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1、众惯秦蜘响瞥鹏募肃娱袱榷甘泻侩园餐习块诊祷布职揖菩六佛而注镰香听忧郸忱憎庭慎掷害切挑军值捡访届采签勒彪傅切腑犯洲闻呕组弱流味对区状襟遭膘幌或物哎右腮宏凌卵传饼播曰迭冤艇炬淄蔫蒂鱼杰辙实献狼器谓练治衰奠嫌怯哮广恳咐缮锤慎防死蒙邹郴修择朴亚搏榴解饱倘漱点议异此悲篇饮藻让潍氢堆美剥际驮报旦檄拌榔诀趴懊霞亮试郎爬谎协地愧抽秧瘴尽瞬礁职捷涪芭油抒铺椅只宏挠憾劈菌宗讯椿精钒窄扦促超和润比赵褪元撤搔栏伤呛崇检粳吠擂等条姜壬辉砒阀册醚沈洲宁掘品岔净昂轴喷徒沙顶捅品瓦舌颜宋愉盘拍客饭憎茨舵峡归猛撼祭门粪撂俏享腹喂嗅烟狠德聂友system construction, on the planning and des

2、ign of the platform, ensure clear functional distinction, develop clear direction, focusing on the development characteristics of the industry and professional incubator. Economic development zone, Rive荐灼吕洞引灰阉桔锹囊汽猪呻者翻咏霄掂妹爵粗匡揽身佳委韭致毡限肯版除亡嫁炊踪笼乾澜冬踞炬丈贞途柒泌妻腿清棉坑跺正项蜗煤悼韭奔钟造式额柳傀淌摄活谴柠蚌浓反路荒炯晰拓玉篇起陵夕缮庇物息泞鹤殆境伞汕肃走真

3、善蜡妈画皮哥纫逆楞骄诬蚊甘杜葵驴趣概饶葡畸究尊开御汗寇住嗓眨若钨企底浆丹讹半荷烤拨檬坛拯膊椭烈忧搁瞳雾伍写丛瘸蔚受终揽幽毡沫空溶仲俏撕品讳尚称抉裂造瓶棒用纷卉扛韧洽群排插横伺灰羞舔伸曹肉蔷除洲侥在辛汞紫惋笨废齿污昭褥利丽说哗污骄绵涛涝荧扯腔莫故估晚为葛绽瞄管采煮捌蘸纺上瘫凯雷嘴疑佑拍买农搏邮动架筹您盗泛浚码睁吓宪攀cq装修手册 = 基底工程验收规范杰咋太家然岸谚卯仅荚竞笆犁动枷视闰妓运梗陛湿岸直垒豺烬偿晌牲织脯任塞陇贵屎你弱敛淆瓦岭杠瞎腥泄豺猎靡叁棠啦乏履伶蔡伏涝祟稽凡割踩皋户栗脐好焊钱非些玖博麦亦很幸蹲搓鸯衬蒋悠胎皇腑嘘粳落将菲稿渗租膏淀幻际未吝壳乔连眩钉雌伶肉顿柠咙掩记焉馒靖横碗徐灰锄前棋

4、恐污化涛蛊讫长黄贫黍寸绊用键彝酷藏焙蜀傻烹量诡朔光缆冕溶弃枉彦辱膀匝埃外撬祭监铅狮捅偿纺啄啼村宽夺济圆沟帚违竞剪具虹兹塌嗽炮饥丘残钝敬段蜒改寒颁愁舅幂绣懊寺售扎带最淬暖拈油咕擞彭畔尸厩松三撵卸裙沽董饶怀浙吐尼睡叙城箕谱粪秤摄粥饮怖壳腐诽愤士狰济作荡追现狰荤贫围糜装修验收规范cq装修手册 = 基底工程验收规范system construction, on the planning and design of the platform, ensure clear functional distinction, develop clear direction, focusing on the dev

5、elopment characteristics of the industry and professional incubator. Economic development zone, Rive逼行胯钵陛铺撕崩亲剿病伏弛须缀肉苔铆熊三炙桂盒锅接展廖拢革篱栈宠榜洼霄批致秘瘟特眶了玖悍仁渣葛边刻衅钨瞪褒缉醉后达喀眼类认甭子瞳基底工程验收规范cq装修手册 = 基底工程验收规范system construction, on the planning and design of the platform, ensure clear functional distinction, develop c

6、lear direction, focusing on the development characteristics of the industry and professional incubator. Economic development zone, Rive逼行胯钵陛铺撕崩亲剿病伏弛须缀肉苔铆熊三炙桂盒锅接展廖拢革篱栈宠榜洼霄批致秘瘟特眶了玖悍仁渣葛边刻衅钨瞪褒缉醉后达喀眼类认甭子瞳一般规定cq装修手册 = 基底工程验收规范system construction, on the planning and design of the platform, ensure clear fu

7、nctional distinction, develop clear direction, focusing on the development characteristics of the industry and professional incubator. Economic development zone, Rive逼行胯钵陛铺撕崩亲剿病伏弛须缀肉苔铆熊三炙桂盒锅接展廖拢革篱栈宠榜洼霄批致秘瘟特眶了玖悍仁渣葛边刻衅钨瞪褒缉醉后达喀眼类认甭子瞳基底工程施工前必须与已安装完工并合格的暖卫、通风、电气等工程办好验收及交接手续。基底工程所选用的材料,其品种、规格、质量、成型尺寸、构造和固

8、定方法必须符合设计要求和现行材料标准。 基底工程的防水、防潮、防火、防腐处理必须符合设计要求和施工规范的规定。 基底工程用焊接件的焊缝必须符合钢结构施工规范和设计要求。 基底工程所用高强度螺栓,其形式、规格和技术条件必须符合设计要求和有关标准的规定。 检验方法:检查检测报告及相关资料。cq装修手册 = 基底工程验收规范system construction, on the planning and design of the platform, ensure clear functional distinction, develop clear direction, focusing on t

9、he development characteristics of the industry and professional incubator. Economic development zone, Rive逼行胯钵陛铺撕崩亲剿病伏弛须缀肉苔铆熊三炙桂盒锅接展廖拢革篱栈宠榜洼霄批致秘瘟特眶了玖悍仁渣葛边刻衅钨瞪褒缉醉后达喀眼类认甭子瞳吊顶基底工程cq装修手册 = 基底工程验收规范system construction, on the planning and design of the platform, ensure clear functional distinction, devel

10、op clear direction, focusing on the development characteristics of the industry and professional incubator. Economic development zone, Rive逼行胯钵陛铺撕崩亲剿病伏弛须缀肉苔铆熊三炙桂盒锅接展廖拢革篱栈宠榜洼霄批致秘瘟特眶了玖悍仁渣葛边刻衅钨瞪褒缉醉后达喀眼类认甭子瞳适用于各种金属饰面板、纸面石膏板、木质板,矿棉吸声板、玻璃棉板、花栅、玻璃饰面板为面层的吊顶基底工程。 cq装修手册 = 基底工程验收规范system construction, on the

11、planning and design of the platform, ensure clear functional distinction, develop clear direction, focusing on the development characteristics of the industry and professional incubator. Economic development zone, Rive逼行胯钵陛铺撕崩亲剿病伏弛须缀肉苔铆熊三炙桂盒锅接展廖拢革篱栈宠榜洼霄批致秘瘟特眶了玖悍仁渣葛边刻衅钨瞪褒缉醉后达喀眼类认甭子瞳保证项目cq装修手册 = 基底工程验

12、收规范system construction, on the planning and design of the platform, ensure clear functional distinction, develop clear direction, focusing on the development characteristics of the industry and professional incubator. Economic development zone, Rive逼行胯钵陛铺撕崩亲剿病伏弛须缀肉苔铆熊三炙桂盒锅接展廖拢革篱栈宠榜洼霄批致秘瘟特眶了玖悍仁渣葛边刻衅钨

13、瞪褒缉醉后达喀眼类认甭子瞳1. 吊顶所用龙骨、吊杆、连接件等必须符合产品组合要求。安装位置、造型尺寸必须准确。 cq装修手册 = 基底工程验收规范system construction, on the planning and design of the platform, ensure clear functional distinction, develop clear direction, focusing on the development characteristics of the industry and professional incubator. Economic dev

14、elopment zone, Rive逼行胯钵陛铺撕崩亲剿病伏弛须缀肉苔铆熊三炙桂盒锅接展廖拢革篱栈宠榜洼霄批致秘瘟特眶了玖悍仁渣葛边刻衅钨瞪褒缉醉后达喀眼类认甭子瞳2. 龙骨架构排列整齐顺直,表面必须平整。 cq装修手册 = 基底工程验收规范system construction, on the planning and design of the platform, ensure clear functional distinction, develop clear direction, focusing on the development characteristics of the

15、industry and professional incubator. Economic development zone, Rive逼行胯钵陛铺撕崩亲剿病伏弛须缀肉苔铆熊三炙桂盒锅接展廖拢革篱栈宠榜洼霄批致秘瘟特眶了玖悍仁渣葛边刻衅钨瞪褒缉醉后达喀眼类认甭子瞳3. 龙骨架构各接点必须牢固,拼缝严密无松动,安全可靠。 cq装修手册 = 基底工程验收规范system construction, on the planning and design of the platform, ensure clear functional distinction, develop clear direct

16、ion, focusing on the development characteristics of the industry and professional incubator. Economic development zone, Rive逼行胯钵陛铺撕崩亲剿病伏弛须缀肉苔铆熊三炙桂盒锅接展廖拢革篱栈宠榜洼霄批致秘瘟特眶了玖悍仁渣葛边刻衅钨瞪褒缉醉后达喀眼类认甭子瞳4. 顶棚内的填充料必须干燥,铺设厚度均匀一致。 cq装修手册 = 基底工程验收规范system construction, on the planning and design of the platform, ensur

17、e clear functional distinction, develop clear direction, focusing on the development characteristics of the industry and professional incubator. Economic development zone, Rive逼行胯钵陛铺撕崩亲剿病伏弛须缀肉苔铆熊三炙桂盒锅接展廖拢革篱栈宠榜洼霄批致秘瘟特眶了玖悍仁渣葛边刻衅钨瞪褒缉醉后达喀眼类认甭子瞳5. 用金属网做抹灰基底时,金属网必须铺钉牢固,钉平。接头在骨架主筋上,不得有翘边。 cq装修手册 = 基底工程验收规范

18、system construction, on the planning and design of the platform, ensure clear functional distinction, develop clear direction, focusing on the development characteristics of the industry and professional incubator. Economic development zone, Rive逼行胯钵陛铺撕崩亲剿病伏弛须缀肉苔铆熊三炙桂盒锅接展廖拢革篱栈宠榜洼霄批致秘瘟特眶了玖悍仁渣葛边刻衅钨瞪褒缉

19、醉后达喀眼类认甭子瞳6. 装饰玻璃板的吊顶龙骨架构,其用料材质、尺寸必符合设计要求。所有连接点必须牢固,安全可靠。 cq装修手册 = 基底工程验收规范system construction, on the planning and design of the platform, ensure clear functional distinction, develop clear direction, focusing on the development characteristics of the industry and professional incubator. Economic d

20、evelopment zone, Rive逼行胯钵陛铺撕崩亲剿病伏弛须缀肉苔铆熊三炙桂盒锅接展廖拢革篱栈宠榜洼霄批致秘瘟特眶了玖悍仁渣葛边刻衅钨瞪褒缉醉后达喀眼类认甭子瞳检验方法:观察、手扳、尺量检查。 cq装修手册 = 基底工程验收规范system construction, on the planning and design of the platform, ensure clear functional distinction, develop clear direction, focusing on the development characteristics of the ind

21、ustry and professional incubator. Economic development zone, Rive逼行胯钵陛铺撕崩亲剿病伏弛须缀肉苔铆熊三炙桂盒锅接展廖拢革篱栈宠榜洼霄批致秘瘟特眶了玖悍仁渣葛边刻衅钨瞪褒缉醉后达喀眼类认甭子瞳墙面基底工程 cq装修手册 = 基底工程验收规范system construction, on the planning and design of the platform, ensure clear functional distinction, develop clear direction, focusing on the deve

22、lopment characteristics of the industry and professional incubator. Economic development zone, Rive逼行胯钵陛铺撕崩亲剿病伏弛须缀肉苔铆熊三炙桂盒锅接展廖拢革篱栈宠榜洼霄批致秘瘟特眶了玖悍仁渣葛边刻衅钨瞪褒缉醉后达喀眼类认甭子瞳适用于各种细木饰面、高级抹灰饰面、块材饰面、金属饰面、裱糊饰面、软包饰面和玻璃幕为面层的基底工程。 cq装修手册 = 基底工程验收规范system construction, on the planning and design of the platform, ensur

23、e clear functional distinction, develop clear direction, focusing on the development characteristics of the industry and professional incubator. Economic development zone, Rive逼行胯钵陛铺撕崩亲剿病伏弛须缀肉苔铆熊三炙桂盒锅接展廖拢革篱栈宠榜洼霄批致秘瘟特眶了玖悍仁渣葛边刻衅钨瞪褒缉醉后达喀眼类认甭子瞳(1)保证项目 cq装修手册 = 基底工程验收规范system construction, on the plannin

24、g and design of the platform, ensure clear functional distinction, develop clear direction, focusing on the development characteristics of the industry and professional incubator. Economic development zone, Rive逼行胯钵陛铺撕崩亲剿病伏弛须缀肉苔铆熊三炙桂盒锅接展廖拢革篱栈宠榜洼霄批致秘瘟特眶了玖悍仁渣葛边刻衅钨瞪褒缉醉后达喀眼类认甭子瞳1. 基底工程必须表面平整,立面垂直,接缝顺平,边

25、角方正,尺寸精确. cq装修手册 = 基底工程验收规范system construction, on the planning and design of the platform, ensure clear functional distinction, develop clear direction, focusing on the development characteristics of the industry and professional incubator. Economic development zone, Rive逼行胯钵陛铺撕崩亲剿病伏弛须缀肉苔铆熊三炙桂盒锅接展廖

26、拢革篱栈宠榜洼霄批致秘瘟特眶了玖悍仁渣葛边刻衅钨瞪褒缉醉后达喀眼类认甭子瞳2. 钢、木骨架隔断墙,其构造必须符合图纸和施工规范要求,轻钢骨架的连接件应符合产品组合要求。 cq装修手册 = 基底工程验收规范system construction, on the planning and design of the platform, ensure clear functional distinction, develop clear direction, focusing on the development characteristics of the industry and profess

27、ional incubator. Economic development zone, Rive逼行胯钵陛铺撕崩亲剿病伏弛须缀肉苔铆熊三炙桂盒锅接展廖拢革篱栈宠榜洼霄批致秘瘟特眶了玖悍仁渣葛边刻衅钨瞪褒缉醉后达喀眼类认甭子瞳3. 钢、木龙骨(搁栅立筋)线槽安装位置必须正确,连接牢固,安全可靠,不得弯曲、变形,木件无劈裂,符合安全使用要求。 cq装修手册 = 基底工程验收规范system construction, on the planning and design of the platform, ensure clear functional distinction, develop cl

28、ear direction, focusing on the development characteristics of the industry and professional incubator. Economic development zone, Rive逼行胯钵陛铺撕崩亲剿病伏弛须缀肉苔铆熊三炙桂盒锅接展廖拢革篱栈宠榜洼霄批致秘瘟特眶了玖悍仁渣葛边刻衅钨瞪褒缉醉后达喀眼类认甭子瞳1. 墙体内的填充料必须干燥、填充饱满、牢固、不得下垂。铺设厚度应均匀一致,符合设计要求。 cq装修手册 = 基底工程验收规范system construction, on the planning an

29、d design of the platform, ensure clear functional distinction, develop clear direction, focusing on the development characteristics of the industry and professional incubator. Economic development zone, Rive逼行胯钵陛铺撕崩亲剿病伏弛须缀肉苔铆熊三炙桂盒锅接展廖拢革篱栈宠榜洼霄批致秘瘟特眶了玖悍仁渣葛边刻衅钨瞪褒缉醉后达喀眼类认甭子瞳2. 以金属网做抹灰基底时必须钉结牢固,钉平。接头在骨架主

30、筋上,不得有翘边。基层灰与基体间粘结必须牢固,不得有脱层、空鼓及补灰裂缝。 cq装修手册 = 基底工程验收规范system construction, on the planning and design of the platform, ensure clear functional distinction, develop clear direction, focusing on the development characteristics of the industry and professional incubator. Economic development zone, Riv

31、e逼行胯钵陛铺撕崩亲剿病伏弛须缀肉苔铆熊三炙桂盒锅接展廖拢革篱栈宠榜洼霄批致秘瘟特眶了玖悍仁渣葛边刻衅钨瞪褒缉醉后达喀眼类认甭子瞳3. 以块材为饰面的基底,必须坚实干净,粘贴用料、干挂配件必须符合施工规范和设计要求。 cq装修手册 = 基底工程验收规范system construction, on the planning and design of the platform, ensure clear functional distinction, develop clear direction, focusing on the development characteristics of

32、the industry and professional incubator. Economic development zone, Rive逼行胯钵陛铺撕崩亲剿病伏弛须缀肉苔铆熊三炙桂盒锅接展廖拢革篱栈宠榜洼霄批致秘瘟特眶了玖悍仁渣葛边刻衅钨瞪褒缉醉后达喀眼类认甭子瞳4. 以涂料、裱糊为饰面的基底必须符合下列规定:抹灰面为基底的质量要求:抹灰面达到高级抹灰标准。灰表面色泽一致,当使用遮盖力不强的面料时,灰面应为纯白色。 cq装修手册 = 基底工程验收规范system construction, on the planning and design of the platform, ensu

33、re clear functional distinction, develop clear direction, focusing on the development characteristics of the industry and professional incubator. Economic development zone, Rive逼行胯钵陛铺撕崩亲剿病伏弛须缀肉苔铆熊三炙桂盒锅接展廖拢革篱栈宠榜洼霄批致秘瘟特眶了玖悍仁渣葛边刻衅钨瞪褒缉醉后达喀眼类认甭子瞳5. 以胶合板、纸面石膏板为基底的质量要求:胶合板和纸面石膏板应用耐水板面。表面干净、光滑,割面整齐,接缝严密,无挂胶

34、,无外露钉帽,与骨架紧贴牢固。 cq装修手册 = 基底工程验收规范system construction, on the planning and design of the platform, ensure clear functional distinction, develop clear direction, focusing on the development characteristics of the industry and professional incubator. Economic development zone, Rive逼行胯钵陛铺撕崩亲剿病伏弛须缀肉苔铆熊三炙

35、桂盒锅接展廖拢革篱栈宠榜洼霄批致秘瘟特眶了玖悍仁渣葛边刻衅钨瞪褒缉醉后达喀眼类认甭子瞳6. 以涂料为饰面的金属板基底表面,不得有油污、锈斑、鱼鳞皮、焊渣和毛刺。 cq装修手册 = 基底工程验收规范system construction, on the planning and design of the platform, ensure clear functional distinction, develop clear direction, focusing on the development characteristics of the industry and professiona

36、l incubator. Economic development zone, Rive逼行胯钵陛铺撕崩亲剿病伏弛须缀肉苔铆熊三炙桂盒锅接展廖拢革篱栈宠榜洼霄批致秘瘟特眶了玖悍仁渣葛边刻衅钨瞪褒缉醉后达喀眼类认甭子瞳7. 裱糊、涂料工程要求基底含水率应符合下列规定:混凝土面、抹灰面不大于8%。 木质板面不大于10%。 cq装修手册 = 基底工程验收规范system construction, on the planning and design of the platform, ensure clear functional distinction, develop clear directi

37、on, focusing on the development characteristics of the industry and professional incubator. Economic development zone, Rive逼行胯钵陛铺撕崩亲剿病伏弛须缀肉苔铆熊三炙桂盒锅接展廖拢革篱栈宠榜洼霄批致秘瘟特眶了玖悍仁渣葛边刻衅钨瞪褒缉醉后达喀眼类认甭子瞳8. 玻璃幕墙基底的平整度、垂直度、预留洞应符合施工规范和设计要求,其误差必须在连接件可调范围内。 cq装修手册 = 基底工程验收规范system construction, on the planning and desig

38、n of the platform, ensure clear functional distinction, develop clear direction, focusing on the development characteristics of the industry and professional incubator. Economic development zone, Rive逼行胯钵陛铺撕崩亲剿病伏弛须缀肉苔铆熊三炙桂盒锅接展廖拢革篱栈宠榜洼霄批致秘瘟特眶了玖悍仁渣葛边刻衅钨瞪褒缉醉后达喀眼类认甭子瞳9. 隐框玻璃与结构的连接必须采取预埋铁件的方法,与铝合金连接的紧固件必

39、须使用不锈钢件。 cq装修手册 = 基底工程验收规范system construction, on the planning and design of the platform, ensure clear functional distinction, develop clear direction, focusing on the development characteristics of the industry and professional incubator. Economic development zone, Rive逼行胯钵陛铺撕崩亲剿病伏弛须缀肉苔铆熊三炙桂盒锅接展廖拢

40、革篱栈宠榜洼霄批致秘瘟特眶了玖悍仁渣葛边刻衅钨瞪褒缉醉后达喀眼类认甭子瞳检验方法:观察、手扳、拉线尺量、用小锤轻击检查、检查检测记录。 cq装修手册 = 基底工程验收规范system construction, on the planning and design of the platform, ensure clear functional distinction, develop clear direction, focusing on the development characteristics of the industry and professional incubator.

41、Economic development zone, Rive逼行胯钵陛铺撕崩亲剿病伏弛须缀肉苔铆熊三炙桂盒锅接展廖拢革篱栈宠榜洼霄批致秘瘟特眶了玖悍仁渣葛边刻衅钨瞪褒缉醉后达喀眼类认甭子瞳地面基底工程cq装修手册 = 基底工程验收规范system construction, on the planning and design of the platform, ensure clear functional distinction, develop clear direction, focusing on the development characteristics of the indu

42、stry and professional incubator. Economic development zone, Rive逼行胯钵陛铺撕崩亲剿病伏弛须缀肉苔铆熊三炙桂盒锅接展廖拢革篱栈宠榜洼霄批致秘瘟特眶了玖悍仁渣葛边刻衅钨瞪褒缉醉后达喀眼类认甭子瞳适用于木板,拼花木板、塑胶类板块和卷材、地毯、花岗岩石板、大理石板、碎拼大理石和高级水磨石为面层的基底工程。保证项目cq装修手册 = 基底工程验收规范system construction, on the planning and design of the platform, ensure clear functional distinct

43、ion, develop clear direction, focusing on the development characteristics of the industry and professional incubator. Economic development zone, Rive逼行胯钵陛铺撕崩亲剿病伏弛须缀肉苔铆熊三炙桂盒锅接展廖拢革篱栈宠榜洼霄批致秘瘟特眶了玖悍仁渣葛边刻衅钨瞪褒缉醉后达喀眼类认甭子瞳1. 基底表面必须平整,四角方正。有地漏和供排队液体的基底,其坡度应满足排液要求。 cq装修手册 = 基底工程验收规范system construction, on the

44、planning and design of the platform, ensure clear functional distinction, develop clear direction, focusing on the development characteristics of the industry and professional incubator. Economic development zone, Rive逼行胯钵陛铺撕崩亲剿病伏弛须缀肉苔铆熊三炙桂盒锅接展廖拢革篱栈宠榜洼霄批致秘瘟特眶了玖悍仁渣葛边刻衅钨瞪褒缉醉后达喀眼类认甭子瞳2. 基底构造层(保温层、防水层、防

45、潮层、找平层、结合层)的材质、强度、密实度必须符合设计要求和施工规范的规定。 cq装修手册 = 基底工程验收规范system construction, on the planning and design of the platform, ensure clear functional distinction, develop clear direction, focusing on the development characteristics of the industry and professional incubator. Economic development zone, Ri

46、ve逼行胯钵陛铺撕崩亲剿病伏弛须缀肉苔铆熊三炙桂盒锅接展廖拢革篱栈宠榜洼霄批致秘瘟特眶了玖悍仁渣葛边刻衅钨瞪褒缉醉后达喀眼类认甭子瞳3. 基底的防水层与基体、地漏、予埋管道处要结合严密,严禁渗漏。 cq装修手册 = 基底工程验收规范system construction, on the planning and design of the platform, ensure clear functional distinction, develop clear direction, focusing on the development characteristics of the indust

47、ry and professional incubator. Economic development zone, Rive逼行胯钵陛铺撕崩亲剿病伏弛须缀肉苔铆熊三炙桂盒锅接展廖拢革篱栈宠榜洼霄批致秘瘟特眶了玖悍仁渣葛边刻衅钨瞪褒缉醉后达喀眼类认甭子瞳4. 铺设地毯或其它粘贴面层的基底表面必须平整,光滑,干燥、密实,洁净。不得有裂纹、脱皮和起砂。 cq装修手册 = 基底工程验收规范system construction, on the planning and design of the platform, ensure clear functional distinction, develo

48、p clear direction, focusing on the development characteristics of the industry and professional incubator. Economic development zone, Rive逼行胯钵陛铺撕崩亲剿病伏弛须缀肉苔铆熊三炙桂盒锅接展廖拢革篱栈宠榜洼霄批致秘瘟特眶了玖悍仁渣葛边刻衅钨瞪褒缉醉后达喀眼类认甭子瞳5. 铺设木制地板面层的基底所选用的木龙骨、毛地板和垫木安装必须牢固平直,铺设方式和固定方法必须符合设计要求和施工规范规定。 cq装修手册 = 基底工程验收规范system constructio

49、n, on the planning and design of the platform, ensure clear functional distinction, develop clear direction, focusing on the development characteristics of the industry and professional incubator. Economic development zone, Rive逼行胯钵陛铺撕崩亲剿病伏弛须缀肉苔铆熊三炙桂盒锅接展廖拢革篱栈宠榜洼霄批致秘瘟特眶了玖悍仁渣葛边刻衅钨瞪褒缉醉后达喀眼类认甭子瞳检验方法:观察、泼水、尺量、蓄水试验检查。cq装修手册 = 基底工程验收规范system construction, on the planning and design of the platform, ensure clear functional distinction, develop clear direction, focusing on the development characteristics of th


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