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1、PEP8 Unit3 Last weekendPart A Lets read,Miss Wang,Last weekend I played football.What did you do?Last weekend I cleaned the room.What did you do?Last weekend I washed clothes.What did you do?Last weekend I watched TV.What did you do?,Lets chant,Can you read?,play played football clean cleaned the ro

2、omlisten listened to music wash washed clotheswatch watched TVcook cooked the mealsvisit visited grandparentsplant planted trees,-ed/d/,-ed/t/,-ed/id/,不规则动词过去式,do did homework,go went shopping,Pair work,What did you do last weekend?,I last Saturday.I last Sunday.(washed clothes,),How did you feel?,I

3、 was.(happy/tired),你知道was是谁的过去式吗?,am,is was,B:,B:,Can you read?,A:,A:,Task 1:Read quickly and answer(快速浏览课文,回答下面问题。),How was Wu Yifans last weekend?,Wu Yifan was busy last weekend.,忙碌的,Task 2:Read and underline,(默读短文,回答下面四个问题,在答案下划线。),What did Wu Yifan do Saturday morning?,What did Wu Yifan and gran

4、dparents do in the evening?,What did Wu Yifan do Sunday morning?,What did Wu Yifan do in the afternoon?,He visited his grandmother.,They cooked noodles together.,They watched TV.,He played football with his friends.,He washed his clothes and cleaned his room.,Finish the sentences,(1)Wu Yifan _his gr

5、andma Saturday morning.(2)Sunday morning,he_with his friends.(3)He _ and_Sunday afternoon.,visited,played football,washed his clothes,cleaned his room,Listen and repeat,Task 3:Retell“Wus Last Weekend”(二选一)合作一:四人一起复述 合作二:四人分工复述,Tip:Wu Yifan was busy last weekend.He.It was.They.,Try to say,How did Wu

6、Yifan feel?,I think Wu Yifan was,because he.,Name:LisaCountry:AmericaAge:12Height:152cmWeight:35kgFood:chocolateHobby:singing and dancing making friends,Q1:Where is Lisas pen pal from?A.China B.AmericaQ2:How does her pen pal feel?A.happy B.sad,Listen and choose,Fang Bing,Lisa,(Dad is knocking at the

7、 door.)Lisa:Come in!Dad:Hey,honey!What are you doing?Lisa:Im writing an e-mail.Dad,I have a new pen pal.Dad:Is your pen pal a girl?Lisa:Yes,a girl.Dad:Whats her name?Lisa:Her name is Fang Bing.Dad:Is she Chinese?Lisa:Yes.Shes beautiful and smart.But shes not so happy.,From:Fang BTo:LSubject:Last Wee

8、kend,Dear Lisa,USA must be fun!I live in China with my mom and dad.,I am not happy now,because I was so tired last weekend.,Saturday morning,I went to the piano class.In the afternoon,I went to the math class.I dont like math.In the evening,I watched cartoons.Then I played the piano.On Sunday,I did

9、Chinese homework,math homework,Help!,What did you do last weekend?,Your new pen pal,Fang Bing.,Fang Bing was tired,because she.,自由朗读,From:LTo:Fang BSubject:Last Weekend,Dear Fang Bing,I am happy to have a new pen pal.I live in New York.,I was very excited last weekend.I cooked breakfast Saturday,mor

10、ning.It was yummy.In the afternoon,I went to a park,and played games with my friends.In the evening,I watched,cartoons.On Sunday,I went to my friends brithday party.,In the evening,I played computer games.Fang Bing,dont,be sad!Be happy!,Your new pen pal,Lisa.,Lisa was excited,because she.,自由朗读,Lisa

11、was _ last weekend.,Fang Bing was _last weekend.,How did she feel?,excited,tired,Hey,Fang Bing!Be happy!You can.,sing,read a comic book,play ping-pong,take a tripeat chocolate/,go to the cinema/,Can you make Fang Bing happy?,(你能给Fang Bing提些建议,让她开心些吗?),Imitate and write(仿写小作文 My Last Weekend),My Last

12、 WeekendHello!Im _.I _ busy last weekend.I _Saturday morning.In the afternoon,I _.Sunday morming,I _.In the afternoon,I _.What a _weekend!,别忘记动词的过去式哦!,was,不管周末过得如何,我们都该记住:过去的就让它过去!开开心心地过每一周!,No matter how your last weekend was,we should remember Let bygones be bygones!Be happy every week!,1.独立复述Wus Last Weekend 给同桌听。2.与更多的同学分享你的作文My Last Weekend。3.E-mail me,and tell me about your last weekend.(选做),Homework,Write me an e-mail,and tell me your last weekend.,From:To:Subject:Last Weekend,Thank you!,


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