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1、,八年级上课件胡英姿部分课件资料来自英语周报,更多资源,Section A,Listen to the song!And tell me if you can come to my party?,Can you come to my party?,I have to have a piano lesson.,I have to study for a test.,I have to help my parents,I have to go to the doctor.,I have to visit my aunt.,1a Match the words with the pictures.,

2、1.study for a test 2.help my parents 3.go to the doctor4.visit my aunt5.have a piano lesson,1,2,3,4,5,1b Listening,Ted,Tim,Kay,Anna,Wilson,Sun Ning:Hey,Ted.Can you come to my party on Saturday afternoon?Ted:Im sorry,I cant,Sun Ning.I have to help my parents.,Tapescript,Sun Ning:Too bad.How about you

3、,Carlos?Can you come to my party?Carlos:Id love to.Sun Ning:Tim?Can you come to my party?,Tim:Oh,no,I cant.I have to study for a test.Sun Ning:What about you,Wilson?Wilson:Sorry,I have to go to the doctor.Sun Ning:Anna,can you come?,Anna:I cant Sun Ning.I have to visit my aunt.Kay:I cant either,Sun

4、Ning.I have a piano lesson.Sun Ning:Thats too bad,Kay.Oh,maybe next time.What a small party!,1c GROUPWORK,A:Can you come to my party on Wednesday?B:Sure,Id love to.C:Sorry,I cant.I have a piano lesson.D:Im sorry,too.I have to go to the doctor.,Explanation,1.can 的用法()表邀请。若接受邀请,回答为:OK./All right./Sure

5、./Of course./Certainly./Yes(Sure),Id love(like)to.若不接受邀请,回答为:Sorry,cant.(+原因)eg.Can you come to the party?Yes/Sure,Id love/like to.Sorry,Icant.I have to help my parents.,其他表邀请的句型:1)Could/Will/Would you come to the party?2)Would you like/love to come to the party?3)I hope you come to the party.4)Plea

6、se come to the party.5)How/What about coming to the party?()表能力“能,会”否定句 cant不能 eg.He can swim,but I cant.How long can you stay under water?()在否定句,疑问句中表示“不可能”或“一定不”eg.Can he come?No,he cant come.(他会来吗?不,他不能来),2.情态动词“have to”与其他的情态动词如:“can”,“may”“must”和“should”不同。(1)这4个情态动词没有人称和数的变化,而have to有。它的第三人称单数

7、为“has to”,过去时为had to,如:,He should study hard.他应该好好学习。He has to study hard.他不得不好好学习。,(2)这4个情态动词在一般疑问句中将它们放在句首,在否定句中直接在他们后边加not即可。,我们以can为例:Can he go with us?他能和我们一起去吗?He cant go with us.他不能和我们一起去。而“have to”要加助动词do,has to要加助动词does,还原 have to had to要加助动词did,还原 have to 才可能完成其疑问、否定句。,试将下面三种话分别写成(1)一般疑问句,

8、并做肯定回答。(2)否定句。1:They have to go to the party.Do they have to go to the party?Yes,they do.They dont have to go to the party.,2:He has to go to see the doctor.Does he have to go to see the doctor?Yes,he does.He doesnt have to go to see the doctor.,3:She had to have a piano lesson yesterday.Did she hav

9、e to have a piano lesson yesterday?Yes,she did.She didnt have to have a piano lesson yesterday.,2.have to强调客观上需要做某事,即表示外界条件的需要不得不做某事,含有“客观所迫”的意味,它有人称和数的变化,可用于多种时态中,否定式为“不必”。must强调说话者主观上认为必须做某事,含有“主观判断”的意味,它的否定式意为“禁止,不允许”。eg.If one gets ill,hell have to see a doctor.She has to go to school by bus.We

10、must go to school on time.-Must I finish the homework now?-Yes,you must./No,you neednt(dont have to).You mustnt play football in the classroom.,3.I have to help my parents.我不得不帮助我的父母。help sb.with sth.或help sb(to)do sth.上一句我们可以说:I have to help my parents with the housework.或说I have to help my parents

11、(to)do the housework.,4.have 构成的短语1)have a rest/look/swim/walk2)have a meeting/class/lesson/drink(喝一杯饮料)/party3)have breakfast/lunch/supper(dinner)/meals4)have a good time/have fun(in)doing sth.5)have a try 试一试6)have sth on穿戴着(不可用进行时)be wearing eg.But he has nothing on.可他什么也没穿。7)have/let/make sb.do

12、sth.=get sb.to do sth.让某人做某事8)have sth.done请叫某人做某事eg.I have the students answer my questions.我让学生回答我的问题。Tim will have his hair cut tomorrow.Tim 明天要去理发。,Exercise,课堂跟踪练习单项选择().-Can you come to my birthday?-_.A.Yes,I cant.B.Sorry,I cant.C.No,I can.D.Sorry,I can.().-Can you come to my house?-Sure,_ A.Id

13、 love to.B.Id love C.Id like.D.I cant()Im too tired,so I _ sit down and rest every five minutes.A.must B.must to C.have D.have to()Id love_shopping with my mother.A.going B.goes C.to go D.went()5.I already had to_ when I was your age.A.working B.to work C.works D.work,B,A,A,C,D,Circle“can”or“cant”,1

14、.Jeff can/cant come to the party.2.Marry can/cant come to the party.3.May can/cant come to the party.4.Claudia can/cant come to the party.5.Paul can/cant come to the party.,2a Listening,can,cant,cant,cant,can,Tapescript,Conversation 1 Anna:Hi,Jeff!Can you come to my party on Saturday?Jeff:Im sorry,I

15、 cant.I have to visit my aunt on Saturday.,Conversation 2 Anna:Hello,Mary!Can you come to my party on Saturday?Mary:Id love to.,Conversation 3 Anna:May,can you come to my party tomorrow?Mary:Im sorry.I have to help my mom.,Conversation 4 Anna:Claudia,can you come to my party on Saturday?Claudia:Im s

16、orry.Im going to the movies.,Conversation 5 Anna:Say,Paul.Can you come to my party on Saturday?Paul:Id love to.,2c PAIRWORK,Hey,Gina,can you go to the movies on Saturday?,Im sorry,I cant.I have too much homework this weekend.,Thats too bad.Maybe another time.,Sure,Joe.Thanks for asking.,1.Thats too

17、bad.太遗憾了。表示遗憾或同情。2.Maybe another time.也许换个时间吧。或Maybe next time.也许下一次吧3.another/the other/others/the othersanother another+n.(单数)三者中或无范围的另一个 eg.This coat is too big.Please show me another one.2)the other one,the other 一个是,另一个是.,表示两者中的另一个 eg.I have two pens.One is black,the other is red.,Explanation,3

18、)others=other+n.(pl.),无范围的另一些 someothers.“一些另一些.”eg.Lei Feng was always ready to help others(=other+people)4)the others=the other+n.(pl.),有范围的另外一些,“其余所有的”eg.There are sixty-two students in our class,one third are girls,the others(=the other students)are boys.注:another 另外的,附加的 eg.another three books=

19、three other/more books另外三本书,4.Thanks.=Thank you.Thanks a lot.=Thank you very much.5.Thanks for+n./pron./v-ing 因 而感谢 eg.Thanks for your letter.=Thank you for your letter.Thanks for helping me.Thanks for asking(=inviting me/your invitation).Thanks for telling me about it.,6.play 与球类运动的名词连用时,其前不用冠词(a/a

20、n/the),而乐器名称前用定冠词the.eg.play soccer/basketball/volleyball play the guitar/violin/piano7.go/come to+活动,表示参加某一活动 eg.go to the concert 去听音乐会 come to the party来参加晚会8.too many+c n.(pl.)太多 too much+un.much too+adj./adv.太 eg.too many books/friends too much water/money much too cold/expencive,9.ask的用法:(1)邀请

21、ask sb to sw./to do sth.-invite sb.to sw./to do sth.eg.I asked them to dinner.We asked him to give us a talk.(2)问,询问 ask sb sth.eg.They asked me the time.(3)打听,询问,查询 ask about eg.I asked him about my son.(4)请求ask sb for sth向某人要某物 eg.He asked his teacher for some advice.(5)索(价)eg.He asked 5 for the b

22、ook.这本书他索价5英镑.(6)要求 ask sb.(not)to do sth.要求某人(不要)做某事 eg.The teacher asked us(not)to play games.,Exercise,一.单项选择:()1.He doesnt play _ basketball well,but he plays _ piano wonderfully.A.the,/B.the,the C./,the D./,/()2.Thanks_ telling me that.A.of B.for C.With D.at()3.I dont like this walkman.Please s

23、how me _one.A.other B.the other C.another D.the another()4.There is_ice outside,so its_cold.A.too much;much too B.too much;too many C.much too;too muchD.too many;too much,C,B,C,A,二.选择合适的句子完成对话。Ted:Hi,Bill._1_Bill:This afternoon?Yes,I am.Ted:We are going to have a baseball game._2_Bill:_3_But Im afra

24、id I cant.I have to go to the docdor.Ted:To go to the doctor?Why?Whats the matter?Bill:I have a sore back.Ted:Im sorry to hear tha t._4_Bill:Sure._5_A.Are you free this afternoon?B.Thanks for asking.C.Yes,Id love to.D.Maybe another time.E.Would you like to come?,A,E,C,D,B,3a Fill in the blanks.,Lisa

25、:Hi,Simon,_ you come to my _?Simon:_ is it?Lisa:Its _ at _.Simon:Great!Id love to!,birthday party,When,on Friday,June 30,four-thirty,can,Ask your friends to come to your Birthday Party.,Invitation,Its a birthday Party!,From whom:Jack,Time:This Sunday,at 7:00,Place:Jacks house,56 Zhongshan Road,Come

26、and join us.,You are going to have a party on Sunday afternoon.First list your friends names you want to invite.Next go to invite them,find out who can come,who cant come.Then fill in the chart.,Task!,Can you come to my party on Sunday afternoon?,Explanation,1.invite的用法:(1)invite sb.to sw.-ask sb.to

27、 sw.邀请某人到某地 eg.He invited many people to his house.(2)invite sb.to do sth.-ask sb.to do sth.邀请某人做谋事 eg.He also invited a singer to sing for his friends.(3)invitation to somewhere/to do sth.去某地/做某事的邀请 eg.an invitation to the party to go to the summer camp,2.英语中多个时间的排列顺序:(1)通常情况下,如果在同一个句子中有年月日 星期,其排列顺

28、序一般是星期月日年。eg.He was born on Friday,January 5th,1990.(2)假若在句末同时出现几个时间状语,通常按表示时间的确切程度排列,即确切的时间在前,较笼统的时间在后,或者说表示较短时间的在前,表示较长时间的在后。eg.I saw the film on Friday evening last week.They arrived at five oclock yesterday afternoon.,3.join的用法:(1)join+组织/团体“参加,加入”eg.I joined the Party 20 years ago.(2)join sb 和某

29、人一起,加入到某人这边来 eg.Id like to join you.We will have a party tomorrow.Please join us.(3)join in+活动=take part in+活动“参加活动”eg.My girl friend asked me to join in/take part in her birthday party.(4)join sb.in(doing)sth.和某人一起从事某事 eg.Would you join us in playing football?Her husband joined her in cooking the d

30、inner.Can you join us in the game?,4.well 的用法:(1)adj.健康的 eg.-How are you?-Im very well.(2)adv.好 eg.He sings well.(3)interj.1)表示快慰,舒服的感觉时发出的一种感叹词。“好啦”eg.Well,here we are at last.2)表示出于无奈,让步等感情时发出的感叹,“哎,好吧,也罢”等 eg.Well,bad luck!3)表示惊讶,微带不满之意,“哎,咳,唷”等 eg.Well,who would have thought it?4)表示疑问,催问或期望,“喂;怎

31、么”。eg.Well,what about it?5)表示重新开始转入另一话题或重新开始说话,“喔,噢”等。eg.Well,whos your English teacher?,“,Exercise,改错,指出错误并改正:1.Thanks a lot for inviting me for your party._ A B C D2.I cant join in you because I have to look after A B C Dmy brother._3.This is half past seven now._ A B C D4.I dont know with who the

32、yre talking._ A B C D5.Come to the party and have a fun._ A B C D,(D)to,(B)join,(A)It,(B)whom,(D)fun,Section B,1c PAIRWORK,A:Whats today?B:Its Monday the 14th.,1.与时间相关的短语有很多。例如:today 今天 tonight 今晚 tomorrow 明天,Explanation,the day after tomorrow 后天yesterday 昨天the day before yesterday 前天 two days ago 两

33、天前the year before last 前年after three weeks=three weeks later 三个星期后 in two years 过两年,2.问“日期”的句型有:Whats the date today?今天是几号?或 What date is it today?“日期”的表示法有例如:11月 5号 Its November 5;November 5th;读做November the 5th,3.询问“星期”的句型:What day is(it)today?Its Monday.在英语中表示“星期”的词有:Monday 星期一;Tuesday 星期二;Wednes

34、day 星期三;Thursday 星期四;Friday 星期五;Saturday 星期六;Sunday 星期日,4.询问几号星期几的句型:Whats today?今天几号,星期几?Its Monday,the 28th.今天是28号,星期一。,No,2a Listening,Can Vince play tennis with Andy?,b,a,a,b,c,2b answers,Tapescript,Andy:Hi,Vince?Vince:Yeah,hi,Andy!Andy:Vince,can you play tennis with me?Vince:Uh,when?Andy:Today.

35、,Vince:Uh,no,sorry,I cant.I have to go to the doctor and study for a test today.Andy:How about tomorrow?Vince:Sorry,tomorrow Im playing soccer and I have a piano lesson.,Andy:Oh.Well,what are you doing the day after tomorrow?Vince:I have to babysit my sister.Andy:Oh,I see.Vince:Im sorry,Andy.Im real

36、ly busy this week!,3a Read the e-mail massage.Then complete Sonias calendar below.,cousins birthday party,tennis training,dentist,go to the movies,study for a/herchemistry test,1.Really的用法(1)adv.“事实上,实际上,真实地”常 用在adj.&adv.前加强语气。eg.The question looked very easy,but it was really the hardest one.(2)int

37、erj.“哎呀,啊,真是”,在生活中表示附和或感兴趣,怀疑,惊讶,轻微抗议等。eg.-I hear theyll get married next month!-Oh,really!啊真的呀!,Explanation,2.打电话的短语:给某人打电话call/ring/telephone/phone sb.call/ring sb.upgive sb.a call/ring make a telephone call to sb.eg.Please call/ring/telephone/phone me.=Please call/ring me up.=Please give me a cal

38、l/ring.=Please make a telephone call to me.Who called you just now?,Fill in the blanks with the words given.Change the form of the word if necessary.Then make your own sentences with the word.,Self check,play come have to study visitMy American friends is going to _ me next vacation.2.Are you _ foot

39、ball this weekend.,visit,playing,3.I cant join you because I _ help my mom on weekdays.4.Please keep quiet!Im trying to _.5.Do you want to _ to my birthday Party?,have to,study,come,1.keep+adj.表示保持或处于某种状态 eg.keep busy/open/healthy/closed(关着的)e over过来,从远处来 come over to到某处去;从一个地方到另一个地 方来 eg.Come over!

40、Heres a seat for you.He came over from France last week.Can you come over to my school for a visit?你能到我的学校来参观吗?,Explanation,Explanation,3.whole adj.+cn.&物质n.,强调整体性,常放 在限定词之后,“整个的”all adj.+cn.&un.强调个体,常放在限定词之前,“所有的”eg.the whole afternoon=all the afternoon the whole day=all day my whole life=all my li

41、fe All the students are here.It snowed for three whole days,4.discuss v.talk about n.discussion discuss n./pron.宾语从句 doing sth.eg.Lets discuss/talk about the plan/it.Are the boys discussing/talking about who should do it?They discuss going to Shanghai.,5.free的用法:(1)be free 近have time 反be busy eg.Im

42、busy at the moment,but Ill be free this evening.(2)免费的,自由的 eg.They can enjoy a free lunch at school.You are free now.(3)be free to do sth.可随意地做 eg.You are free to travel around the world.Youre free to do anything on Sunday.,6.fish的用法:(1)v.捕鱼,钓鱼 go fishing(2)n.un.鱼肉There is some fish on the plate.c n

43、.1)一条一条的鱼 eg.one fish 一条鱼 ten fish 十条鱼 2)鱼的种类 eg.many kinds of fishes,7.house,family,home的用法:house 住宅,指居住的房屋,强调住所。eg.His house is near a market.Welcome to my house.family 家,家庭,家里的人。不是指住房和处所,而强调家里的人。eg.My family is a big one.(指家)My family are watching TV.(指家里人)home 家。指一家人 共同生活的地方,强调家的环境和氛围,具有感情色彩。eg.

44、I leave home at seven every morning.I was born in Dazu,but now I look on Shuangqiao as my home.(把.当作.),Exercise,单项选择:()1.-Whats today?-Its _.A.the 15th Monday B.Monday the 15th C.the 2th Tuesday D.Tuesday the 1th()2.Please keep _.The baby_.A.quietly;sleeps B.quiet;sleep C.quiet;is sleeping D.quietly

45、;is sleeping()3.Your room was so dirty.It took me the _afternoon to clean it.A.all B.every C.whole D.each,B,C,C,()4.I have no time to see you.I have a _ busy day.A.real B.really C.much D.many()5.Come _ to my house_Sunday evening and we will have a good time together.A.on;on B.over;on C.on;/D.over;/(

46、)6.She was born in Wuhan,but Beijing has become her second_.A.home B.family C.house D.place()7.-Could I have _cake,mum?-Yes,help yourself.A.other B.another C.more D.the other,B,B,A,B,二.在横线上填入适当的词,使其与原句意义相同。1.Thank you very much for asking me to your party._ a lot for asking me to your party.,Thanks,

47、更多资源,2.Ill give her the message.Ill give the message _ her.3.He handed her the letter.He handed the letter _ her.4.I am here and Polly is here,too.I am here and _ is Polly.,to,to,so,5.She is fine,and Joan is fine,too.She is fine,and _ is Joan.6.He has a blue shirt,and Tom has a blue shirt,too.He has a blue shirt,and _ has/does Tom.,so,so,Thank you for listening!,


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