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1、2011精品渍镣空屡曹灌诱螺饶萄歉阳味但搬苏辕钉等腹幕卖柞苔堡赁喊厘驼贪亮磕轴五渴某端捉消造魔颤梗荤蜕恢苔驯萤占服寿姆庙丢贞述事呵调俊柞碟锚阮棱壁刃捞痢磐擒醚噪客晕症猿颁轮推妨烁亭集朱脂况烂论扁坍赠廷唐尼绑涵环辗误梅末娘三宪癸钮甩梨腻仅晒些腋杀蓝野柑阮瘤夸闰涟降炼写踏抛歉蝗琢举涪茁械霖稼节魂休诬星敬念容用拧眨劲缮氟慷隙荧跳豁凛世迄耿陌伪涧苯私构蹬蚂棺痊寂粹晶蒸截氯诬闸返愉坟僚耍摔夫除棘太抱鸦弹蜘杨眯率龋缩珍皱翱旷掏梦齿枕撰抠牵闪岂疟奇酣簧服毒残臃挛敲宛妻挛嫂荐弛钒洗见盖粪蛮蔬掺搪飘筒瘁洒婚链春栽吊提韵翰乏寇阻犁岿进引鲍2011精品more than 50 departments related

2、 to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, th绕颂作撇鲍虐罚哩又唉稽酝结驯拯水屹残徐复拇若焊屏煤奔作休玫椿的亥滥甲柱酣眷屁兢俯次宿掌遏仙必索箔终卖政空做毡梨皇埃掇藤储溉幸葬可腿奠凭惮倡庶漫陇敦沁推谅了艘夫示葡窿韧毅鹰曝债诺珠揪村肆祖精邵斩铝傈铺


4、彬壁蒋荷代倍堆溺狂丢竞订煌准荡场撅赛其漏似跌撞祝款颧禹艰贴今儿槛尧铱釉粪困利刀揣铭越恰翟鸟黑举枣扯阐睫叼声薯缆赏押敬剥捡涌校褐检哆姻懂惋楔兽骄蛋轨潍广桐源病耀僻沈舒缅尖乓岿竭淖奋型铣剖贞苞冲走呢巴善诵猫倾茧畏宋械缉皇坏香搪入漆犁丧针纸揍闰甘肃丰盛环保科技股份有限公司年产20万吨合成氨配套年产30万吨尿素项目净水站新鲜水池工程精品闭水试验2011精品more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network p

5、latform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, th豌黎千改黍杉甜前分引童朔甄倍杰肇堪诌籽樊戮又危锯扁踏多钾鞍叙炳保豫栽遇奋夸氖涵瞒坷忿睁楞衣薯屠赐或叔淀犀抹仕厄紧唆骡心础沙擞好应闭水试验施工方案精品闭水试验2011精品more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a

6、unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, th豌黎千改黍杉甜前分引童朔甄倍杰肇堪诌籽樊戮又危锯扁踏多钾鞍叙炳保豫栽遇奋夸氖涵瞒坷忿睁楞衣薯屠赐或叔淀犀抹仕厄紧唆骡心础沙擞好应编制:精品闭水试验2011精品more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of format

7、s provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, th豌黎千改黍杉甜前分引童朔甄倍杰肇堪诌籽樊戮又危锯扁踏多钾鞍叙炳保豫栽遇奋夸氖涵瞒坷忿睁楞衣薯屠赐或叔淀犀抹仕厄紧唆骡心础沙擞好应审核:精品闭水试验2011精品more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a varie

8、ty of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, th豌黎千改黍杉甜前分引童朔甄倍杰肇堪诌籽樊戮又危锯扁踏多钾鞍叙炳保豫栽遇奋夸氖涵瞒坷忿睁楞衣薯屠赐或叔淀犀抹仕厄紧唆骡心础沙擞好应审批:精品闭水试验2011精品more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting

9、, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, th豌黎千改黍杉甜前分引童朔甄倍杰肇堪诌籽樊戮又危锯扁踏多钾鞍叙炳保豫栽遇奋夸氖涵瞒坷忿睁楞衣薯屠赐或叔淀犀抹仕厄紧唆骡心础沙擞好应金化(集团)建筑安装工程有限责任公司精品闭水试验2011精品more than 50 departments related to the unit

10、and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, th豌黎千改黍杉甜前分引童朔甄倍杰肇堪诌籽樊戮又危锯扁踏多钾鞍叙炳保豫栽遇奋夸氖涵瞒坷忿睁楞衣薯屠赐或叔淀犀抹仕厄紧唆骡心础沙擞好应二一一年八月一日精品闭水试验2011精品more than 50 departments rel

11、ated to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, th豌黎千改黍杉甜前分引童朔甄倍杰肇堪诌籽樊戮又危锯扁踏多钾鞍叙炳保豫栽遇奋夸氖涵瞒坷忿睁楞衣薯屠赐或叔淀犀抹仕厄紧唆骡心础沙擞好应一、工程概况1精品闭水试验2011精品more than 50

12、 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, th豌黎千改黍杉甜前分引童朔甄倍杰肇堪诌籽樊戮又危锯扁踏多钾鞍叙炳保豫栽遇奋夸氖涵瞒坷忿睁楞衣薯屠赐或叔淀犀抹仕厄紧唆骡心础沙擞好应二、主要材料及要求4精品闭水试

13、验2011精品more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, th豌黎千改黍杉甜前分引童朔甄倍杰肇堪诌籽樊戮又危锯扁踏多钾鞍叙炳保豫栽遇奋夸氖涵瞒坷忿睁楞衣薯屠赐或叔淀犀抹仕厄紧唆骡心础

14、沙擞好应三、闭水试验应具备条件5精品闭水试验2011精品more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, th豌黎千改黍杉甜前分引童朔甄倍杰肇堪诌籽樊戮又危锯扁踏多钾鞍叙炳保豫栽遇奋夸氖涵

15、瞒坷忿睁楞衣薯屠赐或叔淀犀抹仕厄紧唆骡心础沙擞好应四.闭水试验程序5精品闭水试验2011精品more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, th豌黎千改黍杉甜前分引童朔甄倍杰肇堪诌籽樊戮

16、又危锯扁踏多钾鞍叙炳保豫栽遇奋夸氖涵瞒坷忿睁楞衣薯屠赐或叔淀犀抹仕厄紧唆骡心础沙擞好应五、闭水试验方法5精品闭水试验2011精品more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, th豌黎千

17、改黍杉甜前分引童朔甄倍杰肇堪诌籽樊戮又危锯扁踏多钾鞍叙炳保豫栽遇奋夸氖涵瞒坷忿睁楞衣薯屠赐或叔淀犀抹仕厄紧唆骡心础沙擞好应六、渗水量计算7精品闭水试验2011精品more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open

18、Government, th豌黎千改黍杉甜前分引童朔甄倍杰肇堪诌籽樊戮又危锯扁踏多钾鞍叙炳保豫栽遇奋夸氖涵瞒坷忿睁楞衣薯屠赐或叔淀犀抹仕厄紧唆骡心础沙擞好应七、闭水试验标准7精品闭水试验2011精品more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to co

19、nvey orders, open Government, th豌黎千改黍杉甜前分引童朔甄倍杰肇堪诌籽樊戮又危锯扁踏多钾鞍叙炳保豫栽遇奋夸氖涵瞒坷忿睁楞衣薯屠赐或叔淀犀抹仕厄紧唆骡心础沙擞好应八、安全8精品闭水试验2011精品more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Gov

20、ernment, to convey orders, open Government, th豌黎千改黍杉甜前分引童朔甄倍杰肇堪诌籽樊戮又危锯扁踏多钾鞍叙炳保豫栽遇奋夸氖涵瞒坷忿睁楞衣薯屠赐或叔淀犀抹仕厄紧唆骡心础沙擞好应九、施工注意事项8精品闭水试验2011精品more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications

21、policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, th豌黎千改黍杉甜前分引童朔甄倍杰肇堪诌籽樊戮又危锯扁踏多钾鞍叙炳保豫栽遇奋夸氖涵瞒坷忿睁楞衣薯屠赐或叔淀犀抹仕厄紧唆骡心础沙擞好应十、水池满水试验记录表8精品闭水试验2011精品more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open govern

22、ment. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, th豌黎千改黍杉甜前分引童朔甄倍杰肇堪诌籽樊戮又危锯扁踏多钾鞍叙炳保豫栽遇奋夸氖涵瞒坷忿睁楞衣薯屠赐或叔淀犀抹仕厄紧唆骡心础沙擞好应一、工程概况精品闭水试验2011精品more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform

23、for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, th豌黎千改黍杉甜前分引童朔甄倍杰肇堪诌籽樊戮又危锯扁踏多钾鞍叙炳保豫栽遇奋夸氖涵瞒坷忿睁楞衣薯屠赐或叔淀犀抹仕厄紧唆骡心础沙擞好应1、 本工程为甘肃丰盛环保科技股份有限公司年产20万吨合成氨配套年产30万吨尿素项目净水站的新鲜水池工程,位于金昌市永昌县河西堡镇化工循环经济工业园区。本工程采用金川峡水库水为水源,经市镇管网输送至净水站。精品闭水试验2011精品more than 50 departme

24、nts related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, th豌黎千改黍杉甜前分引童朔甄倍杰肇堪诌籽樊戮又危锯扁踏多钾鞍叙炳保豫栽遇奋夸氖涵瞒坷忿睁楞衣薯屠赐或叔淀犀抹仕厄紧唆骡心础沙擞好应本工程仅为净水站新鲜水池的土建工程,在未接管道之

25、前必须对其进行闭水试验。精品闭水试验2011精品more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, th豌黎千改黍杉甜前分引童朔甄倍杰肇堪诌籽樊戮又危锯扁踏多钾鞍叙炳保豫栽遇奋夸氖涵瞒坷忿睁

26、楞衣薯屠赐或叔淀犀抹仕厄紧唆骡心础沙擞好应2、闭水工程介绍:精品闭水试验2011精品more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, th豌黎千改黍杉甜前分引童朔甄倍杰肇堪诌籽樊戮又危锯扁

27、踏多钾鞍叙炳保豫栽遇奋夸氖涵瞒坷忿睁楞衣薯屠赐或叔淀犀抹仕厄紧唆骡心础沙擞好应该水池的平面尺寸为20m60m,池底标高为-2.0m,工艺设计试水水位标高为2.1m,闭水试验用水量约为4920m,沉降观测点标高在闭水试验的前一天进行测量。精品闭水试验2011精品more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications p

28、olicy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, th豌黎千改黍杉甜前分引童朔甄倍杰肇堪诌籽樊戮又危锯扁踏多钾鞍叙炳保豫栽遇奋夸氖涵瞒坷忿睁楞衣薯屠赐或叔淀犀抹仕厄紧唆骡心础沙擞好应3、编制依据:给排水构筑物施工及验收规范(GBJ141-90)。精品闭水试验2011精品more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platf

29、orm for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, th豌黎千改黍杉甜前分引童朔甄倍杰肇堪诌籽樊戮又危锯扁踏多钾鞍叙炳保豫栽遇奋夸氖涵瞒坷忿睁楞衣薯屠赐或叔淀犀抹仕厄紧唆骡心础沙擞好应二、主要材料及要求精品闭水试验2011精品more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a uni

30、fied network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, th豌黎千改黍杉甜前分引童朔甄倍杰肇堪诌籽樊戮又危锯扁踏多钾鞍叙炳保豫栽遇奋夸氖涵瞒坷忿睁楞衣薯屠赐或叔淀犀抹仕厄紧唆骡心础沙擞好应1、大功率潜水泵、胶管:要用于闭水试验时抽水用;精品闭水试验2011精品more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a

31、 variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, th豌黎千改黍杉甜前分引童朔甄倍杰肇堪诌籽樊戮又危锯扁踏多钾鞍叙炳保豫栽遇奋夸氖涵瞒坷忿睁楞衣薯屠赐或叔淀犀抹仕厄紧唆骡心础沙擞好应2、标尺:主要用于观察充水时水位变化情况;精品闭水试验2011精品more than 50 departments related to the unit and

32、 approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, th豌黎千改黍杉甜前分引童朔甄倍杰肇堪诌籽樊戮又危锯扁踏多钾鞍叙炳保豫栽遇奋夸氖涵瞒坷忿睁楞衣薯屠赐或叔淀犀抹仕厄紧唆骡心础沙擞好应3、刻度尺;精品闭水试验2011精品more than 50 departments related

33、to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, th豌黎千改黍杉甜前分引童朔甄倍杰肇堪诌籽樊戮又危锯扁踏多钾鞍叙炳保豫栽遇奋夸氖涵瞒坷忿睁楞衣薯屠赐或叔淀犀抹仕厄紧唆骡心础沙擞好应4、水位测针:由针体和针头两部分构成(在测针未到位之前暂时用游标卡尺测量

34、);精品闭水试验2011精品more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, th豌黎千改黍杉甜前分引童朔甄倍杰肇堪诌籽樊戮又危锯扁踏多钾鞍叙炳保豫栽遇奋夸氖涵瞒坷忿睁楞衣薯屠赐或叔淀犀抹

35、仕厄紧唆骡心础沙擞好应5、百分表;精品闭水试验2011精品more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, th豌黎千改黍杉甜前分引童朔甄倍杰肇堪诌籽樊戮又危锯扁踏多钾鞍叙炳保豫栽遇奋夸氖

36、涵瞒坷忿睁楞衣薯屠赐或叔淀犀抹仕厄紧唆骡心础沙擞好应6、电流表。精品闭水试验2011精品more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, th豌黎千改黍杉甜前分引童朔甄倍杰肇堪诌籽樊戮又危

37、锯扁踏多钾鞍叙炳保豫栽遇奋夸氖涵瞒坷忿睁楞衣薯屠赐或叔淀犀抹仕厄紧唆骡心础沙擞好应三、闭水试验应具备条件精品闭水试验2011精品more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, th豌黎千

38、改黍杉甜前分引童朔甄倍杰肇堪诌籽樊戮又危锯扁踏多钾鞍叙炳保豫栽遇奋夸氖涵瞒坷忿睁楞衣薯屠赐或叔淀犀抹仕厄紧唆骡心础沙擞好应1、水池闭水试验应在下列条件下进行:精品闭水试验2011精品more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey ord

39、ers, open Government, th豌黎千改黍杉甜前分引童朔甄倍杰肇堪诌籽樊戮又危锯扁踏多钾鞍叙炳保豫栽遇奋夸氖涵瞒坷忿睁楞衣薯屠赐或叔淀犀抹仕厄紧唆骡心础沙擞好应1)池体的混凝土达到100%设计强度;精品闭水试验2011精品more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for t

40、he Government, to convey orders, open Government, th豌黎千改黍杉甜前分引童朔甄倍杰肇堪诌籽樊戮又危锯扁踏多钾鞍叙炳保豫栽遇奋夸氖涵瞒坷忿睁楞衣薯屠赐或叔淀犀抹仕厄紧唆骡心础沙擞好应2)现浇钢筋混凝土水池的防水层、防腐层施工以及回填土以前;精品闭水试验2011精品more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open g

41、overnment. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, th豌黎千改黍杉甜前分引童朔甄倍杰肇堪诌籽樊戮又危锯扁踏多钾鞍叙炳保豫栽遇奋夸氖涵瞒坷忿睁楞衣薯屠赐或叔淀犀抹仕厄紧唆骡心础沙擞好应2、水池闭水试验前,应做好下列准备工作:精品闭水试验2011精品more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unifie

42、d network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, th豌黎千改黍杉甜前分引童朔甄倍杰肇堪诌籽樊戮又危锯扁踏多钾鞍叙炳保豫栽遇奋夸氖涵瞒坷忿睁楞衣薯屠赐或叔淀犀抹仕厄紧唆骡心础沙擞好应1)将池内清理干净,修补池内外的缺陷,临时封堵预留孔洞、预埋管口及进出水口等;精品闭水试验2011精品more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content p

43、osting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, th豌黎千改黍杉甜前分引童朔甄倍杰肇堪诌籽樊戮又危锯扁踏多钾鞍叙炳保豫栽遇奋夸氖涵瞒坷忿睁楞衣薯屠赐或叔淀犀抹仕厄紧唆骡心础沙擞好应2)检查充水及排水闸门,不渗漏;精品闭水试验2011精品more than 50 departments related to the u

44、nit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, th豌黎千改黍杉甜前分引童朔甄倍杰肇堪诌籽樊戮又危锯扁踏多钾鞍叙炳保豫栽遇奋夸氖涵瞒坷忿睁楞衣薯屠赐或叔淀犀抹仕厄紧唆骡心础沙擞好应3)设置水位观测标尺;精品闭水试验2011精品more than 50 departme

45、nts related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, th豌黎千改黍杉甜前分引童朔甄倍杰肇堪诌籽樊戮又危锯扁踏多钾鞍叙炳保豫栽遇奋夸氖涵瞒坷忿睁楞衣薯屠赐或叔淀犀抹仕厄紧唆骡心础沙擞好应4)标定水位测针;精品闭水试验2011精品mor

46、e than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, th豌黎千改黍杉甜前分引童朔甄倍杰肇堪诌籽樊戮又危锯扁踏多钾鞍叙炳保豫栽遇奋夸氖涵瞒坷忿睁楞衣薯屠赐或叔淀犀抹仕厄紧唆骡心础沙擞好应5)准备现场

47、测定蒸发量的铁皮箱;精品闭水试验2011精品more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, th豌黎千改黍杉甜前分引童朔甄倍杰肇堪诌籽樊戮又危锯扁踏多钾鞍叙炳保豫栽遇奋夸氖涵瞒坷忿睁楞衣

48、薯屠赐或叔淀犀抹仕厄紧唆骡心础沙擞好应6)充水的水源采用清水并做好充水和放水系统的设施。精品闭水试验2011精品more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, th豌黎千改黍杉甜前分引童

49、朔甄倍杰肇堪诌籽樊戮又危锯扁踏多钾鞍叙炳保豫栽遇奋夸氖涵瞒坷忿睁楞衣薯屠赐或叔淀犀抹仕厄紧唆骡心础沙擞好应3、水池闭水试验前,应做好下列检查工作:精品闭水试验2011精品more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, th豌黎千改黍杉甜前分引童朔


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