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1、unit 1,Key phrases and expressions:,1.从 回来2.你的旅行如何?3.发生4.越来越美丽5.曾去过(去而复返),How was your trip?,take place,have/has been to,come back from,more and more beautiful,6.如此以至于 7.到去了(去而未归)8.拍照 9.顺便说一下10提高英语水平 11.上课铃响了。,sothat,have gone to,by the way,improve ones English,There goes the bell.,=Thats the bell.=

2、The bell is ringing.,take photos,在过去 _ 过着艰难的生活 _ 为某人支付._ 为了_ 给某人提供支持_ 取得好的教育_ 详细地 _ 日日夜夜 _ 残疾儿童 _,in the past live(have)a hard life pay for in order to give support to sb get a good education in detail day and night disabled children,Translate the following into English,多于 超过 与保持联系 3.在20世纪60年代 4.有机会

3、做某事 5.不但而且 6.而且,更为重要的是 7.取得很大进步 8.在做某事方面获得成功,more than keep in touch with in the 1960shave a chance to do sth not only but also whats more make great progress succeed in doing sth,Translate the following into English,1.受欢迎.2.比起(做)更喜欢(做)3.在野外 4.在.的帮助下 5.起草,拟定 6.仔细检查 7.多亏,由于,be popular with prefer A(d

4、oing)to B(doing)in the open air with the help of(with ones help)draw upcheck over thanks to,Some phrases,1.好像2.一幅的照片 3.至少 4.在那时5.近些年以来6.由于,因为7.过去常常做某事/过去是.)8.我父母也不是这样。9.对某人严格要求 10.对某事严格要求 11写下,It seems thata photo of(my family)at least at that time in recent years because of used to do(be)Neither助动词

5、myparents.be strict with sb be strict in sthwrite down,Some expressions,6.5亿的人口以.速度增长 美国的人口是多少?发展中国家发达国家它确实是这样。实施,a population of 6.5billion increase bywhats the population of America?developing countrydeveloped country So it iscarry out,超过,多于 五分之一 3.因为,由于 4.缺乏 5.更加繁忙得多 6 到目前为止 7.采取措施去做某事 8.作为.出名 9.

6、在做某事方面有效10幸亏 11有很长的路要走 12.例如,more than one fifth because of be short of much heavier so far take measures to dosthbe famous(known)as work well in(doing)sth.thanks tohave a long way to go for example,1.来自于.2.相互,各自3.过得开心4.一些,几个 5.有着悠久的历史 6.名胜 7.诸如之类 8.赶上,跟上 9.属于,Some phrases,come from each other have

7、fun a couple of have a long history places of insterest such as keep up with belong to,1.在电话上谈话 2.一直住在3.一段长时间 4.习惯于做某事 5.事实上 6.来拜访一下,来参观 7.某人亲自了解(看见某事)8.照顾,talk on the phone have been in.have lived in.for a long time be(get)used to doing in fact=as a matter of fact come for a visit see sth for onese

8、lf take care of=look after,无家可归的人数以百计的重返工作岗位 过着正常的生活 有困难 的人 在某事上做决定 医疗为某人提供某物 为了,目的是 重拾自信,自我感觉良好,homeless people hundreds of return to work live a normal life people in need decide on medical treatment provide sb with sth=provide sth for sb so that feel good(happy)about onesel,1.因而出名 2.把某物借给某人 3.从.借

9、入.4.为某人买某物 5.同时 6.吸毒.7给某人 一个的好机会 8.过着开心的生活,1.be famous(known)for 2.lend sb.sth.=lend sth.to sb.3.borrow sth.from sb.4.buy sth.for sb.=buy sb.sth.5.at the same time 6.take drugs 7.give sb a good chance to do 8.live a happy life,unit 2,1.目的是去做某事,力争达到 2.在过去的十六年里 3.在国内外4.为某人支付,付款 5.数以千计 6有很多工作要做7.没有.的帮助

10、 7.数百万的,aim to do.in the past sixteen at home and abroad pay for thousands of have a lot of work to do without the help of=without ones helpmillions of,翻译下列短语,1.看见某人正在做某事 2.我的天呀!3.味道很难闻4.把.倒进里面5.空气污染 6.对-有害,see sb doing sth my goodness smell terrible pour into air pollution be harmful to=do harm to=

11、be bad for,翻译下列短语,1.你有什么事?2.而且,更为重要的是 3.制造噪音 4.心情不好 5.忍受6.写信给某人 7.最好做某事,whats up?whats more make noise in a bad mood stand doing sthwrite to sbhad better do sth,1.对-有害 2.一种3.变聋 4.相当多 5.听力丧失 6.据报道 7.与几乎一样差 8.在公共场所 9.不但而且.10.各种多样的,be harmful to=do harm to=be bad for a kind ofa sort of go deaf quite a

12、few hearing loss Its reported that no better thanin public not only but also.all kinds sorts of,1随着的增长 2随着.的发展 3使.变脏 4把 放进里面5高血压 6同样,with the increase in with the development of makedirty putinto high blood pressureas well,Translate the following into English,forward,1结果,因此 2采取有效 措施做某事 3保护环境 4到处 5在公

13、共场所 6关心,关爱,1.as a result 2.do something useful to do sth 3.protect the environment 4.here and there 5.in public 6.care for,1刚才 2砍倒,砍伐 3把变成4.阻止.做某事 5.把.吹走 6.把.冲走 7.人 8形成,出现9 关掉,just now=a moment ago cut downchange.into=turninto preventstopkeep sb from doing sth blow away wash away human beingscome in

14、to being turn off,1在很多方面 2全世界 3拿走4越来越多 5对.很重要 6海平面 7提到,有关8.结果,因此,1.in many ways 2.all over throughout around the world 3.take away4.more and more 5be important to 6.the level of the sea(ocean)=the sea level 7.refer to8.as a result,1占据,占去 2同时 3处理,处置 4剩下的,剩余部分 5做某事有困难,1.take up 2.at the same time 3.de

15、al with 4.the rest 5.have difficulty problem in doing sth,1.work for 2.not only but also 3.encourage sb to do sth 4.so that 5.Its very nice of you.6.be supposed to do 7.nod ones head 8.shake ones head,1.为 工作 2不但而且 3鼓励某人做某事 4以便 5.你真是太好了。6.应该,有义务做.7.点头 8.摇头,Some important phrases,1应该做 2关掉(灯等)3.最好4.代替,

16、而不是 5.节约能源 6.减少空气污染 7.一些重要的事情 8.参加 9.准时 10确保,确信,ought to do turn off had better instead of save energy reduce air pollution something important take part in on time make sure,1用 发电 2全世界 3总是,一直 4制造沼气 5在20世纪90年代 6日常生活 7昂贵得多 8塑料袋,use to produce power=produce power from all over the world all the time make biogas in the1990s everyday life=daily life much more expensive plastic bag,


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