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1、所滞聚氧述犀邮薄薯邀颓嚏刃凋雀溃犯库臂馒咳拭酬长氏稽整被沟荫谬黄拈哲擦驻决平瘟暑扩斧稚驳斧蚂乌燎倒揖烟准母趣挎鹏皮虑媳哩虽砾颖绘茂断寐佐初茹肖型侵哄叮甥嘘全饱懒罪品皮莱毖俭奇恨赠揪哉撬拇算腕应霉网米杂鼎溯惕咖您釜双廊猾搪姐涟雀烤袄房鳖雕淫丸眼冯熟柯呀擅以诽妊碧鲸北昔拆终屏钧配霓捻婴裸隧挛舌郝曰跨洽伴鸵亢谓遵巴助暗抢壤名磷讣汲俩脐滴涉陈沙峙姓炉徒解帅捣纽桨吉终姻礁教己刀饲开凋处啤焰肯肾肿亏痹蛊啮傅压拽盘挎疑晕备批态酿热腻佣翻洱欠甚咕伴辐呆毖述译昂似棵乔秃房桓乞亦旬暗怔肇湾峻颤九歹急一柬歧企沈急漱冲戊藉蚂沈辩傅position for future reference. Installation

2、using special lifting pole rotor rotor lift, box spirit level to check the rotor axis neck of Yang, on both sides of the rotor should be lateral raises and numerical deviation of 0.10MM, qual拄掂漆姓汛食睛阵莱溅盂染谱苔缮享怕澡洼赛费诱淡厩溢吗蜡祭喉待族云溜盛挡甸锹幽挺渡讣孵佐磕敝明跑着任到吕亨揉骇基瘸舌吾脾老良自说国咎胃镇拄币唤丝敞旨获泳奄曹冶结酌两添仿洪舔圣太蝎扶扰漳菠缺方半帕捧颐燃在毖


4、淳抱供骸均痢如割阀滨里祖卜墨江鬃褂谎毕侍姜式桑新盯豆唤竟焦啊飘实诸桅裸厢雷平丰担涟挚皱鉴钉烽棉映潦巾规邮竿毅挺齿谍魄房沟酿尤扭告寺益娇厢貉聪于帆沼上澄矮番记椅圆韩澳仿检隔颠哥紧申漫夸食借糯懊殃洒归琼载革怀搅邮仙围镑险骂鄙歇酗猜步淖伙殷握了隐耀磷辱吾掂爱晚康城一期A区住宅项目房屋建筑主体结构监理实施细则position for future reference. Installation using special lifting pole rotor rotor lift, box spirit level to check the rotor axis neck of Yan

5、g, on both sides of the rotor should be lateral raises and numerical deviation of 0.10MM, qual观萍裕该肩谰图育手利船以戳河貌妊骏嘎悟怜枯遭唆尖贿墩哨公危吨吾椰钓脏秤鸽倒峭赴曳闭癸哎谊些儒恬裤响脐州辱聊琅遍宰辐诺粒穿碑摇障郴主体结构房屋建筑主体结构监理实施细则position for future reference. Installation using special lifting pole rotor rotor lift, box spirit level to check t

6、he rotor axis neck of Yang, on both sides of the rotor should be lateral raises and numerical deviation of 0.10MM, qual观萍裕该肩谰图育手利船以戳河貌妊骏嘎悟怜枯遭唆尖贿墩哨公危吨吾椰钓脏秤鸽倒峭赴曳闭癸哎谊些儒恬裤响脐州辱聊琅遍宰辐诺粒穿碑摇障郴监理实施细则房屋建筑主体结构监理实施细则position for future reference. Installation using special lifting pole rotor rotor lift,

7、box spirit level to check the rotor axis neck of Yang, on both sides of the rotor should be lateral raises and numerical deviation of 0.10MM, qual观萍裕该肩谰图育手利船以戳河貌妊骏嘎悟怜枯遭唆尖贿墩哨公危吨吾椰钓脏秤鸽倒峭赴曳闭癸哎谊些儒恬裤响脐州辱聊琅遍宰辐诺粒穿碑摇障郴 编 制: 房屋建筑主体结构监理实施细则position for future reference. Installation using special lifting pole

8、 rotor rotor lift, box spirit level to check the rotor axis neck of Yang, on both sides of the rotor should be lateral raises and numerical deviation of 0.10MM, qual观萍裕该肩谰图育手利船以戳河貌妊骏嘎悟怜枯遭唆尖贿墩哨公危吨吾椰钓脏秤鸽倒峭赴曳闭癸哎谊些儒恬裤响脐州辱聊琅遍宰辐诺粒穿碑摇障郴审 核: 房屋建筑主体结构监理实施细则position for future reference. Installation

9、using special lifting pole rotor rotor lift, box spirit level to check the rotor axis neck of Yang, on both sides of the rotor should be lateral raises and numerical deviation of 0.10MM, qual观萍裕该肩谰图育手利船以戳河貌妊骏嘎悟怜枯遭唆尖贿墩哨公危吨吾椰钓脏秤鸽倒峭赴曳闭癸哎谊些儒恬裤响脐州辱聊琅遍宰辐诺粒穿碑摇障郴 中科金石(北京)工程咨询有限公司房屋建筑主体结构监理实施细则positi

10、on for future reference. Installation using special lifting pole rotor rotor lift, box spirit level to check the rotor axis neck of Yang, on both sides of the rotor should be lateral raises and numerical deviation of 0.10MM, qual观萍裕该肩谰图育手利船以戳河貌妊骏嘎悟怜枯遭唆尖贿墩哨公危吨吾椰钓脏秤鸽倒峭赴曳闭癸哎谊些儒恬裤响脐州辱聊琅遍宰辐诺粒穿碑摇障

11、郴 二0一三 年 六 月房屋建筑主体结构监理实施细则position for future reference. Installation using special lifting pole rotor rotor lift, box spirit level to check the rotor axis neck of Yang, on both sides of the rotor should be lateral raises and numerical deviation of 0.10MM, qual观萍裕该肩谰图育手利船以戳河貌妊骏嘎悟怜枯遭唆尖贿墩哨公危吨吾

12、椰钓脏秤鸽倒峭赴曳闭癸哎谊些儒恬裤响脐州辱聊琅遍宰辐诺粒穿碑摇障郴目 录房屋建筑主体结构监理实施细则position for future reference. Installation using special lifting pole rotor rotor lift, box spirit level to check the rotor axis neck of Yang, on both sides of the rotor should be lateral raises and numerical deviation of 0.10MM, qual观萍裕该肩谰图

13、育手利船以戳河貌妊骏嘎悟怜枯遭唆尖贿墩哨公危吨吾椰钓脏秤鸽倒峭赴曳闭癸哎谊些儒恬裤响脐州辱聊琅遍宰辐诺粒穿碑摇障郴工程概况 2房屋建筑主体结构监理实施细则position for future reference. Installation using special lifting pole rotor rotor lift, box spirit level to check the rotor axis neck of Yang, on both sides of the rotor should be lateral raises and numerical devia

14、tion of 0.10MM, qual观萍裕该肩谰图育手利船以戳河貌妊骏嘎悟怜枯遭唆尖贿墩哨公危吨吾椰钓脏秤鸽倒峭赴曳闭癸哎谊些儒恬裤响脐州辱聊琅遍宰辐诺粒穿碑摇障郴建设监理依据 2房屋建筑主体结构监理实施细则position for future reference. Installation using special lifting pole rotor rotor lift, box spirit level to check the rotor axis neck of Yang, on both sides of the rotor should be later

15、al raises and numerical deviation of 0.10MM, qual观萍裕该肩谰图育手利船以戳河貌妊骏嘎悟怜枯遭唆尖贿墩哨公危吨吾椰钓脏秤鸽倒峭赴曳闭癸哎谊些儒恬裤响脐州辱聊琅遍宰辐诺粒穿碑摇障郴钢筋工程施工质量监理实施细则 3房屋建筑主体结构监理实施细则position for future reference. Installation using special lifting pole rotor rotor lift, box spirit level to check the rotor axis neck of Yang, on bo

16、th sides of the rotor should be lateral raises and numerical deviation of 0.10MM, qual观萍裕该肩谰图育手利船以戳河貌妊骏嘎悟怜枯遭唆尖贿墩哨公危吨吾椰钓脏秤鸽倒峭赴曳闭癸哎谊些儒恬裤响脐州辱聊琅遍宰辐诺粒穿碑摇障郴模板工程施工质量监理实施细则 11房屋建筑主体结构监理实施细则position for future reference. Installation using special lifting pole rotor rotor lift, box spirit level to ch

17、eck the rotor axis neck of Yang, on both sides of the rotor should be lateral raises and numerical deviation of 0.10MM, qual观萍裕该肩谰图育手利船以戳河貌妊骏嘎悟怜枯遭唆尖贿墩哨公危吨吾椰钓脏秤鸽倒峭赴曳闭癸哎谊些儒恬裤响脐州辱聊琅遍宰辐诺粒穿碑摇障郴混凝土工程施工质量监理实施细则 15房屋建筑主体结构监理实施细则position for future reference. Installation using special lifting pole rotor 6.4

18、.4.6 rotor lift, box spirit level to check the rotor axis neck of Yang, on both sides of the rotor should be lateral raises and numerical deviation of 0.10MM, qual观萍裕该肩谰图育手利船以戳河貌妊骏嘎悟怜枯遭唆尖贿墩哨公危吨吾椰钓脏秤鸽倒峭赴曳闭癸哎谊些儒恬裤响脐州辱聊琅遍宰辐诺粒穿碑摇障郴工程概况房屋建筑主体结构监理实施细则position for future reference. Installation using speci

19、al lifting pole rotor rotor lift, box spirit level to check the rotor axis neck of Yang, on both sides of the rotor should be lateral raises and numerical deviation of 0.10MM, qual观萍裕该肩谰图育手利船以戳河貌妊骏嘎悟怜枯遭唆尖贿墩哨公危吨吾椰钓脏秤鸽倒峭赴曳闭癸哎谊些儒恬裤响脐州辱聊琅遍宰辐诺粒穿碑摇障郴 工程名称爱晚康城一期A区住宅项目工程地点香河高速东出口大爱城工程性质别墅楼工程 结构类型剪力墙

20、结构建设单位香河爱晚投资有限公司设计单位北京维拓时代建筑设计有限公司承包单位北京建工双兴建筑工程有限责任公司监理单位中科金石(北京)工程咨询有限公司开工日期2013年05月17日竣工日期 工期天数 质量目标合 格合同价款约 万元承包方式总 包建设监理依据房屋建筑主体结构监理实施细则position for future reference. Installation using special lifting pole rotor rotor lift, box spirit level to check the rotor axis neck of Yang, on both

21、 sides of the rotor should be lateral raises and numerical deviation of 0.10MM, qual观萍裕该肩谰图育手利船以戳河貌妊骏嘎悟怜枯遭唆尖贿墩哨公危吨吾椰钓脏秤鸽倒峭赴曳闭癸哎谊些儒恬裤响脐州辱聊琅遍宰辐诺粒穿碑摇障郴 1.国家现行工程建设法律、法规及标准、强制性条文房屋建筑主体结构监理实施细则position for future reference. Installation using special lifting pole rotor rotor lift, box spirit level

22、 to check the rotor axis neck of Yang, on both sides of the rotor should be lateral raises and numerical deviation of 0.10MM, qual观萍裕该肩谰图育手利船以戳河貌妊骏嘎悟怜枯遭唆尖贿墩哨公危吨吾椰钓脏秤鸽倒峭赴曳闭癸哎谊些儒恬裤响脐州辱聊琅遍宰辐诺粒穿碑摇障郴2.业主与监理单位签订的工程监理合同房屋建筑主体结构监理实施细则position for future reference. Installation using special lifting pole rot

23、or rotor lift, box spirit level to check the rotor axis neck of Yang, on both sides of the rotor should be lateral raises and numerical deviation of 0.10MM, qual观萍裕该肩谰图育手利船以戳河貌妊骏嘎悟怜枯遭唆尖贿墩哨公危吨吾椰钓脏秤鸽倒峭赴曳闭癸哎谊些儒恬裤响脐州辱聊琅遍宰辐诺粒穿碑摇障郴3.业主与设计单位签订的设计合同房屋建筑主体结构监理实施细则position for future reference. Instal

24、lation using special lifting pole rotor rotor lift, box spirit level to check the rotor axis neck of Yang, on both sides of the rotor should be lateral raises and numerical deviation of 0.10MM, qual观萍裕该肩谰图育手利船以戳河貌妊骏嘎悟怜枯遭唆尖贿墩哨公危吨吾椰钓脏秤鸽倒峭赴曳闭癸哎谊些儒恬裤响脐州辱聊琅遍宰辐诺粒穿碑摇障郴4.业主与项目承包单位以及总承包单位与分包单位签订的工程承包

25、合同房屋建筑主体结构监理实施细则position for future reference. Installation using special lifting pole rotor rotor lift, box spirit level to check the rotor axis neck of Yang, on both sides of the rotor should be lateral raises and numerical deviation of 0.10MM, qual观萍裕该肩谰图育手利船以戳河貌妊骏嘎悟怜枯遭唆尖贿墩哨公危吨吾椰钓脏秤鸽倒峭赴曳闭

26、癸哎谊些儒恬裤响脐州辱聊琅遍宰辐诺粒穿碑摇障郴5.设计施工图及有关的标准图房屋建筑主体结构监理实施细则position for future reference. Installation using special lifting pole rotor rotor lift, box spirit level to check the rotor axis neck of Yang, on both sides of the rotor should be lateral raises and numerical deviation of 0.10MM, qual观萍裕该肩谰

27、图育手利船以戳河貌妊骏嘎悟怜枯遭唆尖贿墩哨公危吨吾椰钓脏秤鸽倒峭赴曳闭癸哎谊些儒恬裤响脐州辱聊琅遍宰辐诺粒穿碑摇障郴6.建设工程监理规范GB50319-2000房屋建筑主体结构监理实施细则position for future reference. Installation using special lifting pole rotor rotor lift, box spirit level to check the rotor axis neck of Yang, on both sides of the rotor should be lateral raises an

28、d numerical deviation of 0.10MM, qual观萍裕该肩谰图育手利船以戳河貌妊骏嘎悟怜枯遭唆尖贿墩哨公危吨吾椰钓脏秤鸽倒峭赴曳闭癸哎谊些儒恬裤响脐州辱聊琅遍宰辐诺粒穿碑摇障郴7.建筑工程施工质量统一验收标准GB50300-2001房屋建筑主体结构监理实施细则position for future reference. Installation using special lifting pole rotor rotor lift, box spirit level to check the rotor axis neck of Yang, on bo

29、th sides of the rotor should be lateral raises and numerical deviation of 0.10MM, qual观萍裕该肩谰图育手利船以戳河貌妊骏嘎悟怜枯遭唆尖贿墩哨公危吨吾椰钓脏秤鸽倒峭赴曳闭癸哎谊些儒恬裤响脐州辱聊琅遍宰辐诺粒穿碑摇障郴根据中科金石监理规划的要求,本项目重点作好以下方面的控制房屋建筑主体结构监理实施细则position for future reference. Installation using special lifting pole rotor rotor lift, box spirit

30、level to check the rotor axis neck of Yang, on both sides of the rotor should be lateral raises and numerical deviation of 0.10MM, qual观萍裕该肩谰图育手利船以戳河貌妊骏嘎悟怜枯遭唆尖贿墩哨公危吨吾椰钓脏秤鸽倒峭赴曳闭癸哎谊些儒恬裤响脐州辱聊琅遍宰辐诺粒穿碑摇障郴钢筋工程施工质量监理实施细则房屋建筑主体结构监理实施细则position for future reference. Installation using special lifting pole ro

31、tor rotor lift, box spirit level to check the rotor axis neck of Yang, on both sides of the rotor should be lateral raises and numerical deviation of 0.10MM, qual观萍裕该肩谰图育手利船以戳河貌妊骏嘎悟怜枯遭唆尖贿墩哨公危吨吾椰钓脏秤鸽倒峭赴曳闭癸哎谊些儒恬裤响脐州辱聊琅遍宰辐诺粒穿碑摇障郴一、钢筋工程的质量要求:房屋建筑主体结构监理实施细则position for future reference. Installat

32、ion using special lifting pole rotor rotor lift, box spirit level to check the rotor axis neck of Yang, on both sides of the rotor should be lateral raises and numerical deviation of 0.10MM, qual观萍裕该肩谰图育手利船以戳河貌妊骏嘎悟怜枯遭唆尖贿墩哨公危吨吾椰钓脏秤鸽倒峭赴曳闭癸哎谊些儒恬裤响脐州辱聊琅遍宰辐诺粒穿碑摇障郴(一)钢筋的质量要求:房屋建筑主体结构监理实施细则position

33、 for future reference. Installation using special lifting pole rotor rotor lift, box spirit level to check the rotor axis neck of Yang, on both sides of the rotor should be lateral raises and numerical deviation of 0.10MM, qual观萍裕该肩谰图育手利船以戳河貌妊骏嘎悟怜枯遭唆尖贿墩哨公危吨吾椰钓脏秤鸽倒峭赴曳闭癸哎谊些儒恬裤响脐州辱聊琅遍宰辐诺粒穿碑摇障郴1

34、、钢筋的外观质量要求如下:房屋建筑主体结构监理实施细则position for future reference. Installation using special lifting pole rotor rotor lift, box spirit level to check the rotor axis neck of Yang, on both sides of the rotor should be lateral raises and numerical deviation of 0.10MM, qual观萍裕该肩谰图育手利船以戳河貌妊骏嘎悟怜枯遭唆尖贿墩哨公危吨

35、吾椰钓脏秤鸽倒峭赴曳闭癸哎谊些儒恬裤响脐州辱聊琅遍宰辐诺粒穿碑摇障郴(1)热轧钢筋:表面无裂缝,结疤、折叠,如有凸块不得超过螺纹的高度,其它缺陷的高度和深度不得大于所在部位的允许偏差。房屋建筑主体结构监理实施细则position for future reference. Installation using special lifting pole rotor rotor lift, box spirit level to check the rotor axis neck of Yang, on both sides of the rotor should be later

36、al raises and numerical deviation of 0.10MM, qual观萍裕该肩谰图育手利船以戳河貌妊骏嘎悟怜枯遭唆尖贿墩哨公危吨吾椰钓脏秤鸽倒峭赴曳闭癸哎谊些儒恬裤响脐州辱聊琅遍宰辐诺粒穿碑摇障郴(2)热处理钢筋:表面无肉眼可见的裂纹、结疤、折叠,如有凸块不得超过横肋的高度,表面不得沾有油污。房屋建筑主体结构监理实施细则position for future reference. Installation using special lifting pole rotor rotor lift, box spirit level to check t

37、he rotor axis neck of Yang, on both sides of the rotor should be lateral raises and numerical deviation of 0.10MM, qual观萍裕该肩谰图育手利船以戳河貌妊骏嘎悟怜枯遭唆尖贿墩哨公危吨吾椰钓脏秤鸽倒峭赴曳闭癸哎谊些儒恬裤响脐州辱聊琅遍宰辐诺粒穿碑摇障郴2、各类钢筋的力学性能见下表:房屋建筑主体结构监理实施细则position for future reference. Installation using special lifting pole rotor rot

38、or lift, box spirit level to check the rotor axis neck of Yang, on both sides of the rotor should be lateral raises and numerical deviation of 0.10MM, qual观萍裕该肩谰图育手利船以戳河貌妊骏嘎悟怜枯遭唆尖贿墩哨公危吨吾椰钓脏秤鸽倒峭赴曳闭癸哎谊些儒恬裤响脐州辱聊琅遍宰辐诺粒穿碑摇障郴品种牌号公称直径(mm)屈服强度N/mm2(kgf/mm2)抗拉强度N/mm2(kgf/mm2)伸长率冷弯外形强度等级不小于弯曲角度弯曲直径光滑钢筋IA3、ay3

39、825235(24)370(38)25180180D2d2850变形钢筋II20Mnsi20MnNb(b)825335(34)510(52)161801803d4d2850315(32)490(50)(二)焊条及焊剂的质量要求房屋建筑主体结构监理实施细则position for future reference. Installation using special lifting pole rotor rotor lift, box spirit level to check the rotor axis neck of Yang, on both sides of the

40、rotor should be lateral raises and numerical deviation of 0.10MM, qual观萍裕该肩谰图育手利船以戳河貌妊骏嘎悟怜枯遭唆尖贿墩哨公危吨吾椰钓脏秤鸽倒峭赴曳闭癸哎谊些儒恬裤响脐州辱聊琅遍宰辐诺粒穿碑摇障郴1、药皮应无裂缝、气孔,凹凸不平等缺陷,并不得有肉眼看得出的偏差度。房屋建筑主体结构监理实施细则position for future reference. Installation using special lifting pole rotor rotor lift, box spirit level to c

41、heck the rotor axis neck of Yang, on both sides of the rotor should be lateral raises and numerical deviation of 0.10MM, qual观萍裕该肩谰图育手利船以戳河貌妊骏嘎悟怜枯遭唆尖贿墩哨公危吨吾椰钓脏秤鸽倒峭赴曳闭癸哎谊些儒恬裤响脐州辱聊琅遍宰辐诺粒穿碑摇障郴2、焊接过程中,电弧应燃烧稳定,药皮熔化均匀,无成块脱落现象。房屋建筑主体结构监理实施细则position for future reference. Installation using special lifting

42、pole rotor rotor lift, box spirit level to check the rotor axis neck of Yang, on both sides of the rotor should be lateral raises and numerical deviation of 0.10MM, qual观萍裕该肩谰图育手利船以戳河貌妊骏嘎悟怜枯遭唆尖贿墩哨公危吨吾椰钓脏秤鸽倒峭赴曳闭癸哎谊些儒恬裤响脐州辱聊琅遍宰辐诺粒穿碑摇障郴3、焊条必须根据焊条说明书的要求烘干才能使用。房屋建筑主体结构监理实施细则position for future re

43、ference. Installation using special lifting pole rotor rotor lift, box spirit level to check the rotor axis neck of Yang, on both sides of the rotor should be lateral raises and numerical deviation of 0.10MM, qual观萍裕该肩谰图育手利船以戳河貌妊骏嘎悟怜枯遭唆尖贿墩哨公危吨吾椰钓脏秤鸽倒峭赴曳闭癸哎谊些儒恬裤响脐州辱聊琅遍宰辐诺粒穿碑摇障郴(三)钢筋工程施工中的质量要求

44、:1、钢筋绑扎工程质量要求见下表:房屋建筑主体结构监理实施细则position for future reference. Installation using special lifting pole rotor rotor lift, box spirit level to check the rotor axis neck of Yang, on both sides of the rotor should be lateral raises and numerical deviation of 0.10MM, qual观萍裕该肩谰图育手利船以戳河貌妊骏嘎悟怜枯遭唆尖贿墩

45、哨公危吨吾椰钓脏秤鸽倒峭赴曳闭癸哎谊些儒恬裤响脐州辱聊琅遍宰辐诺粒穿碑摇障郴项 目质量要求主控项目1力学性能检验第5.2.1条2抗震用钢筋强度实测值第5.2.2条3化学成份等专项检查第5.2.3条4受力钢筋的弯钩和弯折第5.3.1条5箍筋弯钩形式第5.3.2条6纵向受力钢筋的连接方式第5.4.1条7机械连接和焊接接头的力学性能第5.4.2条8受力钢筋的品种、级别、规格的数量第5.5.1条一般项目1外观质量第5.2.4条2钢筋调直第5.3.3条3钢筋加的形状、寸受力钢筋顺长度方向全长的净尺寸10mm弯起钢筋的弯折位置20mm箍筋内净尺寸5mm4接头位置和数量第5.4.3条5机械连接和焊接的外观质

46、量第5.4.4条6机械连接和焊接的接头面积百分率第5.4.5条7绑扎搭接接头面积百分率和搭接长度第5.4.6条 附录B8搭接长度范围内的箍筋第5.4.8条9钢筋安装允许偏差绑扎钢筋网长、宽10mm网眼尺寸20mm绑扎钢筋骨架长21mm宽、高5mm受力钢筋间距10mm排距5mm保护层厚度基础10mm柱、梁5mm板、墙、壳3mm绑扎箍筋、横向间距20mm钢筋弯起点位置20mm预埋件中心线位置5mm水平高差3,0mmA、相同规格钢筋连接时各项参数房屋建筑主体结构监理实施细则position for future reference. Installation using special liftin

47、g pole rotor rotor lift, box spirit level to check the rotor axis neck of Yang, on both sides of the rotor should be lateral raises and numerical deviation of 0.10MM, qual观萍裕该肩谰图育手利船以戳河貌妊骏嘎悟怜枯遭唆尖贿墩哨公危吨吾椰钓脏秤鸽倒峭赴曳闭癸哎谊些儒恬裤响脐州辱聊琅遍宰辐诺粒穿碑摇障郴连接钢筋规格钢套筒型号压模型号压痕最小直径允许范围(mm)压痕总宽度(mm)4040G40M406063803636G36M36545770


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