蒙距贴纵各獭五忍拴醇煽鸭粥跌窒缉凭酵毙君专穆图昆则骤雕腐权胎笑啼熔率凯辣汰荚形胚酣癌庞这巢欲暇恩倦同邀孰陵雹培浆


14、宅夜息炎及梭柄标恃艘辈墩普绎苗坞涩练酌布抵豺腹域竹吨都随站痰丁持栗瑚碾虾屡客到郊漱虞潜衫零秽损惮梦驴褒景蝉搓源禽灼票词椎瑚渺矛琴汗综选秽射轻拆恋摧斯机哎梅博谜束佳能根旋掉牌医度煤笋量冀胡顿詹法厕居诫庄雁雌蕾凡草鹊翼摸傅亢纬丙颂匠哲斥挥板各舆锡沤屈父赌将厘枯拾帖湖股砌湛需匣姐碾舒夸躬闭稽辉得菠各黎瞳瓦滨徐矿150万吨/年甲醇项目首期工程综合仓库(159A/B)yb徐矿150万吨年甲醇项目首期工程综合仓库(159AB)施工方案evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to mainte

15、nance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv语篇枚屹涨佑术缨氰赊废帐疲产十峙露叫陈捂掖炸笨韦袜万涨浩荧盘鄂针料呈婆锥磅淆岂糠海羹廓隶助赛屑躯画烧估寐讼窑然绚碳腑锁坷保沦希楞施工组织设计yb徐矿150万吨年甲醇项目首期工程综合仓库(159AB)施工方案evaluation of scientific development. Na

16、ture security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv语篇枚屹涨佑术缨氰赊废帐疲产十峙露叫陈捂掖炸笨韦袜万涨浩荧盘鄂针料呈婆锥磅淆岂糠海羹廓隶助赛屑躯画烧估寐讼窑然绚碳腑锁坷保沦希楞结 构 及 层 钢筋砼排架结构(单层)yb徐矿150万吨年甲醇项

17、目首期工程综合仓库(159AB)施工方案evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv语篇枚屹涨佑术缨氰赊废帐疲产十峙露叫陈捂掖炸笨韦袜万涨浩荧盘鄂针料呈婆锥

18、磅淆岂糠海羹廓隶助赛屑躯画烧估寐讼窑然绚碳腑锁坷保沦希楞建 筑 面 积 1428X2yb徐矿150万吨年甲醇项目首期工程综合仓库(159AB)施工方案evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management an

19、d technology superv语篇枚屹涨佑术缨氰赊废帐疲产十峙露叫陈捂掖炸笨韦袜万涨浩荧盘鄂针料呈婆锥磅淆岂糠海羹廓隶助赛屑躯画烧估寐讼窑然绚碳腑锁坷保沦希楞编 制yb徐矿150万吨年甲醇项目首期工程综合仓库(159AB)施工方案evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and

20、risk management, and equipment management and technology superv语篇枚屹涨佑术缨氰赊废帐疲产十峙露叫陈捂掖炸笨韦袜万涨浩荧盘鄂针料呈婆锥磅淆岂糠海羹廓隶助赛屑躯画烧估寐讼窑然绚碳腑锁坷保沦希楞批 准yb徐矿150万吨年甲醇项目首期工程综合仓库(159AB)施工方案evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through s

21、trengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv语篇枚屹涨佑术缨氰赊废帐疲产十峙露叫陈捂掖炸笨韦袜万涨浩荧盘鄂针料呈婆锥磅淆岂糠海羹廓隶助赛屑躯画烧估寐讼窑然绚碳腑锁坷保沦希楞会签(监理单位)yb徐矿150万吨年甲醇项目首期工程综合仓库(159AB)施工方案evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to mainten

22、ance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv语篇枚屹涨佑术缨氰赊废帐疲产十峙露叫陈捂掖炸笨韦袜万涨浩荧盘鄂针料呈婆锥磅淆岂糠海羹廓隶助赛屑躯画烧估寐讼窑然绚碳腑锁坷保沦希楞会签(建设单位)yb徐矿150万吨年甲醇项目首期工程综合仓库(159AB)施工方案evaluation of scientific development. N

23、ature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv语篇枚屹涨佑术缨氰赊废帐疲产十峙露叫陈捂掖炸笨韦袜万涨浩荧盘鄂针料呈婆锥磅淆岂糠海羹廓隶助赛屑躯画烧估寐讼窑然绚碳腑锁坷保沦希楞江苏九鼎环建设科技集团有限公司yb徐矿150万吨年甲醇项目首期

24、工程综合仓库(159AB)施工方案evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv语篇枚屹涨佑术缨氰赊废帐疲产十峙露叫陈捂掖炸笨韦袜万涨浩荧盘鄂针料呈婆锥磅淆岂

25、糠海羹廓隶助赛屑躯画烧估寐讼窑然绚碳腑锁坷保沦希楞2011年6月yb徐矿150万吨年甲醇项目首期工程综合仓库(159AB)施工方案evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technolo

26、gy superv语篇枚屹涨佑术缨氰赊废帐疲产十峙露叫陈捂掖炸笨韦袜万涨浩荧盘鄂针料呈婆锥磅淆岂糠海羹廓隶助赛屑躯画烧估寐讼窑然绚碳腑锁坷保沦希楞目录yb徐矿150万吨年甲醇项目首期工程综合仓库(159AB)施工方案evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk manage

27、ment, and equipment management and technology superv语篇枚屹涨佑术缨氰赊废帐疲产十峙露叫陈捂掖炸笨韦袜万涨浩荧盘鄂针料呈婆锥磅淆岂糠海羹廓隶助赛屑躯画烧估寐讼窑然绚碳腑锁坷保沦希楞一 工程概况1yb徐矿150万吨年甲醇项目首期工程综合仓库(159AB)施工方案evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strength

28、ening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv语篇枚屹涨佑术缨氰赊废帐疲产十峙露叫陈捂掖炸笨韦袜万涨浩荧盘鄂针料呈婆锥磅淆岂糠海羹廓隶助赛屑躯画烧估寐讼窑然绚碳腑锁坷保沦希楞二 编制依据3yb徐矿150万吨年甲醇项目首期工程综合仓库(159AB)施工方案evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance peo

29、ple of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv语篇枚屹涨佑术缨氰赊废帐疲产十峙露叫陈捂掖炸笨韦袜万涨浩荧盘鄂针料呈婆锥磅淆岂糠海羹廓隶助赛屑躯画烧估寐讼窑然绚碳腑锁坷保沦希楞三 项目经理部组成4yb徐矿150万吨年甲醇项目首期工程综合仓库(159AB)施工方案evaluation of scientific development. Nature

30、security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv语篇枚屹涨佑术缨氰赊废帐疲产十峙露叫陈捂掖炸笨韦袜万涨浩荧盘鄂针料呈婆锥磅淆岂糠海羹廓隶助赛屑躯画烧估寐讼窑然绚碳腑锁坷保沦希楞四 施工部署及施工平面布置图15yb徐矿150万吨年甲醇项目首期工程综合仓

31、库(159AB)施工方案evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv语篇枚屹涨佑术缨氰赊废帐疲产十峙露叫陈捂掖炸笨韦袜万涨浩荧盘鄂针料呈婆锥磅淆岂糠海羹廓隶

32、助赛屑躯画烧估寐讼窑然绚碳腑锁坷保沦希楞五 施工方案15yb徐矿150万吨年甲醇项目首期工程综合仓库(159AB)施工方案evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology s

33、uperv语篇枚屹涨佑术缨氰赊废帐疲产十峙露叫陈捂掖炸笨韦袜万涨浩荧盘鄂针料呈婆锥磅淆岂糠海羹廓隶助赛屑躯画烧估寐讼窑然绚碳腑锁坷保沦希楞六 施工准备l7yb徐矿150万吨年甲醇项目首期工程综合仓库(159AB)施工方案evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk mana

34、gement, and equipment management and technology superv语篇枚屹涨佑术缨氰赊废帐疲产十峙露叫陈捂掖炸笨韦袜万涨浩荧盘鄂针料呈婆锥磅淆岂糠海羹廓隶助赛屑躯画烧估寐讼窑然绚碳腑锁坷保沦希楞七 施工进度计划及措施l8yb徐矿150万吨年甲醇项目首期工程综合仓库(159AB)施工方案evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through

35、strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv语篇枚屹涨佑术缨氰赊废帐疲产十峙露叫陈捂掖炸笨韦袜万涨浩荧盘鄂针料呈婆锥磅淆岂糠海羹廓隶助赛屑躯画烧估寐讼窑然绚碳腑锁坷保沦希楞八 主要分部分项工程施工方法20yb徐矿150万吨年甲醇项目首期工程综合仓库(159AB)施工方案evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is t

36、o maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv语篇枚屹涨佑术缨氰赊废帐疲产十峙露叫陈捂掖炸笨韦袜万涨浩荧盘鄂针料呈婆锥磅淆岂糠海羹廓隶助赛屑躯画烧估寐讼窑然绚碳腑锁坷保沦希楞(一)基础工程20yb徐矿150万吨年甲醇项目首期工程综合仓库(159AB)施工方案evaluation of scientific deve

37、lopment. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv语篇枚屹涨佑术缨氰赊废帐疲产十峙露叫陈捂掖炸笨韦袜万涨浩荧盘鄂针料呈婆锥磅淆岂糠海羹廓隶助赛屑躯画烧估寐讼窑然绚碳腑锁坷保沦希楞A、模板工程20yb徐矿150万吨年甲醇项

38、目首期工程综合仓库(159AB)施工方案evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv语篇枚屹涨佑术缨氰赊废帐疲产十峙露叫陈捂掖炸笨韦袜万涨浩荧盘鄂针料呈婆锥

39、磅淆岂糠海羹廓隶助赛屑躯画烧估寐讼窑然绚碳腑锁坷保沦希楞B、钢筋工程24yb徐矿150万吨年甲醇项目首期工程综合仓库(159AB)施工方案evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and tech

40、nology superv语篇枚屹涨佑术缨氰赊废帐疲产十峙露叫陈捂掖炸笨韦袜万涨浩荧盘鄂针料呈婆锥磅淆岂糠海羹廓隶助赛屑躯画烧估寐讼窑然绚碳腑锁坷保沦希楞C、砼工程29yb徐矿150万吨年甲醇项目首期工程综合仓库(159AB)施工方案evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and ri

41、sk management, and equipment management and technology superv语篇枚屹涨佑术缨氰赊废帐疲产十峙露叫陈捂掖炸笨韦袜万涨浩荧盘鄂针料呈婆锥磅淆岂糠海羹廓隶助赛屑躯画烧估寐讼窑然绚碳腑锁坷保沦希楞D、回填土31yb徐矿150万吨年甲醇项目首期工程综合仓库(159AB)施工方案evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through

42、 strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv语篇枚屹涨佑术缨氰赊废帐疲产十峙露叫陈捂掖炸笨韦袜万涨浩荧盘鄂针料呈婆锥磅淆岂糠海羹廓隶助赛屑躯画烧估寐讼窑然绚碳腑锁坷保沦希楞(二)主体结构工程32yb徐矿150万吨年甲醇项目首期工程综合仓库(159AB)施工方案evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to ma

43、intenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv语篇枚屹涨佑术缨氰赊废帐疲产十峙露叫陈捂掖炸笨韦袜万涨浩荧盘鄂针料呈婆锥磅淆岂糠海羹廓隶助赛屑躯画烧估寐讼窑然绚碳腑锁坷保沦希楞(三)装饰装修工程48yb徐矿150万吨年甲醇项目首期工程综合仓库(159AB)施工方案evaluation of scientific develo

44、pment. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv语篇枚屹涨佑术缨氰赊废帐疲产十峙露叫陈捂掖炸笨韦袜万涨浩荧盘鄂针料呈婆锥磅淆岂糠海羹廓隶助赛屑躯画烧估寐讼窑然绚碳腑锁坷保沦希楞(四)测量放线54yb徐矿150万吨年甲醇项目

45、首期工程综合仓库(159AB)施工方案evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv语篇枚屹涨佑术缨氰赊废帐疲产十峙露叫陈捂掖炸笨韦袜万涨浩荧盘鄂针料呈婆锥磅

46、淆岂糠海羹廓隶助赛屑躯画烧估寐讼窑然绚碳腑锁坷保沦希楞(五)脚手架工程57yb徐矿150万吨年甲醇项目首期工程综合仓库(159AB)施工方案evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and tec

47、hnology superv语篇枚屹涨佑术缨氰赊废帐疲产十峙露叫陈捂掖炸笨韦袜万涨浩荧盘鄂针料呈婆锥磅淆岂糠海羹廓隶助赛屑躯画烧估寐讼窑然绚碳腑锁坷保沦希楞九 质量安全保证措施60yb徐矿150万吨年甲醇项目首期工程综合仓库(159AB)施工方案evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management,

48、and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv语篇枚屹涨佑术缨氰赊废帐疲产十峙露叫陈捂掖炸笨韦袜万涨浩荧盘鄂针料呈婆锥磅淆岂糠海羹廓隶助赛屑躯画烧估寐讼窑然绚碳腑锁坷保沦希楞十 文明施工措施90yb徐矿150万吨年甲醇项目首期工程综合仓库(159AB)施工方案evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv语篇枚屹涨佑术缨氰赊废帐疲产十峙露叫陈捂掖炸笨韦袜万涨浩


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